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Records in Bristol County, MA Probate Records, Book 2: 1745-1762 |
Re: |
Description |
Citation |
Daniel Bliss |
Appt. of Daniel Bliss of Reho., Yeoman, to be
guard. of Constant Wheaton (minor over 14), son of James Wheaton of Reho.,
Yeoman, dtd. 5 May 1747. |
p. 21, 11:250/1 |
Ephraim Bliss |
Appt. of Ephraim Bliss of Reho., Yeoman, to
be guard. of Aaron Peck (minor over 14), son of Joseph Peck of Reho., dtd.
7 June 1748. |
p. 39, 11:478 |
Jonathan Bliss |
Order for setting off 1/3 of real est. of
Jonathan Bliss of Reho. to his widow Mary Bliss who is also now dcd., dtd.
3 Feb 1755. |
p. 163, 14:332/3 |
Jonathan Bliss |
Order to div. that part of the
est. of Jonathan Bliss of Reho. which had been set off to his widow, now
dcd., which was then to be div. to the heris of Miriam Hunt dcd., late
wife of Enoch Hunt & dau. of said Jonathan, dtc. 16 May 1755. |
p. 170, 14:535 |
Jonathan Bliss |
Div. of 1/3 of real est. of Jonathan Bliss
which had been set off to his widow, Mary Bliss, who is also since dcd.,
said 1/3 now being div. among the heirs of Mary Bliss: Jonathan Bliss
(eldest son), Jacob Bliss (2nd son, dcd.), Elisha Bliss (son), Ephraim
Bliss (son), Daniel Bliss (son), Miriam Hunt (eldest dau. dcd.) wife of
Enoch Hunt, Mary (2nd dau.) wife of Moses Fuller, Hannah (3rd dau., dcd.)
wife of Timothy Fuller, Bethiah (4th dau., dcd., unmar.) & Rachel (5th
dau., dcd) wife of Aaron Fuller, dtd. 8 Feb. 1755. Enoch Hunt, Jr. son of
dau. Miriam Hunt dcd. Committee: Daniel Carpenter, Robert Wheton,
Samuel Goff, Ephraim Hunt & William Bullock. |
p. 163-164, 14:333/4/5/6/7/8 |
John Bliss |
Inv. of est. of John Bliss of Reho., dtd 10
July 1752, pres. by Rebecca Bliss, adm. Pers. est. 141-8-10; real
est. 272-0-0. Apprs: Samuel Goff, Aaron Kingsley & Abiah
Carpenter. |
p. 124, 13:215/6/71 |
John Bliss |
Ord. for & div. of est. of John Bliss of
Reho. btwn. his widow Rebecca & his chldn: Nathan Bliss (eldest son),
William Bliss (2nd son), John Bliss (youngest son), Elizabeth (eldest dau.),
Anna (2nd dau.), Rebecca (3rd dau.), Abigail (4th dau.) & Kezia
(youngest dau.), ord. dtd. 3 Dec. 1760, div. dtd. 3 Apr. 1761.
Committee: Daniel Carpenter, Nathaniel Bliss & Samuel Goff. |
p. 286, 17:506/7/8/
9/10/1/2 |
Mary Bliss |
Will of Mary Bliss of Reho., widow of
Jonathan Bliss of Reho., dcd., dtd. 17 June 1752, prov. 6 Jan. 1755.
My daus: Mary, Hannah (dcd.) & Rachel (dcd.) To the chldn. of my late
husb. Jonathan Bliss: Jonathan Bliss, Elisha Bliss, Ephraim Bliss &
Daniel Bliss. To the chldn. of Merriam Hunt dcd., late wife of Enock
Hunt. To Bethiah Bliss dau. of Daniel Bliss. To the chldn. of
my dau. Hannah dcd. & to the chldn. of my dau. Rachel dcd. My
son-in-law Moses Fuller & my dau. Mary his wife, to be execs. Witns:
Daniel Carpenter, Jonathan Carpenter & Asahel Carpenter. |
p. 159, 14:258/9 |
Mary Bliss |
Rcpt. by the chldn. of Mary Bliss late widow
of Jonathan Bliss, who at her decease, was wife of Peter Hunt, dtd. 21 May
1756. signed by the chldn: Jonathan Bliss; Elisha Bliss; Ephraim
Bliss; Daniel Bliss; Enoch Hunt (for himself & as guard. of his sister
Miriam & bro. Stephen); by Timothy Fuller as guard. of his chldn.
Betty, Hannah & Huldah; and by Aaron Fuller as guard. of his chldn.
Aaron & Bethiah. Legacies paid by Moses Fuller & his wife
Mary, execs. of est. of her mother the said Mary Bliss dcd. Witns:
Silas Martin & Daniel Carpenter. |
p. 205, 15:388/91. |
Rebeccah Bliss |
Appt. of Rebeccah Bliss of Reho., widow, to
be adm. of est. of her husb. John Bliss of Reho. dcd. intest., dtd. 4 Aug.
1752. |
p. 124, 13:214/5 |
Rebeccah Bliss |
Acct. of Rebeccah Bliss, adm. of est. of her
husb. John Bliss of Reho, dtd. 2 Dec. 1760. Incl. "charges of
Lying in with a Posthumus child born after ye fathers decease". |
p, 270. 17:1459/50 |
Rebecca Bliss |
of Reho., widow, guardian of Anna Bliss &
Keziah Bliss (both under 14) & of William Bliss and Rebecca Bliss
(minors over 14), chldn. of John Bliss of Reho., dtd 2 Dec. 1760. |
p. 324 1326:200/1/2/3 |
Samuel Bliss |
Samuel Bliss, Jr. of Reho., yeoman, guard. of
Hannah Bliss (under 14) dau. of said Samuel Bliss & his wife, Hannah
now dcd.& grdau. of Abiah Carpenter of Reho., dtd. 10 Dec. 1759. |
p. 321, 126:123 |