The marriage contract of Albert Stoffers and his wife Aaltje Hemmes on November 20, 1776 in Uitwierda. As witnesses of the Bridegroom's side: the parents Stoffer Berends, and Grietjen Duurts (also written as Duirts), half-brother Duurt Garms and his wife Diewerke Wildriks, half-sister Dietje Garms, half-brother Jan Gerrijds, half-sister Aafke Garms and her spouse Gerrijdt Pieters, Asseltje Thomas (the wife if the deceased uncle Jan Beerents), and the cousins Wolter Jans and (female) Swaantje Jans. And at the bride's side: her parents Hemme Jacobs and Martje Jacobs, grandfather(!) Jacob Aalders, uncle Derk Jacobs, Geerdt Derks and wife Aaltje Hitjes and half uncle and aunt (by marriage) and the full cousin Hylke Jeltes. ![]() Marriage contract of Roelf Rotgers and his first wife Aaltje Jans, widow of the deceased Jan Harms, on December 1, 1777 in Biessum, in company of Roelf's half-sister Anje Pieters and her (first) spouse Klaas Onnes and their common parents Pieter Geerts and Jantje Derks. ![]() From the Meedhuizen birth, death and marriage church books. On 4 April 1763 are married Kornellis Jans from Meidthuysen [*Note A.G.: old Dutch for the town's name Meedhuizen] and Griete Freeks from Meidthuysen. [*Note A.G.: he was the eldest son of Jan Cornellis and Stijnje Jelles]. After 3 public notices, in September 1722, Jan Pieters from Siddeburen and Epkes Cornellijs from Meedhuisen were married. [*Note A.G.: a relative of Jan Cornellis?]. On 13 June 1717, Sybolt Garbrants and the widow of the deceased Cornellijs Lippes, Anje Jans, both from Mithuysen [*Note A.G.: means here the town Meedhuizen] were married . On 2 May 1774, the H.[onorable] Jan Jans from the [*town] "Hooge Sand" [*Note A.G.: the Groningen city Hoogezand] and Anje Jans from Mithuyzen [*= Meedhuizen] were married. [*Note A.G.: Anje Jans was a daughter of Jan Cornellis and Stijnje Jelles]. ![]() From the Opwierda birth, death and marriage church books: On the 7th of June 1795 are married after 3 publicatons (public notices) Jan Jans from Meethuizen and Trijntje Huges from Opwierda. On 5 March, 1809 Harmannus Lot from Ditzum in East-Friesland [*West-Germany] and Trientje Huges, widow of Jan Jans Mulder from Opwierda were married. Marriage record in the Siddeburen churchbooks 23 March 1725: Are here confirmed into marriage Derk Eppes And Geeske Robers, widow of the deceased Klaas[*?] Hindricks, both [*coming] from [*the town] Tiughum [*means Tjuchem], situated under Siddeburen. ![]() Summarized marriage record of Jantje Jans Mulder and Menso Scherphuis Mulder on July 6, 1831 in Appingedam: Bride: Jantje Jans Mulder, 25 years old, seamstress as profession, daugther of Jan Jans Mulder and Trijntje Huiges, Married People, farmers of profession, [*both] deceased, the father in Opwierde, the 13th June 1808 and the mother in Marsum the 16th July 1871, with the grandparents from father's side, named Jan Knellis and Stientje Jelles and from mother's side Hugo Kornelis and Grietje Derks. Bridegroom: Menso Scherphuis Mulder, 25 years old, carpenter of profession, living in Appingedam, of age, son of Jacob Edes Mulder, carpenter of profession, and Frederica Menses Scherphuis, Married People, living in Appingedam. Witnesses of the bride's side: Hugo Jans Mulder, 31 years old, watchmaker of profession, brother of the bride, living in Appingedam, not related to the bridegroom and Pieter Hybes Smith, 29 years old, "tolmeester" [* = toll-gatherer?] of profession, brother of the Bride by marriage [*means her brother-in-law]. ![]() Summarized marriage record of Hugo Jans Mulder and Elizabet Boeles Hefting on Saturday, July 23, 1835 in Appingedam: Bridegroom: Hugo Jans Mulder, 26 years old, baptized in Opwierde on May 29, 1799, watchmaker of profession, living in Appingedam, of aged son of the deceased Jan Jans Mulder, was farmer of profession, and of the deceased Trijntje Huiges, by life Married People, has lived and died, the father in Opwierde, the 13th June 1808 and the mother in Marsum, July 16, 1817; the grandparents of the bridegroom were Jan Knellis ans Stientje Jelles on father's side and Hugo Kornelis and Grietje Derks on mothers side. Bride: Elizabet Boeles Hefting, etc.,etc., ... Witnesses of the bridegroom: Derk Fokke Fokkens, 47 years old, silversmith, cousin of the bridegroom by marriage [*with Jantje Jelles Pelmulder], etc., etc. Witnesses of the bride: Derk Hefting, 50 years, grocer of profession, uncle of the bride, Hindrik Cornelis Gelderloos, 38 years, mill-maker (or constructor) of profession, well known acquaintance of the bride and Abel Jans Pinkhuis, 28 years, baker of profession, brother-in-law of the bride. ![]() Marriage record from the Siddeburen churchbook of Derk Eppes and Lisabeth Geerts on April 15, 1707: "The 15 April 1707 is confirmed in Farmsum to the Married State Derk Eppes, from the [*province Groningen town] Tjuchem and Lisabeth Geerts from [*the province Groningen town] Eelwert, with an [*handed over] attestation of Dries[*??] Jansonius, Pastor in Ziddebuijren [*means the town Sibbeburen]. ![]() Marriage record of Rotgert Roelefs and Jantijn Derks from the churchbook of Farmsum: The 15 May 1740 are married, after three former marriage publications, Rotgert Roelefs, from Farmsum, and Jantijn Derks, from "Siddebuirster Tjughem". ![]() Four marriage records from the old Marriages Lists of the Province Groningen between 1750-1811, now available in the Groningen Archives:
Transcription and translation: Albert Geurink. ![]() Marriage record from the Opwierde churchbook according to Jan Cornellis and Stijnje Jelles: Married on 15 November, 1739 [*here in Opwierda] the Young Man Jan Cornellis, from Meedhuizen with the Young Woman Stijnje Jelles from Opwierda. Transcription and translation: Albert Geurink. ![]() Summarized Marriage certificate Aafke Jans and her second spouse Tjade Alber(t)s on May 28,1785 in Wagenborgen:
[Note A.G.: Brother Jelle Jans wasn't present here, maybe because he just married his wife Anje Pieters 8 months before?? or?] Transcription: Albert Geurink. ![]() Fokke Hindriks Fokkens’ eldest son Derk Fokkes Fokkens married on 8 July 1824 in Appingedam to Jantje Jelles Pelmulder. Transcription: Albert Geurink. ![]() This page was last updated (none).
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