Dee Pavey
I began researching my family tree before I knew what a family tree was! My father took me to libraries, courthouses and cemeteries for as long as I can remember, and that has been
life ever since! I began digging into my Borden family research a little more, and that search led me from Southern Indiana to Highland County.
I began hosting Highland County in 1998 and never really wanted to give it up. Sometimes life gets in the way, and some things must be sacrificed...so I gave Highland up to Jeff
Grayson. Jeff contacted me in January to ask if I would be interested in taking Highland back.
My experience in on-line research and helping others is great. I currently host the following websites and projects:
Kentuckiana Genealogy - I am the webmaster and President of this registered non-profit organization.
Over the past four years, I have helped with various on-line projects including
USGenWeb (Indiana, Ohio, Alabama, Minnesota), ALHN, USBiographies.
Where does it come from? All the information on this site is donated. Posted by me. It comes from many different individuals, and a variety of sources. Origin and Accuracy are in the hands of the donator and the user. When possible, I include the name of the donator. They are often listed on the
Highland Family Researchers page.
I suggest you use this information as a research guide only. Original records may be available at the County Courthouse or the local Historical Society.
This site is, in no way, helped or funded by Highland Co. Obviously, most of the info originated with records kept by that county. But, I do not live in, nor is this site supported by Highland.
I will gladly post any Highland Co. Information you would like to donate. The information remains your property. The way I use and present the information is my choice. Origin and Accuracy are in the hands of the donator and the user. I will not be responsible for your copyright violations. If anyone feels the information presented violates their copyright, in any way, I will gladly remove the material. I do not wish to infringe upon anyone's rights. I present all the information with the belief it is factually based and from the public domain.
I am grateful that I receive a lot of excellent donations. Generally, I post them in the order received. As a habit, I notify the donator when I post it. Please be patient, depending on the amount of mail I respond to, it may be a while before I get to yours. :-)
Current turn over is about three weeks.
I post all information as it was received. I only make changes, if needed, for clarity. For originality, spellings are presented as I received them.
The best help I can give you is in this site. It will become more valuable with time (and experience). I am making every effort to make available all the resources I have, or can find, to help in your research. I have no access to County records. All the information, I have, is posted.
I read all Query and Mail-List posts. If I can add anything, I will intervene there.
I enjoy giving research tips. I will be glad to help you in any way possible. But, I'm holding no strings, if you don't see it here, I probably don't have it. :-)
This site should always be under construction. Visit often to see what's new.
Your positive comments keep me going. They are the only reward for any volunteer position. I accept constructive criticism. If you like this site, or you would like to see some addition or change, tell me. Please accept, the way I present the information is for my own taste. I maintain it at my own expense. If you find it difficult to navigate, tell me. I would like to help when possible. Please inform me of broken links.
Leave your destructive criticism at home. If you have a legitimate complaint, explain the problem as well as possible. Try to offer a solution. I will be the first to admit I make mistakes. If you find an error, tell me. Again, please inform me of broken links. Thank you
Questions or Comments? E-Mail Me