Washington Township, Clark County, Indiana

This cemetery is located on Allen Nutting or Virginia Cooper's Farm at Latitude 382334N, Longitude 0854041W, in Washington Township of Clark County, Indiana.

Luanne Stahly, Connie Cole Utley and Barbara Cole Marsh visited the site in January 2003.  They are preparing a report based on the stones they were able to read at that time.

The following index of the Adams Cemetery appears to have been prepared circa 1960 or 1970 and was found at the Jeffersonville Library:

ADAMS           Jane M. (age 94)        b. 07/02/1769   d. 01/09/1864 

ADAMS           Levin                   b. 06/02/1806   d. 07/28/1852 

ADAMS           Mabbiet, daughter of

                Myarn and Jane Adams

                (age 59)                b. ????         d. 02/14/1872 

ADAMS           Mary Polly (age 15)     b. ????         d. 05/18/1814 

ADAMS           Sarah (age 11 yrs.)     b. 07/26/1831   d. ???? 

ADAMS           Thomas (age 28 yrs.)    b. ????         d. 08/23/1838 

ARBUCKLE        James                   b. 12/18/1802   d. 07/28/1833 

ARBUCKLE        John                    b. 08/31/1771   d. 08/26/1848 

ARBUCKLE        Thomas                  b. 2 May 1747   d. 1843

                (per Roster of Soldiers

                and Patriots of the 

                American Revolution             SEE NOTES BELOW

                Buried in Indiana, 

                published 1938)

BOWER           Margret (age 85)        b. 05/02/1781   d. 01/23/1862 

CARR            Sarah J. and Orra,

                daughters of Thomas

                J. & Nancy Carr

                (age 5)                 b. ????         d. 09/15/1842 

DAVIS           Eliza (age 44 yrs,

                4 mo., 2 days)          b. ????         d. 10/14/1852 

DAVIS           W.                      b. 03/09/1812   d. ???? 

DAVIS           W. M.                   b. 01/12/1839   d. 03/03/1861 

FIFER           Infant of John &

                Jane Fifer              b. ????         d. 10/27/1844 

FISHER          Marten                  b. 02/13/1820   d. 08/06/1858 

GULICK          Sarah, daughter of

                Marthias & Jane

                Adams (age 27 yrs.)     b. ????         d. 06/05/1820 

McKEE           Infant son of J. A.

                & S. R. McKee           b. 03/03/1843   d. ???? 

PERVINE         "William Pervine and

                his daughter" were

                buried here, shortly

                after Mary Polly Adams,

                who was the first per-

                son buried here", per

                History of the Ohio

                Falls Counties, pub.


PROVINE         John (age 17)           b. ????         d. 10/17/1821 

TILFORD         J. H. Tilford (age 26)  b. ????         d. 09/21/1853 

TILFORD         John Wesley, son of

                B. F. & H. S. Tilford   b. 06/15/1845   d. 04/23/____ 

TILFORD         Margaret J.             b. 04/09/1829   d. 11/21/1906 

TILFORD         Permelia, wife of

                Robert Tilford          b. 09/10/1806   d. 06/02/1880 

TILFORD         Bena, wife of ______    b. 1805         d. 1886 

WALKER          Mary P.                 b. 02/12/1811   d. 03/14/1888 

WALKER          William                 b. 08/25/1802   d. 12/20/1870 

WELCH           Emma, daughter of 

                C. M.                   b. 02/25/1858   d. 12/17/1891 

WELCH           Hamilton H. (age 24

                yrs., 11 mos., 14 

                days)                   b. ????         d. 11/24/1838 

WELCH           Patrick                 b. 08/27/1777   d. 01/25/1853


Judy Richards <> reported the following on July 21, 2003:

Daughters of the American Revolution, Source Book For Patriots Buried In Indiana.
Thomas Arbuckle, father of James Arbuckle, who married Susanna Bland. This paper says that Thomas Arbuckle died 6 Sept 1843, while he was living with son John in Jefferson Co., but was buried in Clark Co., and buried in the Adams graveyard, New Washington, IN.

Thomas Arbuckle was married circa1766 Augusta Co, VA to Elizabeth Lawarence (b. 1748, d. about 1801).

Thomas Arbuckle's Revolutionary War Service:

Enlisted at Botetourt Co, VA; served 15 days as Lt. in Capt. George Givens' Virginia Co. versus Indians on Holston River Big Island.

Enl. Apr 1780 for 6 mos. as Pvt. in Capt. John Bowles' Company, under Col. Benjamin Logan. VA Reg. Was in Battle at Pickway.

Enl. 1782 for 6 mos., same Company; was in Battle at Big Miami. Stationed at Whitley's Station.

REF: OBI:41; Egan: V.1:19, V.2:263; 1840 Pens. Cen. age 95, Jefferson Co, Saluda Twp., living with son John.
Pension Claim #16609, applied in 1833 at age 86.
Family Records of J. C. Jefferds, WVA; PI : 17; DAR # 554414, in Pension Roll: 75
Judy Richards <> provides the following information concerning the children of Thomas Arbuckle and Elizabeth Lawrence:
1. Ann Arbuckle, m. 1797 to Henry James

2. Elizabeth Arbuckle, m.1798 to John Smith

3. Margaret Arbuckle, m. 1800 to Daniel F.McKunney

4. John Arbuckle, m.1801 to Susanna Smith

5. Fanny Arbuckle, m. (1st) 1805 to Samuel Lawrence; m. (2nd) 1815 to Capt..James Arbuckle, m.(3rd) 1824 to Phillip Redenbaugh

Judy found in the Indiana State Historical Library on 07/21/2003  that Capt. James Arbuckle married Fanny Lawrence 05-18-1815 in Jefferson Co, IN and she married her third husband, Phillip Redenbaugh, 03-31-1824 in Jefferson Co, IN
6. Polly Arbuckle, m. 1808 to James Mc Croskey

7. James Arbuckle,  b. 18 Feb 1767, m. Susanna Bland

8. Sally Arbuckle, m. 1809 to Robert  Robertson

For addition inforation on ARBUCKLE, contact Judy Richards <>

The following excerpt is from History of the Ohio Falls Counties, published 1882:
"The old Walker graveyard, which is now on Colonel Martin Adam's place {see Adams Family Cemetery page [Jeffersonville Twp.] for more information on the Adam family in Clark Co.}, was used as early as 1814. It was then surrounded by the woods, having been located in the midst of a strong growth of beech timber. The location was probably determined by the death of Mary Polly Adams, who was the first person buried within its present limits. William Pervine and his daughter were the next who were laid to rest under the shady beech and oak. This old graveyard is now but little used. Its like is seldom met in the history of Clark county."
I have no further information on this cemetery. This index was obtained from the Jeffersonville Township Public Library, 211 East Court Avenue, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130, telephone: (812) 285-5635.

E-mail: Dee Pavey

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