DEATH RECORDS of the 1800's
Death record of Jeltje [*Jelles] Pelmulder 5 December 1845 in Bornwird: Parents: Jelle Jans Pelmulder, teacher of the youth and Trijntje Klazes Heerenga, married people in Bornwird. Recorded., 9 December 1845 by Johan Seppo (?) van Harinxma Thoe Slooten, "grietman", clerk of the Registrar's Office of the "Grieterij" Westdongeradeel, reported by the two witnesses. Deceased: Jeltje Jelles Pelmulder, old about a day, without profession, born and living in Bornwird, unmarried. Date: 6 December 1845, in the eve at eleven o'clock in the house number(?) .... teen in Bornwird. Witnesses and reporters: Ritzke Aukes Sipma, 37 years old, laborer and Dirx Jans van der Ploeg, 38 years old, laborer in Bornwird, well-known of the deceased. Extract from the death register of the Municipality Appingedam: In the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty, the 12-th August, is deceased in Tjamsweer, Municipality Appingedam, Jan Jelles Pelmulder, twenty-seven years old, spouse of Martje Alberts van Dijk, without profession, living in Tjamsweer. The Mayor, Officer of the Registrar's Office of the Municipality Appingedam, S. Reijnders. Extract from the death register of the "Grietenij" Westdongeradeel: In the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three(?), the 22-th of the month December, is deceased in Holwerd Trijntje Douwes Wiegersma, thirty-three years old, born and living in Holwerd, housewife of Klaas Tjepkes Heeringa, boatman there, and daughter of Douwe Pieters Wiegersma, master Black Smith, and Trijntje Jans Schaap, married people, deceased there. Overhanded in Ternaard, the 11-th May 1841. The "Grietman", Officer of the Registrar's Office of the before-said "Grietenij". J. van Haringsma(?). In an old tax register of the deceased persons of the Fivelgo Quarter (when the city Appingedam belongs) in 1810 I found the next accounts: Number 146: deceased Jelle Jans Mulder, living in Opwierda, died on the 14 Spring-month (= April) 1810, day of notification of the "sommiteit" 28 April 1810, day of the so called "Memory of notification" 5 June 1810, [*properties] free of tax, art. 6. Number 270: deceased Aaltje Hemmes, wife of Albert Stoffers, living in Tjamsweer, died 1 May (1810), notification of the "sommiteit" 20 May (1810), "Memory of notification" 26 May (1810), free of tax, art 5. Number 272: deceased Albert Stoffers, living in Tjamsweer, died 11 May (1810), day of "sommiteit" 22 May, "Memory of notification" 29 May, free of tax, art. 5. Return Home This page was last updated (none).
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