Property of the Widow Stijnje Jelles of Jan Cornellis

Translated Jan Cornelis records from the Groningen Archives.

Stock-taking of widow Stijnje Jelles in Meedhuizen on April 24, 1764:

Inventory of all those goods like Stijntjen Jeltes has owned with her deceased spouse Jan Cornelis, as:

The House with the yard 150 -- --
2 horses 80-- --
2 cows 45----
2 Enters (heifers of one year old) and 1 calf 15----
1 wagon 15----
1 Harrow and 1 Plough 6 ----
1 Cart 3----
1 Sleigh "for the ice" 1 -- --
2 harnesses 2----
1 fork and rake -- 6--
1 cart 210--
1 "Tijn" 1 -- --
3 wooden Buckets--9--
2 kettle Buckets 5----
1 Tea kettle, 2 pots 310--
1 Mortar, 2 dishes 2----
1 pewter Vase, 11 Spoons, butter box and "halfoort" 2----
 f 333=15=

Page 2.

3 beds with all the belongings15----
1 wardrobe6----
2 Tables, 2 Benches 2----
2 Chairs, 1 Foot-stove--15--
1 Mirror --6--
1 Pair of tongs, 1 ash-shovel and hanging iron [*for the open fire place] 1-- --
1 "kette" [*means chain?] and Lamp1 ----
2 pair Curtains1-- --
1 Coffee-grinder--15--
2 deimpt [*means "2 grazen" or 1 hectare] Own Land 20----
Positive Results381=11=

Page 3.

Negative Results:

From Jan Cornellis by interest [*debts) a sum 150----
To Hoot Everhardij a sum 6----
To Physician Holthuis 5 7--
The H[*onorable] Brulgerus voor Cremer where a sum 8154
Land-rent to The H. Widow Ringels 10----
To Jan Cornellis a sum of land-rent 60----
To the same [*person] the interest of before-said Capital 30 -- --
To the Heirs of the Widow of Jan Alderts tot Veenwijk a sum land-rent 54 -- --
To the Widow of Master Marcus a sum 25 -- --
To Hindrik Willems a sum 5 -- --

Page 4:

To the widow of Jan Hindriks 3 -- --
To Willem Berends a sum 3 -- --
To Cleveringa a sum 5 14 --
To Jacob Onnes a sum 2 10 --
To Ekke bakker [*=baker] a sum 5 --
To the widow of Hindrik Jans a sum 3 14 --
Negative Results 373=5=4
Positive Results f    381  =11  =
Negative Results f    373    =5   =4
Resting Positive Results f        8    =5   =4
[*means 8 guilders, 5 stivers and 4 doits]

This is undersigned by me in the best knowlegde overhanded, but if there is something forgotten by human weakness this will be correct at any time and prepared to do so. Actum the 24-th April 1764.


Supra in margine stond.
Prod.[*uced] by the E.E. Justice of the Municipalitiy Farmsum, the 24 April 1764.
(Signed) H. Helperi [*He was also a minister , as far I know].

Coll. Accord, 20 August 1764.
H.Helperi. Judge.

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