By Captain Franklin Ellis172


     Among the earliest of the many societies of Hudson was the Society of Mechanics of the city of Hudson and town of Claverack, which was formed in the spring of 1791.  We are unable either to state the objects of the society or to give the names of its first officers.


was incorporated by act of Legislature, passed March 21, 1806; the corporators being Jonathan Ames, Aaron Charlot, Abiel Cheney, Daniel Clark, Jared Coffin, Paul Dakin, Isaac Hathaway, Nicholas Hathaway, Charles Holt, Prosper Hosmer, John Keeney, James Nixon, Jr., Laban Paddock, Nathaniel Porter, William Rogers, Nathan Sears, Sylvanus Seely, Ashbel Stoddard, Robert Taylor, John C. Ten Broeck, Cornelius Tobey, Samuel Wigton, and William Wigton, "mechanics of the city of Hudson, in the county of Columbia."

     The first officers of the society were Prosper Hosmer, president; Nathan Sears, vice-president; Daniel Clark, treasurer; C. Holt, secretary; Samuel Wigton, Paul Dakin, Cornelius Tobey, Jonathan Ames, and Aaron Charlot, directors.  This society remained in existence for a number of years.




     The Hudson Conscript Company was formed March 1, 1806, at the inn of James Fairchild, in Hudson.  Its name might give the impression that it was a military organization, but instead of this it was a society for the detection and capture of horse-thieves, who were at that time very plenty and very bold in their operations.  George Burch, Esq., was chosen treasurer, and David Ingersoll, Ephraim Mandell, Henry I. Best, Christopher Keiller, Samuel Dyer, David Arms, Samuel Pierson, James Fairchild, John Davis, Jr., Micael M. Hollenbeck, Jacob C. Platner, and Abraham Morrison, riders.




     The Columbia Moral Society was organized about 1815.  Of the object or operations of this society we know no more than may be inferred from its name.  Similar societies were organized about the same time in Claverack, Kinderhook, Livingston, and perhaps other towns.


THE F. M. C. T. A. B. SOCIETY, NO. 1


     The F. M. C. T. A. B. Society, No. 1 of Hudson, held its first meeting on March 2, 1871, and elected the following members as its first officers; James Cooney, president; William G. Trimble, first vice-president; John Brennan, second vice-president; Henry Maloney, recording secretary; William Gabin, corresponding secretary; Thomas Clark, financial secretary; David Ryan, Treasurer; Michael Gaul, marshal.

    The present officers (elected September, 1877) are John Hennessey, president; David Ryan, first vice-president; James Patten, second vice-president; James Hallorn, recording secretary; Fenton Cudy, corresponding secretary; Henry Murphy, financial secretary; Peter McShane, treasurer; John Brady, marshal; Lawrence Doyle, John Brown, Michael Pursel, John Costigan, and Morris Foley, trustees.

     The Rev. Father Smith is ex-officio president of the society.

     Present membership, eighty-five.

     Society meets at St. Mary's school-house, Allen and Third streets.



     The Hudson Club was organized Jan. 28, 1873, its object being the promotion of rational pleasures and social intercourse among its members.  Its first officers were John C. Hogeboom, president; Richard Kidney, first vice-president; William H. Traver, second vice-president; E. P. Magoun, secretary; John M. Pearson, treasurer; and these were re-elected for the years of 1874 and 1875.

     The officers for 1878 are Cornelius Esselstyn, president; J. M. Johnson, first vice-president; V. Whitbeck, Jr., second vice-president; Charles W. Bostwick, secretary; Thomas O. Wells, treasurer.

     The present membership of the club is forty-nine.

     Meetings are held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, at the club-rooms, 207 Warren street.




     The Young Men's Temperance and Literary Society holds regular weekly meetings at its rooms, corner of Warren and Third streets, Hudson.  It was organized Oct. 1, 1873, the first officers elected being as follows: Henry Maloney, president; Michael Brophy, treasurer; Charles Tillman, recording secretary.

     The officers of the society for 1878 are Dennis Kennedy, president; Frederick Sullivan, treasurer; Edward J. Tillman, recording secretary; Andrew M. Purcell librarian; John W. Carlos, John F. Brennan, John Harvey, John Carroll, Dennis Kennedy, trustees.  The present membership is fifty-five.



     The Hudson Temperance Reform Club was organized Nov. 22, 1877, at the close of a series of temperance meetings held at the city hall, in Hudson, by Mr. C. C. Frost, of Maine.  The first officers were John M. Welch, president; Reuben W. Jaquins, Rufus W. Parmatier, Jacob Van Hoesen, vice-presidents; James C. Ferguson, secretary; Hiram D. Gage, corresponding secretary; Reuben W. Jaquins, financial secretary; Rev. C. W. Tomlinson, treasurer; J. T. Bowne, chaplain; Alexander Carter, sergeant-at-arms; Crawford Rifenburgh, Edward Law, marshals; David Burns, janitor.

     The present officers, June, 1878, are John M. Welch, president; James W. Quick, Robert Currie, and Jacob Van Hosen, vice-presidents; James C. Ferguson, secretary; Hiram D. Gage, corresponding secretary; Reuben W. Jaquins, financial secretary; Rev. C. W. Tomlinson, treasurer; J. T. Bowen, chaplain; Lewis H. Hermance, sergeant-at-arms; Crawford Rifenburgh and William Gaskell, marshals; David Burns, janitor.

     The regular meetings are held on Wednesday evenings of each week, and occupy rooms in the Register building, on Central square.  The club-room is open each day from nine a.m. to ten p. m.  the membership is one hundred and sixty.