Stock-taking of widow Anje Pieters' properties 13 July 1784

Inventory of all those goods, which Anje Pieters, widow of Roelfs Jacobs has stated to the Court, while [*she] was married to the before-said Spouse on 15 December 1780 by a Marriage Contract without community-property laws, but during her Marriage has been married mutually in the goods, wins and losses and [*she] has given [*to us] to settle it.

The Farm, containing an Inside-House and Frisian[*?] Barn, with the "beklem-minge" of seventy-one "Grazen" land, with all what is immovable to the Buildings, with Trees and Plants and all the crops of Hay and Corn on the Land or Yard, with the Fences and [*turnable] Palings, Treshing-blocks, wooden Beams, and all the rest of those Assests and Liabilities counted on f 3050----
The property of about six "Grazen" land, counted on 350 -- --
 f 3400 -- --

The bedding like it lies on 3 beds, including curtains and "rabats" 30 -- --
A Cabinet and an old "kevy"[*Old Dutch for a bird-cage?] 20 -- --
Three tables and a screen 1 10 --
Eleven chairs 4 5 --
A clock 11 5 --
Four pewter Saucers and two pewter bowls 6 -- --
A set pewter plates 1 16 --
Three pewter coffee pots 4 -- --
Two pewter Tea-pots, two pewter candlesticks 1 -- --
Four pewter cups, two pewter water pots, a pewter milk measure and a funnel2 5 --
Twenty four spoons 28 --
Two pewter vases, one pewter butter box and eight pewter spoons and a pepper box115--
Seventeen stone Saucers on the "Lijst en bossen" [*= Chimney?] 1 15 --
Two little Racks with 36 stone plates2 8 --
Cases 2 -- --
A dozen pair(?) Screen and some coarse Tea Goods and two slop-basins3 20 --
A little Rack with some Tea Goods and one plate1 -- --
 86 14 --

"Rooster, Potzeel, Botergriet" [*Untranslatable old Dutch words]

Chopping-knife 1 15 --
"Haal" [*Unknown old word], Chain[*?] and Axe1 15 --
Copper "Akerjee" [*Unknown old word], a Sword [*For what?] and a "Haal" [*That's a kind of chain, on which the pots hung above the open fire] 1 10 --
Three Cups(??), a Durstpan(?), a Bucket and some little wooden barrels -- 12 --
A copper "keep" Kettle with a "seel" Kettle 13 -- --
Four copper Buckets16 -- --
Three copper Coffee kettles and a little pan2 10 --

In the Churn-house

One "Ker..", four "Tijnen" and Cheese-barrels 12 -- --
Twenty milk "molden" [*Unknown old word: barrels??] 10 -- --
Three iron pots 2 -- --
Stone pots, pans, etc.2 -- --

In the Barn

Four Sieves [*for the corn?] 11 -- --
Chais [*Unknown word] with tools42 10 --
Two old wagons with harnessses [*for the horses?] 35----
A halter and [neck] yoke35 -- --
A Plough and two Ends 25 -- --
Two "Bodden" [*Unknown] and a [Shove] Wagon6 -- --
Plough, Harness, two Hoes, Hay-Yoke, and Fork4 -- --
"Waajer" Spades, Forks, wooden Hay Forks and Pitchforks 6 6 --
Picking Hook(?) and Sickle9 -- --
 201 18 --


Two Pigs11 -- --
Six (Milking) Cows200 -- --
Three "enter" Heifers [*"enter" means "one year old"] 60 -- --
Three Calfs16 10 --
Two old Horses46 -- --
A "twenter" Horse [*"twenter" means two years old] 72 10 --
Seven old sheeps and 5 lambs50 -- --
Third201 18 --
Summa 4144 12 --

[* Means: 4144 guilders, 12 stivers, 0 cents; 1 guilder=20 stivers=100 cents]]

Resting Bonds

With Interests1050 -- --
Nine Blankest and "Wijtels" [*Unknown word] 13 10 --
And Money 30 -- --
Summa 5238 2 --


Positive Results 5238 2 --
Negative Results 320317 1
Resting Pure State 2034 4 7

Negative State

Outstanding rent to Ekken(?) J. Wijk 43 13 2
To Jacob Harms in guilders 65 10 --
To Mons Saagman in guilders 45 -- --
Buying off Money [*To the family of her deceased spouse?] 2021 -- --
A bond to Geert Jans 200 -- --
To Hilbrand Kompaar 275 -- --
To Mons Saagman 70 -- --
To the Poor-Relief Board [*costs of the funeral of her spouse?] of [*the Church of] Solwert 75 -- --
The Interest of it 3 -- --
To Freerk G. Mulder [*Seems not to be a relative!] 50 -- --
To Jelle Jans [*!!] [*The coming wedding costs?] 162 -- --
To Ennen Houwerzijl 38 13 --
Like the shown Bills to Lucas H. Schut 39 -- 2
To Dr. G. Mulder [*The doctor?] 36 2 --
To the widow of Hidde Pieters 9 5 --
To Jacob Smit 22 11 3
To the widow of Jacob Onnes 28 4 --
To Bronwer J. Kim 12 19 6
To Rudolf Luiks(?) 3 1 4
To Harmannus G. Bronwers 2 17 --
 3203 17 1

Own Clothes [*Surely of her deceased spouse Roelf Jacobs]

  • A blue, cloth Tail-coat
  • A silver Watch
  • Three Under-shirts

The rest of it is sold and consumed

This Inventory is made by Anje Pieters, widow of the deceased Roelf Jacobs, according her best knowledge; handed over she promised, if there is something forgotten by human weakness, to correct this afterwards and also willing at any time to swear an oath on it.

In this way [*it's] done in Solwerd, in the House of before-said widow, on date the 13 July 1784.

Signed by

Anje Pieters
Egbert Jacobs witnness
J. Harms widower(?)
Pieter Geerts family guardian [* Probably of Anje's under-aged son Pieter Roelfs]
Lucas Schut outside guardian [* Dito]

Supra in margine stont, Productum in Indicio Solwert, the 13 July 1784. Dr. J. Erlelinck, Mayor.

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