Death Notices
From the Meedhuizen birth, death and marriage church books: On 31 October 1727 mother Auke died, the housewife of Cornellijs Pieters. [*Note A.G.: maybe the father of "our" Jan Cornellis?]. From the Opwierda birth, death and marriage church books: On 16th June 1808 it is given notice the death of Jan Jans, the spouse of Trientje Huges, has lived on the "Hoogerwerf" under Opwierda, 54 years old, died the 13th June; on the 27th the Corpse was registered by Martinus Johann. On 1 December 1807 notice is given the of the death of Stijntje Jans, little daughter of Jan Jans, 5 years old, has lived in Opwierda, died the 30th November. On 27 January 1786 Meijndert was buried, a Son of Hugo Cornelis and Grietie Derks. On 17 January 1786, a daughter Martje of Hugo Cornelis and Grietie Derks. 3 (or 8) April 1782 the "moeij" of Grietjen Derks, widow of Hugo Cornelis. [*Note A.G.: with the old Dutch word "moeij" probably may have meant mother Grietie Derks herself? "Moeij" means also "Aunt"]. Died on 8 August 1781 Jantie, a daughter of Hugo Cornelis and Grietie Derks. Buried 1 June 1779 Derk, little son of Hugo Cornelis Smid and Grietie Derks. Buried, Cornelis, on 8 October 1777, little Son of Hugo Cornelis and Grietie Derks. Buried Hugo Cornelis Smit on 7 July 1777, from the "Hooge Warf". Buried 12 June 1766 Jan Cornelis. Buried 22 April 1768 Tiddo Cornelis. The death certificate of Pieter Luitjes Tietema step father of Jelle Jans Pelmulder: Occupation: barrel maker. This page was last updated (none).
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