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I can only answer questions about the names Bailey, Conley, and some Auxier, Holbrook, Runyon, Calhoun,Trusty and Cole.
All files are copyright protected and are not to be duplicated for profit.
Please do not e-mail me about other names in these files. I also don't proclaim
that all of this information is without flaws.
Thank you and good luck!

Husband: Friedrich Wilhelm VON HESSEN-KASSEL
Born: 1820 at: Married: 1844 at: Died: 1884 at: Father:William Landgraf VON HESSEN-KASSEL Mother:Louise Charlotte DENEMARK Other Spouses: Anna VON PREUSSEN
Wife: Alexandra VON RUSSLAND
Born: 1825 at: Died: 1844 at: Father: Mother: Other Spouses:
Name: Wilhelm VON HESSEN-KASSEL Born: 1844 at: Married: at: Died: 1844 at: Spouses:

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