
Photo Album
Columbia County,
New York
If you have photographs of
Columbia County, people, places, buildings, etc. that you would like to
contribute, please email
Stalker Mulvey.
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The Groat's Inn,
Chatham, Columbia County, New York
Taken around the turn of
the Century.
This Inn was also known as The Stanwix and
Ye Olde
1811 Inn
Submitted by: Jim Groat
Samuel Wilbor Home
Old Chatham located on
the village square.
Built in the late
Submitted by: Jane Wood,
2009 |
John Jay Van
Valkenburgh Home
Chatham Center, New York
John J. purchased land
from Col. Van Alystne in 1814 and built the home
which was fashioned
after the Anson Pratt home in New Concord.
Submitted by: Jane Wood,
2009 |
Another view of the
John Jay Van Valkenburgh Home
Submitted by: Jane Wood,
2009 |
The original store of
John Jay Van Valkenburgh
Chatham Center, New York
Built in the early
Jane Wood remembers
running to the store with her pennies for penny-candy which was in a
beautiful old oak and glass case which John J. probably built.
Submitted by: Jane Wood,
This is the old Inn
run by Thomas Hoag and his wife Hannah Wilbor.
It is in the village
square in Old Chatham, New York.
Submitted by: Jane Wood,
This is the
home of Dr. Dorr in
the 1800's.
Located on the Rock City
Road in Chatham Center, New York
Submitted by: Jane Wood,
Home of James Van
Located on the Shaker
museum Road, Malden Bridge, New York.
Jane is not sure when it
was built but James was born in 1788 and died in 1869.
His wife was Clarinda
Pitts and this was the birthplace of Eli Van Valkenburgh. Eli's
history of the Van Valkenburgh can be found
Submitted by: Jane Wood,
Old Sutherland Inn.
Located on Route 66 just
outside of Chatham Center.
This old home was once
an inn run by the Sutherland family in the 1800's.
It was known as the
Curtis farm in the 1950's.
Submitted by: Jane Wood,
2009 |
Home of Katharine F.
Van Valkenburgh and husband Aaron Ford Williams.
Located at the bridge in
Chatham Center, New York
The home was once owned
by Col. Van Alystne, dates back to the 1700's.
Submitted by: Jane Wood,
2009 |
Anson Pratt House.
Located in New Concord
Photo dates 1937.
This house was built prior to John Jay Van Valkenburgh's home which
resembles this home.
Submitted by: Jane Wood,


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