Translation of the history of the Solwerd farm "De Tinge" of Anje PIETERS.
This farm "The Tinge" was situated south-west of the roundabout in the Solwerder Road at Solwerd, between the [*recent] Solwerder Road and the Damsterdiep River. In 1848 a new farm was built there. In 1973 thew farm was demolished. Now bungalows are situated at this area. About 1580 the Groningen noble family ALDRINGA owned land properties at Solwerd. In 1578 a certain Jebbo ALDRINGA and Willem JANS were recorded at Solwerd. Maybe the last one was the "meier" [*= renter of the farmstead]. In 1587 Hoycke ALDRINGA and Hille "tho Solwart" [*means "Hille (living) at Solwerd"] were mentioned (see note 2). In 1592 a certain Harmen KNOL at Solwerd was recorded as "meier" of Jebbo ALDRINGA. According a "rentebrief" [*means a "loan certificate"] the tenant farmer had to pay an outstanding year rent of "xvi Ember guldens" [*or "16 Embder guilders"] (see note 3). [*Note A.G.: Embden is the German, opposite harbour to the Dutch harbour Delfzijl]. In 1608 the children of the deceased Hoycke ALDRINGA threatened to "weder tho sich tho nehemen" [*or "take their land properties back"], like they had rented these since 1602 to the farmer tenant Taeke TAMMES. Probably with some outstanding rent payments as reason. In 1613 the rent was given notice to quit to Jacob CLAESSEN "tho Solwert" [*"from Solwerd"] by the (female owner) Hille ALDRINGA (see note 5). In the tax register of 1630 Claes PETERS had to pay [*taxes] for 70 "grazen" land at Solwerd and 4 "deimpt" land at the South of Appingedam (see note 6). In 1633 Hille ALDRINGA, widow GRUYS, wanted a payment from her "meier" Claes PETERS according caused damages to all kind of fences, etc., on her land (see note 7). In 1634 a certain Derrick FRERICKS was the new farmer tenant of the female owner Hille ALDRINGA (zee note 8). In 1644 the landrent was given notice by the owner Pompejus GRUYS to Derrick FRERICKS (see note 9). Probably the term of lease was over. In 1670 Wicher (Wijger) PIETERS was the resident of this farm (see note 10). He was owner of 13 adult cows. The household contained 4 adults. Also he was recorded in 1678 in a list of tax payments (see note 11). In 1681 Poppeke GRUYS and Bernard GRUYS, "raadsheer" [*"lawyer"?] in [*the city of] Groningen, sold the inherited goods of the deceased Wicher (Wijger) Pieters at Solwerd. It accorded the building, the barn, lands, trees, "plantages" ["plantages"?], "schutten and wringen" (see note 12). In 1696 a certain Egbert SIERTS was the resident (see note 13). In 1721 Arys JANS inhabited this farm. In the tax register of 1721 he paid [*the land taxes] for 53 "grazen" land at Solwerd, 6 "grazen" in the area of Opwierde and 8 "deimt" at the South of Appingedam. Owner of these was the lawyer(?) GRUYS or [*also called] "Grusen Tynalling" (see note 14). Arys JANS was married to Bieuwke JANS (see note 15). After his death his widow remarried on June 25, 1730, at Weiwerd, to Onno JACOBS. On December 8, 1730, the inventory of the deceased Arys JANS was made, as owned by Bieuwke JANS and her second spouse. Then 80 "grazen" land belonged to the farm (see note 16). Onno JACOBS was recorded in the register of the tax payments from 1730/1731 (see note 17). On December 20, 1731, by request of the owner and Major Jan GRUYS for the "Hoofdmannenkamer" a transcription of the by Arys JANS and Bieuwke JANS purchased farmstead with 53 "grazen" land was registered. They had paid 5000 guilders for it (see note 18). Onno JACOBS died before 1755, because in that year, according the "grastallenregister"["register of the grazen lands" people owned or used], his widow rented 53 "grazen" land at Solwerd, 12 "grazen" at the South of Appingedam and 6 "grazen" in the area of Opwierde. All the land they owned in full property (see note 19). On December 18, 1772, the widow Bieuwke JANS sold the "meierschap" [old Groningen kind of "use or rent"] of the farmstead at Solwerd with 71 "grazen" land - of which 53 "grazen" in Solwerd, 12 "grazen" near Appingedam and 6 "grazen" near Opwierde - to her son Klaas ONNES. He paid 1500 guilders for it (see note 12). The property stayed in the family. Klaas ONNES married on October 2, 1774, in Uitwierde, to Anje PIETERS (see note 21). During the division of the property of May 13, 1778, became clear that the 71 "grazen" land was a commom property of Claas [*Klaas] ONNES and Jacob JANS for themselves, including the "wedman" Jacob HOMME(N)S as family guardian about the underaged children of Jan ARYS and as representive of G.C. MULDER as witness and Jacob KLAASSENS as outside guardian, Gerrit JANS and Arijs JANS, as also of Jan HARMS as "legitimus tutor liberorum", and Jan WILLEMS and Geert ONNES as guardians about the underaged children from Lijsbeth MEINDERS and the deceased Geert Onnes SMIT (from the Eelwerd farmstead no. E3), all heirs of Bijwke/Bieuwke JANS, last widow of Onno JACOBS. They divided the inheritance after the sell of all the inventory effects [*or stocks??], except 71 "grazen" land, used under "vaste beklemming" by Claes [*Klaas] ONNES, by a yearly rent of 131 guilders. The of aged sons of the deceased Jan ARYS and the "wedman" Jacob HOMME(N)S declared that they, during his lifetime [*of the deceased], at every turn had got a part of the inheritance. In commom property stayed the property of 71 "grazen" land in a "beklemrechtelijke" way. From this property (*of 71 "grazen" land) 1/3-th part was owned by Claas ONNES, a 1/3-th part of all the children of the deceased Jan ARYS and 1/3-th part of the children of the deceased Geert ONNES (see note 22). In 1779 Klaas ONNES and Anje PIETERS purchased the property of 5 "grazen" and the 1/3-th part of 2 "grazen" land at Solwerd, part of the 71 "grazen". Sellers were Tieuwes KLASEN and BYWKE GEERTS from Heveskes (see note 23). In 1780 Gerrijt JANS, Arijs JANS, Jacob JANS and Trijntje JANS, married to Hindrik HARMS, and the guardians of the 2 underaged children of Jan ARIJS and the deceased Trijntje GERRITS, the property of 1/3-th part in the 71 "grazen" land at Solwerd "op strijkgeld" to the merchant Ekko Jacobs WIJK and Trijntje Willems DIJK, rented by Klaas ONNES as "meier", for 1400 guilders and 10 stivers. The rent for this part amounted 43 guilders, 13 stivers and 3 doits (see note 24). In 1783 53 "grazen" were situated at Solwerd, 6 "grazen" under Opwierde and 12 "grazen" under Appingedam "in zijlschot"(see note 25). Soon after this Klaas ONNES died. On December 8, 1780, the inventory was made between the widow [*Anje PIETERS] and the guardians of the underaged child of Klaas Onnes and Anje PIETERS. The farmstead was assigned to Anje PIETERS, except a 1/3-th part of the lands at Solwerd. That was inherited by Klaas ONNES from his mother Bijwke JANS, and during his marriage kept outside the inheritance and from the beginning already destinated to the underaged child. The first appearer had to nurse the child until his 18-th year and as long the child was underaged no rent had to be paid over that land. The guardians recieved for their pupil 2000 guilders, 4 golden "dukaten" [*old Dutch coins], a "cammisooi", a "hemdrok" with small silver buttons. The guardians also had to keep a Bible with silver hooks, a silver spoon, a pair of silver trouser buckles, a pair of silver trouser buttons and 20 dito "hemdrok" buttons (see note 26). Short after this Anje PIETERS married to Roelf JACOBS (see note 27). After his death, an inventory and division of goods was done between his widow [*Anje PIETERS] and the guardians of the underaged child Pieter [*ROELFS] (from her marriage to Roelf JACOBS). Again Anje PIETERS inherited the farmstead: a house with a Frisian barn, with 71 "grazen" land. Her little son would get 150 Caroli guilders, a silver watch, a dark "lakens" suit and 3 undershirts at his 18-th birth year (see note 28). For the third time Anje PIETERS married on August 7, 1784, in Solwerd, to Jelle Jans (MULDER) (see note 29). On May 10, 1792, the house and barn with about 71 "grazen beklemd" land, rent 131 gulders, was sold for 6300 guilders to Pieter Derks (SMIT) and Anna Jans STEENHUIS. The buyers had also the advantage of a yearly rent of 3 guilders from a farmstead, used by Derk GERARDUS and wife (see note 30). That accords farm no. S5. That same year the sellers purchased the Opwierde windmill factory no. ML8. Pieter Derks SMIT and Anna Jans STEENHUIS were married on April 6, 1792, at Termunten (see note 31). Together with Hendrik Jans (FOLGERING) and Trijntje DERKS from the Solwerd farmstead S4, they purchased in 1794 a farmstead and barn with the "beklemming" of 40 "grazen" land at Solwerd, rent 80 guilders, for 1400 guilders (see note 32). The property of this land (40 or 38 "grazen") was purchased in 1795 (see note 33). The purchased lands were divided with the residents of the [*farmstead] no. S4. This accords [*farmstead] S9. On May 4, 1798, Pieter Derks SMIT and Anna Jans STEENHUIS sold their farmstead - a nice front and back part of the house with a good carpented barn, yard and garden with the "vaste beklemming" of 71 "grazen" good green and arable land, with about 19 "grazen" with winter corn; 53 "grazen" was situated in the rayon of Solwerd, 12 "grazen" near Appingedam and 6 "grazen" in Opwierde, with a rent of 131 guilders. Yearly the puchaser could collect the rent of two farmsteads, used by Derk GERARDUS (S8?) and Jan Jurjens MEIJER. The selling price was 6985 guilders (see note 34). In 1799 Pieter DERKS and Anna JANS sold more landed estates (see note 35). From 1798 to the demolishment in 1973 the farmstead satyed the property of the SPITHORST family. This family originally came from the Solwerd farmstead no. S7. Evert Pieters SPITHORST - [*note A.G.: he was a colleague deacon of our Jelle Jans MULDER] - was married since November 25, 1785, in Farmsum, to Hindrikje GEERTS, widow of Hindrik Jans VRIEZE. She was his second wife (see note 36). On May 9, 1803, he sold the farmstead with 71 "grazen beklemd" land at Solwerd, Appingedam and Opwierde to his cousin Cornelis Jans SPITHORST and Hyke HARMS for 11.000 guilders. The yearly "beklem" rent was 131 guilders, to pay to 3 property owners. The purchasers also got the yearly rent of 2 farmsteads, used by Harm JANS (on the farm no S8?) for 3 guilders and Jan Jurjens MEIJER for 1 guilder (see note 37). On the same day Cornelis Jans SPITHORST and Hyke JANS the Solwerd farmstead no. S3. They were married onSeptember 21, 1800, in Marsum (see note 38). During the inventory in 1801 of his deceased parents Cornelis Jans SPITHORST and Hilje CLAASSEN from the farm no. S7, Cornelis Jans SPITHORST also inherited 23,5 "grazen" land from the Solwerd church (see note 39). Then 94,5 "grazen" land belonged to this farm. After the death of Hylke HARMS an inventery of goods was made on July 4, 1807. The rents according the 71 "grazen" land were 98 guilders and 5 stivers, to pay to Jelle Jans MULDER, and 32 guilders and 15 stivers to Evert FOKKES. The property was valued on 8000 guilders. The value of the church land (23,5 "grazen") was 2000 guilders. Besides that, there was an obligation of 12000 guilders (see note 40). Both [*underaged] children had to be nursed until their 18-th year and the guardian recieved 3736 guilders [*for that]. Cornelis J. SPITHORST remarried on March 6, 1808, at Solwerd to Geertruid Jurjens (HUISMAN) from Garrelsweer (see note 41). In 1822 Jan Cornelis BOS became the property owner of a part in the property of 30,61.00 hectares -[*note A.G.: a hectare is about 3 acres] - built upon land at Solwerd. The yearly "beklem" rent was 98 guilders and 25 cents. Geertruid Jurjens HUISMAN died on March 3, 1827, at Solwerd, and her spouse died on February 17, 1828, at Solwerd. An inventory of goods followed on August 8, 1828. Appearers were Harm Cornelis SPITHORST, farmer at Solwerd, son of the deceased Cornelis Jans SPITHORST and Hyke HARMS, Klaas Jans SPUITHORST, farmer at Solwerd and Jan Jurjens HUISMAN, farmer at Garrelsweer, (form no. G6), as seond guardian about Hillegonda and Jan Cornelis SPITHORST, from the marriage with Geertruida J. HUISMAN. Teh farm with about 28 hectares land at Solwerd and 7 hectares at Opwierde, rent á 131 guilders and a "beklemming" of 9½ hectares at Solwerd, rent á 53 guilders and 87½ cents, to pay to the Solwerd church, with several extra properties, like at Opwierde and Oling, which were given to Harm Cornelis SPITHORST and to the guardians of the uderaged children Jan Cornelis SPITHORST and Hillegonda SPITHORST. Since January 15, 1828, Harm Cornelis SPITHORST was the farmer tenant on the Solwerd farmstead S4. In the beginning of 1840 he sold it. On august 16, 1841 he deceased at Solwerd. His half-sister Hillegonda SPITHORST died on May 6, 1842, also at Solwerd. On November 29, 1843, again an inventory of the common goods of Jan Cornelis SPITHORST and his deceased half-sister was made. Parties interested were then Hemme Jans BOLHUIS - [*Note A.G.: If I'm right, I guess he was related to our ancestor Hemmo Jacobs??] - contractor at Delfzijl and guardian about Jan Cornelis SPITHORST, Nicolaas Henricus HEMMES at Delfzijl, as guardian about the 2 uderaged children of the deceased Harm Cornelis SPITHORST and Jantje Jans HOUWER, named Cornelis and Antje. The underaged Jan Cornelis SPITHORST inherited for ¾-the part and the before said underaged children for ¼-th part. Then Hemme Jans BOLHUIS got for his underaged pupil Jan Cornelis SPITHORST: 1. The farmstead and Frisian barn, drawn no. 10, with the "vaste beklemming"of 40.56.00 hectares at Solwerd and Opwierde, valued on 10700 guilders. The "beklem" rent was for the ¾-th part 58 guilders and 25 cents, to pay to the owner Jan Cornelis BOS, and for the ¼-th part 32 guilders and 75 cents, to pay to the owners Gerrit Everts KLIMP and the children of Fokke Everts KLIMP. [*Note A.G.: Did I remember me it well that also this KLIMP family was related to the Hemmo JACOBS family?]. 2. The in 1801 recieved "beklemming" of 9,4570 hectare land at Solwerd, with a value of 3000 guilders. The yearly trent of this land was 53 guilders and 87½ cents, to pay to the Solwerd church. In the beginning of 1843 the contractor Hemme Jans BOLHUIS at Delfzijl had purchased, in the name of his pupil Jan Cornelis SPITHORST, 2,9361 hectares at Solwerd, in full property, from Johannes Jans KARDAS at Appingedam. This man owned the Solwerd farmstead S1 until 1836. On Juli 5, 1847 Jan Cornelis SPITHORST married in Appingedam to Cornelia Pieters NIJBORG (see note 42). In 1848 they purchased a house at Solwerd, drawn no. 17. In 1854 they purchased the "vaste beklemming" of 1,4630 hectares land at Solwerd from Abeltje Wildriks BOUWMAN, widow of Berend Jans NIEUWENHUIS, who were tenants until 1847 on the Solwerd farmstead S3. In 1856 the purchase of 1,3790 own land at Solwerd followed, coming from the Solwerd farmstead S7. In 1857 Geert Harms POELMAN, grandson of Jan Cornelis BOS and Roelfien Arenda DIJKEMA, became owner of 2/3-th part of the buildings and lands. In 1858 Mr. SPITHORST and wife enlarged their stead with 2 purchases of 1,6240 hectares and 3,5310 hectares own lands at Solwerd. Sellers were residents of Appingedam. In 1865 Jan Cornelis SPITHORST and wife purchased the 2/3-th part in the ownership of 71 "grazen" land and buildings and of 2 "grazen ongescheiden" [*land], inside these lands, with extra the property of 5 "grazen" land at Solwerd, totally about 38 hectares, by them used under "beklemming" for a yearly rent of 98 guilders and 25 cents, from the owner Geert Harms POELMAN, wood sawing miller at Ten Post and in 1868 Zwaantje Wibbes VOS, widow of Fokke Everts KLIMP at Farmsum, sold to the tenants Cornelis SPITHORST and wife her part (1/3-th part) in the property of 40,9200 hectares land and buildings for 900 guilders. The rent of this part was 32 guilders and 75 cents. By this the tenants became full owners. Cornelia NIJBORG died on August 13, 1872, at Solwerd. On October 31, 1882, an inventory was made. Heirs were the widower Jan Cornelis SPITHORST, Cornelis Jabns SPITHORST, Pieter Jans SPITHORST, Gerhardus Jans SPITHORST and Luitje Jans SPITHORST. The property was: 1. The farmstead with barns, own yard, a labourer's house, and the full property of 29,1353 hectares at Solwerd. 2. The "beklemming" of 8,5820 hectares at Solwerd, rent á 47,98½ guilders. 3. The "vaste beklemming" of 1,4630 hectares at Solwerd, The value of the part 1 to 3 was 55.000 guilders. 4. 11, 0870 hectares marsh lands and water at Opwierde. This accords the former "Opwierder Meer" [*=Opwierde Lake]. Owned on the "beklemrechtelijke" way by a mill stead near Appingedam, at the Wolddijk [*= Wold Dyke], at Baamsum, Geefsweer and Stitswerd. Jan Cornelis SPITHORST became the owner of the before said properties. He died on January 11, 1900, at Solwerd. .................... [*Then the properties were divided again: the Tinge farmstead went for 40.000 guilders to Cornelis Jans SPITHORST, married since May 25, 1900, at 't Zandt, to Hilje DOORNBOS (see note 45)]. ............... [*On July 2, 1928, the farmstead was sold to their cousin Jan SPITHORST for 59350 guilders] .................. [*On April 7, 1939, Jan SPITHORST sold the farm to his father Luitje SPITHORST, married since May 28, 1891, in Appingedam, to Aafke MAARHUIS. Luitje SPITHORST died on February 9, 1951, and his wife on August 11, 1951. Then his son Jan SPITHORST became the owner again of the farmstead "De Tinge"]. .................... On September 30, 1971, Jan SPITHORST, also in the names of his children .................., the farmstead to the municipality of Appingedam. He died on Juli 25, 1975. In 1973 the farmstead was demolished. On that area houses were built. Notes: . 1. [*Note A.G.: 1 to 15: See the Dutch texts1] 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Bieuwke Jans was baptized on January 8, 1699, at Opwierde, as daughter of Jan Geerts and Anje Joesten from the Eelwerd farmstead EL a. 16. ......... 17. ......... 18. .......... 19. .......... 20. ........... 21. Children of Klaas Onnes and Anje Pieters, baptized at Solwerd/Marsum: Jantje, baptized on December 10, 1775 and Onno, baptized at the end of January, 1777. 22. ............ 23. ........... 24. ........... 25. ........... 26. ............ 27. Child of Roelf Jacobs and Anje Pieters, baptized at Solwerd/Marsum: Pieter, baptized at the end of December 1781. 28. ........... 29. Child of Jelle Jans and Anje Pieters, baptized at Solwerd/Marsum: Jantje, baptized on November 13, 1785. 30. The rents of the lands they had to pay were: · According 23 5/7-th "grazen" to pay 43 guilders, 12 stivers and 2 doits to the merchant Ecko Jans Wijk · According 5 6/7-th "grazen"land 10 guilders, 18 stivers and 3 doits to Evert Fokkes and wife. · According 5 6/7-th "grazen"land 10 guilders, 18 stivers and 3 doits to Jacob Harms and other guardians of the underaged children of Geert Onnes and Lijsabeth Meinders (from Eelwerd). · According 5 6/7-th "grazen"land 10 guilders, 18 stivers and 3 doits, to the sellers. · According 23 3/7-th "grazen"land 43 guilders, 13 stivers and 2 doits to Henrikus Schenkel and other guardians for the underaged little son of Klaas Onnes and Anje Pieters. · Remark: In 1796 the heirs of the merchant Ecko Jacobs Wijk sold the property of 1/3-th part in the 71 "grazen" land at Solwerd - used by Pieter Derks and wife [*note A.G.: parents of our Anje Pieters!] - for 1475 Caroli guilders to Jelle Jans and Anje Pieters. 31. ........... 32. ............ 33. ........... 34. GrA 733.830 [*means Groningen Archives, collection no. 733, certificate 830). Detailed: a rent á 98 guilders, 5 stivers and 1 "penning" to be paid to Jelle Jans and spouse, 10 guilders, 18 stivers and 5 "penningen" to Evert Fokkes and spouse, 10 guilders, 18 stivers and 5 "penningen"to Meindert Geerts and 10 guilders, 18 stivers and 5 "penningen" mto the guardians of the underaged child of the deceased Geert Onnes Smit. 35. And the rest: see the Dutch texts.Return Home Translation: Albert Geurink, Winsum, the Netherlands. Graphics by Lynn Waterman, ©2004 |