Summarized certificate of the remarriage of Klaas Tjepkes Heeringa and Jeltje Jans Krol
- Summarized certificate (number 39) on October 5, 1824 in the "Grietenij" Westdongeradeel [*Note A.G.: "Grietenij" is an old Frisian word for "Municipality"]:
- Date and place of notification: In the year one thousand eight hundred twenty-four, on the fifth October, in the afternoon at one o'clock [*in the town hall of the Frisian town Ternaard] of the "Grietenij" Westdongeradeel, Province Vriesland.
- Bridegroom: Klaas Tjepkes Heeringa, 37 years old, Boatman of profession, born and living in Holwerd, widower of Trijntje Douwes Wiegersma, and of aged son of the deceased Tjepke Gosses Heeringa, during his life farmer there and of his still living housewife Japke Sakes, now without profession, also [*living] there.
- Bride: Jeltje Jans Krol, 21 years old, Maiden Servant of profession, born in Ternaard, and also living in Holwerd, under-aged daughter of Jan Joukes(?) Krol, Laborer and of Scheltje Martes Ferwerda, married people in Holwerd.
With the next attachments:
- The birth records of the both appearers.
- An extract of the death register of this "Grietenij" according the death of Trijntje Douwes Wiegersma.
- A copy of the declaration of the "Vrederegter" [*means the "Judge"] of the "Kanton" Holwerd, dated on the last August 14 [*1824], with the registration of the death of the before-said Tjepkes Gosses Heeringa.
- A certificate, overhanded by us on the last August 13(?) because the impecuniosity of the Bride to pay the [*marriage registration] costs.
- A dito on last August 18 overhanded by the Mr. Governor of the Province as evidence that the Bridegroom has fullfilled his duty in the National Militia.
- Made in public in the Town Hall of Ternaard, on the before-said date, in the presence of Marten Sijmens Akkerman, 57 years old, "Executeur"(?), Klaas Gerrits Elsinga, 54 years old, master shoemaker, Jan Jans Grasma, 48 years old, "Assistent" and Harmen(?) Warrink, 37 years old, master Linen Weaver, all living in Ternaard, all not related to the appearers, who with us and the witnesses have undersigned, excluded Jan Joukes Krol, who after reading it to him declared not having learned to write.
- Signatures: K.T. Heeringa, Jeltje Jans Krol, Scheltje Martes, Japke Sakes, M. S. Akkerman, K.G. Elsinga, J.J. Grasma, Herman Warrink and, by the absence of the "Grietman", the appointed "assessor" W.J. Josardi.
- The certificate of impecuniosity of the bride Jeltje Jans Krol as marriage attachment: Today, the fourteenth August eighteen hundred and twenty-four, by request of Jeltje Jans Krol, Maiden servant in Holwert, are we, Hartman Dirks Hartman, officiated "Vrederegter" [*means "Judge"] of the "Kanton" Holwert, "Arrondissement" Leeuwarden, Province Vriesland, assisted by the "Griffier" [*means a "Clerk of the Court"], on the place our usual sessions of the court, starting to make a (so-called) "certificate of knowledge" conform the request of the before-said female "requirant" according her wish to marry and not being able to show her certificate of birth while she wasn't baptized by her "Doopsgezinde" [*means "Mennonite"] origin and therefore wasn't registrated in any public birth or baptizing register; to solve this we have heard the next free willing persons:
- Dijverd(??) Nelis(?) Braak, Gardener.
- Bodes Jans Schaafstra, master Carpenter.
- Renda Takes Miedema, Shopkeeper.
- Gerbes Jelles Teima, Gardener.
- Reint Kluzes(?) van der Schaaf, master Carpenter.
- Klaas Gerrits Elzinga, master Shoemaker.
- Ulbe(?) Jans Boersma, Innkeeper.
- All living in Ternaard, of ... [*unreadable] age and known to us as trustworthy persons. Who in reponse of our investigations truely have declared that the "requirant" Jeltje Jans Krol, Maiden Servant of profession, in Holwert, born in Ternaard, that she is a daughter of [*the deceased] Jan Joukes Krol, Laborer and Scheltje Martes Ferwerda, married people, now living in Holwert and that she have now the age of twenty-one years, like she was born in the beginning of the year eighteen hundred and three, not able to find out with certainty her real date of birth while it was not notated. The witnesses declared that during her birth date they were friends of her parents, and by that confirmed of the truth of their evidences. Which is certified. Made on the place on the before-said date and undersigned by the witnesses and the "Griffier", after reading it to them. Approved in the fifth line written word "twenty-one". Signed by D.M. Braak, B.J. Schaafstraa, G.J. Veima, R.T. Miedema, M. v. d. Schaaf, K.J. Elsinga, U(?).J. Boersma, H. Hartman and the "Griffier": J. J. H...s(?) In the mariginal line was written: "This certificate is handed over for free by the ... ... "Grietman" of Westdongeradeel on August 13, 1824 according the Royal Decision of the nineth March 1815, number 13." And also in the marginal line: "Handed over during the marriage between Klaas Tjepkes Heeringa and Jeltje Jans Krol, both living in Holwerd. The 5-th Oct. 1824." Signature: Jeltje Jans Krol. Signed by absence of the "Grietman", the "Assesor": W.J.
- The certificate of impecuniosity of Jeltje Jans Krol: The "Grietman" of Westdongeradeel certifies with this [*document] by the evidence of Geert Brugts Sekema, Process-server, and Ale Wikkes Bouma, Policeman, both living in Holwert, and reliable witnesses, that Jetje Jans Krol, Maiden Servant in Holwert, living in poor circumstances, is not able to pay the costs, needed for the exhibits she had to bring in for her planned marriage. And after reading this to them those witnesses have undersigned it. Given in Ternaard, the 13-th August, 1824. Signature of the witnesses: G.B. Sekema, A. W. Bouma. Signed by absence of the "Grietman", the "Assessor": W. J. Josardi. For Free registion in Dokkum, the 24-th August eighteen hundred twenty-four, without "renvooyen" [*means "taxes"?], part nine, folio seventy-one "recto", compartment two. Handed over during the marriage between Klaas Tjepkes Heeringa and Jeltje Jans Krol, both in Holwert, the 5-th October, 1824. Signature: Jeltje Jans Krol. Signed by absence of the "Grietman", the appointed Assessor: W.J.
- Extract from the Court of the "Kanton Holwert": Today the 14-th August, eighteen hundred and twenty-four, by request of Klaas Tjepkes Heeringa, Boatman, living in Holwert, appearing for us, Hartman Dirks Hartmans, appointed "Vrederegter" [*Judge] of the "Kanton" Holwert, "Arrondissement" Leeuwarden, Province Friesland, assisted by the "Griffier", in the place of our usual sessions of the court—Geert Brugts Sekema, Process-server in Holwert, Dirk Gosses Heeringa, without profession there, Ale Wikkes Bouma, Policeman and Klaas Roelofs Dijkema, Farmer, also there [*living], all of "competent" ages. Who by this unaminously as the spoken truth, ..., have declared and confirmed that the father of the before-said "requirant" Tjepke Gosses Heeringa, former farmer of profession in Holwert, was married with Japke Sakes, now without profession there [*living], from now about twenty years ago is deceased, without being able to hand over the real date of the death while the Local Authorities didn't make public registers in those days, by which the "requirant" is unable to hand over the evidence of the death of his father... etc. The first and last two Appearers witnessed that they were acquintanced with the before said deceased and the second [*witness] declared that he was a brother of the before said deceased and was able to remember his death quiet well and willing to testify this as the whole truth. Made on this before said place and date and have signed this, after reading to them by the "Griffier" [*Clerk of the court]. .Signatures: A. W. Bouma, G.B. Sekema, D.G. Heeringa, K.R. Dijkman, H.D. Hatman, J.J. Heegs(?), "Griffier". Registrated in Dockum the 16-th August eightteen hundred twenty four, without "renvooyen", part five, folio two "recto", compartment six. Recieved one guilder and three cents, with the advances. Signed G. van Schellen. Signed conform an extract, J.H. H..., "Griffier". [*Note A.G.: witness Dirk Gosses Heeringa was a brother of the deceased Tjepke Gosses Heeringa and declared "to remember hisself the death of his brother very well" and the other three witnesses declared "to be friends of the deceased father"]. And in the mariginal line was written: "Handed over during the marriage between Klaas Tjepkes Heeringa and Jeltje Jans Krol, both [*living] in Holwert, the 5-th October 1824. Signature: K.T. Heeringa. Signed by absence of the "Grietman", the appointed "Assessor": W.J.
- Extract from the Register of deaths of the "Grietenij" Westdongeradeel, according the death of Trijntje Douwes Wiegersma on December, 21, 1823 in Holwerd: In the year One thousand eight hundred twenty-three, the 23-th day of the month December, in the morning at eleven hour, are appeared for us, "Grietman", Officer of the Registrar's Office of the "Grietemij" Westdongeradeel, Province Vriesland, Sjoerd Pieters van der Baan, 57 years old, and Gerbetas(?) Koopmans, 30 years old, both Laborers in Holwert, (nearest neighbours), who have declared to us that Trijntje Douwes Wiegersma, 33 years old, born and living in Holwert, housewife of Klaas Tjepkes Heeringa, Boatman there, and daughter of Douwe Pieters Wiegersma, master Black Smith and Trijntje Jans Schaap(?), married people also there [*in Holwerd], is deceased on the 21-th of this month, in the afternoon at four o'clock in Holwert and have undersigned this certificate ... etc., etc. Signature: S.P. v. d. Baan. By absence of the "Grietman" the appointed "Assessor": W.J. Josardi. In the mariginal line was written: "Handed over during the marriage between Klaas Tjepkes Heeringa and Jeltje Jans Krol, both in Holwert, the 5-th October 1824." Signed: K.T. Heeringa. By absence of the "Grietman" the Assessor: W.J. ... For fourty-five cents.
- Extract from the baptizing book of the Reformed Church of Holwerd: Province Vriesland, Arrondissement Leeuwarden, "Grietenij" Westdongeradeel. On April 1, 1787 a child is baptized, son of the "Bijzitter" [*means "an Assessor"] T. [*Tjepke] Heeringa and Japke Sakes, born in Holwerd on February 10, 1787 ad is named Klaas. For an extract conform; handed over the 14-th August 1824. The "Grietman", Officer of the Registrar's Office of the before-said "Grietenij". By absence of the "Grietman", signed by the Assessor, W.J. Josardi. Handed over during the marriage between Klaas Tjepkes Heeringa and Jeltje Jans Krol, both in Holwert. The 5-th October 1824. Signature: K.T. Heeringa. By absence of the "Grietman", signed by the appointed Assessor: W.J. In the marginal line: "For 45 cents."
- Decision of the Court, on August 21(?) 1824, number 572, according [*the impecuniosity of?] Jeltje Jans Krol: The Court,... etc., etc.,... According the before-said certificate ...[*Note A.G.: Alas I wasn't able to decypher the handwriting of this certificate and the last conclusion of this Court: I guess that this Court confirmed the before-made decision of the local authorities that Jeltje Jans Krol was set free from the payments of the obliged marriage records and costs].
- Certificate of the National Militia according Klaas Tjekpes Heringa, dated August 18(?), 1824: National Militia, Province Vriesland, Certificate. The Governor of the Province Vriesland declares that Klaas Tjepkes Heringa, born in ... [*not added], the 10-th February 1787, farmer of profession, son of Tjepke Gosses and of Sapke Sakes, of profession ... [*not added], living in Holwerd, part of the municipality Holwerd, is recorded for the National Militia, and have the number 244 by the drawing of lots in 1814, which, not called up yet, didn't obligate him to duty. Given in Leeuwarden, the 18-th(?) August, 1824. The Governor, signature: ... [*unreadable]. Signalement: length: 1 El, 760 St.: Face: round. Forehead: flat. Eyes: blue. Nose: ordinair. Mouth: dito. Chin: round. Hear and Eyebrows: blond. Significant marks: none. Signature: K.T. Heeringa. Registered no. 4459. Added in the marginal line: "Handed over during the marriage between Klaas Tjepkes Heeringa and Jeltje Jans Krol in Holwert. The 5-th Oct. 1824. Undersigned: K.T. Heeringa. By absence of the "Grietman", signed by the appointed "Assessor": W.J.

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