Certificate of the inheritance tax of the deceased Jan Jellies Pelmulder, recorded February 6, 1821:
Memory of declaration concerning the inheritance of Jan Jelles Pelmulder, deceased in Appingedam on the 12th August 1820. Undersigned, Martje Alberts van Dijk, without profession, living in Appingedam, including the later-said Heirs, her under aged children, keeping domicile...House number 251. Declares that Jan Jelles Pelmulder, was living in Tjamsweer and has died there. That his inheritage will inherit by Jelle and Aaltje, under aged children of the deceased.........besides which nobody else enjoyed any purpose of this inheritage, while by this death not any "Nieder(?)-Commisis" is overhanded, neither provisions. Further no immovables are removed by the deceased with his death. ........... [*unreadable] the fifth February 1821. Appingedam, the 5 February 1821. [*signature] Martje Albers v Dijk Extra county hall certificate: The Mayor of the City and municipality Appingedam declares that, as far He knows, the deceased Jan Jelles Pelmulder have left no Immovables. Appingedam The said Mayor The 5 February 1821 J. (?) Houwerzijl. This page was last updated (none).
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