He(e)ringa Church records before 1811:
Marriage records from the church of Holwerd:
- Married on October 24, 1779 in Holwerd Tjipke Gosses Heeringa, coming from Holwerd, and Japke Sakes, coming from Holwerd.
- Married on December 26, 1745 in Holwerd Gosse Gerrijts Heringa, coming from Holwerd, and Sjuwke Gysberts, coming from Holwerd. With a striking, curious addition: "And are married in 'het hok' [*Note A.G.: What means here "in their little house"??] with a child on mother's arm".
- Married on April 3, 1712 in Holwerd Gerryt Gosses Heringa, coming from [*the Frisian town] Hantumhuizen, and Afke Tjepkes Douma, coming from Holwerd.
Marriage records from the church in Hantumhuizen: Married on June 23, 1672 in Hantumhuizen, Gosse Gerrits, coming from Hantumhuizen, and Trijntje Wobbes, widow, coming from "Koll. Nieuwl." [*Means the Frisian town Kollum??].
From the birth and baptizing books of the church of Holwerd:
- The children of Tjipke Gosses Heeringa, "Bijzitter", and Japke Sakes: daughter Sjieuwke, born July 2, 1781 and baptized on July 22, son Sake, born/baptized(?) April 27, 1783, son(?) Aatje, born on October 27, 1784 and baptized on November 7, son Klaas, born February 10, 1787 and baptized on April 1, daughter Trijntje, born on March 21, 1788 and baptized on April 6 and son Gosse, born on February 16, 1791 and baptized on March 6.
- The children of Gosse Gerryts Heringa and Sjuwke Gijsberts: son Tjepke, baptized(?) on November 8, 1744, daughter Aafke, dito on October 23, 1746, son Gerrijt, dito on February 23, 1749, son Gijsbert, dito on June 13, 1751, daughter Trijntje, dito on July 8, 1753, son Dirk, dito born on June 1, 1755, son(?) Pyter [*now called "Pieter"?], dito on August 13, 1758 and son Klaas, born on November 15, 1758 and baptized February 18, 1759.
- Children of Gerryt Gosses Heringa and Affke Tjepkes Douma: daughter Trijntje, baptized(?) on December 18, 1712, son Gosse, dito on December 29, 1715 and daughter Trijntje, dito on January 30, 1718.

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