
Columbia County,
New York
These pages are dedicated to
the men from Columbia County, New York who served in The Civil War. It
is their stories, letters, and histories which will be presented here.
If you have
any letters, biographies, pictures you would like to add, please email me,
Susan Stalker Mulvey.
Photographs of Civil War Soldiers - known
and unknown.
Letter from George Fitch Wilbor, 28th Regiment, Company A,
1 April 1865
Griswold Biography,
NY Mounted Rifles |
Photograph of
Franklin Finger, New York 7th Heavy Artillery |
Biography of
John Henry Whiteman of Austerlitz |
Biography of
Erastus D. Marston of Copake |
List of
Houghtailing men from the National Archives Robert's report |
Biography of
Henry C. Van Deusen, born 8 March 1843. |
Biography of
Hiram Smith, born 6 January 1836. |
Jeremiah Kellerhouse, born 1815. |
Abram Poucher, born Claverack. |
Biography John
Jeremiah Poucher, born 22 October 1823. |
Biography Myron
Poucher, Claverack |
Andrew Jackson Wilcox, Chatham |
Biography Jonas
A. Kellerhouse of Claverack |
William L. Kellerhouse, Claverack |
Biography Samuel Rankin |
Biography William Parks |
Biography Samuel Parks |
List of Members in the
Hancock Veterans Club, Hudson, New York |
Photographs of Unidentified
Soldiers from Columbia County, New York |