The writer of the following letters, former Teacher in Bornwerd, had an income (approximately 200 guilders) which was insufficient to provide for the necessities of his large family. For this reason he decided that he should seek a better existence in the New World.

We now offer you his writings, which he sent to us, about his experiences on this voyage. And even if these writings are not quite as important as we had expected, our goal has been reached if a worthy family that deserves assistance, might receive material gain because of this.

The undersigned will gladly remit to the good PELMULDER the net proceeds of this work, which was enhanced by the free assistance of the Publishers. We hope that with the distribution of this small booklet the charitable goal will be enhanced, and we wish the Reader blessings from Heaven.

Dockum, September 1859

M. Pruim

J. M. Swartte van Loon


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