By Captain Franklin Ellis162




     Upon the petition of Lionel U. Lawrence and others to the Grand Encampment of the State of New York, a warrant was granted September 6, a.o. 706, to the petitioners to form and hold an encampment in the city of Hudson, under the name and style of Lafayette Encampment, No. 7, of Knights Templar.

     The first conclave, according to the minutes, was held October 16, a.0. 706, at which were present Sir Knights Lionel U. Lawrence, Orrin E. Osborn, Gordon Dickson, Richard Carrique, Obed W. Folger, Richard Hill, and Samuel Corbet.  The first officers were installed October 25, a.o. 706.

     From December 3, a.o. 712 to a.o. 723, no conclaves appear to have been held.  Upon the prayer of Sir Knights Lionel U. Lawrence, Cyrus Curtiss, Elihu Gifford, Richard Carrique, Peter Van Deusen, Orrin E. Osborn, Gordon Dickson, George Duckworth, John B. Livingston, Frederick I. Curtiss, and Hiram Reynolds, a dispensation was granted April 5, a.o. 723, to revive and re-establish Lafayette Encampment, No. 7, of K.'s T., by Richard Ellis, Deputy Grand Master.  The warrant ws revived June 4, a.o. 723.

     In a.o. 739 the word Commandery was substituted in place of Encampment, by act of the Grand Commandery of the State of New York. 

     Past Commanders.--E. Sir Lionel U. Lawrence, October, a.o. 706--December 3, a.o. 712; E. Sir Cyrus Curtiss, December 3, a.o. 721; E. Sir Lionel U. Lawrence, April a.o. 723-April 5, a.o. 726; E. Sir Richard Carrique, April 5, a.o. 726-April 6, a.o. 731; E. Sir Ichabod Rogers, April 6, a.o. 731-April 25, a.o. 733; E. Sir James Batchellor, April 25, a.o. 733-March 26, a.o. 751; E. Sir Cornelius Esselstyn, March 26, a.o. 751-May 6, a.o. 752; E. Sir Aaron Colton, May 6, a.o. 752.

     The officers of the Commandery for 1878 are Edward P. Magoun, E. C.; Henry Kertz, Generalissimo; Richard Kidney, Capt. Gen.; John K. Vosburgh, Prelate; William S. Wattles, S. W.; James C. Armstrong, J. W.; Albert Bush, Treas.; Almon Snyder, Recorder.