Rank and Name of Soldier.
Capt. G. W. Barrere
Lieut. John Davidson
Ensign John Elliott
Sergt. Sovereign Brown
Sergt. Peter Hoop
Sergt. Robert Hunter
Sergt. Benjamin Eakins
Corp. Henry Addison
Corp. David N. Gardner
Corp. Gideon Jackson
Corp. William Davidson
Bugler, Wm. Stockton
Badgley, Robert
Barngrover, George
Borden, George
Borden, John
Borden, David
Borden, Jacob
Barnes, Jacob
Bond, Henry
Boatman, Elias
Bowman, John
Charles, Andrew
Campton, William
Campton, Robert
Colvin, John
Duckwall, John
Davidson, John
Eakins, St. Clear
Gibler, John
Gibler, Phillip
Grisley, Levi
Hill, William
Hough, Paton
Hoffman, Jacob
Hair, John
Jackson, James
Losler, John
Morrow, Robert, Sr.
Morrow, Robert, Jr.
Malcom, James
Malcom, Samuel
Moury, Samuel
McKinley, Robert
McQuinty, William
Nelson, William
Nesbit, Robert
Osborn, Enoch
Parkison, George
Robison, William
Robison, George
Roberts, Joshua
Ross, John
Swaim, Joseph
Sanderson, William
Welkins, Abraham