By Capt. Franklin Ellis88


    The rebellion Record of Stuyvesant gives the town honorable distinction for the promptness displayed in filling the quotas under the various calls for troops made by the President of the endangered Union.  A war committee was early appointed to facilitate enlistments and on the 22d of August, 1864, a special meeting was held to devise measures to speedily fill the call for five hundred thousand men.  Wm. G. Mandeville, John Wilcoxson, Hugh Van Alstyne, John T. Ham, Henry H. Gibbs, Peter E. Van Alstyne, and Aaron Vosburgh were appointed a disbursing committee, with power to pay such bounty as would be deemed necessary to at one fill the quota.  On the 19th of September following they reported the quota filled and bounties paid in cash to the amount of $10,500.

    The last call was as speedily filled by P. E. Van Alstyne, Henry A. Best, A. A. Van Alen, Henry H. Gibbs, S. H. Wendover, Hugh Van Alstyne, George B. Shultz, Martin C. Van Alstyne, A. J. Mesick, and Edwin Murrel, Jr., who were appointed a disbursing committee Jan. 4, 1865, with power to expend $20,000 to secure the necessary men.

