By Captain Franklin Ellis156




     The Misses Skinner's School for Young Ladies was established in April, 1867, commencing with but seven pupils, but this number was doubled during the fall term, and in the summer of 1869 it had reached twenty-eight, and they had been compelled to refuse several applications for lack of room.  On this account they commenced the erection of their fine brick building, No. 281 Union street, which was completed at a cost of $8000, and was first occupied by the school in April, 1870.  Their corps of teachers was then increased (they having never employed less than two assistant teachers since that time), and the school being open to pupils of all grades, steadily increased until 1874, when it numbered fifty-six, and their first class was graduated.  Since then their average has been a little under fifty.  Their total number of pupils, from the commencement to January, 1878, has been two hundred and ten, varying in age from seven to nineteen years, and who have remained in the school from periods ranging from ten months to ten years.

     The school is well equipped, and has a capacity for the accommodation of seventy pupils.  The proprietors announce that it is their intention to offer to young ladies an excellent opportunity for the acquisition of a solid education, and that their attention and that of their teachers will be directed rather to the laying of a substantial foundation for future acquirements, than to accomplishments which may easily be added to complete and adorn the structure.