PLEASE NOTE: The below was submitted to the Tucker Family website, by the original contributor, Penolope Giacoletti on August 11, 2003. Civil War Pension: Gallant TUCKER; Putnam County, TN Contributed to the USGenWeb Archives by Penolope Giacoletti ********************************************************* Soldier's Declaration for Pension-1890 Under Dependent Act of 51st Congress, approved June 27, 1890 State of Tennessee, County of Putnam, ss: On this 7th day of July A.D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety, personally appeared before me, A. Bryant, Clerk of County Court in the County and State aforesaid, Gallant Tucker aged 45 years, a resident of Silver Point County of Putnam State of Tennessee, who being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the Gallant Tucker who served the full period of ninety days in the military service of the United States in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865,who enlisted at Carthage, Tennessee, on the 1st day of March 1864, as a Private in company H in the 1st regiment Tennessee Mounted Inf vols., and was honorably discharged as a Sgt. At Nashville, Tennessee on the 22nd day of Sept 1867(to date May 23, 1865). That his personal description at the time he enlisted was a follows: Age-18 or 19 years; height-5 feet, 10 or 11 inches; complexion --light; color of hair-dark; eyes-dark; was born near Silver Point, Tennessee; occupation when enlisted-Farmer. That he is at this time afflicted with a disability which is not the result of his own vicious habits, and as he verily believes is permanent in character. That said disability is-injury of right foot resulting loss of three small toes, injury to back by horse fall in service, kidney disease, disease of skin near back of neck, cut on arm resulting in a severe hurting mostly in right & injury to head and right ear-lung trouble/hemorrhoids of the lung. That by reason of said disability he is incapacitated from the performance of manual labor, which renders him unable to earn a support greatly. That he makes this declaration for the purpose of being inscribed upon the Pension Rolls of the United States as a disabled ex-soldier of the last war, being incapacitated from performing manual labor to earn his support as provided for under the act passed by the 51st Congress of the United States for disabled soldiers and sailors, approved June 27 1890, and hereby constiutes and appoints, with full power of substitution and revocation, T.W. TALLMADGE, OF WASHINGTON, D.C. His true and lawful attorney to prosecute this claim and obtain a certificate for pension under the act aforesaid. That he has not received or applied for a pension under the laws of the United States. That he has not applied for a pension as an invalid. That he is now not a pensioner on the Pension rolls of the United States. That he has ever been a loyal citizen of the United States and will support the Constitution of the United States. That his post- office is at Silver Point County of Putnam State of Tennessee. Gallant Tucker John Tucker T. Anderson Also personally appeared T. Anderson, residing at Silver Point, Tennessee who has known the claimant forty years and John Tucker, residing at Silver Point, Tennessee who has known the claimant twenty years, persons whom I certify to be reputable and entitled to credit, and, who, being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw---- -the claimant sign his name to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe, from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with him, that he is the identical person he represents himself to be, and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim. T. Anderson John Tucker Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of July A.D. 1890, and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, &c., were fully made known, read, and explained to the applicant and witness before swearing, including the words-erased and the words-added; and I have no interest direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. A. Bryant Clerk of the Said County Court ****************************************** Gallant Tucker's Statement State of Tennessee, Putnam Co. In the matter for Pension No. 801933 of Gallant Tucker, late of Co. H 1st Regt Tenn Mtd Inf on this March 12, 1891 personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in & for the aforesaid County & State the claimant, Gallant Tucker, and makes oath that the disabilities for which he claims pension cause, ---- him or orginated as follows. That when he was about ten or twelve years old a brother (Lewis Tucker) had cut a tree & it had lodged on some smaller trees or bushes and he went ---near the stump, and was cutting some small bushes or a bush that the tree had ledged on when the bush he was cutting slipped off its stump & struck his right foot & cut off three of the small toes. This was near Buffalo Valley, Tenn in Putnam Co are his mothers farmes. That in the winter of 1864 while he was in the service said foot from its injured or weakened condition was frost bitten while he was an scout through Overton , Jackson & Putnam Counties,Tenn. That while on the same scout a short distance above Butter's(?) Landing on Obies River near the house of Capt Bennett, their Commander made a charge ----the Confederates who was at said Bennett's house and in charging under full speed just a few steps before we got to the ford of said River the road made a very short turn he was on the right side of said road and his Capt. Prettyman Jones was on the left. That just as the turn was a bank some fifteen feet high and owing to the fast speed he was going & being given the short side, he horse & all went over said high bank and injured his back. As alleged in his application this was in the winter before peace was made in the spring. That in the fall season of 1876 according to his best recollection, but not exactlly sure as to the year, but is satisfied it was 1875 or 1876, he went to L.J. Garrison's to buy some hogs and came back by Buffalo Valley, Tenn to a colt show & at said show was one John Wallace who was drinking and when he left said place said Wallace and several others left with him and when they came to the forks of the road up in the valley where affiant was to leave the road & go to his mothers & did turn to start up the road towards his mothers when said Wallace call to him and asked him to go on with him. Then he changed his notion & went on with said Wallace & one Mat Waller to where the road forked where he was to turn to go home the other road leads to Laural Hill,Tenn. And when he went to leave them hsesaid to them to go home with him or invited them home with him when Wallace remarked, "No god damm you, I intended to whip you right here." He then turned to ride off from him and said Wallace run up and caught him in the back near the cross of his suspenders & pulled & the both came off and said Wallace begain cutting him with a razor or knife, he (Wallace) had a razor that day, said Wallace cut him there severly & turned him loose when he got on his horse & started off for home he heard behind him a noise & looked back & said Wallace, he then begain whipping his horse & tried to get away but said Wallace caught up with him and knocked him off his horse, beat him over the head with a club, cut him in ---place on the head, ace, arms, hands ,back & dragged him off in a Laurel thicket for dead. This was one evening before night & he never got home until next morning about one hour before sun up. From said cut or wounds his hearing is right ear is injured and also right arm & --are severely injured and said Mat Waller told him since that said Wallace came to his house the next day or the next morning and asked him to go & see if he(affiant) was not dead & told him(Waller) where to look to find him(affiant) he never thought of any trouble with said Wallace untill he made the remark as above let out. If necessary the affidavit of said Mat Waller can be furnished. Gallant Tucker Sworn to & subscribed before me on the day & date aforesaid & I certify that the above affidavit was fully read & explained to the affiant before I swore him to the same. He is to me well known & is full creditable & stand fair & is so recognized by all who know him. I am in nowise interested in this case nor am I concerned in its prosecution. J. S. Mitchell N.P. for said county ******************************* DEPOSITION Case of Gallant Tucker On this 5 day of Oct 1895, at Buffalo Valley, County of Putnam, State of Tenn, before me, L.J. Taylor, a Special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared Gallant Tucker, who, bing by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to him during this Special Examination of aforesaid pension claim, deposes and says: I am about 50 years old: Farmer: BuffaloValley,Tenn. I was Pvt. Co H, 1st Tenn Mtd. Inf. I served for 4 or 5 months in the Confederate Army. I do not know when I enlisted but I left there after the Fishing Creek or Zallicoffer(?) Fight as it was called. I was in the 25th Reg, of Confederate Infantry of the State of Tenn, and I am not certain whether it was Co, H or Co. F. It was one or the other, Santon was Col. Of the Regiment, Shaw was Captain of my company first, and after he was killed Prettyman Jones became Captain of it. I had no other service in either army except as above stated. I have heard the above read and was correctly reported therein. Gallant Tucker Deponent Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5 day of Oct, 1895 and I certify that the contents were fully made know to deponent before signing. L.J. Taylor Spl Exm ******************************** 1890 Dr. W.M. Farmer's Statement State of Tennessee, Putnam Co. 8 December 1890 I, W.M. Farmer, a regular practicing physician of 50 or more years standing have this day professionally examined Gallant Tucker, & find the following disabilities on said Gallant Tucker, Viz. Almost deafness in right ear, the result of a wound, of external ear, also an injury of right forearm the result of a wound on said forearm, in injuring or damaging the supinator muscles & also pronator radii tennes & extensor commis digitorum muscles-also an injury ot her 3 lesser toes on right foot amounting to partial loss of said toes, also paropysm spells of his back with pains extending from the region of the kidneys intot he spinal column to the shoulder's amounting to Lumbago of the spinal column or rheumatism. All of said disabilities are of a fixed or permanent character except his back. The back may be relieved, in view of said disabilities, said Gallant Tucker is disabled or incapacitated from hardy & continual manual labor amounting to half. Said Gallant Tucker's habits are & have been good for many years. Affiants age is 63 years, P.O. Buffalo Valley, Tenn W.M. Farmer, M.D. Sworn to & subscribed before me on the day & date aforesaid & I hereby certify that the affiant wrote the foregoing affidavit therefore fully understood its contents. That he is to me well known & is a creditable citizen & a regular practicing physician in good professional standing & has been for many years & that I am (stamp blocks two words)interested in this claim nor am I concerned in its prosecution. J.S. Mitchell N.P. for said county ********************************** Surgeon's Certificate 25 Feb 1891 Original Pension Claim No. 801.933 Gallant Tucker, Rank; Private Company H, 1st Reg't Tenn Mtd Inf. Silver Point, Tenn. Dowelltown, DeKalb Co.,Tenn 25 Feb 1891 We hereby certify that in compliance with the requirements of the law we have carefully examined this applicant, who states his is suffering from the following disability, incurred in the service, viz: injury to foot and back and kidney disease. Was injured in back during the war which has continued ever since; the foot injured before the war; the other wounds since the war. Upon examination we find the following objective conditions: pulse rate, 68,72,88; respiration 18; temperature 98 ˝; height, 6 feet 0 inches; weight 180 pounds; age, 46 years. Find 2 dragging scars situated on the posterior position of the forearm of right arm. One scar is 2 ˝ in length the other is 3 inches in length; the extension tendons of the index, middle & ring fingers have been injured, preventing free use of hand; find 2 distal plealg(?) of little toe of right foot missing. Also first 2 pholaugh of 4 toe missing. Also 1st distal phalaox of 3rd toe missing; find a dragging scar 5 inches long commencing just under right eye passing through the ear, almost completely closing the external auditory apposattus, causing total deafness of right ear. Specific gravity of urine 1018. No album, no sugar, no evidence of injury to back except history. Except as above no other disability exists. He is, in our opinion entitled to a 2/18 rating for the disability caused by wound of right arm, 2/18 for that caused by wound of foot, and 10/18 for that caused by deafness of right ear. Pers.-absent Sec'y-C.Clay Knox Treas.-J. R. Huckson Board Members ************************************ Medical Report 1894 State of Tennessee, Putnam Co. Civil District No. 9 June 14th day 1894 We, Drs W.M. & W.S. Farmer have this day professionally examined Gallant Tucker & find his mental faculties strictly normal or good. Also we find his present physical conditions as follows. Pulse 66. Respiration 19. Temperature 97.6. Muscles of radical side of his fore right arm injured, the result of wound, right fore foot partiality disabled for manual & continual use for labor. The applicant complains of continual pain near & up & down the spinal column-perhaps lumbago or some kindred affection in the spinal column or near it. The above physical condition(present) partially disables the applicant from hard & continued manual labor. We have no interest direct ot indirect in the prosecution of this claim. Our ages are respectfully according to record-66 & 27 years. P.O. Buffalo Valley, Putnam Co.,Tenn W.M. Farmer, M.D. W.S. Farmer, M.D. Sworn to and subscribed before me this June 14, 1894 Wade Jones, Justice of the Peace for Putnam County, Tenn ****************************************** Dr. Richard Jones, MD. Statement State of Tennessee, Putnam County In the Pension Claimant Certificate No.---- of Gallant Tucker of C. H, 1st Regt Tenn Mtd Inf on this June 15, 1894 personally appeared Dr. Richard Jones before me a Justice of the peace for said county & makes oath as due form of law and states as follows: I have been a regular practicing physician for the passed 39 years . I am now 60 years of age. My post office is Silver Point,Tenn. On the 12th day of June 1894 I made a professional & careful examination of the claimant-found him suffering with injury to head, injury to right arm, total deafness of right ear & injury right foot and lumbago from said troubles he is at least one half incapasitated for the performance of manual -appears that a page is missing-That as aclamint of said troubles he cannot possibly make over one half hand or do over one half the labor of an able bodied man. The should a person want to hire him they would or could not give him over one half the price of a good hand & he could not earn over one half as much money as an able bodied man free from disease. These troubles render the claimant at least one half unable to earn a support by manual labor. These troubles are to me professional and certain personal knowledge of a permanent character and as he is a man of good character morally & otherwise they are not to the best of my opinion due to any vicious habits on his part. I know these facts from personal knowledge. This statement was reduced to writing by John Tucker at Silver Point on June 15, 1894 in my presence & from my own dictation now made tohim & that in making the same I did not use and was not aided or prompted by any written or printed statements or recital preposed or dictated by any other means & not attached as an exhibit to this affidavit. Richard Jones, M.D. Sworn t & subscribed before me on the above day & date & I certify that the affiant is well & personally known to me & is a creditable person andis a regular practicing physician in good professional standing & that I have no interest in this case. John Tucker, J.P. For said county cert in file ****************************** STATEMENT OF THOMAS ANDERSON State of Tennessee, Putnam Country, In the matter for Pension Certificate of Gallant Tucker on this June 12, 1894. Personally appeared before me a Notary Public within & for the aforesaid country and state, Thomas Anderson age about 55 years a residence of said country whose post office is Silver Point, Tenn. Well and personally known to me to be reputable and entitled to full faith and credit as a witness & who being duly sworn, states in relation to the aforesaid case fallows: I was with our command on Obies River in Overton County, Tenn some time about Nov or Dec., 1864 when this claimant being in the advance guard and in persute of the enemy and going at a very rapid gait and there being a very short turn in the road and the bank of said river and the embankment being some 15 or 20 feet high this claimants horse could not make the turn so his horse and all went over said embankment into said river injuring the claimant very much in and about the small of the back. This happened while the claimant was in the regular discharg of his duty & while he was in lone of duty & while he was in persute of the enemy. That at the date of our discharge May 23, 1865 he was suffering & complaining with same. I have lived near this claimant yearly since the late was within from one to four or five miles of him and saw him often each year. This claimant also suffer with an injured foot and some 18 years ago he was severly injured in the head and from all of said trouble I consider this claimant at least one half disabled and from what I know of him and have know since the late was he is & has been yearly incapactitated from the performance of manual labor in such degree as to render him at least one half unable to earna support by manual labor. These facts I know from personal knowledge & I know the claimant well prior to his enlistment he was to my certain knowledge a sound man-never heard him complain of anything at all up to the time of the injury on Obies River and he has continuous suffered & complained every since. I am in ----interested in this case & am not concerned in it prosecution This statement was reduced to writing by JOHN TUCKER at Silver Point, Tenn of June 12, 1894 in my presence & from my own statements now made to him that in making the same I did not use and was not aided or prompted by any writing or printed statement or recited ---or dictated by any other person & not attached as an exhibit to this affidavit. I was a Sargent of Co. H, 1st Reg Tenn Mtd Inf. Thomas Anderson Sworn to & subscribed before me on the above day & date and I certify that I am in nowise interested in the case & am not concerned in its prosecution. J. S. Mitchell N.P. for said country ****************************** John Tucker's Statement in 1894 State of Tennessee, Putnam Co. In the Pension Claim No.----of Gallant Tucker, late of Co. H 1st Reg. Tenn Mtd Vols Inf, on this June 15, 1894 personally appeared before me a notary public within & for the aforesaid county & state, John Tucker, age 33 years , a resident of said county & post office Silver Point, Tenn. Who being duly sworn states in relation to the aforesaid case as follows: I am a nephew of the claimant. I worked for him as a hired boy during the year 1872 or 1873, I don't remember now which years but one or the others that during said years he suffered & complained much with a trouble about the small of the back and was by reason of said trouble rendered at least one half unable to perform manual labor and did not during said year make over one half an average hand at labor and by reason of said trouble could not make over one half a hand would ---did during said year often give out and have to quit work on account of said trouble. I lived to him a near neighbor from 1872 or 1873 up to the year 1875 when I went to the state of KY and came back to this part in the summer of 1878 and lived to him a near neighbor every years since and worked with him ---in 1870 & 1872 and he from 1878 up to the present has suffered and complained with said back trouble and did not & could not do or perform over one half the labor of an able bodied man on account of or by reason of said back trouble and the claimant has always since 1872 or 1873 alledged or claimed that said back trouble was received from a horse falling over or going over an embankment of a river (inserted -during his). The claimant is now and has been for about a year unable to labor but very(underlined) little at no time from 1872 or 1873 to 1875 & from 1878 to the present has the claimant been able to make over one half hand at labor of any kind. And could do no labor at all at which he would have to bend over or stoop. I know these facts from personal knowledge & I have no interest in this case & am not concerned in its prosecution. I wrote this statement myself on June 15, 1894 that in making this same I did not use & was not aided or prompted by ant written or printed statement or recital prepared or dictated by any other person & not attached as an exhibit to this affidavit. John Tucker Sworn to & subscribed before me June 15, 1894 & I certify that the affiant is personally known to me & is a creditable person & that I have no interest direct or indirect in this case. J. S. Mitchell N.P. for said county ************************** 1894 Statement of William T. Jones State of Tennessee, Putnam County In the Matter for Pension Certificate No-----of Gallant Tucker, late of Co. H 5th Regt Tenn Mtd Inf Vols on this June 13, 1894 personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace, within & for the aforsaid county & State, William T. Jones age 42 years , a resident of said country and Post Office Silver Point, Tenn personally well known to me to be reputable and entitled to full faith & credit as a witness being duly sworn states in relation to the aforsaid case as follows: I have known the claimant personally well since my first recollection have worked with him nearly everly years for the passed 13 years and every year except one for the passed six years at divers kinds of farming labor and knows that fact from my own certain & personal knowledge that during said time has not & could not do or perfor manual labor to exceed one half that of an able bodied man that on divers times during said time has often given complettly out and at times could hardly able get from the field to the house on account of or by reason of a trouble about the small of the back , always claimed that the same was received by him while he was in the service from a horse falling or going over an embankment into a river, some 15 or 20 years ago he received a sevre injury in the head and as I am imformend from the hands of one John Wallace which injury he complains much of. I have also often noticed that his right foot is affected with which he suffered & complains taking all the troubles together he has not & could not during said time do or perform as much as one half labor and from which he is often unable to labor at all. These troubles are not in my opinion of a fixed character and are not due to vicarous habbits as he is a man of good habbits -onally & otherwise. I make these statements from personal knowledge, yearly observations & from having worked with the claimants on divers years & at various times for the passed 13 years seing & knowing that he did not and could not and does not now & cannot do or perform to exceed one half labor of an able bodied man and does not & cannot earn over one half as much as an able bodied man free of disease and should a person want to hire him and they knew his feeble condition theo would not & could not afored to give him over one half the price of an able bodied man. I have no interest in this case & am not concerened in its prosecution. This statement was reduced to writing by John Tucker at Silver Point,Tenn on June 13, 1894 in my presence & from my own statement now, made to him and that in making the same I did not use & was not aided or prompted by an written or printed statement or reciteal preposed or dictated by any other person and not attached as an exhibit to this affidavit. Attest: G.W. Stewart Walter Jones William T(his mark)Jones Sworn to & subscribed before me on June 13, 1894 & I certify that I am in nowise interested in this cause & am not concerned in its prosecution. John Tucker J.P. for said county ********************************* Affidavit of James S. Jones, Marcus Hellurms(?) and William T. Jones State of Tennessee, Putnam Co In the matter renstate Crt. No. 579558 of Gallant Tucker, late of Co."H" 1st Regt. Tenn Mtd Inf Vols on this November 23, 1895 personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace within & for said county & state James S. Jones age 55 years a resident of said county Tenn and states in relation to the above case as follows: I heard Enoch Fisher say some time during the first part of the late war of 1861-5 that he had shot at this claimant Gallant Tucker. And that if he did not go into the Confederate army(God I affirm)he would kill or have him killed. I therefore am satisfied that said Gallant tucker was forced to joinConferderate army to save his life. Said Enoch Fisher was a confederate sympathizer and forcing all that he could into the Confederate service. Said Gallant Tucker was the youngest of five brothers and all the older ones were in the federal service except two- one of whom never joined any service and the other died about 1862. All of said five brothers were union men, non of whom went into the Confederate service in my opion except when they were forced to do so. Marcus Hellurms(?) age 50 years states that this claimant to his certain and personal knowledge was always a union man & in affaints opinion was forced into the Confederate service by Enoch Fisher & others threatening to kill him.. His Post Office is Silver Point,Tenn. Wm T. Jones age 45 years Post Office, Silver Point,Tenn. I was at the house of this calimmant's mother in Putnam County Tenn when he was run rsfon(?) by Enoch Fisher & others when said Tucker run & was shot at by Fisher and others. Tucker was a mere boy and these confederate sympathizers forced said Gallant Tucker into the Confederate service in affiants opinion-times were very squally and this boy as well as others were forced into the Confederate service to save his life in affiants opinion. I am satisfied that this claimant was forced into the Confederate Service. I know & have known the five Tucker brothers all my life and I know them to be uncompromising union men and the two that were in the Confederate Service were forced there in my opion. All affiants state that this affidavit was written by John Tucker Jr. at Silver Point,Tenn on Nov 23, 1895 & made from the oral unprompted statements of these affiants. We have no interest one way or other in this case. James S. Jones Attest: John Tucker Jr & James S. Jones Marcus(his mark x) Hellurms Witness to William T. Jones signature-I.D. Pedigo & Wade Jones William T.(his mark x) Jones Sworn to & subscribed before me on this Nov 23, 1895 and I certify that the foregoing affidavit was read & fully explained to these affiants before they excuted the same & that I have nointerest in this case & am not concerned in its prosecution. F.P. Oaks JP for said county cert on file William T. Jones was sworn to and subscribed to the foregoing affidavit before me Riley Jones a Notary Public for the County of Putnam. State of Tenn. I further state that I am not concerned in the prosecution of said claim. This Nov 25, 1895 Riley Jones N.P. ********************************* 1895 Documents Dropping Gallant Tucker from pension roll for serving in CSA.. 13 Feb 1895-Surgeon's Certificate : a detailed examination by J.R. Hudson, Pres./T.P. Davis, Sec'y/T.M. Eaten(?),Treas. In Alexandria, DeKalb Co.,Tennessee. Claim of Gallant Tucker Pvt. Co. H, 1 Tenn Mtd Inf P.O. Buffalo Valley, Putnam Co., TN. Flynns Lick, Tenn 7 Oct 1895 Sir: I have the honor to submit here-with the deposition of the pensioner cited above, which shows that he served as a pvt. With Co. F or H of 25 Regt. Of Tenn, Inf. Confederate States Army. I am reliably informed that Captains Shaw and Jones commanded Co. F at different times and there is no doubt but what that is the Company pensioner served in. He is pensioned under the Act of June 27, 1890. A call should be made on War Dept. for the record of his service, and the necessary steps taken to drop his name from the rolls in accordance with the present rulings of the Department. Very Respectfully, L. J. Taylor, Spl. Exm. Hon Wm Lochna(?), Comm of Pensions 21 Oct 1895 Record and Pension Office War Department Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions, with the information that Gallant Tucker, private Co. F(Capt Shaw) 25th Tenn Inf CSA enlisted at age 16 years, July 31, 1861 at Livingston for 12 months, and is reported on roll of Co. to 31 Oct 1861-Present. Roll from July 1 to Aug Aug 31, 1862(next on file) and subsequent rolls do not contain his name. Consolidated roll, dated April 1, 1864 purported to contain names of all members of the Co. from its organization to date, shown him "Deserted Oct 9, 1862". By authority of the Secretary of War:: F.C. Awisworth, Colonel, U.S. Army, Chief of Office5- 5-10 Nov 1895 Receipts for registered letter from Bureau of Pensions to Gallant Tucker and the signed receipt for the following letter: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions 2 November 1895 Sir: You are informed that it shown by a report from the records of the War Department and your own admission filed in the office that prior to your enlistment in the United States Army you had served in the Confederate Army. It is held by the Secretary of the Interior that under section 4716 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, a copy of which is inclosed, such Confederate service constitutes a bar to pension under the act of June 27, 1890. Under the provisions of the act of Congress of December 21, 1893, you will be given thrity days from receipt hereof in which to file any evidence that you may wish to file bearing upon the above-stated facts. At the expiration of that time, unless the facts are shown not to be as herein set forth, your name will be dropped from the list of pensioners. This letter should be return with your relpy, and the envelope inclosing the same and all testimony, should be addressed to the Commissioner of Pensions and marked in the lower left-hand corner, "Board of Review," except when the question relates to your service or discharge, in which case all correspondence should be sent to the War Department. Very respectfully, Wm Lochorn(?), Commissioner Undated, hand written note: This claimant served more thant the 12 months for which he enlisted in the CSA, which would indicate that he did not question the legality of his enlistment. The decision in Manthomy(matrimony) case has no bearing on this case. P. U. S. Pension Agency, Knoxville, Tenn. Dec. 20, 1895 Hon. Wm Lochreu, Commissioner of Pensions. Sir: I hereby report that the name of Gallant Tucker, Invalid (Act of June 27, 1890), who was a pensioner on the rolls of the Agency, under Certificate No. 57955888, and who was last paid at $ 12.00, to Nov 4, 1895, has been dropped because of your order of Dec. 17, 1895. Very respectfully, D.A. Carpenter, Pension Agent Brief for Reopening: Rest claim under act of June 27, 1890 filed June 7, 1901 and based upon restroeation was rejected 28 Oct 1901 upon the ground of Confederate Service. Evidence indicated below, filed since above rejection is -deemed sufficient to warrant reopening of claim ground of rejection not now - able under decision o the Honorable Assistant Secretary of the Interior. The claim is reopened for further consideration. 8 April, 1903 A.J. -siubur(?), J.N. Watson ********************* Declaration for Invalid Pension, 11 July 1902 State of Tennessee, County of Putnam ss: on this 11th day of July, A.D. one thousand nine hundred and two personally appeared before me, Riley Jones a Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid, Gallant Tucker aged 56 years, a resident of the town of Buffalo Valley, County of Putnam, State of Tenn., who being duly sworn according to law, declares that hs is the identical Gallant Tucker who eas Enrolled on the----day of-----,18--, in Co. H 1st Tenn Mtd Inf in the service of the United States in the War of the Rebellion, and served at least ninety days and was Honorably Discharged at Nashville Tennessee, on the 23rd day of May 1865. That he has not been employed in the Military or Naval service of the United States, prior to no other service in U.S. Army or subsequent to no other U.S. service. That he is now unable to earn a support by manual labor by reason of dissibilities here afore alledged in his former application and upon which he has heretofore been allowed a pension but dropped from the rolls because of prior service in the confederate army. That said disabilities are not due to his vicious habits and are to the best of kis knowledge and belief permanent, and have existed since his first application. The he had applied for pension, the said claim being N.---that he has been a pensioner under Certificate No. 579.558 at $12.00. That he makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the pension-roll of the United States under the provisions of the Acts of June 27, 1890, of May 9, 1900, and of July 1, 1902. He hereby appoints, with full power of substitution and revocation, T. W. TALLMADGE of Washington, D.C., his true and lawful attorney to prosecute his claim, and to receive there a fee of ten dollars; that his Post-Office address in Buffalo Valley, County of Putnam, State of Tennessee, Attest: Wade Jones John Tucker Gallant Tucker Also personally appeared Wade Jones, residing at Buffalo Valley, Tenn and N.B. Medley residing at Buffalo Valley, Tenn, persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say they were present and saw Gallant Tucker, the claimant, sign his name to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe the appearance of said calimant and their acquaintance with him for 40 years and 30 years, respectfully, that hs is the identical person he reperesents himself to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim. Wade Jones N.B. Medley Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 11th day of July, A.D. 1902 and I hereby certify that the contents of the foregoing declaration & c., were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witness before swearing, including the words----erased, and the words dissibilities added; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. Riley Jones N.P. for said county ************************* Reconsideration & Restoration of Invalid Pension 1901-1902 Claimant's Application for reconsideration "The extent of said disabilities are total incapacity for labor, as will be shown by reference to the report of the medical examining boards who examined him under his original claims in the case under Act June 27, 1890 said above disabilities are not the result of any v--- habits on claimants part. The claimant applies for a reconsideration of his said calim, because when he enlisted or served in the Confederate army he was a minor under the age of twenty one years & not servicable or responsible for his actions. He was born according to the the way he has always understood it on Feb 19, 1845 or 1846. For testimony of his age he refers to the records of Co. H 1st Tenn Mtd Infty Vols War Department. He not only applies for reconsideration and restoration but makes application for pension under Act June 27, 1890 as amended by the Act of May 9th, 1900. Claimant relies for relief under the desission of Assistant Campbell under date of Jan 5, 1901 in the cases of Stephen, M. Monthony and Josp(stamped over) - Starne(names are hard to read) He hereby appoints, with full power of substitution and revocation, T. W. Tallamadge, of Washington, D.C., as he true and lawful attorney, to prosecute his claim. His Post Office is Buffalo Valley, Putnam Co.,Tenn John Tucker Gallant Tucker H. S. Tucker State of Tennessee County of Putnam ss: Sworn to and subscribed before me this day by the above named affiant, and I certify that I read said affidavit to said affiant-his disabillities are added and acquainted him with its contents before he excuted the same. I further certify that I am in nowise interested in said case, nor am I concerned in its prosecution; and that said affiant is personally known to me and that he is a creditable person. Riley Jones, NP for said county Claimant's Appeal Application for Reconsideration State of Tennessee, County of Putnam, ss: On this 20th day of Nov, 1901 In the matter of Claim for Invalid Pension No. 579.558 Gallant Tucker, claimant. Personally came before me a Notary Public. "….said service was not voluntary because this applicant was not at an age when he could make a contract or bind himself to do any act which was not vaidable as he was at the time a minor under the law. When he became the age to make his acts binding and legal he had already enlisted in the Federal Service. He was about 18 or 19 years of age when he enlisted in the Federal Army. The Claimant applies for appeal for a reconsideration of his said claim, because at the date of his enlistment in said Confederate service, he was a monor under eighteen(18) years of age and was therefore not resposible for his actions at the time, hereby praying that such enlistment and service be set aside as null and void and ignored in his application for pension. He respectfully refers to the decision of Asst. Secretary Campbell in reg claim of Stephen M. Manthony Vol 11, p 193; Jasper M. Stein vol 9, p 488, Nathan Loch alias Lyons decided 1901 and prays that the principal set forth herein relating to the setting aside and ignoring the service in ….arm..when soldier enlisted under 18 years of age be extended to voluntary service in the Confederate Army under like circumstances and this impedence being returned. He being reinstated on the pension rolls. He hereby appoints, with full power of substitution and revocation, T.W. Tallmadge, of Washington, D.C., as his true and lawful attorney, to prosecute his claim. His Post Office is Buffalo Valley,Tennessee. J. P. Mitchell Gallant Tucker Jessie Treturn(hard to read) Riley Jones, NP Surgeon's Certificate 1902 Liberty, DeKalb Co., Tennessee 5 Nov 1902 Extensive medical report on disabilities. Dr. T.J. Jackson, Pres/ Dr. W.H. Robinsion, Sec'y Department of the Interior Washington, D.C. 30 Aug 1902 The Commissioner of Pensions. Sir: This is a claim under the act of June 27, 1890, rejected on the ground of the claimant's Confederation service. In view of the recent act of July 1, 1902, construing said act of June 27, 1890, and section 4716 of the Revised Statutes, this appeal is dismissed for adjudication of said claim under the act of July 1, 1902, and all papers are returned herewith. Should final action be again adverse, the claimant may again appeal, Very respectfully, F. L. Campbell, Assistant Secretary In the file was many pages of cover or transmittal pages not included. So ends the file for Gallant Tucker. His widow, Eliza Jane Garrison Tucker will follow. ************************** AFFIDAVIT OF PRETTYMAN JONES Reconsideration No. 579558 Gallant Tucker H 1st TN Mtd Inft. From: T.W. Talladge, attorney at law and solicitor of claims, Washington, D.C. State of TN, Putnam Co. In the matter for reconsideration restoration & pension under Act June 27, 1890 & May 9, 1900 of Gallant Tucker late of Co."H" 1st Rgt Tenn Mtd Infty Vols War 1861-1865. On this June 5, 1901 personally appeared before me a Notary Public within & for the aforesaid county & state Prettyman Jones age 58 years a resident of said county whose Post Office is Silver Point, Tenn well & personally known to me to be reputable and entitled to full faith & credit as a witness who being duly sworn states in relation to the aforesaid case as follows. I and the claiment Gallant Tucker were raised together he lived or stayed at my fathers house most of the time from the time he was 7 or 8 years old until the outbreak of the late rebellion. I am two or three years older that said Gallant Tucker and according to the way my parents always tought me I was born on July 23, 1842. I personally know that said Tucker was not 21 years old when he was in the army. I was Capt of Co."H" 1st Rgt Tenn Mtd Infty Vols and said Tucker was a member of my Co. and the muster out roll show that said Gallant Tucker was only 18 years old on March 1, 1864 and I am satisified that said roll contains something near his correct age at that date. So when he went off to the Confederate army he was only a brandness boy as I now remember he went off to the Confederate army in the latter part of 1861-& I am sure that he was not 21 years old at that time & an reasonably certain he was not over 16 years old then. I know said Tucker is a younger man than myself at least two or three years younger than I am. I have no interest dirrect or indirrect in this claim and am not concerned in it prosecution and make the above statement from my own personal knowledge. Prettyman Jones, Sr Sworn to subscribed before me on the above day and date and I certify that the foregoing affidavit was fully red & explained to the affiant before he excuted the same and that I have no interest either direct or indirect in the case nor am I concerned in its prosecution. Riley Jones N.P. for said county ************************** Affidavit of Joseph W. McKee No. 579558 State of Tennessee, Putnam Co. In the matter of reconsideration, restoration and pension under Act June 27, 1890 and Act May 9, 1900 of Gallant Tucker, Co. H, 1st Tenn Mtd Inf Vols. On this June 5,1901 personally appeared before me a Notary Public within and for the aforesaid County and the State, Joseph Y.(different than on the front of the doc.)McKee age 79 years a resident of DeKalb County, Tenn and whose Post Office address is Laurel Hill, Tennessee well and personally known to me to be reputable and ----to full faith and credit as a witness who being duly sworn according to law states in relation to the aforesaid case as follows, I have known the claimant ever since he was a child. I have a daughter named Iliodd/Hiodd who who was born on the 19th day of Feb 1845. About that time the claimant Gallant Tucker was born and it was reported at the time by the neighbors that my daughter and said Gallant Tucker was born on the same day. I was not present at the birth but heard of it at the time and am satisfied he and my daughter was born on the same day. I kept a record for a number of years of my daughters birth but when I broke up keeping house I turned said record over to my chidren but I destinctlly remember the date of birth of my said daughter and remember destinctlly hearing and it was a neighborhood report that Gallant Tucker and my said daughter was born on the same day Feb 19, 1845. I lived inside of three fourths of a mile of the Tucker family when Gallant was born. I am no kin to the claimant and make the above statement from personal knowledge, and that I have no interest dirrect or indirrect in this claim and am not concerned in its prosecution. J. Y. McKee Sworn to and subscribed before me on the above day and date and I certify that the foregoing affidavit was fully read and explained to the affiant before he executed the same and that I have no interest in this case and am not concerned in its prosecution. Riley Jones N.P. For said country ************************ Statement of 17 June 1903 On a printed letterhead-RILEY JONES General Merchandise, dry goods and groceries, hardware, boots and shoes, notions, etc. Buffalo Valley, Tenn., June 17, 1903 State of Tenn., Putnam County Personally appeared before me, Riley Jones, a notary public in and for said county and State. Gallant Tucker who makes oath in that his original pension certificate is unintentionally mislaif or lost. Does not know what become of it. Had it with other papers which were lost. Does not remember to have seen it for several years although has made diligent search for same. Witness: James W. Suttan Luke Jones Gallant Tucker Subscribed and sworn to before me and I also certify that original voucher was destroyed in my presence this June 17, 1903 Riley Jones, N.P. ********************* Eliza Jane Garrison Tucker The National Archives Cert. No. 709345 Veteran: Gallant Tucker Can No. 56470 Bundle No 19 Act of June 27, 1890, am amended by act of May 9, 1900 & July 1, 1902 DECLARATION FOR WINDOW'S PENSION State of Tennessee, County of Putnam,ss: On this 9th day of Feb A.D., one thousand nine hundred and ten personally appeared before me,a notary public within and for the county and State aforesaid, Eliza Tucker, aged 60 years, a resident of near Buffalo Valley, P.O., County of Putnam, State of Tennessee, who being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration in order to obtain pension under the provision of the act of Congress approved June 27, 1890, as amended by act of May 9, 1900 & July 1, 1902. That she is the widow of Gallant Tucker, who was enrolled under the name of Gallant Tucker at Carthage, TN on the -day of 1863 or 1864 as a private in Co. H, 1st Reg't. Tenn Mtd Inf Vols. And honorably discharged May 23, 1865, having served ninety days or more during the late war of rebellion. That the soldier was not in the military or naval service of the United States prior to 1863 or 1864 nor subequent to May 23, 1865. That she was married under the name of Eliza Garrison to said soldier at Putnam County on the -day of Oct. 1863 or 1864. (I have no record & don't remember the exact date) by M.D. Patterson, that there was no legal barrier to the marriage -that she had not been previously married; that the soldier had not been previously married. That the said soldier died, January 22, 1910 on the train near Nashville, TN. That she was not divorced from him; that she has not remarried since his death; and that she is without other means of support than her daily labor and an actual net income not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars per annum. She also claims accrued pension due the soldier from date of last payment to the date of his death. That the said soldier left the following-named children who are now living and under sixteen years of age, to wit: we never raised but one child and she is now about 44 years old. That she has not heretofore applied for pension, but soldier was a pensioner by Certification No. 579.558. That she hereby appoints, with full power of substitution and revocation. T.W. Tallmadge & Co. of Washington, D.C. Her true and lawful attorneys, to prosecute this claim, and agrees to pay them a fee of ten dollars therefor. That her post office address is Buffalo Valley, County of Putnam, State of Tennessee. Attest: Ewin Medley Canson Gentry Eliza(her mark)Tucker Also personally appeared Ewin Medley,residing at Buffalo Valley,TN and L.C. Gentry residing at Buffalo Valley,TN, persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say they were present and saw Eliza Tucker, the claimant, sign her name or make her mark to the forgoing declaration that they have every reason to believe, from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with her of 20 years and 1 ˝ years respectfully, that she is the identical person she represents herself to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim. Ewin Medley L.C. Gentry Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of Feb, A.D.,1910, and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, etc. were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, including the words Wm Fletcher erased and T.W. Talleradge added; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. & they are well known to me and are each credible persons and that I have known the claimant for at least 20 years. J.T. Askew Jr. NP For Putnam Co.,TN A second Declaration of Widow's Pension, Act of April 19 ,1908 was filled out on 1 March, 1910 with the same information but Ruben Medley and Ewin Medley(her grandsons) witnessed her mark(Eliza did not write) in front of J.T. Askew,Jr. NP for Putnam Co.,TN. (five written statements to come in second file) Buffalo Valley, Tenn. Oct 3, 1916 The Commissioner of Pension, Washington D.C. Dear Sir;- I am a pensioner as the widow of Gallant Tucker, late of Company "H" 1at Tenn. Mtd. Infty. Vols, war 1861-1865, and am advised that under a recent act of congress all widows 70 years old and older are entitled to $20.00 per month instead of $12.00 as provided by the act of June 27, 1890. According to the bible record I was 70 years old on Sept 8, 1916, having been born, according to said record on Sept 8, 1846. So please send me all necessary application and other blanks on which to make application, if an application be necessary. My pension certificate is No. 709.345 Yours truly, Eliza Tucker (typed letter) Buffalo Valley, Tenn August 5, 1926 Winfield Scott Commissioner of Pensions Washington, D.C. Dear Sir: The following is the marrage record of Eliza Tucker Eliza Tucker & Gallant Tucker were married Oct. 15, 1864 Gallant Tucker certificate # 579558. Eliza Tucker certificate # 709345. I can make sworne statement to this and furnish witnesses if necessary. Respt. Eliza Tucker (typed letter) JOHN TUCKER GENERAL MERCHANDISE COFFINS AND CASKETS Double Springs, Tenn. 11/12/1926 The Commissioner of Pensions, Washington D.C. Dear Sir;- My uncle Gallant Tucker was a private in Co"H" 1st Reg't Tenn Mtd Inf, war 1861-1865, and before his death was a pensioner by certificate No 579.558, and after his death his widow Mrs. Eliza Tucker was granted a pension by certificate No 709.345 and is now drawing a pension of $30.00 per month as such widow. She says that the best she remembers she and the soldier were married October 15, 1864. Says that she received a slip from you, which she filled out and returned. She thinks that under an act of congress past last May that she is entitled to $50.00 per month, and requested me to write you and ask that you either advise her at Buffalo Valley, Tennessee, or myself at this place as to whether she is entitled to the $50.00 per month. I take it that the records in her case will show the date of their marriage but if not, please advise us as to what testimoney will be necessary in her case. Awaiting your reply I beg to remain, Yours Very Truly, John Tucker (typed letter) Finance Division Department of the Interior Bureau of Pensions Dec 15, 1928 The name of the above-described pensioner who was last paid at the rate of $50.00 per month to Nov 4, 1928, has this day been dropped from the roll because of death Nov 29, 1928. O.J. Randall Chief, Finance Division *********************** September 1,1910 Five statements for Eliza Tucker's Widow's Pension State of Tennessee, Putnam County In the Matter for Widow's Pension No. 636.223 For Eliza, widow of Gallant Tucker late of Co."H" 1st Regt Tenn Mtd Inf Vols. War 1861-1865. On this the 1st day of Sept 1910, personally appeared before me a Notary Public within and for said state & county, the claimant Eliza Tucker who being duly sworn states in relation to the aforesaid case as follows. Myself and husband, Gallant Tucker, were married in Putnam County,Tenn as stated in my original declaration that the court house of said county was destroyed by fire in May 1899, as I now remember the date & from what others tell me, and that all the marriage records of said country prior to 1878. As I am informed was burned therein. I have had diligent search made for the record of out said marriage and the same cannot be found That-Patterson, M.G. who married us is dead as I am informed, and each and all eyes witnesses to said marriage are wither dead or their whereabouts are unknown , would therefore ask the consideration of the testimoney of Capt Prettyman Jones & L.F. Vaughn as the best evidence I am able to now obtain showing our said marriage. There were no attending physicians at the death of my husband and cannot therefore prove the date of his death by any physician, would ask the consideration of others as to that my husband died on January 22, 1910. Attest: John Tucker Edwin Medley Eliza her mark x) Tucker Subscribed & sworn to before me on this Sept 1st 1910 and I certify that said affiant is personally known to me and is a creditable person and that the contents of the foregoing affidavit was fully read & explained to the affiant before she executed the same and that I have no interest in this case & am not concerned in its procesution. J.T. Askew Jr. NP For said county …..personally appeared before me a Notary Public within & for the aforesaid state & county, L.F. Vaugh age 60 years a residence of DeKalb County,Tenn & Post Office address Silver Point,Tenn RFD No. 1 who I certify to be reputable & entitled to full faith & credit as a witness and who being duly sworn according to law states in relation to the aforesaid case as follows. Myself , the claimant Eliza Tucker whose maiden name was Eliza Garrison and the soldier Gallant Tucker were all raised here in & near Buffalo Valley, Tenn together. I am of the opinion that the soldier & claimant are each a little older than myself, but I have known them personally & well countinouselly yearlly ever since their & my boy & girlhood & before they were ever married and know that neither of them were ever married prior to their maiired to each other. I was here in the neighhood at the time & heard of their marriage but never saw the same & have lived a neighbor to them continually yearly as a neighbor ever since & know that they lived and cohabitted together as husband & wife contuiously and were never divorced from each other down to the date of the soldiers death a short time ago and I know futher that said Eliza has remained a widow ever since the soldier's death * is still his widow & unmarried. Said soldier left a farm here in Buffalo Valley,Tenn. I suppose worth in cash about $2000.00 a few head of horses & mules & other stock, but I am sure that the net income from said farm & could or wouldn't in any event exceed $200.00 a year after deducting expenses for repairs, insurance, taxes & other necessary expences. I make the foregoing statements from personal knowledge, observation & c. I am in nowise interested in this case & I am not concerned in its prosecution & am not related to the claimant either by blood or marriage. L.F. Vaughn Subscribed & sworn to before me on this Sept 1st 1910 & I certify that the contents of the foregoing affidavit was fully read & explained to the witness before he executed the same & that I have no interest in this case & am not concerned in its prosecution. L.F. Puckett NP For said county ……personally appeared before me a Notary Public within & for the aforesaid state & county, Prettyman Jones age 67(9-ink ran)years a residence of said county and whose post office address is Silver Point,Tenn RFD No. 3 who I certify to be reputable and entitled to full faith and credit as a witness who being duly sworn according to law, states in relation to the aforesaid case as follows. Myself, Gallant Tucker & Eliza Tucker, whose maiden name was Eliza Garrison were all raised her in & near Buffalo Valley,Tenn together. I am older than either of them. I knew them well from boy & girlhood and before they were married and know that neither of them were ever married prior to their marriage to each other. I was Capt of Co "H" 1st Tenn Mtd Inf. Gallant Tucker the deceased soldier in this case was one of my privates, was a single unmarried man when he enlisted and while he was a soldier in my Co he and said Eliza were married. I never saw them married but know of the time about 1864. I have lieve a neighbor to them practically all the time since & know that they continually lived & cohabited together as husband & wife from that time to the date of the soldier's death & never was divorced from each toehr. I know further that said Eliza has remained a widow ever since said soldier's death & never remarried & is still his widow. Said soldier left a farm here in Buffalo Valley worth I suppose in cash about $2000.00 & a few head of horses & mules & other stock but I am sure that the net income from said farm & c. would in nowise exceed $200.oo a year after keeping up the place, paying taxes, insurance & other necessary expenses. I have been a farmer most all of my life. I have considerable experience in farming. My place joins this place. I know the nature of the soil & the amount produced per acre & c. & from all this information & c. I am sure that the net income from this place after paying taxes, keeping up repairs, insurance & c. I am sure the net income from said place could not in any event exceed $200.00 per year. I make the foregoing statement from personal knowledge, observation & c. I futher state that I have no interest one way or another in this case & am not concerned in its prosecution Prettyman Jones, Sr. Sworn to & subscribed before me this Sept 1st 1910 L.F. Puckett NP For said county I, W.O. Watson, Clerk of the County Court of said County do hereby certify that I am the regular custodian of the tax duplicates of said county showing the assessed value of all real estate and personal property assessiable in said county and from said records it appears that there was assessed to Gallant Tucker for the year 1909 Real Estate to the value of $900.00 and personal property to the value of $785.00 Total $1685.00 That this is all the property assessed to him in said county for said year. And that real estate in this county for said 1909 was as an average assessed at about two thirds of its actual cash value and that there is no property assessed to his widow, Eliza Tucker for 1909, Witness my hand & seal this Sept 6, 1910 W.O. Watson, Clerk of said county court …..personally appeared before me a Notary Public within & for the aforesaid state & county, Ewin Medley age 28 years whose residence is Buffalo Valley, Tenn & post office address the same and W.W. Jared age 35 whose post office address is Buffalo Valley, Tenn. Both of whom I certify to be reputable and enabled to full faith and credit as witnesses and who being duly sworn states in relation to the aforesaid case as follows. We were present at the burial of Gallant Tucker, deceased and state that is was on January 23, 1910 and that it was then and there & ever since known & understood that he died on the day before Jan 22, 1910 I I Ewin Medley state that I am a grandson of the deceased and was with him during the whole of his last illness & know that he died on January 22, 1910 and that his widow my grandmother, Eliza Tucker is still his widow having never remarried since his death. Ewin Medley W.W. Jared Sworn to & subscribed before me on the day & date aforesaid & I certify that I am in nowise interested in this case and am not concerned in its prosecution of the foregoing. Affidavit was fully read & explained to the witnesses before the executed the same and that they fully understood it sontents. J.F. Askew, Jr. NP For said county These statements were sent to T.W. Tallmadge & Co., Kellogg Bldg. 1416 F St., Washington,D.C.