
Columbia County,

New York

  These pages are dedicated to the men from Columbia County, New York who served in The Civil War.  It is their stories, letters, and histories which will be presented here.

    If you have any letters, biographies, pictures you would like to add, please email me, Susan Stalker Mulvey.


128th Regiment, Company A


Submitted by: Jane Wood, a descendant


     This letter was written by George F. Wilbor on April 1, 1865.


Head-Quarters, Third Brigade, Second Division, Ninetheenth Army Corps


Dear Uncle, I feel ashamed that I have allowed so long a time to pass without having written you and I shall not try to excuse my self but plead guilty and wait your sentence.  I wrote to Kittie, sometime ago while at Savannah, and should probably have received an answer ere this had not our movements so deranged our mail communications.  Yesterday for the first time in a month I had a letter from home.  One of Eva's good long detail letters, such an one that makes a soldier feel good to receive and I think if anyone can appreciate a letter at all its the soldier.  Could you but see the eager faces when the cry of "Mail, Mail" comes through the camp and the disappointment when all is distributed, and none form them.  I myself have felt more like going to some corner and there sit down and cry.  Some give their friends a blessing and vow not to write until some thing is heard from their friends.  This causes anxiety at home, and amoung some classes, immediately write to company commanders to know why their sons do not write if they are sick and a thousand and one questions.  I also received a letter having on the back this dipher (-----)which Kittie can translate and know how her wishes have been carried out.  We left Savannah quite unexpectedly and as usual know not to what place we were destined.  We went on board small river boats at the above place and proceeded to Hilton Head, arriving on the same day and after working through bales of "red tape" went on board the steam ship "ERICSSON" and under sealed orders put out to sea.  Outside the "Bar" the orders were opened and we found we were to proceed to Willmington.  The weather was very cloudy and foggy so that we did not anchor off Fort Fisher until three days had passed.  We laid at the above place nearly two days.  No one seemed to observe us though our signal for a pilot had been flying and a gun fired from her bow.  Our water was getting low and something had to be done.  Capt Kennedy and I volunteered to go on shore in once of the ships boats.  We picked a crew from the soldiers and started for the five mile row.  As we drew near the channel it looked as though we would have to return.  The breakers were roaring and in one continuous line as far as the eye could reach.  But we were bound to go, so row on, went into them.  It was an exciting time, the water boiling all around and the boat scudding like a race horse without an oar in the water.  We landed safely, found we had to report to Beaufort N.C. We went on board and immediately put to sea on the 11the we reached Beaufort, disembarked and by 2 am. the 12 th was bag and baggage at New Berne, a distance of 36 miles.  Expecting to go immediately to the "front".  The morning of the 13 th we received orders to send two regiments towards Kingston to repair roads and the remaining to proceed to Morehead City.  We arrived that night and the next day the Col. Comd'g took command of the U.S. Forces at this place, since that time we have been hard at work doing fatigue duty, forwarding supplies to Gen. Sherman, clothing, commissery stores----- in quantities that would surprise a quiet citizen.  General Sherman was here on the 16 th, it is said he went to City Point and has now returned to his command.  Our men work night and day trying to get the supplies forward in time form Sherman will soon be on the march.  Rummors are afloat that his base is again to be changed further up the coast.  It is now with as a point as to wether we will be left in this department or go on to join the

Grand Army.  Ten days will tell for I think there will be some movement in that time.  Certainly we shall not feel badly to leave this and heap for in it there are no attractions.  Very few houses and all occupied by government officials and were it not for the rail road and the cars that are almost constantly going up and down, making up trains for the "front" it would be lonesome enough.  The wind blows nearly all the time filling the air with sand, and sifting it into every crack and orvice.  We shall certainly eat our "peck of dirt" for everything we eat, has a tendency to "grit".

Beaufort directly opposite is very little more inviting than this place.  I sail over nearly every day to buy mess stores bring "Cateres" ? of the mess and thus make out to keep myself quite busy.

Recruits and convalescents returning to their commands are constantly going through.  We hear very little news and only by chance that we get any papers.  We are looking anxiously for some news from General Grant and think the next two months will make a great change in the affairs of the confederacy.  But I must close.  I have nearly recovered from my cold and in the best of spirits.  I shall expect to hear from you soon.  Kind rememberenses to Mr. Van Valkenburgh.  Love to Kittie and Aunt Eveline.

Hoping to see you before another six months shall have passed.  Believe me to be

Yours Very Sincerely    George F. Wilbor



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