Historical Sales-Register of Appingedam, Uitwierda and Solwert
Some Pelmulder Accounts (Note A.G.: These two register-books contain all the sales of the properties in this area between 1750-1800. Researching it, I found confirmation of what I had already thought:) Anje Pieters and Jelle Jans sold the farm May 10, 1792 in Uitwierda on which they lived and worked before they moved to the peeling mill in Opwierda to Pieter Derks and Anna Jans JUST A DAY AFTER THEIR PURCHASE Of THE PEELING MILL (on May 9, 1792, like we know)! That was a farm - house with a barn - and the enduring "beklemminge" of 71 "grazen" land in Solwert, plus- 2 5/7, 5 6/7, 5 6/7, 5 6/7 and 23 5/7 "grazen" (own??) land, yard. Plus a curious note "annulment of a 6 years during gift!" My intuitition that Anje Pieters and Jelle Jans probably paid the windmill in 1792 with the sales money of their former farm in Solwert is now confirmed! An inventory of all the (im)movables of the bakery of Fokke Hindriks, after the death of his wife Eltje Willems, on May 22, 1793. Fokke Hindriks was the father of the silver- and gold-smith Derk Fokkes Fokkens, the uncle by marriage of Jelle Jans Pelmulder. A well-to-do family in those days, this inventory lists an old fashioned gun - a so-called "snaphaanl" - on the wall! This baker must be one of the biggest clients of the Pelmulder mill, so a relation between a Pelmulder-daughter and a Fokkens-son wasn't so unusually, right? Albert Geurink This page was last updated (none).
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