Death Records

From the Rural Repository

[A Semi-monthly Journal]

Published in Hudson, Columbia County,

New York

Volume 23, Number 17

Saturday, May 1, 1847

[ult. = abbreviation for the Latin word "ultimo," which means "last."]


     In this city, on the 19th ult. Mrs. Elizabeth MACY, widow of the late Nathaniel MACY, age 69 years, and 5 months.
     On the 17th ult. Eliza, daughter of David B. and Betsey CASTLE, in her 7th year.
     At West Troy, Feb. 11th, Andrew Calvin, son of Henry W. and Hepzibeth TOBIAS, aged 18 months.

"They youngest, dearest, brightest gem,

Now from the parent stem is riven,

Be who was here their diadem,

Is now a star in yond heaven."

     In Red Rock, on the 17th ult. the consort of Hiram D. FORD, Esq. after a long illness.
     At Santa Fe, New Mexico, Feb. 2d, Elisha WILLIAMS, eldest son of Alexander H. McKINSTRY, formerly of this city, in the 15th year of his age.
     At Cohoes on the 17th ult. Henry WINANS, late of Kinderhook.
     At Ghent, on the 6th ult. after a short illness, Capt. William P. SMITH, in his 82d year.
     In Claverack, on the 11th ult. Mr. Cornelius ESSELSTYNE, in the 96th year of his age.
     In Geneva, Ill. on the 29th ult. Deidamia B. daughter of Edwin and Cynthia CLARK, in the 10th year of her age.