Old Dutch Dictionary
Albert has found the meaning of some of the old Dutch words that are in some of these papers, and has sent those to us. I will try to keep this up dated, but bear with me!
- bak-emmer-a big bucket
- bodde-(horse) sled with a box on it for transport in snowtime
- bodde with the word "glases"-window glases
- boessem-a chimney
- chaise-a kind of buggy
- hakvat-a massive wooden table to cut the stewed green of fruits
- jam-meren- lamenting
- kevi-food cabinet with a barred door (against hungry animals or flies?)
- knollen- turnip?
- peul or peluw-long small pillow
- ploegslede-a wooden sled to carry the plough to the land
- rabat- a kind of styling strip above the curtains
- rim-a ledge on a wooden wall to put the plates on it standing up
- rijven-wooden hay-rake
- stelmakerij-buggy factory?
- schenk-ketel-a tea-kettle
- snaphaan-an historical rifle (single shot?)
- tijnen in the churn-house comes from the Dutch word "tiene"-a "big milk barrel" (for making cheese, I guess)
- voormond-a family guardian
- wijtel-white woolen bed goods
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