to Cemetery Index
Place your Expression of Sentiment. |
Margie Wyatt
Cemetery: Glenwood
I think of you every day, Mom, and I miss
you always. -Sent: Laura
Porter Mon Aug 2 19:33:42 1999
Relationship: Daughter
Members of the Small, Young
and Dulin Families
Cemetery: Unknown
To all those I never
knew but who will always remain a part of me. -Sent: Charlene C. Duline Sat Aug 7 12:02:42
Relationship: Descendant
The Brumfields
Cemetery: Pleasant Hill
Sent: - Wed Sep 1 11:41:16 1999
Relationship: Descendants
Nina Kenner
Cemetery: Pleasant Hill
Momma, I miss you so very much. -Connie Kenner Smedley Sat Sep 25
00:19:49 1999
Relationship: Daughter
and Elizabeth Stevenson
Cemetery: Unknown
Although we never
met, you were gone so many years ago. You are a part of me and I want to
say thank you for being who you were.
Elizabeth (1810-February 14, 1865)
Samuel (1788-186?) -Becky-Dixon
Messier Thu Dec 16 21:39:04 1999
Relationship: 3rd G
Permelia Rickman Shemwell
Cemetery: Mount Sharon
Thanks for the humble life you
lived. I feel I have gotten to know you from researching your family. I
look forward to meeting you when we all return to the other side. -Jennifer Cox Wed Mar 29 21:50:11 2000
Relationship: descendant
Vites & Ima Powell
Cemetery: Mount Tabor
Mom & Dad there's not a
day goes by that I don't
think of you. You will
always be in my heart. Nova -Nova Sun
Jul 1 16:27:37 2001
Relationship: Daughter
In memory of my PENICK
family members
Cemetery: Glenwood and Penick Cemeteries
gratitude to Nathan and Nancy Helen (Caldwell) PENICK for the strength,
faith and integrity they began in a great pyramid of descendants! We
SHALL meet! -Martha (Penick)
LAMKIN Tue Oct 23 14:00:48 2001
Relationship: GGgranddaughter
In memory of my PENICK
family members
Cemetery: Glenwood and Penick Cemeteries
gratitude to Nathan and Nancy Helen (Caldwell) PENICK for the strength,
faith and integrity they began in a great pyramid of descendants! We
SHALL meet! -Martha (Penick)
LAMKIN Tue Oct 23 14:02:13 2001
Relationship: GGGgranddaughter
In memory of my PENICK
family members
Cemetery: Glenwood and Penick Cemeteries
gratitude to Nathan and Nancy Helen (Caldwell) PENICK for the strength,
faith and integrity they began in a great pyramid of descendants! We
SHALL meet! -Martha (Penick)
LAMKIN Tue Oct 23 14:05:19 2001
Relationship: GGGgranddaughter
Vites & Ima Powell
Cemetery: Mr. Tabor
Words could never express what your
leadership and faith has done for me in my life. You both were so loving
and giving to me growing up and I take that with me everyday of my life.
God blessed me with having you as my grandparents and for that I am
truely gratefull. -Mike
Powell Wed Apr 10 21:11:54 2002
Relationship: Grandson
Girtie Pauline Boyd
Cemetery: Stokes
I Love, and miss you so very much. I wish you were here so see your
Great grandchildren. You would be so proud! -Lauria Meacham Kidd Sat Aug
24 23:25:25 2002
Relationship: Granddaugter
Dorris Calvin Meacham
Cemetery: Stokes Chapel
I was only 3 yrs old when you passed on, I didn't get to know you as well
as I should have, but my love still goes on for you and missing you
always. I will always be your little girl. I only wish you could see your
Grandchildren. You would be so proud! Daddy I love you! -Lauria Meacham Kidd Sat Aug
24 23:33:23 2002
Relationship: Daughter
-Alpha J. Bourn
Tue Feb 18 13:17:19 2003
Relationship: decendent cousin
Nancy Jo Killebrew
Cemetery: Edgewood Cemetery, Trenton, Ky
Mama, we miss you every
day. We look forward to laughing together with you again when we join
you in heaven. -Sandra Thu Mar 6
13:39:00 2003
Relationship: Daughter
rev. alfred c. richmond
Cemetery: mt.sharon
rev. alfred richmond, i will meet you on the
other side some day. -gary
richmond Mon Mar 24 06:20:21 2003
Relationship: ggrandson
Mary Louise Milliken Childs
The greatest gift in life is helping others. Your
benevolent acts have created a legacy to be carried on by the people of
Todd County therefore teaching us that giving is all we truly have on
this earth. - Sun Aug
29 02:12:02 2004
Relationship: Milliken Memorial Community House
Mary Rebecca Wells Milliken
Cemetery: Glenwood
The song has ended but the melody
continues - Sun Aug 29
02:21:07 2004
Relationship: Milliken Memorial Community House
Benjamin Hord Milliken
Cemetery: Glenwood
His true wealth was in his heart, and what
tremendous wealth he did have. - Sun Aug 29 02:23:19 2004
Relationship: Milliken Memorial Community House Association
Nold Wells
Cemetery: Glenwood
Your time on earth was spent
helping others. You truly knew the secret to life... Operator of the
Milliken Memorial Community House - 50 years. Teacher, County Court
Clerk, Librarian, God sent
yhouse Sun Aug 29 02:28:39 2004
Relationship: Milliken Memorial
Community House Association
gladys scott
Cemetery: edgewood trenton,ky.
maw, i miss you so much and i
know you are with pawpaw in heaven .i will love you forever. -sandy martin Fri Jan 20 22:37:36
Relationship: granddaughter
Gladys Scott
Cemetery: Edgewood Trenton,Kentucky
Nanny,we love you and miss
you. -Jason,Casey,& Mary Beth
Martin Mon Jan 30 07:44:28 2006
Relationship: Great grandchildren
Lauren D. Seay
Cemetery: Edgewood Trenton,Ky
Pee-Paw, it's been 17 years
since you passed away but I still miss you every day.I wish you could
have met your great-grandchildren. They would have loved you as much as I
do. -Sandy Martin Mon Mar 20
11:16:36 2006
Relationship: Granddaughter
William R. Scott
Cemetery: Edgewood
Paw-Paw, I love you and miss you every day. -
Sandy Martin Mon Mar 20
11:20:19 2006
Relationship: Granddaughter
Relationship: DAUGHTER
wick and gladys scott
Cemetery: edgewood trenton
Relationship: DAUGHTER
Donnie Mcgehee
Cemetery: McCoplin-Allegre
I miss you so. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I love
you and always will even beyond death. Always, Neeley -Rose{Neeley} Pence Thu Sep 25
14:21:13 2008
Relationship: Brother
Big D from Allegre
Cemetery: McCoplin-Allegre
Here at Thy Tomb,
These Tears I shed.
Tears Which Vainly Roll,
Are All Love Hath To Give The Dead,
And Weep Over The Soul.Donnie, Rest Easy, Luv, Your Family Will Lie next
to Thee,Down Thru The Years and on into Eternity. Your Music Plays on in
my Heart and Soul. I know you are singing in Heaven. I love You. Neeley
-Rose{Neeley} Thu Sep 25 16:06:45
Relationship: Brother, Cousin
daddy has always bin there for me sents i was little untill igrowen
up for him
i will never for get my daddy hands
i remember my daddy's hands big and strong love jeannie your daughter
we miss you daddy
daddy my cousin shelia and i miss you very much love jeannie and my
favorite cousin shelia -wilma Wed Jan 27 16:17:26
Relationship: greate
Ronnie Seay
Cemetery: Edgewood
Daddy,I Love You and miss you so much. -Sandy Martin Thu May 27 08:22:21
Relationship: Daughter
All my family that has gone
on before me
Cemetery: unknown
Although I never met you, you
are forever in my heart.And to my nephew that was killed before his time
rest in peace,I love each and everyone of you. -audrey Sun May 26 20:58:37 2013
Relationship: descendant,kinsman
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by deterring sources. In retrospect, Ellsberg's leak of the think-
tank version of the Vietnam War was far less potentially disruptive than
either that of Manning or Snowden. That leak was causing dwindling
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leaders: He wants to bring the death rates for children in poor countries
down to the same levels as rich countries, and he wants to equalize
education in the U.S. between inner-city and suburban kids. You could
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Others say they saw little need for Apple to expand or speedup its
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swings into full campaign mode to promote the benefits of the Affordable
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Allegedly. But we don't really pay attention to Congress, because
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several Orthodox rabbis, has suggested Barkat is in favor of territorial
compromise, a term that often means giving away East Jerusalem to the
Palestinians. Barkat says he is a staunch supporter of an undivided
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Its unemployment rate is the second lowest in the EU. Its economy, the
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Rather than waste energy all day long when youâre not around, use
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into the radioactive reactor buildings. It is mixed with another 400 tons
injected daily to keep the melted fuel cores cool. The company was
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the end. Interest rates on long-term government bonds have risen
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these bonds has ended and gone into reverse. The redemption yield on a
typical British 15-year government bond has increased to 3.2pc. So bonds
now offer a better interest yield than before which means that shares are
not obviously better value. Yet clearly they are still more attractive.
The average dividend yield on the FTSE 100 index is 3.6pc as I write and,
considering that dividends rise in the long term, shares are still a much
better buy. There will have to be a much bigger rise in government bond
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AstraZeneca is taking a different approach to rivals withits FluMist
product, which already commands a higher price thaninjections, by opting
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moving at a breakneck pace, adding 200 software engineers and investing
$150 million in new facilities. âThis program was overly optimistic
on design complexity and software complexity, and that resulted in
overpromising and underdelivering,â OâBryan said. He insisted
that, despite a rocky start, the company is on schedule. Pentagon
officials are not as confident. They cannot say when Lockheed will
deliver the 8.6 million lines of code required to fly a fully functional
F-35, not to mention the additional 10 million lines for the computers
required to maintain the plane. The chasm between contractor and client
was on full display on June 19, 2013, when the Pentagonâs chief
weapons tester, Dr. J. Michael Gilmore, testified before Congress. He
said that âless than 2 percentâ of the placeholder software
(called âBlock 2Bâ) that the Marines plan to use has completed
testing, though much more is in the process of being tested. (Lockheed
insists that its âsoftware-development plan is on track,â that
the company has âcoded more than 95 percent of the 8.6 million lines
of code on the F-35,â and that âmore than 86 percent of that
software code is currently in flight test.â) Still, the pace of
testing may be the least of it. According to Gilmore, the Block 2B
software that the Marines say will make their planes combat capable will,
in fact, âprovide limited capability to conduct combat.â What
is more, said Gilmore, if F-35s loaded with Block 2B software are
actually used in combat, âthey would likely need significant support
from other fourth-generation and fifth-generation combat systems to
counter modern, existing threats, unless air superiority is somehow
otherwise assured and the threat is cooperative.â Translation: the F-
35s that the Marines say they can take into combat in 2015 are not only
ill equipped for combat but will likely require airborne protection by
the very planes the F-35 is supposed to replace. -Quincy Wed Aug 24 03:42:54 2016
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analysts, conscious of the Communist Party's penchant for stage-
managing public events, warned that the micro-blog feed was selective and
not as transparent as a real-time, live television broadcast. -Victoria Wed Aug 24 03:42:55 2016
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Tripoli and across the rest of Libya. They worry that American convoys
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accused of transporting stolen government assets across international
borders. And why wouldn’t the prime minister’s
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the border authorities to try to apprehend a mule of stolen property
caught red handed, I would want to know why. Since when can a
journalist’s lover be bestowed the same rights, and expense
accounts as a journalist? Think we should do the same for doctors,
lawyers, and say CIA officers? Glen Greenwald knowingly and intentionally
set up a younger man who is financially and emotionally dependent upon
him, to carry stolen digital information, which he undeniably knew
authorities were seeking and had plenty of ways to track its movement.
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who has made an international reality TV installments about Glen, now
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that protection has been eroded because courts have routinely granted
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programs in Beijing and Shanghai. China has set a goal of making a major
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tracking the S&P 500 index dropped after a report thatObama had
rejected the Republican offer, but rose when detailsof the meeting
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gotta ask Woody, man. Whatever plan is in place, man, we have one, which
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Securitiesand Exchange Commission filed civil lawsuits against the
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Peaceful protest to petition government to make changes for the
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a six-pack daily over the span of 20 years. For 17 months, working from
bottom to top, Milkovisch coated the home with cans of Budweiser, Texas
Pride, Shiner – really, whatever brand was on sale. He created
long, decorative garlands from beer can tops and hung them along the
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thrown into the world of full-time childcare. Unable to find a basic
training manual for bringing up baby, he decided to write one, Commando
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the arrival of the “Royal BT” – Baby
Trooper, as Commando Dads are encouraged to think of their newborns
– the Duke of Cambridge has been thumbing through its no-
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to transport the oil would be moot. In general, trains require power to
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criminal contempt. Prosecutors say she refused to testify before the
grand jury even though she was offered immunity. -Abigail Wed Aug 24 10:30:42 2016
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that coastal communities will see "increased frequency" of
flooding akin to that in New Jersey and New York after 2012's
Superstorm Sandy because of climate-induced sea level rise. "Events
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Even if the Kemper and Boundary Dam plants perform well, the industry may
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statement that the research shows why the nation must continue to invest
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and were tied together with string that was passed through their belt
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to policy decisions. I use the tools of decision psychology and
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âBut weâre not rushing him. If we have to start the season with
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But looks could be deceiving. While internal German governance may thrive
under a grand coalition, it could result in gridlock on the Eurozone
crisis issue. Of course, this is only possible if the current coalition
of CDU and FDP fails to get a majority in the upcoming election. Most
German watchers are predicting that we are in for a very different era
even if Merkel remains Chancellor after the September elections because
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Jack had planned to demonstrate his techniques to hack intopacemakers and
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next Thursday. He told Reuters last weekthat he could kill a man from 30
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enterprise value of about $115 billion and owns an interest in or
operates approximately 80,000 miles of pipelines and 180 terminals.
Understandably, many analysts follow it closely. They're curious to
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He says holding summer services on a well-stocked 10-acre fishing lake is
putting new congregants at ease and making them more receptive to his
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after the £2.6m robbery â around £150,000 â and never saw
him again. Brian Field died in 1979 while Edwards died in 1994, leaving
Goody as the only living person who knows the Ulsterman's identity.
The mystery figure remains the only one of the 17 criminals with a full
share of the stolen money to get clean away with it. Goody has indicated
that, due to the passage of time, there is no longer any reason to keep
the man's name secret. The Ulsterman is believed to have died some
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this year, and the future of the Yankees beyond this season is even more
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11, 2001 attacks - that U.S. shopping malls and other public spaces,
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manager Neil Lennon, who ran the length of the field tojoin the
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feeling of relief and a huge feeling of pride.â -Sara Wed Aug 24 11:51:00 2016
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movie with Clint Eastwood as a gruff old baseball lifer and Amy Adams as
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ever â Murray regrouped and got better. He has played in the finals
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coast. After Ike became post-tropical, it continued to produce strong
winds into the Ohio Valley and southeastern Canada. Hurricane-force winds
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or destruction. State officials can follow through on their promise to
work with the district and the community to reverse decades of failure in
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pass a funding bill that will end this shutdown," CEO Marillyn
Hewson said in a statement. "We hope that Congress and the
Administration are able to resolve this situation as soon as
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intent of raping, killing and eating the child. She disputed claims by
Portway's attorney that he was merely fantasizing and did not intend
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chanting âLetâs Go, Harveyâ in the ninth inning, to the
men in the dugout to the one standing on the mound wanted Harvey to
finish. First shutout is a milestone of sorts, even if, as Collins put
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issues, Parcells got on the phone with him and asked how quickly he could
get to Giants Stadium because he was putting in a claim for him. Fifteen
minutes later, Carter called back to say the Vikings were the only other
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and the ways in which their experiences can be improved and less focus on
systems and processes. I particularly welcome the Health Ministerâs
announcement that, starting immediately, an additional £10m of funding
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Baer wants to get the combined group's cost-income ratiodown to 65-70
percent from the 114 percent clocked up by theMerrill Lynch business in
2011. To do that, Collardi will cut upto 1,000 jobs after the unit is
integrated. -Palmer Wed Aug
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the inning. He was stranded on third. He came to the plate in the 12th
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her wheelchair so it can roll into the van in the precise position. A
mirror installed on a carport wall opposite the van's side doors
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Reece's bright orange sunglasses are by cult Australian brand
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airport,stranding thousands of tourists. The city's airport
wasoperating normally on Tuesday, authorities said. (Writing by Dave
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said: "The Volkswagen Group believes in the UK as a competitive
location for industrial production. Bentley fans all around the world are
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to Malaysia and the Philippines that the White House canceled earlier
this week, the president’s no-show means that China’s
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of the revenue from the naming rights, declining to say just how much. He
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dismantling his once highflying empire. He is also said to have hired the
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and the prime minister in particular, to be inclusive, to bring all
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constitution and the elections. That's the only way it will work.
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President William Dudley, in an interview onCNBC on Tuesday, defended the
central bank's surprise decisionlast week to refrain from tapering
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keeping more of the money they were supposed to turn over to the
mob,â Russell writes. âI knew that I was playing with the big
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The US is in fifth place with €485. -Darron Wed Aug 24 13:43:46 2016
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But he recently authorized the release of a report that shows he told
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be a martyr" if he were convicted and executed by the government.
The report was released by Hasan's civil attorney to the New York
Times, which posted it online, but prosecutors were ordered by the judge
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Shattered, deserted ruins and weeds sprouting a meter (yard) high in the
rubble-filled streets around him showed the scale of the destruction and
neglect in a city which was once an industrial powerhouse in Syria. -Raymundo Wed Aug 24 13:43:48 2016
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intended to solve the problem. He said doctors determined that a loose
stitch was to blame for the swelling, that Westbrookâs lateral
meniscus has healed properly and the procedure was successful. -Efren Wed Aug 24 13:44:20 2016
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jealousy in a group of participants by having them imagine another woman
trying to make a move on their guy. When given the seemingly random task
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88% of Americans â and a stunning 83% of self-described
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Guards see their interests threatened by the new president who has
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inject cash for a second day and regulators expressedconcern about loose
liquidity and hinted they are consideringtaking measures to address
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â if â Jon Niese returns. The lefty made his first rehab
appearance Saturday after being placed on the disabled list with a
partial tear of his rotator cuff on June 21. He went two innings for the
rookie-level Gulf Coast Mets, allowing four runs (two earned) on three
hits. He did not issue a walk and struck out one. -Forest Wed Aug 24 13:44:25 2016
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charitably we might say that his international career has been hampered
by the shortage of true international quality around him - and that a
raising of England’s level, attacking-wise, is all he really
needed. -Terence Wed Aug 24
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having a bad taste or smell they are less likely to be attacked by birds
or other potential predators.â -Ernest Wed Aug 24 13:48:21 2016
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The tall AC72 wings have incorporated twistable flaps alongtheir trailing
edge that help maximize lift and keep the boatflat. Aircraft may soon
borrow this idea for wing-controlsurfaces to replace multiple flaps,
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hopes, the tough road trip and what the team's recent stumble means
going forward. -Keneth Wed Aug
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Amsterdam's Parool that Amsterdam mayor Eberhard van der Laan's
stance is hypocritical and discriminatory, to say the least. -Nevaeh Wed Aug 24 13:48:22 2016
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oxygenlevels in the treatment of very premature infants. PublicCitizen
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maker would considera bid for BlackBerry to boost its own mobile
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significantly impede the development of Pyongyang's nuclear and
missile programs, in response to its test last month of an atomic bomb.
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Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as part of an effort to upgrade
bilateral relations as the U.S. puts more foreign policy emphasis on the
Asia-Pacific region. Biden's trip also laid the groundwork for a
summit meeting between Singh and President Barack Obama in Washington in
September. -Harry Wed Aug 24
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trade at 98.47 yen,down 0.1 percent on the day. Still it maintained much
of itsrecovery from a two-month low of 96.55 hit a week ago. -Erich Wed Aug 24 14:07:11 2016
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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he was confidentthat Senate
Democrats and Republicans can reach a comprehensivefiscal agreement this
week that avoids a U.S. default on debtand other obligations. -Modesto Wed Aug 24 14:07:12 2016
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pairing additional production and jobs at the plant to accepting the UAW
"interferes with Chattanooga facility employees' rights to
choose whether or not to engage in self-organization to form, join, or
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toPresident Barack Obama to have a conversation with his party ata press
conference on Tuesday morning. Boehner, flanked byRepublican leadership,
said "there is no line in the sand" drawnby his party over
fiscal negotiations. -Gianna
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show, there are cons for everything from horror to anime, everywhere from
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butalso huge losses, a classic technology growth story reminiscentof Inc's own 1997 stock debut, with just $16million in
revenue and a loss of about $6 million. -Ryan Wed Aug 24 14:07:14 2016
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between the group of motorcycle riders â which included Braszczok
â and the father, Alexian Lien, who was beaten by the riders. -Tracy Wed Aug 24 14:07:14 2016
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Lancaster Caramel Co. founded in 1886. And the candy comes after two-and-
a-half years of research into consumer tastes and the global
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"devoted to ideas worth spreading" and operates as "a
clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the
world's most inspired thinkers" is overwhelmingly dominated by
high ranking male academics, according to a new demographic analysis of
presenters on the site. -Lincoln Wed Aug 24 14:07:15 2016
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photo, Hannah Warren, 2, poses with her parents Lee Young-Mi and Darryl
Warren at Seoul National University Hospital in South Korea. Hannah
became the youngest person ever to receive an experimental trachea
implant, but died Saturday due to complications, Children's Hospital
of Illinois said. -Branden Wed
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resulting dearth of indigenous innovation — unremitting save
for the Internet build-out — is widely blamed on pathologies in
policymaking and institutions. Historians have laid Britainâs
decline to rationalization, cartelization and the closed shop —
policies sustaining old products and impeding new ones. In France and
Italy, entrepreneurs lay the decline to fiscal and regulatory practices
— policies discouraging small firms from innovating by imposing
tougher employment rules and heavier tax rates if they become medium-
size. In America, the success of firms and whole industries hinges on
intensive lobbying rather than intensive innovation. In America and
Europe, much of a legislatureâs focus is on sparing politically
favored corporations and cities from the impact of its own legislation
and singling them out for pork barrel projects, assistance and loans. -
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Even as tech companies court publishers, media companies have had an
uneasy relationship with Silicon Valley since watching the music industry
dwindle as people flocked to buy songs on iTunes for much less than the
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administered Kashmir was hard hit by the post-1989 insurgency, but has
recently bounced back and in 2011 a record 1.1m tourists visited, mainly
from India itself. -Andrea Wed Aug
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and Penelope. The 34-year-old reality star paraded her fit physique in a
figure-flattering black one-piece. -Weston Wed Aug 24 14:16:31 2016
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not, markets and motorists. Tropical storm Karen's relative small
size combined with an increase in onshore production means any impact on
US energy is likely to be minimal. The government shutdown's downward
pressure on oil and gas prices will further temper any spikes we see from
tropical storm Karen. -Sean
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were taken in 2009, 2011 and 2001, respectively, not before the
“collapse” of the USSR. As you can see, the Soviet
era nationality emblem of the Communist Party…the Red
Star… is still present. That political symbol of the Soviet
government would have been immediately removed in early 1992 if the
“collapse” of the USSR were genuine. As the legal
emblem of the USSR and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Red
Star emblem can only be present if Communists are still in power in
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Louisiana parishes lifted evacuation orders, and Plaquemines Parish
closed a shelter where more than 80 people had taken refuge Saturday. -
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between locals in several neighbourhoods on the 40th anniversary of the
1973 Arab-Israeli war. -Kareem
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family said she left the house to meet the caller, hoping to be gone for
a half hour, but never returned. Coke's daughter then tracked her
mom's work and personal iPhones using a GPS application. Both had
apparently been dumped: one on a Richmond, Calif., Highway, the other
near Oakland, Calif. -Emile Wed
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oflight-emitting diodes, forecast current-quarter earnings
belowanalysts' average estimate as it expects higher
marketingexpenses for its LED bulb, sending its shares down about
15percent in extended trading. -Teddy Wed Aug 24 14:20:48 2016
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pension settlement charge,Illinois Tool posted a second-quarter adjusted
profit of $1.08 ashare. On that basis, analysts, on average, had expected
it toreport an profit of $1.10 a share, according to Reutersestimates. -
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However administration officials said that despite Britain not
participating militarily, the diplomatic support of a coalition of
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backing for military action. -Jules Wed Aug 24 14:20:50 2016
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relish regaling others with tales from their college days, remembering
times when Rex drove a Chevrolet Citation with no windshield. He named
the car âChristineâ â after the Stephen King novel â
because the vehicle just wouldnât die, but the brothersâ legacy
lives on, looming over campus like a water tower. Weeks was on hand when
the school honored the Ryans in 2012 by inducting the twins in the
athletics hall of fame. They were surprised to be selected given their
unruly reputations while undergraduates. Several administrators and
faculty members shook their heads when Rob shared anecdotes. -Elijah Wed Aug 24 14:20:50 2016
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Myers has already seen his share of AL East action. The highly touted
rookie made his big league debut and collected his first hit at Fenway
Park, jacked his first home run (a grand slam) against CC Sabathia and
the Yankees in the Bronx and cracked another homer in his first Tropicana
Field at bat against the Blue Jays. -Franklyn Wed Aug 24 14:20:51 2016
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Criminal Law & Criminology identified just 41 cases between 1984 and
2005 where a defendant faced a court-martial on a capital charge.
Meanwhile, more than 500 people have been executed since 1982 in the
civilian system in Texas, the nation's most active death-penalty
state. -Barney Wed Aug 24
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Claiborne who has headed Burberry since 2006, will take up a newly
created position at Apple as a senior vice president with oversight of
retail and online stores. -Stephan Wed Aug 24 14:20:51 2016
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currently a vice president and senior policy adviser at the bank, will
take over Rosenblum's role in preparing Fisher for the Fed's
regular policy-setting meetings. Koenig has a PhD in economics from
Harvard University, and has been at the Dallas Fed since 1988. -Glenn Wed Aug 24 14:20:52 2016
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attention tends to be negative; Gossip about 70-year-old party founder
Oskar Lafontaine's relationship with 44-year-old lawmaker Sahra
Wagenknecht or allegations about Gysi and his wife's links with the
Stasi secret police. -Sebastian Wed Aug 24 14:20:54 2016
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areas in the Northeast will reach a similar âgrid
parityââwhere residential solar is equal in cost to power from
a utilityâwithin three years; a majority of states could get there
in 10Â years or less, according to data from a variety of green energy
and regulatory sources. A July report by Navigant says that by the end of
2020, solar photovoltaic-produced power will be competitive with retail
electricity pricesâwithout subsidiesââin a significant
portion of the world.â Green-thinking communities such as San
Francisco and Boulder, Colo., are starting to bypass local utility
monopolies to buy an increasing portion of power from third-party solar
and wind providers. Chicago recently doubled the amount of power it buys
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familiar with the matter said on Monday. -Maya Wed Aug 24 14:28:54 2016
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playing like this â the fourth-place Yanks trail first-place Boston
by just six games now. -Shannon
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or their employees. The sides or the arbitrator will have to decide
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Envoy, told The Times. “If such intimidation actions have
hitherto been limited to critics at home resulting in investigations of
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the best genuine off-roaders you can buy and the 2014 version gets a new
control panel for that combines the controls for on- and off-road driving
functions. These include a new selector dial for the five-mode Multi-
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third quarter with the Giants down just 10-7, setting up the 21 seconds
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This is just one of the points overlooked by jobseekers when targeting
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"In New York City, being wealthy enough to own upright a property
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surrounded by people who can buy and sell you in a two hours
income," he told ABC News. "There are always some people around
you who have more. Also, having $5 million in Keokuk, Iowa, is a lot
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war. The Jewish state then annexed East Jerusalem as part of its capital
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assault on the southern Vietnamese government in the hope of provoking a
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Lauren Banks, director of policy and advocacy at AIDSAlabama, had
expected a rocky rollout. The group received thelargest navigator award
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say Republicans are responsible for the shutdown, up from 26 percent a
week ago. About 4 percent said Democrats were mostly at fault for the
shutdown, down from 5 percent. Sixteen percent blamed Obama, up from 14
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time. The management grade was lowered to 3 from 2, the WallStreet
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Although it was not possible to say for certain if they are bringing
weapons, the number of ships travelling to Syria from a Ukrainian port
used by Russia's arms export monopoly has increased sharply since
April. -Britt Wed Aug 24
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between thrilling wins and disappointing losses. The playoffs still feel
a long way off for a team that was picked by nearly everyone to finish
below .500, but at 4-3 with wins against the Pats and Falcons, they are
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(Reporting by Matthias Williams and Sumeet Chatterjee; Editingby Tony
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excited loyalists and reviewers alike. The CD sends them on a swift trip
back to the crypt. The music lumbers, meaningfully, through the kinds of
monstrous riffs and doomy beats Sabbath first conjured back in 1970,
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"They don't even have the desire to be strong. Instead, they
show submissiveness, spinelessness, lack of punctuality, and many other
factors which prevent them from becoming political activists,"
Svyatski says in the film. "These are qualities which it was
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a sliding horizontal "carousel" of everything you've had
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onSunday, Hirose said he had no intention of again using the No.5and No.6
reactors at the Fukushima plant - two units at the sitethat survived the
2011 tsunami - to generate power. -Kelvin Wed Aug 24 15:00:10 2016
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Cellphones offer more immediacy, too, because many consumers carry their
phones with them everywhere and even sleep within reach of their phone.
Consumers who delete emails without a second thought will often drop
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consider the circumstances and decide whether a defendant had been
âso wanton, so deficient in a moral sense of concern, so devoid of
regard of the life or lives of othersâ as to be guilty of murder,
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had to know whento change course. Now he might rephrase his question and
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by placing ads in their inboxes." It then goes through how it works,
how Google scans your inbox for keywords, and then uses that data to
"target you with junkmail". Microsoft quotes Time magazine as
saying the ads make Gmail worse, and says that 89 per cent of email users
"disapprove of advertisements being made to look like personal
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"What's happening in New Mexico is part of a growing national
momentum across the country," said Shannon Minter, legal director at
the National Center for Lesbian Rights. "New Jersey became the 14th
state to allow same-sex couples to marry; we hope New Mexico will be the
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that can be seen with the naked eye. In fact, NASAâs Voyager 2
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Federal regulators thus far have exempted the chemical fluids used in
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officials from the Office of Personnel Management and the Office of
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taken into account the commercial assessments of the Abbey Protection
Directors. Accordingly, the Abbey Protection Directors intend to
recommend unanimously that Abbey Protection Shareholders vote in favour
of the Scheme at the Court Meeting and the Special Resolution to be
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At Glasgow Sheriff Court, the firm pled guilty to breaching section 3(1)
of the Health and Safety at Work Act, which states: "It shall be the
duty of every employer to conduct his undertaking in such a way as to
ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that persons not in his
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The 49ers literally will be taking flight next: They play at Tennessee
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former Knick Jason Kidd. Woodson says giving both vets too many minutes
despite their age hurt team and says it will be addressed this season. -
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Thatfell short of analysts' average estimate of $2.78 per
share,according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S, as higher food, labor andrent
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"I'm going to experiment a little with the big lineup,"
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charges against him,and denounced both Wang and Gu, whose testimony was
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“You want all these guys to go, and there’ll be
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23. A lot more will merit selection. I’m not looking forward to
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basic standards of international law,â said Mustafa Qadri, author of
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“It’s not supposed to be prescriptive,”
Gladwell replies. “It’s just supposed to be a musing
on the nature of advantage. And as I’ve written more books
I’ve realised there are certain things that writers and critics
prize, and readers don’t. So we’re obsessed with
things like coherence, consistency, neatness of argument. Readers are
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David MacKay and Dr Timothy Stone, senior advisor to the Secretary of
State, looked at the potential greenhouse gas emissions from the
production of shale gas in the UK. -Benedict Wed Aug 24 15:05:50 2016
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that he was put in a foul-smelling, darkened cell on death row and forced
to sleep on a concrete floor. Lawyers for other Brotherhood members say
prisoners are crammed into small cells and face psychological abuse. One
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was notaccepted by the board of RBS as we believed it offered full
andfair value for the assets on offer and would have providedcertain
value to RBS shareholders,â W&G Chairman Andrew Higginson said
in the statement. -Reyes Wed Aug
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a temporary structure eventually won widespread approval. Originally
slated to open by Christmas last year, it finally opened to the public on
Tuesday August 6. It is the most dramatic new addition to Christchurch
following the earthquake, but the city has many other projects in
development, including a new sports centre and a shopping precinct. -Herschel Wed Aug 24 15:05:53 2016
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William’s comparing his 2-month-old son, the third in line to
the British throne, to a lion was appropriate for the evening’s
cause, a benefit dinner for outstanding conservationists hosted by the
U.K.-based African wildlife conservation charity Tusk Trust. -Benton Wed Aug 24 15:05:54 2016
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has struggled on the field and at the box office. The young aceâs
season has aroused, if not invigorated, a disgruntled fan base. There are
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the impression I made when I first got here. I was thankful to have a
great start to my career and then have good and bad points since. And
thatâs a career â you have good times and bad times, so-so
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Amina Mohamed, had earlier told a U.S. television network that the
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woman. She hinted that the woman may have been the notorious âwhite
widowâ â British citizen Samantha Lewthwaite, 29-year-old widow
of London subway suicide bomber Jermaine Lindsay, who is believed to have
entered Kenya on a false South African passport. But there is no firm
evidence of her involvement, and al-Shabab has denied that any women were
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note, which reflects the federal government's cost to borrow. The
student loan rates are determined as of June 1 each year and locked in
for the life of the loan. That means students borrowing this fall will
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Fans here have always treated A-Rod harshly, and Red Sox pitcher John
Lackey surely turned up the hostility factor for them by ranting publicly
on Thursday about A-Rodâs history with performance-enhancing drugs
and his right to play while appealing his suspension relating the
Biogenesis Clinic case. -Dallas
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Then Canelo will try to finish, blow his wad and get stopped in the later
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facilitator and the monitor in their challenging tasks, I am appointing
an Academic Advisory Council consisting of professors from area law
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"Come Tuesday, Americans will be able to see for themselves that the
Affordable Care Act isn't actually about Washington politics,"
Biden wrote in an opinion piece printed in local newspapers including the
Des Moines Register in Iowa and the Birmingham News in Alabama.
"It's about regular people shopping for insurance they can
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league rehabilitation assignment during this comeback. After drawing a
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against Reading lefty Jesse Biddle, a No. 1 draft pick by the
Philadelphia Phillies in 2010. -Jason Wed Aug 24 15:08:10 2016
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“The concept of the video is based on the song, which tells a
story of how love conquers all and ‘in a world like
this’ that we live in, with all the craziness and negative
energy that can go around, with real love you can overcome
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power generated to be either used for the company's ownconsumption or
sold to CFE, effectively stifling competition. -Orlando Wed Aug 24 15:08:13 2016
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It's just everything you can dream of and more. I'm so happy
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sensing the issue is altogether too controversial and pointing out that -
within official guidelines - a school or college can set its own uniform
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privileged to be recognized in the 24th edition of Marquis
"Who's Who in The East" for my writings on religion and
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Canada. In 2011, the U.S. imported $11.5 million worth of hemp products,
up from $1.4 million in 2000. Most of that is hemp seed and hemp oil,
which finds its way into granola bars, soaps, lotions and even cooking
oil. Whole Foods Market now sells hemp milk, hemp tortilla chips and hemp
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Obama spoke of the need for bipartisanship, he ruffled feathers among
some Republicans by speaking before the Republican-controlled House of
Representatives had voted on a measure - just approved by the Democratic-
led Senate - to end the fiscal impasse. -Leslie Wed Aug 24 15:15:29 2016
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to know who's visiting him [to be required] pursuant to law... .
he's not terribly committed to accountability. ... [He] took that
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high threshold to meet, according to one of the sources. -Jerold Wed Aug 24 15:16:24 2016
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Corcoran said. âHe told me heâd committed himself to football
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somebody else. This is how fifth grade ends and her summer begins, at the
famous hospital at 3959 Broadway, fighting for her life, gunned down this
way on Gates Ave. No matter how many guns are taken off the street by the
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âJerome has really taken advantage of the relationships heâs
developed through the years and he has spent a lot of time around
different teams and companies,â Mills said in an email. âHe has
focused on how different businesses operate and has taken the lessons
heâs learned to developing his players at Findlay Prep.â -Dalton Wed Aug 24 15:32:44 2016
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full role in providing access to finance to viable businesses. We
continue to call for the Bank to be better capitalised and have the
ability to lend directly to businesses, so that they can access the same
level of financial support that companies in other countries take for
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Spain, England, Manila, Taipei, Beijing, Shanghai and Rio de Janeiro. -
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quantitative easing, or QE3, has been accompaniedby worries the Fed is
looking to raise short-term interestrates, even though Fed officials have
assured markets that wouldnot happen for a long time. -Florentino Wed Aug 24 15:36:35 2016
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are not disputing the powerful changes that occurred during this period,
controversy still surrounds the cause of them. Most experts previously
concur that the cooling period seen in the beginning of the Younger Dryas
period was caused by an ice dam in the North American ice sheet that
ruptured, releasing massive amounts of freshwater into the Atlantic
Ocean. It has been theorized that this influx of water shut down the
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or 0.31 percent, at 1,704.81.The Nasdaq Composite Index was down 6.51
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"Manning's conduct was of a heedless nature that made it
actually and imminently dangerous to others. His conduct was both wanton
and reckless," Lind said in a series of written findings issued
after prosecutors finished their sentencing arguments on Friday. -Kennith Wed Aug 24 15:38:06 2016
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Singaporebenchmark prices - dropped to an average $3.43 over the last
15days, according to Reuters data. The August margins were downnearly 50
percent from the averages in each of the previous twomonths. DUB-SIN-REF-
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Arizona (3-4) got a touchdown and one of its three field goals after
Wilson twice fumbled while being sacked deep in Seattle territory. Palmer
has thrown 11 interceptions in the last five games and 13 this season,
second only to Eli Manningâs 15. Seattle sent the Cardinals to their
eighth straight loss against an NFC West foe. -Ricky Wed Aug 24 15:38:08 2016
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She was asked if the “red line,” which in this case
refers to the use of or movement of chemical weapons in Syria, had been
crossed and she said it was “crossed a couple of months
ago,” but would not expand on what action the president took at
the time. -Savannah Wed Aug 24
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Nonetheless, the children were never removed from her care. A Wisconsin
Department of Children and Families investigation later determined the
Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare hadn't handled her case properly
and overhauled the bureau's in-home services program. Changes to the
child welfare system in the wake of the case include more staff training,
increased home visits and longer program stints for families. -Darrel Wed Aug 24 15:38:09 2016
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Health Service is routinely described by politicians of all stripes as
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has been damaged by recent shocking revelations of failings in patient
care. Hardtalk speaks to the Chief Executive of NHS England, Sir David
Nicholson. Is his health service capable of meeting the shifting demands
and daunting financial challenges of 21st Century healthcare? -Razer22 Wed Aug 24 15:38:09 2016
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Supreme MilitaryCouncil, General Selim Idris, called it a blow to
oppositionhopes of overthrowing Assad and accused the Syrian president
ofcircumventing any disarmament by already sending chemicalweapons to
allies in Lebanon and Iraq in recent days. -Carroll Wed Aug 24 15:38:09 2016
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their leader, John Boehner, who has struggled to control his fractious
caucus. The rebels included 11 committee chairmen, who are usually
expected to back the leadership. -Rubin Wed Aug 24 15:38:10 2016
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assess these monitoring programs, The Associated Press queried a sample
of corrections, parole and probation agencies across the U.S. for alarms
logged in a one-month period and for figures regarding the number of
people monitored and the number of officers watching them. The AP also
reviewed audits, state and federal reports and studies done of several of
these programs, which detailed problems that included officers failing to
investigate alarms or take action when offenders racked up multiple
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"A lot of the players had expected the yields to go upafter the
(upper house) election," said Tadashi Matsukawa, headof Japan fixed
income at PineBridge Investments. "They areprobably just being
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his house and invited her to come inside to pick out a puppy for her son,
at which point Harasimchuk said Knight was restrained with an extension
cord, dragged to the basement where she was restrained with chains, had a
motorcycle helmet jammed on her head and raped for the first of many
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analysis, it worked. But while 200,000 smokers remained off cigarettes by
the end of the three-month study period, McAfee and his colleagues
recognize that relapse rates among smokers is high, and estimates that
about half have probably gone back to lighting up. -Rachel Wed Aug 24 15:42:03 2016
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"We are trending in the direction of a proper priority of claim, a
proper following of the hierarchy of the capital structure," said
Aaron Elliott, a London-based credit analyst at Citi. "But we are
certainly not there yet." -Jerrold Wed Aug 24 15:42:05 2016
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millions of dollars to help tea party candidates. "The most powerful
thing we have as a movement is our feet and our vote." -Willie Wed Aug 24 15:42:05 2016
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failing â on the overall quantity, quality and diversity of LGBT
representation in scripted shows. While no networks were rated excellent,
History and TBS are the only two with failing grades. -Lucio Wed Aug 24 15:42:06 2016
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second night in a row he didnt bring in Coke to face Ortiz in the
eighth inning as Ortiz represented the potential tying run. When Leyland
didnt go to Coke in Game 1, he mentioned that Coke hadnt pitched in a
big-league game for more than three weeks. It was too challenging of a
situation for such a pitcher. Coke missed the final part of the regular
season with elbow soreness. -Emily Wed Aug 24 15:42:06 2016
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Americas and every corner of the world. When we talk about rights today,
we rarely think of just how many there are, and how often
they’re infringed upon or taken away. It’s easy to
forget that the rights many take for granted are the very same others die
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company had no serious derailments beforeLac-Megantic. "I have never
been involved with anything remotelyapproaching this in my whole
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said the new RealPlayer Cloud offering would leverage the still-large
installed base of RealPlayer personal computer video software, and
potentially establish the platform for a new push into media content and
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England and is currently on short-term injured reserve. That injury
robbed the Giants of a potent 1-2 rushing attack, and it forced them to
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One thing seems certain: The next generation of baseball superstars is
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Ramirez, (Cubs top prospect outfielder Jorge Soler, Fernandez and
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Prince Felipe himself was given a warm reception at a conference of young
entrepreneurs on Friday. Security was loose as he walked around booths at
the event, striking up easy conversation with people thronging around
him. -Sanford Wed Aug 24
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committees expected to hold hearings as part of a new Republican plan to
attack the healthcare reform's weaknesses, beginning with the problem-
plagued technology behind its launch. -Vincent Wed Aug 24 15:42:36 2016
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wavering over reforms the government has flagged, such the introduction
of a Goods and Services Tax (GST), would disappoint investors, uneasy
with Malaysia's shrinking current account surplus and a budget gap
that is the second-biggest in emerging Asia. -Brain Wed Aug 24 15:42:36 2016
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"Most of the soldier volunteer subjects of these experiments
conducted by the U.S. military were told at the time that they should
never reveal the nature of the experiments, and apparently, almost to a
man, they kept this secret for the next 40 or more years," the
report says. -Kirby Wed Aug 24
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be taking a risk with Bynum that could have huge rewards. He would
instantly raise their profile and probably get them back to the playoffs
after winning just 66 games combined the past three seasons. In giving
him only a two-year deal, they would not be tying up much money which
would allow them to stay flexible next summer when several top-tier free
agents â possibly LeBron James â will be on the market. -Forrest Wed Aug 24 15:42:37 2016
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â work, children and who knows what. Life can be a lot to handle and
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(Reuters) - East London's technology hub isestablished well beyond
start-up status: Thousands of new webfirms now work in the offices around
Old Street and on any givenday the area's coffee shops buzz with
young hopefuls meetingadvisers and investors. -Mackenzie Wed Aug 24 15:50:00 2016
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“There are some very clever writers out there. Mrs
Brown’s Boys is a lot of fun. And I love the Count [Arthur
Strong]. I listen to it on the radio and I’m falling
about!” The BBC produced four of Perry’s shows, but
we could have missed out on another classic. -Glenn Wed Aug 24 15:50:00 2016
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firm's largest investment in a Japanesecompany. Last year KKR sought
a controlling stake in chipmakerRenesas Electronics Corp but lost out to
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WASHINGTON, Oct 16 (Reuters) - The U.S. economy was sailingsmoothly, if
not swiftly, before parts of the government shutdown this month,
according to a snapshot from the FederalReserve on Wednesday that
provided the fullest view of therecovery since federal data dried up. -
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CITIC Pacific said repairs at itsAustralian iron ore project were taking
longer than expected andgave no date for starting shipments from the
vastly over-budget$8 billion project, already around four years behind
schedule.Its first half net profit fell 19 percent to HK$4.5 billion. -
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 either by the same reader or different readers. -Marlon Wed Aug 24 15:50:02 2016
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Mesterhazy, chairman of the Socialist Party which evolved from the
communists who ruled Hungary from 1956 to 1989, is competing for the
leadership against Bajnai, who from 2009 to 2010 was part of a government
that introduced painful spending cuts to put the economy back on a
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authorities' response had been heavy-handed, alienating Muslims and
serving as a recruitment tool for militants. -Miles Wed Aug 24 15:50:03 2016
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friend Pete Hamill, who kept going back to Ebbets Field in 1947 as a
teenager to watch Robinson play baseball, has always said. âHe
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comments of the local men to heart, often they just want to make a sale.
As a young female travelling with my mother and friend, we were all
frequently subjected to improper and flirtatious (sometimes indecent)
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Steven Spielberg, who cast him in the slave ship tale
"Amistad." The versatile actor has since split his time between
film, television and the stage in Britain, where he has won awards for
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Templeton fund has earned quite a bit from owning TNK-BP shares,
receiving dividends alone amounting to more than 2 billion roubles ($62.2
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the ground. From that vantage point they can see roadkill long before the
magpies do; at this time of year the roads are richly carpeted with
squashed rabbit kittens, partridges, pheasant poults, and the occasional
muntjac, so the crows have little need of eggs or nestlings. The cedar
and its neighbouring trees are full of songbirds evidently undisturbed by
the nearness of the crows. Indeed, the crow presence could be what has
kept marauding packs of rooks away this year. -Jefferey Wed Aug 24 15:56:39 2016
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children, who gave her name as Nasra, said: "God will make us
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God willing, God will bring down Sisi." -Robin Wed Aug 24 15:59:33 2016
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don't change their mind, said a union official. -Freelove Wed Aug 24 15:59:34 2016
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manufacturing fell to 49.4 in July from 50.6 in June and below the 50
mark that separates growth from contraction. It was the first sub-50
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child can contract more than one case of malaria, the experts noted).
Cases of severe malaria were reduced by 36% and malaria hospitalisations
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again Monday. But those plans, which include 200 charter buses from
several BART stations, bigger transbay buses and more ferries from the
East Bay, focus almost entirely on hauling commuters to and from San
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follow him. The chestnut-mandibled toucan is the biggest toucan in
Central America and is a prominent member of the habitat. Despite the big
bill, toucans mostly eat fruit though will make do with insects and small
snakes when the opportunity presents itself. These toucans live between
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operators. But it failed to sign up any customer other than MegaFon and
we had therefore seen a takeover by Megafon as a likely outcome.
Scartel's acquisition of LTE spectrum ahead of its rivals gave it a
head-start in building network infrastructure, while Megafon controls
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with its partner Rosneft, now plans a $15billion LNG project to supply
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Ellis LLP, adding that the probe is "likely to extend at least
several months into 2014.'' -Charlie Wed Aug 24 16:03:29 2016
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ytterbium atomic clock, a laser light excites an electron in an ytterbium
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"God forbids that something happens," Murray said. "By
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to play on the circuit until 2014, following a hectic finish to the 2013
season that featured two majors, a WGC, four FedExCup playoff events and
the Ryder Cup-style Presidents Cup since mid-July. -Dannie Wed Aug 24 16:03:30 2016
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female representation on banknotes, but Jane Austen was thought to have
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property by a man who later committed suicide. Versace had purchased the
home in 1992 and spent about $33 million renovating and adding another
wing. Tourists can still routinely be spotted taking photos in front of
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than it was before 9/11 because it has mutated and it's spread in
dramatically different locations." The terror network's Yemen
branch, known as al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, "is the most
deadly of all the al-Qaida affiliates," King said. -Julian Wed Aug 24 16:03:31 2016
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privatisation of RBS, after Mr Hester was forced out of the role for
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However, it said the distinction between the use of the term as a
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askthe Quebec government to postpone for two years the municipalelections
scheduled for November, so that the council could sitduring what would
have been the campaign and devote itsattention to reconstruction. -Noble Wed Aug 24 16:27:16 2016
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Earlier this month, a vignette on the front page of Italy'smost
influential newspaper, Corriere della Sera, depicted thebespectacled
prime minister proudly calling himself "EnricoSlitta" or
"Enrico Postpones", a play on the premier's name. -Rosario Wed Aug 24 16:27:16 2016
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Wednesday, Page suggested that it could be 10 to 20 years before
Calico's efforts bear fruit. But Page also said Calico's mission
could prove to be even more important than curing cancer. -Granville Wed Aug 24 16:27:17 2016
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fashionable breeds such as Chihuahuasand poodles, they draw a clear
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increased their risk-taking, they tended to make the kinds of bets that
would go bad precisely in the event of an economy-wide downturn.
That's a good investment strategy for banks that expect to receive
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Good profit margins had ethanol plants bidding as much as $2per bushel
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they still made money, analystssaid. Grain buyers had ratcheted up so-
called basis bids tolofty levels as corn supplies dwindled to a 16-year
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YSRCP senior leader Konatala Ramakrishna said, "We wanted Jagan to
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examined Jagan earlier on Wednesday, advised him to call off the hunger
strike as his sugar level was falling, Ramakrishna told reporters in
Hyderabad. Jagan launched his indefinite fast on October 5 to press for a
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"Family firms that are professionally run and arewell-governed are
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telling that only 10-15 percent offamily firms survive beyond the third
generation," said SimonWong, adjunct professor of law at
Northwestern University and anindependent advisor on corporate
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absenteeism to 1,535 employees working at companies, many of them
multinational, in Mexico, Pakistan, Ghana, India, the US, Canada, Japan,
Trinidad, and Nigeria. -Brandon Wed Aug 24 16:35:20 2016
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CAIRO, July 25 (Reuters) - Egypt interim government willseek to avoid
major austerity measures and instead work tostimulate the economy by
improving security and pumping in newfunds, the new finance minister,
Ahmed Galal, said on Thursday. -Rodolfo Wed Aug 24 16:35:22 2016
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the conference that he wanted âan option to eliminate feesâ
kept for consideration by the party in the longer term. -Benny Wed Aug 24 16:35:23 2016
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interviewed by Vanity Fair, stood by her claims that Allen had abused her
as a child. Allen's lawyer Elkan Abramowitz told the magazine that
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agreed to an $8.5 billionsettlement with mortgage-backed securities
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Patterson is currently being held in Minnehaha County Jail. Bond was set
at $750,000 cash during a hearing on Friday morning. He is next scheduled
to appear in court on October 23, but Wollman expects a grand jury to
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An early exam at the zoo is a change from last year, and staff members
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Xiang's den has been altered to allow keepers to get closer to her,
and the zoo also invited a panda expert from China who specializes in
newborns to help out. Two of the zoo's panda keepers have also
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White House Budget Director Sylvia Mathews Burwell said in a statement
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he had not examined A-Rod, but had studied the MRI of the third
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Whatever the reason for disposing of it, the head was taken to Great St
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Facebook's stock has rebounded, too. As soon as it began trading in
May 2012, the stock took a turbulent descent triggered by the social
network's slowing growth as well as doubts about the company's
ability to figure out how to sell and show ads on mobile devices. By last
September, Facebook's stock had lost more than half its value from
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stimulus programme of"quantitative easing" too abruptly. -Walter Wed Aug 24 16:36:47 2016
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star, demanding to know why he was being so rude. The porn producer says
Gruber replied, âI am straight, and I donât want any gay people
to touch me.â -William
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moved on to their real lives of insulated middle-class comfort. -Evelyn Wed Aug 24 16:36:48 2016
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Starr’s proudest achievement, this groundbreaking musical used
the verbatim words of ordinary people who found their lives affected by
the serial killing of five prostitutes in Ipswich in 2006 — and
set much of what they said to music. “Turning real-life murders
into a stage musical sounds preposterous if not downright
repellent,” admitted Charles Spencer, but the resulting show
from Alecky Blythe and Adam Cork achieved a transcendent power and
emotional intensity that eschewed charges of being exploitative and never
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crown, showed little signs of rust from a lack of recent match practice
as he took just 56 minutes to advance on a warm Montreal evening. -Martin Wed Aug 24 16:36:50 2016
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before August, when the Rapfogel scandal broke. Itâs not clear
whether the contractor renovating the apartment is the same one
referenced in the criminal complaint who was paid with $27,000 in
allegedly stolen cash. -Arnoldo Wed Aug 24 16:36:50 2016
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have visited Europe in such a public way without being invited or
welcomed by the Europeans. So perhaps the Europeans also wanted him there
as a fresh face to make it appear to the market as though something
different was happening this time around. -Wilson Wed Aug 24 16:39:31 2016
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hinted it may be preparing to curb monetary stimulus later this year
underscored the precarious foundation of this stability and the
dependence of markets on abundant central bank liquidity. -Reginald Wed Aug 24 16:39:32 2016
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lateron Thursday on his latest estimate on the Treasury's
fundingpositions, as well as possible contingency plans. -Anibal Wed Aug 24 16:39:33 2016
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People who have worked with regulators said agencies are open to hearing
from banks and even request meetings, but ultimately come to their own
conclusions. Regulators may ask questions but offer little guidance on
where the rulemaking process is headed. -Shelton Wed Aug 24 16:39:33 2016
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Blonde, among a slew of other roles, Smith has played Charmian Biggs in a
five-part ITV dramatisation of the life of the wife of Ronnie, the Great
Train Robber, shown in autumn 2012 – for this she won her
Bafta. At the same time as Mrs Biggs was on our screens, she was
appearing as Hedda Gabler in a production of the Ibsen play at the Old
Vic, directed by Anna Mackmin. Her notices were full of praise. The
Telegraph’s Charles Spencer wrote that, ‘Smith brings
terrific poise and style to the role but also something I feared might be
beyond her – entirely credible malevolence.’ -Truman Wed Aug 24 16:39:34 2016
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Thursday to a European Union plan to limit airline carbon dioxide
emissions and called for talks to resolve the issue a day after its major
airlines refused to pay any carbon costs under the new law. -Virgil Wed Aug 24 16:39:34 2016
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is weak, because they’re so difficult to do,” Caplan
explained. “My arguments in the American courts have been
turned down because, I don’t know about Guantanamo, but civil
judges in the states where hunger strikes are taking place in prison tend
to say it’s necessary to maintain order of the prison and takes
priority. Hunger strikes can undermine the ability to maintain order,
they can lead to unmanageable situations with other prisoners doing this,
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kill themselves, they’re trying to make political
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endeavors. The refrain is simply âdrink with me,â repeated
about a dozen times. -Alden Wed
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will continue to do it to help these people. Lampedusa is a small spot in
the middle of the sea where everyone can find a place to rest. We are
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prompted the FAA to ground the planes for months earlier this year while
Boeing developed better insulation within the batteries and a metal shell
to contain any potential fire. -Britt Wed Aug 24 16:43:27 2016
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firm inJuly, saying SAC fostered a culture where employees flouted thelaw
and were encouraged to tap their personal networks ofcontacts for inside
information about publicly-traded companies. -Maynard Wed Aug 24 16:43:27 2016
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daughter, told Reuters that her mother was ready to compromise now so as
not to jeopardize the signing in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius on
November 28. -Adrian Wed Aug
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press,â Klobuchar said. âTodayâs action is important step
toward ensuring we can protect the right to a free press without
hindering law enforcementâs ability to protect national security and
public safety.â -Chung
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edifying or delicious experiences. One arrives in, say, Beaune, mounts
one's bicyclette, and pedals off into town for brie and a baguette.
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inside,â Bessonart says. âI imagine people in here wearing
their sunglasses during brunch.â The skylight was originally
constructed in the 1890s, when the space served as the Hotel Endicott.
Now a landmarked building, the team was limited in the changes it could
make to the spaceâs historic wrought-iron columns and a tile
fireplace. -Jayden Wed Aug 24
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‘Freedom’ and ‘Democracy’ imply
shattering Syria and completing the destruction of its social fabric.
Since, as acknowledged by the British Prime Minister only on Friday last,
that the Syrian regime now control the events, making the delivery of
arms only a prolongation of the war taking place there. -Nigel Wed Aug 24 16:43:30 2016
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The globe, which was made from the lower halves of two ostrich eggs, was
uncovered at the London Map Fair in 2012 from a dealer who said it had
been part of an “important European collection” for
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the screen at 53, but the actress admits that she often feels like
“an old ragbag” next to younger actresses and fears
becoming “invisible” off screen now that she has
reached middle age. -Levi Wed
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Israel Prime Minister Benjamin and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to
thank them for returning to the negotiating table. -Kieth Wed Aug 24 16:47:25 2016
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round of the playoffs, which Chicago won in seven games. Point guard
Derrick Rose, who missed all of last season following knee surgery, is
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Naviyd Ely one year later, but divorced in 2009. -Diego Wed Aug 24 16:47:26 2016
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But alpine skier Bode Miller, who has seldom shied away from controversy
during a skiing career that has made him one of the sport's most
popular and successful athletes, was clear on his view calling the
Olympic hosts ignorant. -Aaliyah Wed Aug 24 16:47:26 2016
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Minister Norman Lamb said: "Making sure people with mental health
problems get the right assessment, care and treatment they need as
quickly as possible is really important, especially in emergency
situations. -Tyron Wed Aug 24
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East Side pastrami palace with an inside history, arty photos â and
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Following the troubled development and critical thumping of Aliens:
Colonial Marines earlier this year, publisher Sega is looking for
improvement. Isolation is said to have already been delayed once, with it
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scandal. At the same time, though, Francis has made clear he expects his
bishops to live simply, setting as an example his own humble lifestyle.
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Lookout" team said she spent thousands of dollars on Allerca cats,
but her children were so allergic that she was forced to give them away.
Other people also claimed they received their "hypoallergenic"
cats, but the cats still made them wheeze and itch. -Jamal Wed Aug 24 16:53:37 2016
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will succeed in steering Iran toward sensiblepolicies is already
contested in Iran. The forces of darkness inQom and Tehran are well
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“I Have A Dream” speech there on Aug. 28, 1963, at
the culmination of the movement’s March on Washington. Events
are planned at the memorial next month to commemorate the 50th
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the newest royal addition takes the throne and decides upon being called
King George, he will be the first since 1952. -Brooke Wed Aug 24 16:53:39 2016
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party’s chief executive, who said the party’s
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U.S. Senate aides said after a chaotic day of negotiationson Tuesday that
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"The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms the
cowardly attacks today in Baghdad," the State Department said.
"The terrorists who committed these acts are enemies of Islam and a
shared enemy of the United States, Iraq, and the international
community." -Heyjew Wed
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a number of high-profile hackings of Twitter media accounts, many at the
hands of the Syrian Electronic Army. Various top Web companies have also
embraced two-factor authentication in the wake of security breaches
compromising user accounts, including Microsoft and Apple. -Bennett Wed Aug 24 17:00:40 2016
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ichi, said no problems were reported there or at another one of its
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GENEVA, Sept 12 (Reuters) - Sales at luxury goods groupRichemont rose 9
percent in the five months throughAugust, just shy of forecasts, as weak
demand for its watches inmainland China eclipsed strong jewellery sales
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Kenyans at Westgate. Now they are trying to save face by sacrificing
innocent Muslims," said Hatib Suleiman, 21, who prays at Omar's
Masjid Mussa mosque. -Gaston Wed
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investment decisions in financial markets should probably be treated with
caution however, since the markets constructed for the study were
simplified to allow testing of the model. -Rocky Wed Aug 24 17:00:42 2016
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Dera Ismail Khan and the nearby town of Tank while the search goes on,
said Amir Khattak, Dera Ismail Khan's deputy commissioner. The town
is located near Pakistan's semiautonomous tribal region, the main
sanctuary for Taliban and al-Qaida militants in the country. -Eblanned Wed Aug 24 17:00:43 2016
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Assembly will announce prize winners for achievements in physics,
chemistry and medicine daily through the end of the week, capping off
with the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday. The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in
Economic Sciences in Memory of Nobel Prize founder Alfred Nobel will be
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story "The Bear Came over the Mountain, from her 2001collection
"Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship,Marriage," was
adapted into the Oscar-nominated film "Away fromHer," directed
by Sarah Polley. -Irvin Wed Aug
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26, cycles to six or seven coffee shops around Brighton and Hove (the
company is based in Sussex) and collects roughly 200kg of discarded
grounds twice a week that the shops save up. The next morning the coffee
grounds are taken to a barn on the fringe of the South Downs National
Park, which Duncan Thomas, 30, a forester, built. Thomas then mixes the
coffee grounds with spawn (the mushroom farmer’s equivalent of
seed) and puts this into grow bags that are then left in the dark for a
month. The second stage is what Georgiou refers to as
'fruiting’. The grow bags are put into a lighter, more
humid environment, which allows the mushrooms to grow, until they are
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child I couldn’t wait to grow up. Now, aged 35, I’ve
started to worry about age. I find myself caring about frown lines. I
dread my first grey hair. Have I damaged my skin with teenage sun-
worship? Will I regret those years of not wearing a proper sports bra?
I’m obvously neurotic, I hear you say. Maybe. But I see all
around me – in our culture, in my friends and other people I
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protective bets against a decline in the stock market, there is little or
no volatility premium priced in for the debt ceiling debate. -Marcus Wed Aug 24 17:14:56 2016
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InformationWeek moderates all comments posted to our site, and reserves
the right to modify or remove any content that it determines to be
derogatory, offensive, inflammatory, vulgar, irrelevant/off-topic, racist
or obvious marketing/SPAM. InformationWeek further reserves the right to
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"If the Supreme Court requests the opinion of the Solicitor General
it will probably be welcomed by markets," Labaqui added. "But
if the Court declines to take the case it will not necessarily be bad for
Argentina, because the country is still litigating in the 2nd
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thousands of serious problems, both economic and social, could not afford
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maturing within 60 days, or securities they can convert into cash within
a week, according to 2010 rules produced by the Securities and Exchange
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swimwear line for Sears was released, showcasing the three older
Kardashian gals' figures. Kim sports a very shapely hour glass
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euros) (Additional reporting by Silvia Aloisi and Francesca Landini
inMilan, Giuseppe Fonte in Rome; Editing by David Cowell) -Marlon Wed Aug 24 17:15:14 2016
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lost their next qualifier 2-0 to the United States in Columbus on
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in June as saying the start date for phase one of the RAPID project had
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Mohamed Awad, an architect and head of the Alexandria Preservation Trust.
He says he would like to see the British Council help buy and restore the
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President Obama will welcome the 1972 Dolphins for the first White House
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coach Don Shula plans to accompany players from the team to the event. -
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bondholders that stand to lose millions ifOGX defaults. Investors also
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this year expanding background checks for gun purchases â dealing a
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confidence had been tempered somewhat by uncertainty caused by budget
battles in Washington. -Frederic Wed Aug 24 17:16:48 2016
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following the refusal by Republicans to approve a fundingmeasure unless
President Barack Obama and his Democrats agreedto defund or delay
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Fertilizer is 25 to 30 percent of the cost of grain production in the
U.S., according to 2009 World Bank data. And while fertilizer costs are
only about 2 percent of the price of a loaf of bread in the U.S., newly
cheap potash could lead to meaningful downward pressure in food cost
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BHP had already booked an impairment charge of $167 millionin the full
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evaluation of some wells in the Permian basin showedthey did not
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around the Malacca Strait. Now, we have one more pipeline from the land
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LONDON, Oct 4 (Reuters) - The European Union moved closer onFriday to
forcing companies to change accountants and avoidclose ties that could
lower the quality of book-keeping, sourceswith knowledge of the matter
said. -Albert Wed Aug 24
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could have been an Egyptian helicopter, or maybe an Israeli helicopter.
Because of the proximity of the jurisdictions I reckon a casual viewer
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State inspectors and OSHA found 547 violations, including250 serious
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analysis of the data. Officials fined thesmall brewers an aggregate
$220,000 for violations ranging fromfailing to enclose sprockets and
chains to not ensuringmachinery was disabled when an employee was inside.
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Rouhani will be in the same halls as his pen-friend Barack Obama. The US
president will know how to spot his counterpart amid the dozens of
presidents who will be in town. Mr Rouhani is the one who sits incredibly
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outpointed Bradley, before Marquez well and truly cleaned his clock.
Realistically, it means little, of course. What's more pertinent,
perhaps, is that Marquez - truly one of the great technicians of the past
couple of decades - is coming off a career-best, ghost-laying win, while
Bradley may never quite be the same after willingly and repeatedly
getting punched in the head back in March. It may not matter, of course -
Bradley's will to win is so impressively steadfast it's almost
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percent of global palladium supply is SouthAfrican, rather than 80
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ruled down on the play, but Ryan was out of challenges. The Bills capped
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states began the first of five bailouts totalling 70 billion euros,
including the rescue of and eventual shutting of WestLB, which lost
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center of the first house and upstairs there are two bedrooms in the
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Lieutenant Governor Mary Taylor, a fierce opponentof the healthcare law,
said in a radio interview this week thather state's online exchange,
which is being run by the federalgovernment, could well crash on its
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including internationally-recognized human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh.
Sotoudeh, a mother of two, was handed a six-year sentence in 2011 on
national security charges. She was an active and vocal human rights
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data still pointed to a cautious recovery as shoppers continued to spend
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But Republicans as well as Democrats have also fueled secession efforts
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guarantee that those who oppose them are shut out, he said. -Wilbur Wed Aug 24 17:22:23 2016
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she likes if she brushes her teeth every day after lunch for a month. She
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Soros bought in 2003 from "Jurassic Park" author Michael
Crichton. Kimba Wood, a federal judge, will perform the non-
denominational ceremony, which will be attended by members of the
couple's families, including his five children, a source familiar
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before releasing the player, with talks ongoing to secure the Roma winger
Erik Lamela in a deal worth up to £30million. -Walton Wed Aug 24 17:34:42 2016
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especially with the proposed construction of the $1.2 billion Farmers
Field in downtown L.A. -Kristofer Wed Aug 24 17:34:43 2016
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Heinz, who was killed along with six others in 1991 when a helicopter
collided with a plane over a schoolyard in Merion, Pennsylvania. She
married Kerry, a longtime senator from Massachusetts, in 1995. -Incomeppc Wed Aug 24 17:34:43 2016
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crushing that foe by 10 lengths in a dominant performance in the $280,500
Peter Haughton Memorial for 2-year-old colt and gelding trotters in
1:54.1. As the 7-5 favorite, Father Patrick returned $4.80. Each had won
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migraine had an increased risk of brain lesions, silent abnormalities or
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Argentina over the Falkland Islands is well documented, but fascinating
new light has been shed on the battles that she fought with her own
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complaint in a report published on Wednesday, saying there was
“nothing in what the Committee saw or heard gives any hint that
any ethical regulation of the FIA has been breached by Mr Todt or any of
the parties implicated”. -Kayla Wed Aug 24 17:39:01 2016
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law. Time is running out because lawmakersin the European Parliament, who
also need to sign off on thelaw, break up in April for elections in May.
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murder mayhem, destruction and the slaughter of innocence. Why do we
continue to allow these people to immigrate into our nation? So they can
radicalize and murder us? Makes no sense to me that we allow American
muslims to murder innocence overseas and at home. I am very angry with my
government allowing this to continue stop immigration from these nations
now!!. -Jacob Wed Aug 24
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"Politically, it might be difficult for Libya to do that because it
will be seen as succumbing to U.S. pressure and being subservient to the
U.S.," he says. "It is unlikely issuing the charges may enable
the U.S. to request the terrorist extradition or transition to stand
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woes do not conclude with Thursday's ruling. He has two other guilty
verdicts under appeal. A one-year jail term in a wire tap case connected
to Il Giornale, and a seven-year prison sentence and lifetime politics
ban for abuse of power and paying an under-age girl for sex. The appeals
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sensitivity to bruising. -Leonel
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traders cashed in gains in some of theyear's highest performing tech
stocks. -Perry Wed Aug 24 17:44:28
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Leake faces a Houston club suddenly starved for runs after a hot streak.
They scored 34 while winning four in a row last week, but have since
tallied four runs while dropping three straight. -Arnulfo Wed Aug 24 17:44:29 2016
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have enough cash to give money back to all its investors. In financial
parlance, the Reserve Fund "broke the buck" meaning that it
didn't have a $1 on hand for every dollar invested. -Harvey Wed Aug 24 17:44:29 2016
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deciding to see er ex-boyfriend in Liverpool. She was so drunk she headed
in the wrong direction and was stopped by traffic police as she was
heading for Blackpool. -Eric
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making a steady income from duties and fees levied at ports and airports
as well as extorting taxes on domestic produce and demanding
"jihadi" contributions. A United Nations report estimated al-
Shabab's income in 2011 at $70 million to $100 million. -Harold Wed Aug 24 17:44:30 2016
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Policymakers have been immersed in deeper discussions onwhether the BoE
should use so-called "intermediate thresholds" -linking future
monetary policy moves to economic indicatorsother than inflation. -Magic Wed Aug 24 17:44:31 2016
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the days when publishers made long-term investments in promising young
authors and âevery magazine and newspaper had a robust books
section.â Amazon, he writes, âwants a world in which books
are either self-published or published by Amazon itself, with readers
dependent on Amazon reviews in choosing books, and with authors
responsible for their own promotion.â Franzen does not want this
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aftercopper fell to its lowest in a week as the U.S. governmentshutdown
ignited concerns about the world's largest economy andsparked a wave
of fund and institutional selling. -Jeremiah Wed Aug 24 17:48:10 2016
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clients to mail checks directly to his office instead of through the
normal processing channel. He then deposited the checks into a bank
account he controlled, Haber said. -Zachary Wed Aug 24 17:48:11 2016
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over the South China Sea, one of the world's most important sea
lanes, has surged as China uses its growing naval might to assert a vast
claim over the oil-and-gas rich area more forcefully, raising fears of a
military clash between it and other countries that border the area. -Seymour Wed Aug 24 17:48:12 2016
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nation has abstained on several key votes on the issue at the
International Labour Organization (ILO). Singapore is one of only nine
countries that did not ratify the ILO convention on domestic workers that
includes rules on working hours, minimum wages, and maternity protection.
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Fosse and the rest of the American League how baseball was played in the
National League. And Carl Hubbell could introduce his screwball to the
American League in spectacular fashion, striking out Babe Ruth, Lou
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"We don't know how much people in the West pay for the clothes
we make. But we know they're expensive. We don't think it's
fair that we get so little for making the clothes and they get sold for
so much more than that. It's not just." -Marcus Wed Aug 24 17:48:15 2016
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out to breakfast and got word from the airport that bad weather was going
to ground their plane. He also had to face down questions from Clarke
who wondered why they would go on a sightseeing plane flight when there
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Mr Osborne held a breakfast meeting today at Number 11 Downing Street
with executives from builders including Persimmon and Taylor Wimpey as
well as major lenders such as Lloyds Banking Group and Barclays. -Solomon Wed Aug 24 17:59:50 2016
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governors who are seduced into promoting growth over sound money. You
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somehow opens a window for military action of some kind," Nesirky
said. "Frankly, that is grotesque, and it's an affront to the
more than 1,000 staff, U.N. staff, who are on the ground in Syria
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community has been on a steady decline, but city officials decided to
place a school police officer at every elementary, middle and high school
after a gunman killed 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary
in Newtown, Conn., last year. -Gracie Wed Aug 24 17:59:52 2016
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with the rhino siblings follows a recent crisis summit in Singapore where
conservationists concluded as few as 100 of the two-horned, hairy rhinos
might remain in their native southeast Asia. The species numbers have
fallen by up to 90 percent since the mid-1980s as development takes away
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the talks came from senior management atboth firms, the sources said.
Sinopec Chairman Fu Chengyu, whoembarked on restructuring the
company's sprawling servicedivisions shortly after taking up his post
in 2011, was key ininitiating the possible alliance. -Lucas Wed Aug 24 17:59:53 2016
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“Our actions must be rooted first and foremost in what we can
accomplish as parents, as friends, as mentors, as advocates, as scout
leaders, as little league coaches,” Holder said. “Our
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remarks at the New America Foundation on Monday, National Security
Advisor Susan Rice made the case — as members of the Obama
administration have so many times in recent days — for
intervetion in the Syria conflict. -Cole Wed Aug 24 17:59:54 2016
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Hundreds of thousands of parents earning more than £50,000 a year are
being warned to register for self-assessment tax returns by October 5,
after claiming child benefit to which they are no longer entitled. HMRC
is preparing to issue fines to those who fail to act. -Jonas Wed Aug 24 17:59:54 2016
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Steinbrueck, the Social Democratic party (SPD) candidate in the upcoming
general elections, talks to tourists with a microphone from the bridge of
a boat, during a harbour trip in Warnemuende, August 9, 2013. -Tracey Wed Aug 24 17:59:56 2016
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While Japanese companies spent a record $83 billion onoverseas
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past 10 years, there have been far fewerforeign acquisitions in Japan
than anywhere else in Asia.Foreign deals accounted for just 5.85 percent
of acquisitions inJapan compared to Asia ex-Japan's 26.48 percent,
Datastream datashow. -Teodoro Wed
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âI can see a lot of humor in a lot of bad things, but in this one I
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I haven't met anyone who has seen it, but I can tell you for sure
that it's based on a superficial idea. I have kept things very
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Government reforms, Dame Ruth wrote that Mr Lansley’s
intervention soon after the election was “a bitter
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was a smoother affair. Powerful regional SPD leader Hannelore Kraft, who
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The most extensive dress rehearsal of the summer ended for the Chiefs
Saturday night with more mixed results. Their passing game came alive and
special teams were again spectacular in what eventually became a 26-20
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Hardline Muslim clerics gained unprecedented freedom to preach on
Egyptian television after the 2011 revolt that overthrew Hosni Mubarak
and paved the way for Mursi's election, and some openly derided
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government enacted steep budget cuts in March, which are expected to
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Washington. Federal construction fell 1.5 percent during the month, while
outlays on state and local projects declined 1.1 percent. -Darius Wed Aug 24 18:02:16 2016
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Benckiser's (JAB) 7.5 billion euro ($10.01 billion)takeover of Dutch
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company struggles to secure 95percent shareholder acceptance, bankers
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appeal which is still less than half-funded. The UK government has acted,
now other countries must follow," he added. -Donte Wed Aug 24 18:02:17 2016
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same forward configuration but will feature some inexperience on defense.
The Capitals bottom three defensemen, Steve Oleksy, Alex Urbom and Nate
Schmidt, have appeared in a combined 45 NHL regular season and playoff
games. -Elvis Wed Aug 24
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in the global middle class, and we now need to be thinkingof how to serve
global products focused on efficacy,â saidFallon, who took over from
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at an event on September 10. The Nikkei business daily said an
announcement that DoCoMo would begin marketing the iPhone is likely to
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"It's now time for us to assume responsibly for our
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she spat, they couldn’t all land their first job
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country's railway agency saying it was his responsibility to brake
before going into the high-risk curve where the train tumbled off the
rails and smashed into a wall. But it's still not clear whether the
brakes failed or were never used, and the driver has remained silent so
far. -Edwin Wed Aug 24 18:04:50
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entities and may be used only with permission of Major League Baseball
Properties, Inc. or the relevant Major League Baseball entity: Major
League, Major League Baseball, MLB, the silhouetted batter logo, World
Series, National League, American League, Division Series, League
Championship Series, All-Star Game, and the names, nicknames, logos,
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to his father. The skills required have changed little through the
centuries and not at all since the Harveys, who did a variety of jobs for
the R&A down the years, were asked to begin engraving the claret jug
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proposal. "Instead, the Vivus board ofdirectors terminated
settlement discussions by responding with apress release stating its
decision to adjourn the (annualshareholders) meeting, effectively denying
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Imports of crude oil and iron ore rebounded from multi-month lows to
record highs last month as more raw materials were shipped in to rebuild
depleted stocks, and soy bean purchases hit a record for the second
straight month. -Antonio Wed Aug
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terrorists don’t qualify as “weapons” so
Obama’s off screen arming of terrorist groups continues under
the guise of “local pilferage”. The Chicago Way is
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world helium when its two large liquefaction plants reach full capacity.
Air Liquide started up a 38 million cubic meter per year plant last month
but it is not yet operating at full potential. -Gerry Wed Aug 24 18:04:54 2016
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Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls ruled out borrowing for day-to-day spending in
2015-16 if the party wins power at the next election, Mr McCluskey stated
that a Labour Government's aim should not be âkeeping in with
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Sen. Carl Levin's committee voted to eliminate its $19.7 million in
funding in the National Defense Authorization Act. -Mathew Wed Aug 24 18:07:20 2016
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time a British leader had been defeated on such a matter since 1782. Even
some of his own Conservative lawmakers rebelled against him and the
opposition Labour party lined up against him too, despite demanding and
getting numerous concessions. Visibly angry, Cameron conceded defeat.
"It is clear to me that the British parliament, reflecting the views
of the British people, does not want to see British military action - I
get that and the government will act accordingly." -Hiram Wed Aug 24 18:07:20 2016
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insiders advising on the decision leans a bit more toward
manic. Geithner, for example, jumps from meeting to meeting, from
hearing to phone call, without so much as a set of talking points to work
from. The question is how Yellin’s cautious approach would
work when she is dealing with the full panoply of issues that a Fed chair
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university leavers being hired by Britain’s leading companies
will drop by almost four per cent to 18,913 this year, just as record
numbers of students are preparing to complete their degrees. -Elisha Wed Aug 24 18:07:21 2016
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world's population will be online by late 2013 via tablets and
smartphones, but warns that the comparative high price of accessing the
web in developing countries is causing a 'digital divide'. -Mathew Wed Aug 24 18:07:21 2016
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Environment Secretary Owen Paterson today said he would welcome any bid
to start the controversial process of âfrackingâ to mine gas
reserves under Shropshire â despite there being no plans to do so at
present. -Jacinto Wed Aug 24
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looking, even though I'm sure being a Leica rangefinder, its built
like a tank! The control dials on the top-plate look good too, if not
very ergonomic or practical, again reminiscent of radio dials, as well as
the textured material on the body which resembles a speaker grill...maybe
the inspiration for this design were mid-20th century portable radios? I
think I prefer the traditional styling of the standard Leica M, but this
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After the game, the home run was a big topic in the Sox clubhouse. David
Ortiz stopped Peter Gammons and asked, âHow long have you been
watching baseball? Have you ever seen someone hit a ball like Napoli
did?â -Laurence Wed Aug
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example, to UB 17, under the command of naval Lieutenant Albert
Branscheid, with its crew of 21 men, or where the 27-member crew of UC
21, used as a minelayer and commanded by naval Lieutenant Werner von
Zerboni di Sposetti, had perished. -Kimberly Wed Aug 24 18:07:24 2016
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sides taking to websites, books and national television to argue their
points. A petition on seeking to have him freed has collected
hundreds of signatures. -Gilbert Wed Aug 24 18:23:43 2016
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that fewer attorneys are involved, Newman says. "The collaborative
divorce can involve an interdisciplinary team which can consist of
divorce coaches – therapists trained in the collaborative model
– financial neutrals and child specialists, if
applicable," Newman says. -Travis Wed Aug 24 18:23:43 2016
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Bank, frequently prevent athletes travelling freely between the two
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been some sickening international atrocities over the past few days, with
the attack in Kenya and the (by contrast seriously under-reported)
bombing of the Anglican church in Peshawar. Looked at in the round,
however, there is enormous reason to hope. Last month’s vote in
Parliament has opened up sweeping new vistas. There is a serious prospect
of genuine peace talks about Syria, real progress in the Middle East, and
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England Patriots quarterback is taking part in the third day of joint
practices with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. It isn't known if he'll
play Friday night when the teams meet in an exhibition game. -Stephan Wed Aug 24 18:23:44 2016
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or 40 of them were "nerdy" people, from all over the UK, who he
had known online since the days of video games forums more than a decade
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cellulite, you have a better chance of also developing it. In fact,
there's even a genetic test on the market that can tell you whether
you have a gene variant that puts you at higher risk for moderate to
severe celluliteâbut, considering that most women will develop
cellulite in their lifetimes (and the fact that you'll know it when
you see it), it's not exactly worth its hefty price tag. If
you're not one of the lucky ones with smooth-skinned relatives, take
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anticipated debut of Royce White was derailed a bit as he picked up four
fouls in his first 2 minutes, 42 seconds of action. He finished the game
with five fouls in a little less than 9 minutes . . . Rookie Kelly Olynyk
scored 13 for the Celtics . . . Temple's Khalif Wyatt checked in for
the Sixers during the fourth quarter after not seeing action before that
. . . Injured All-Star guard Rajon Rondo was working out on the floor a
few hours before game time. Rondo is recovering from left ACL surgery,
which he had 9 months ago . . . A late arriving crowd eventually filled
up The Bob . . . The Sixers will host the Brooklyn Nets on Monday at the
Wells Fargo Center . . . Brett Brown, who grew up in the New England
area, said it was special to coach against the team he watched as a kid.
"You couldn't help but watch them all the time. I'd go to my
grandfather's house, and he would be sitting downstairs with a fire
going and watching the Celtics or the Red Sox or the Bruins or the
Patriots, a die-hard Boston fan. We grew up in that environment, and,
being the son of a coach, I was always looking. I loved the New York
Knicks early with [Walt] Frazier and [Earl] Monroe, and then how could
you not love the Philadelphia 76ers when they got it going with Andrew
Toney and Mo Cheeks and Doug Collins and Julius [Erving] and [George]
McGinnis. I loved that part of it. I love basketball, but the Boston
thing more from a parochial standpoint." -Lucien Wed Aug 24 18:23:47 2016
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Zimmerman's false assumptions about an unarmed black teenager wearing
a hoodie sparked this grievous tragedy. The jury made the close and
defensible decision not to convict Zimmerman of manslaughter, although it
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The change also means another $3 billion in added costs for exchange
subsidies. That is because about half of the 1 million workers who would
have gained employer-sponsored coverage next year will now obtain
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of companies including Nasdaq, French retailer Carrefour SA, J.C. Penney,
7-Eleven, JetBlue Airways Corp. and a Jordanian company that processed
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Former Wisconsin Railroad Commissioner Rodney Kreunen, whoinvestigated
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weak spots on the line, buthad not modernized the whole system, he said.
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full year to July 28. Itdoes not give numerical forecasts or comment on
analysts'consensus. -Larry
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Argos, said in a stock market statement that the tie-up is “not
expected to materially impact the financial performance of Home Retail
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Chernobyl), remediation factors are disappointing," said David
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Glasgow and an expert in radiation who has made numerous trips to
Fukushima to map the fallout. -Maria Wed Aug 24 18:45:29 2016
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leaving hundreds killed and thousands others injured. The violent
crackdown sparked days of street violence across the country where
Islamist supporters stormed and torched churches and police stations. -
Antonio Wed Aug 24 18:45:30 2016
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1,111.11 points in late Juneon expectations the U.S. Federal Reserve
would scale backeconomic stimulus measures but has since recovered this
month ascentral banks have sought to reassure that they will continue
tosupport the global economy. -Cody Wed Aug 24 18:45:30 2016
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Friday's gains helped the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite end atwo-
week losing streak, but the Dow posted its third consecutiveweekly
decline. For the week the Dow fell 0.5 percent, the S&Pgained 0.5
percent and the Nasdaq added 1.5 percent. -Johnson Wed Aug 24 18:45:31 2016
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"It is known that Germany, along with other Western states, is a
target for jihadist terrorists so we always assess warnings on a case-by-
case basis but we already have a high level of protective measures and we
do not plan to step these up at the moment," spokesman Jens Teschke
said at a routine government news conference. -Mitchel Wed Aug 24 18:45:31 2016
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"Since the preliminary report was given to us, a full investigation
has been carried out into the circumstances which led to this
unsatisfactory result and a number of steps have been taken to ensure
that the standards of food hygiene, in particular, are of the highest
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accused of orchestrating thescheme, was arrested in Thailand on Saturday.
Gregory Curry,also Canadian, was arrested there earlier on Tuesday, the
U.S.Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York said in
astatement. Curry's son was among those arrested last week. -Waldo Wed Aug 24 18:45:33 2016
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Security Council decided to take becauseof our concerns to protect
civilians in a place and at a timewhen they hadn't been protected for
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of creditors, which one source said was about 250, complicates the task
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ultimate economic fuel is consumer spending, which increased a paltry
0.3% in May, according to the latest reading from the Bureau of Economic
Analysis. Consumer spending for June will be released on August 2. -Giuseppe Wed Aug 24 18:54:50 2016
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Gentrification of fashionable areas such as Shoreditch and Dulston is
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demonstrators' anger rose after police used pepper spray to defend
the security perimeter. Hundreds moved to nearby O'Connell Bridge, a
key transport corridor, and the capital's major O'Connell Street
thoroughfare. They easily outflanked a handful of officers and blocked
both ends of the bridge as well as much of O'Connell Street, snarling
rush-hour traffic along two narrow riverside roads. Some unfurled banners
calling for banks not to evict mortgage defaulters from their homes,
while others staged sit-down protests on the pavement and chatted on
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Jason Ader, whose Ader Investment Management allocates money to a number
of small hedge funds, said most of the money managers trying to gain a
tactical advantage in the fiscal crisis were short-term traders. He said
an indication that most managers were not particularly worried about a
government default is that so-called crash protection on Standard &
Poor's future contracts was still priced relatively low as of
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last 40 years, with recent school leavers registering lower scores in
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huge kick to floor Bobby Voelker in a second-round knockout. Liz
Carmouche also had a second-round victory, stopping Brazil’s
Jessica Andrade in her UFC debut. -Cliff Wed Aug 24 18:54:54 2016
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and their friends with our ideas,” says Jessica Gibbons.
“We wanted the room to be an antidote to the throwaway
mentality. There will always be the oligarchs who want a new room design
every six months because it’s the fashion and they can afford
it, but most people we design for are fairly modest in what they want and
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that Alex Rodriguezâs $25 million will not be totally wiped off the
books by the arbitrator hearing his case, and the anticipation that Cano
can be re-signed at something less than that. âWith almost $100
million coming off their books, they feel they can fill most of their
needs and still be under the $189 million,â the person said.
âTheyâre also looking at the rest of the division - and how
they were able to hang in with all of them except the Red Sox, with the
myriad of injuries and all the transition this year â and
theyâre confident they can better improve themselves than the others
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but the emotional rollercoaster was not over yet. Having been directed to
the toilets, I entered Ettoré Bugatti's old hunting lodge, now
offices at the heart of the factory complex. As I opened the front door,
I stopped. In front of me was another Royale, the Coupé de Ville
Binder, perhaps the most beautiful of them all. Supposedly "in
Germany", it is, it turns out, the property of Volkswagen AG and,
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whichdepend on economic growth, add a combined 19 points to the FTSE100,
which was up 43.35 points, or 0.7 percent, to6,493.42 points at 0704 GMT.
(Reporting by Francesco Canepa; Editing by Alistair Smout) -Sofia Wed Aug 24 18:57:08 2016
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Disputing his mother’s assertion that he was always receptive
to discipline, he says, smiling: “Mums tend to see the best in
their boys. But at school, in the primary years, I was pretty much a
terror, a very naughty little boy. My sister Margi jokes that I would
spend more time sitting outside the classroom than inside. I embraced
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other hopefuls. Keep our collective fingers crossed, and say a little
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saying, 'I know when you goton location, they gave you a Jeep. Now,
where is that Jeep?'With some of these stars, you had to talk to them
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working a couple more years to pay it off, or weigh the option of selling
your current home and using the net proceeds to purchase another home.
Downsizing is completely appropriate in retirement – it's
OK to own a two-bedroom apartment that's paid off! -Dallas Wed Aug 24 19:05:22 2016
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County Vehicle Maintenance Department director Jim Pine told
"It took a little bit to clear their heads yesterday." -Wilford Wed Aug 24 19:05:23 2016
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articles like this (and some of the supporting comments) misplaced.
Though to be honest, this was probably only written in order to try to
create buzz…the writer did sort of suggest that he may have
liked previous GTA installments, but this one was marred by
"violence" and "sexism". Please think about that for
a second. -Elias Wed Aug 24
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in San Francisco, the team owned by Oracle Corp. co-founder Larry Ellison
has gained momentum against Emirates Team New Zealand, refusing since
Thursday to let the Kiwis win the one race that would give them the
trophy. -Fritz Wed Aug 24
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sweeteners, the first being the alleged novelty â which at this
point isnât really so novel at all â of parenting being done by
Dad rather than Mom. -Lowell
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to Mr. Murphy. Funny, but I don’t recall him making these
pronouncements about the Redskins name when they were paying his salary.
He’s a hyprocrite. I would add that several years ago, PETA
demanded that the Packers change their name because it glorifies the
killing the animals. It’s true. Google Packers and PETA. Would
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There’s another way in which this movement is operatic. If the
piano is an operatic character (in this case a tragic heroine), there
have to be other characters, too. You can hear them plainly when the
orchestra enters: the clarinet and bassoon joining in the
piano’s mournful plaint, and later the flute-and-clarinet pair
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Athletic director David Rivera is the interim head coach and asked Cyrus
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forces inAfghanistan after most are withdrawn in 2014. Failure to reach
adeal could prompt Washington to pull out all of its forces atthe end of
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political turmoil as different groups grappled for supremacy. His son
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DELL STRATEGY: People arrive at the Dell shareholders meeting at Dell
headquarters in Round Rock, Texas. The majority of Dell shareholders
voted in favor of a $25 billion buyout offer led by company founder and
CEO Michael Dell. (AP) -Aubrey
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"has been clear and consistent for some time now that while the
prosecution of drug traffickers remains an important priority, the
president and the administration believe that targeting individual
marijuana users, especially those with serious illnesses and their
caregivers, is not the best allocation for federal law enforcement
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it once was. When originally conceived back in 1810, it was held to
celebrate the marriage of Bavaria’s Crown Prince. Over 200
years later, it has become something of a beer-drinker’s mecca,
and economic wonder. Without a detailed understanding of the costs
involved in hosting the eventâand, really, whether they have been
rising quickly as the festival’s beer prices
haveâit’s probably safest to say that until beer-drinkers
stop celebrating the price hikes, Oktoberfest is going to keep pouring
them on. (The organizers of Oktoberfest didn’t respond to a
request for comment.) -Goodboy
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director Francis Collins said about 200 patients who otherwise would be
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said Mexico’s widely available inexpensive junk food and
penetration of U.S. fast-food chains combined with a more sedentary
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1807 and located 10 blocks east of Eastern Market, the cemetery is not
officially connected to Congress. It’s owned by nearby Christ
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The Historic Congressional Cemetery, which takes private donations for
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the draft, the Rangers, with no picks until the third round due to trades
for Rich Nash and Ryan Clowe, took North Dakota center Adam Tambellini (6-
2, 180 pounds) at No. 65. He is the son of Steve Tambellini, the former
Oilers general manager who played for the Islanders and Devils, and the
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as customise cars, has been besieged by server connection delays, as has
access to the in-game Snapshot app, used to take and share photos. Some
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peryear, the Department of Agriculture and U.S. TradeRepresentative's
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Families walked through the rain to shelters, televisionimages showed, as
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demonstrators – most of whom are women, internally displaced
people escaping conflict and students—of the mass support of
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Obama administration officials found that connecting with families about
services already in place to help them is crucial. Four out of five
children currently uninsured are eligible for Medicaid or CHIP services,
officials said. -Preston Wed
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22, 2013 photo provided by the University of Missouri, Bob Harrison
prepares a snack in his TigerPlace apartment in Columbia, Mo., as
different sensors mounted near the ceiling record activity patterns. The
sensor technology is unobtrusive and does not interfere with his everyday
tasks. Researchers at the University of Missouri are studying high-tech
monitoring systems that promise new safety nets for seniors living on
their own. (AP Photo/University of Missouri, Shoshana Herndon) -Mikel Wed Aug 24 19:25:45 2016
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revival in new listings in London, with the amount raised fromdebuts on
London's main stock market in the first half of 2013more than four
times the same period in 2012. -Charlotte Wed Aug 24 19:25:46 2016
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steadily losing momentum, knocking Asian stock markets and contributing
to a 55 cent per barrel drop in Brent oil prices to below $108. Brent
traded at $108.02 at 0844 GMT. -Cortez Wed Aug 24 19:25:46 2016
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teams such as the Phillies (Chase Utley), Red Sox (Dustin Pedroia),
Rangers (Ian Kinsler), Angels (Howie Kendrick) and Giants (Marco Scutaro)
have their second-base situation sewn up for at least the next couple of
years, leaving the Tigers, Nationals and Orioles among the Yankeesâ
potential competition for Cano, who turns 31 next month. -Marcelo Wed Aug 24 19:25:46 2016
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thinking about their decision before moving to Heron Point. Visits to
many communities are the rule, not the exception. Several emphasized it
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investigators, especially that âno countâ detective Spike. -
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to trace federal money down to the community level to see if itâs
being spent wisely. And changes to the spending plan by city and state
agencies are being announced quietly, allowing for only a short public
comment period. -Cyrus Wed Aug
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authorities and asked it to present clarifications" regarding the al-
Libi abduction. It also said it hoped the incident would not impact its
strategic relationship with the United States. -Gianna Wed Aug 24 19:25:48 2016
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addressed by the 2009 law, includingso-called "add-on"
products, or optional extras that are oftenmarketed to cardholders. -Winford Wed Aug 24 19:27:37 2016
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JPMorgan, the biggest bank based in the United States, has been pressing
to resolve several government investigations of the company that have
grown in number and intensity since the company lost $6.2 billion on its
"London Whale" derivatives trades last year. -Jerold Wed Aug 24 19:27:37 2016
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famous when heâs wearing his Chewbacca costume, Anthony Daniels
(C3PO) and the nefarious Emporer Palpatine, aka British actor Ian
McDiarmid. Warwick Davis, who played the Ewok named Wicket in
âReturn of the Jedi,â and Jeremy Bulloch, best known as the
original Boba Fett, rounded out the panel. -Jospeh Wed Aug 24 19:27:38 2016
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companiesin South East Asia are no longer cheap," said David
Poh,regional head of portfolio solutions, Societe Generale
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"I guess I am going to have to learn to ride a horse a little
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owned by Archer DanielsMidland Corp in Decatur, Illinois, merchants
sought tobuy soybeans at $16.40 per bushel on Monday, a price that fellto
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Obama administration has vigorously pursued Snowden to bring him back to
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surveillance programs to the media. Snowden is now in Russia, where he
has been granted a year's asylum. -Mya Wed Aug 24 19:27:40 2016
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sentences were ordered to run concurrently â two counts each of
kidnapping and robbery and one count of burglary. The parole panel will
consider those concurrent sentences on Thursday, David Smith, a hearing
examiner with the Board of Parole Commissioners, said late Wednesday. -
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the brain contributes to the disease and further research will be needed
to investigate this. -Wally Wed
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HBC, which operates Lord & Taylor in the United States andHudson Bay
in Canada, is offering $16 per share, a 30 percentpremium over levels in
May right before media reports emergedSaks had put itself up for sale. -
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But sector watchers expect the bids are likely to be on thelow end of
Lloyd's' hopes, potentially leaving the way clear fora rival
offer expected from Australia's second-biggest bank,Westpac Banking
Corp. -Samantha Wed Aug 24
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banging in rose head nails at regular centres to make decking or bridge
walkways less slippery, rather more attractive than chicken wire. Richard
uses much home-grown green oak, (oak that is unseasoned with a higher
moisture content than kiln or air dried oak). This is about 40 per cent
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feelings among the couple’s admirers. Some fans of the
redoubtable English beauty will take heart from her renewed availability,
while the restoration of Warne to what he was before La Hurley got her
hands on him has become close to a national campaign in Australia. -Jamie Wed Aug 24 19:29:24 2016
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and play well today," A-Rod said. "So after playing four
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Scotland would retain the Queen and her successors as head of state, a
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English would still cheer on Andy Murray at tennis. -Steven Wed Aug 24 19:29:26 2016
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year, India carried out its first hanging in eight years when it executed
the lone survivor of a squad of Pakistan-based militants who attacked
Mumbai in 2008, killing 166 people. -Benton Wed Aug 24 19:29:26 2016
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year, down from $4.5 billion to $4.6 billionpreviously. Yahoo also
reported that second-quarter net revenuewas down slightly at $1.071
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around 10:15 pm local time at a park on Chicago's south side, police
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resulting from inefficient social services, high taxes and excessive
spending, President Rousseff's popularity rating substantially
declined earlier this year, from 52% of the population believing that her
government was doing "great/good" before these demonstrations,
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analyst's contact at the Apple supplier described an iWatch as
"much more than an extension of your iPhone but as a multi-purpose
gateway in allowing consumers to control their home (i.e.,
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"I had some trouble with the security question portion, but I'll
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are both self-employed and we've had issues with pre-existing
conditions and being rejected in the past. I think a lot of people with
employee-sponsored insurance don't understand that there are lots of
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agreeing to spend a year behind bars. Wayne, whose real name is Dwayne
Carter, was hit with a slew of charges after a loaded 9-mm. gun was
discovered in his tour bus two years ago. His guilty plea spares him a
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But when she attends her first meeting of the 15-member body on Tuesday,
she will meet with a Security Council deadlocked over how to try to end
the two-year civil war in Syria that has sent more than 1.8 million
people fleeing to other countries. -Raymond Wed Aug 24 19:29:40 2016
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haven't had much of an impact on portfolios. Bank of America-Merrill
Lynch examined 17 government shutdowns since 1976 (all but three of which
took place before 1987 under Presidents Ford, Carter and Reagan). In the
month prior to a government shutdown, the market gained 0.1 percent; it
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It was not until Monday that she brought Mudasiru to the private clinic,
which provided him with medicine before it was too late. Although the boy
has recovered, severe malaria cases can often do lasting damage to a
childâs cognitive and neurological development. Katusime now lives
in fear that one of her children will contract malaria again, and that
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Andrew Knuckey, who has been the low-cost carrierâs chief financial
officer since 2007, will leave the company âto pursue a number of
finance opportunitiesâ once his successor has been appointed and a
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Glendale, Ariz., at least for the next five years, after its new
ownership group struck an arena deal with the city that will complete the
NHLâs sale of the team. The Glendale City Council passed a 15-year,
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It is strange though. Just a few weeks ago they were saying repaying the
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But I do not believe you can be mentally strong and confident to bat for
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get only 600-700 million euros ($800-$930 million) inthe sale of its high-
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For reasons not entirely clear to me, the entire world seems to have
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Obama's choice to succeed Ben Bernanke as Fed chair. I can't tell
if this is because Obama has truly made up his mind, or if it's
mostly due to the awesome agenda-setting power of Ezra Klein. But either
way, it's the talk of the moment among the tiny fraction of the
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Fried Chicken never quite caught on with American consumers. In local
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make an offer for Kentz under Rule 2.7 of the Code or announce that it
does not intend to make an offer for Kentz, in which case the
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it’s causing, that — to see what’s really
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gas,power and infrastructure in the Middle East and North Africa,for
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intestine, needed an emergency operation to separate them. The identical
twins, who celebrate their first birthday on Friday, underwent an
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are "directly in the crosshairs of the macro challenges"and
best avoided, Kass says. These include large,government-affiliated
companies and family conglomerates thathave taken on a lot of debt, along
with the banks that lend tothem. Two of the biggest with U.S. listings
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With the new Nexus 7 tablet, Google hopes we're willing to pay more
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However, Helen Hokin, a food critic and editor of the Food Tripper
website, said the firm would have to reposition itself from its 1990s
heyday if it was to compete in the modern age, given the abundance of
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clashed with some of hissupporters who were blocking a route across the
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partner she was looking for. 'I look for someone who is calm, someone
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Bernd Osterloh, head of the automaker's global works council, will
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tech companies including ad tech companyRocket Fuel Inc, which also
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the chancellor's personal phone was monitored, but the very idea of
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Fiona McCulloch, who took over the call, ticked the wrong boxes on her
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presence of such pesticides, known as neonicotinoids, in plants at garden
centers in Washington, D.C., the San Francisco Bay Area and Minneapolis.
The study was co-authored by the Pesticide Research Institute and the
environmental organization Friends of the Earth. -Cole Wed Aug 24 20:09:26 2016
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July 25 (Reuters) - Asset manager Janus Capital Group Inc reported a
weaker-than-expected quarterly profit asclients withdrew money from its
underperforming funds and somekey managers defected, sending its shares
down nearly 4 percent. -Samual
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Typically, such a submarine is fitted with torpedoes and missiles.
Torpedoes are launched underwater to attack other submarines while
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word on the status of the weapons on board the Sindhurakshak. -Lily Wed Aug 24 20:09:28 2016
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emergency first response car was immediately dispatched from a mile away,
but the driver struggled to find the new-build house as the East of
England Ambulance Trust's satellite navigation system was not up-
to-date and "there were too many blue doors". -Carrol Wed Aug 24 20:09:28 2016
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"Within just the last half hour the smoke intensity is now affecting
visibility and it is affecting airline flights," said Tom Nolan,
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is the individual airlines that must determine if they can land or not in
these conditions." -Elroy Wed
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phased basis ‘to develop the capacity to cater for the full 55-
74 population'. The first phase will cover those aged 60-69 before
the programme is eventually expanded to include the rest. -Everett Wed Aug 24 20:09:29 2016
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duty position following disputes with then-Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld and other top officials in the George W. Bush administration
over how many troops the war in Iraq would require. Shinseki advocated
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coalition of lawyers and organisations opposed to the latest legal aid
changes, said: âWhat this shows is the people who are committed to
the vulnerable, the excluded and the unlucky, who work very long hours
for very little pay, cannot find a way of making it work in the new legal
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adviser to UBS and author of 2008's 'The Age of Aging", says
he's sceptical of the simplicity of the idea, not least given the
gigantic hit savers have taken from zero rate policies and bond buying
over the past five years. -Jerold Wed Aug 24 20:18:03 2016
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to 30 September, to 520,000, compared with a net increase of 7,000 in the
corresponding quarter a year ago. The value of assets held within Vantage
now stands at £37bn, up 8% from three months ago. -Kasey Wed Aug 24 20:18:03 2016
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Another player who's about to make that step up to the Test squad is
my county colleague Chris Woakes. He was out playing in Wellington before
Christmas so he'll certainly have a good local knowledge that
we'll be able to pump him for, which raises an interesting point.
With the Academy set-up these days the one drawback is that the young
guys don't get to play domestic overseas cricket. -Coleman Wed Aug 24 20:18:04 2016
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making more than $300,000 in straw contributions on his behalf to federal
and District of Columbia candidates. One of those is Eugenia
"Jeanne" Clarke Harris, the owner of Belle International Inc.,
the company named in court documents as having paid White. -Ella Wed Aug 24 20:18:05 2016
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data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC).
It compared the school achievement among 722 children aged 7 who were
born before 37 weeks with 11,268 children who were born between 37 and 42
weeks. -Trinidad Wed Aug 24
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For KKR, the purchase comes at a low point in QingdaoHaier's
valuations. The stock trades at a trailingprice-to-earnings ratio of
10.6, making it the second-leastexpensive home appliance maker in the
Asia-Pacific behind GreeElectric Appliances Inc of Zhuhai, Thomson
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Bouare, the local prefect, said four people had been killed in total,
including a child. The bomber was believed to have ferried other fighters
to the town's outskirts before detonating his charge, Bouare said. -
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This is important, the researchers said, in part because there had not
been previous research on why napping is important, and as a result, that
time was targeted in efforts to find more opportunities for learning
because even young children are under pressure for academic achievement.
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"Play good hockey without the puck," Berube said of what he
thinks need to change. "The team needs to come together to do the
right things to get the puck back. Right now, we need to stress that and
do a better job of it. We need to take pride in it." -Myles Wed Aug 24 20:18:08 2016
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Cash all covered Cale’s songs over the years — the
ultimate tribute to a musician who preferred to stay in the background
and let his songs speak for him. -Porfirio Wed Aug 24 20:18:09 2016
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scientists decided to look at any links between coffee and deaths from
all causes. They analysed the health details of over 43,000 men and women
aged between 20 and 87 over a 17-year period. During this period, just
over 2,500 of the participants died, one-third of whom died as a result
of heart disease. -Mauro Wed Aug
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confirmed, the NLRB will have five Senate-confirmed nominees for the
first time in a decade. They are eminently qualified,” Senate
Majority Leader Harry Reid said on the Senate floor before the votes. -
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personal tax allowance has eased the strain - but the positive impact of
this is being eclipsed by the effects of spending cuts and the rising
costs of essentials, the report said. -Theodore Wed Aug 24 20:18:10 2016
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public should trust in the audit system and only expect to know the names
of those who are confirmed to be performing badly. Those surgeons who
have “good” figures and are refusing publication of
their data are to be commended for their principled stand, and not
vilified. -John Wed Aug 24
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Tracey Lynn Garner, also known as Morris Garner, a floral and interior
decorator with no medical training. The cost was $1,500. Early in the
case, authorities referred to Garner as a man, but her attorney says she
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However, after losing influential midfielder Victor Wanyama, last
season's top-scorer Gary Hooper and key defender Kelvin Wilson in the
transfer window the Celtic manager says the win over the Kazakhstan
minnows tops the lot. -Ernest Wed
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and sees babies looming in the relatively near future with her long-term
boyfriend, with whom she lives. ”Sometimes people misconstrue
the site and they say, ‘Apparently people don’t like
it when I post cute pictures of my children’ – and
that’s not what it’s about all,” she says.
“It’s just if you post 20 pictures of your children
everyday, then I think you might be going off path.” -Wayne Wed Aug 24 20:24:56 2016
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Council had demonstrated no inclination to act at all," Obama said.
"If we cannot agree even on this, then it will show that the U.N. is
incapable of enforcing the most basic of international laws. On the other
hand, if we succeed, it will send a powerful message that the use of
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"Every TV show is different and part of my job is to assesswhether
the people I work for have any music allergies," saidDuncan, who
earned previous Emmy nominations for the series"Castle" and
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the experiment after noticing that spider webs bent toward his then four-
year-old daughter's magic wand toy, which can be used to levitate
oppositely charged objects. "The web is attracted to the insect, so
that can increase the spider's capture rate." -Jamey Wed Aug 24 20:24:57 2016
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safehavens including the yen, Swiss franc and some sovereign debt.U.S.
Treasuries also benefited from a view that the economicdamage done by a
government closure would be yet another reasonfor the Federal Reserve to
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But the proportion of women having repeat abortions has risen from 31% in
2002 to 37% in 2012. Last year one in three 20 to 24 year olds (34%) had
had a previous abortion, rising to 44% among 24 to 29 year olds. -Samuel Wed Aug 24 20:24:58 2016
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past and present mineral conflict zonessuch as Angola, Sierra Leone or
Congo. -Gilbert Wed Aug 24
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Carter will join Jonathan Ogden, Larry Allen, Bill Parcells, Warren Sapp,
Dave Robinson and Curley Culp as the newest inductees on Saturday night.
He was, by far, the most emotional during a news conference Friday as
festivities began for the 50th anniversary celebration of the hall. -Horacio Wed Aug 24 20:24:59 2016
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Scientists from Bristol and the University of Groningen in the
Netherlands carried out the research by building a computer model to
simulate the evolution of parental behaviour when their daughter is
searching for a partner. -Weston Wed Aug 24 20:42:58 2016
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97," tweeted Janis Krums, a New York entrepreneur, on Thursday night
after seeing the filing. His 2009 tweet of his photo of a United Airlines
plane floating in the Hudson River after a crash-landing was cited by the
company as an example of real-time news breaking on Twitter. -Neville Wed Aug 24 20:42:59 2016
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released, was a known stalker and had been banned from entering
Ingolstadt city hall because he had harassed a female employee there,
said Bavariaâs interior minister, Joachim Herrmann. -Alphonse Wed Aug 24 20:42:59 2016
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declined to comment about what methods were used to extend shelf life. -
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without the jury present, the judge had dismissed a defence application
to dismiss the attempted murder charges for lack of evidence, claiming
there was no intent to kill. The judge said he would leave it to the jury
to decide. -Melissa Wed Aug
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universes. Hernandez had recently signed a new $40 million contract with
the New England Patriots, while Lloyd was playing for free as a
linebacker with the semi-pro Boston Bandits. Hernandez and his Patriots
teammates were cheered by about 70,000 fans at Gillette stadium every
weekend, while the Bandits might get 200 to 300 people in the stands at
their games. -Alberto Wed Aug
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died of leukaemia in 1972, aged 31, but his experiments were everything
for the generation of photographers that followed. 'There’s
a certain benefit of hindsight,’ Parr says. 'You can think
differently 40 years on, and we’ll never know if Ray-Jones
would have approved. But his best shots from back then still stand very
well, they’re still brilliant images. The Beachy Head boat
trip, and the shots of Margate and Glyndebourne. Those pictures are icons
of documentary photography in the UK; they’re difficult to
better.’ -Rodolfo
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influential enough to do their part in the U.N. Security Council to
ensure a comprehensive cease-fire in Syria ... and to move toward
negotiations in Geneva to achieve a peaceful settlement to the Syrian
crisis," Secretary-General Nabil Elaraby said in a statement. -Grover Wed Aug 24 20:43:02 2016
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months old when she was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. At that time,
most cystic fibrosis sufferers died in childhood and Sir Ivan and Lady
Lawrence were warned that it was unlikely she would reach her teens. -
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the Maltese hunter on the ground applied much the same logic.
‘If I don’t shoot it, someone else will, so
I’d rather shoot it myself,’ one individual explained
when asked why he killed as he did. The argument is revealing for drawing
its primary meaning from competition among the hunters, and also for its
utter lack of reference to the prey itself. It is, in truth, not a
rationale for hunting. That surely requires some imaginative transaction,
some ecological linkage, between the hunter and his target. To justify
the killing as a means to pre-empt one’s predatory competitors
is little more than a charter for the quarry’s eventual
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Filner was not seen at his City Hall offices by early afternoon, and
local media reported he had gone into a downtown San Diego office
building where negotiations were under way between his lawyers and
attorneys for former aide Irene McCormack Jackson, who sued him for
sexual harassment in July. -Rosario Wed Aug 24 20:44:53 2016
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inflationestimates for 2013 and 2014, but signaled it will
actaggressively to meet its own goal of bringing inflation belowthe 5.84
percent mark posted last year. -Ariel Wed Aug 24 20:44:54 2016
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He was in obvious pain as he limped off the field and was eventually
helped to the cart, but the Giants did not seem overly concerned in the
immediate aftermath. In fact, one source familiar with the situation said
the initial diagnosis was that it was nothing more than a badly sprained
ankle. -Jospeh Wed Aug 24
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helping him take black votes away from Bill Thompson, he was also given
the gift of Sydney Leathers, aspiring bimbo porn star and former sexting
friend of Anthony Weiner, back when Weiner was actually making his own
big move in the polls. That wasnât just help for de Blasio, it was
like the Red Cross showing up. -Edwin Wed Aug 24 20:44:55 2016
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India's weakest economic growth ina decade and a record high deficit
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"We set out to quantify the influence of current lifestyle on
subsequent disability," Lois Kim, lead author of the study and
lecturer in medical statistics at the London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine, told Reuters Health. -Noble Wed Aug 24 20:44:56 2016
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and face multiple charges in the shooting of five people at
Saturday's festival, authorities said Sunday. Authorities were
holding 21-year-old Boonmlee Lee and 19-year-old Meng Lee, both of Tulsa.
Each faces five counts of shooting with intent to kill plus firearms
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link fence surrounds the home of Ariel Castro in Cleveland Tuesday, May
14, 2013. Castro is under arrest and charged with kidnapping and rape
after three women were rescued last week at the house after being held
captive for a decade. (AP Photo/Mark Duncan) -Ronny Wed Aug 24 20:44:56 2016
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South Lawn ceremony honoring their victory and their community service
work. The Giants swept the World Series in October, defeating the Detroit
Tigers 4-3 in the final game after nearly being knocked out earlier in
the playoffs. -Blair Wed Aug 24
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following the rule of law. Clearly, and I mean crystal clear, it was a
military coup and the leader was removed from power by the highest
ranking military commander. That is a military coup by any stretch of the
imagination. All aid is to be cut off and should be until such a time as
fair elections are held and a leader emerges. -Jamal Wed Aug 24 20:44:58 2016
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are a fundamental cause of long-run economic growth (e.g., Acemoglu and
Robinson 2006). Recognising that institutions can be formal (e.g., laws
and regulations) or informal (e.g., customs and traditions), this line of
inquiry has moved towards identifying which ones are the most important
institutions and how they interact with each other. Economic historians
excelled at this and highlight the role of both political institutions
and financial institutions (Haber 1998, Musacchio 2009, Haber et al.
2008). -Dillon Wed Aug 24
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NextEra's Florida Power and Light (FPL) utility has selectedthe Sabal
Trail Transmission JV to build the 465-mile pipeline,which could carry 1
billion cubic feet per day, from Alabamathrough Georgia to Florida. -Johnathon Wed Aug 24 20:49:17 2016
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Demonstrators attend a 'Justice For Trayvon' rally at Federal
Plaza in the Loop July 20, 2013 in Chicago, Illinois. The rally was one
of a scheduled 100 to be held in cities across the country today to
protest a Florida jury's decision last week to find neighborhood
watch volunteer George Zimmerman not guilty of murder in the February
2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty
Images) -Brendan Wed Aug 24
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Gutting said of that meeting, which was perfectly planned for Oceanside
Harbor. "I thought he was nice and enjoyable to be with. We had a
good time." -Jarrett Wed
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other technologies to create detailed maps of famous monumentsâfrom
Mt. Rushmore to the Leaning Tower of Pisaâmeasuring nooks and nicks
with millimeter precision. -Reinaldo Wed Aug 24 20:49:18 2016
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He even went as far as to call Linux the âfuture of gamingâ. -
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It's apparently the first report in a year of activity in Sokoto by
suspected members of the Boko Haram, the extremist group that is blamed
for attacks on schools that have killed dozens of children in its
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a Soviet physicist and dissident. Also among the nominees this year were
three Belarusian dissidents and former NSA employee Edward Snowden. -Rafael Wed Aug 24 20:49:20 2016
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elevated level of oxycodone along with chronic traumatic encephalopathy,
the brain disease that has been found in a number of ex-football players.
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marine products failing to meet safety standards dropped to 5.4 percent
this year from 53 percent in 2011, according to the Cabinet office. -Augustine Wed Aug 24 20:49:30 2016
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therestructuring that is ongoing at Royal Mail, and at the moment,we only
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the northward migration of black Americans – about one-third of
black Americans moved from the rural South to the urban North in just one
generation, 1940-65. That reshaped the northern cities. Black voters
became an important force in our politics, which they really weren't
when they were not allowed to vote in most of the southern states. It had
some negative effects – we had urban riots and so forth
– but also a lot of achievement. -Genaro Wed Aug 24 20:49:31 2016
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outrage among the international community, with many politicians blaming
the Syrian regime for the attack â even though there has so far been
no concrete evidence proving that. -Nicholas Wed Aug 24 20:49:31 2016
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the salt. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice to salt and zest mixture.
Spread out flat onto a nonreactive, heat-proof tray. Place in a warm, dry
place to allow the lemon juice to evaporate â in a window on a sunny
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A: By law, yes, as does the military censor's office and the civil
service. Apart from one manuscript that was held up for more than six
months while it was being vetted, I've not had any major problems in
this regard. -Sebastian Wed Aug 24
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acquired its global strength because workers are tied into corporate
decisions," he said in an email. "We will continue the talks in
the U.S. to set up a German-style works council with the UAW and all
politicians that are open to this." -Winston Wed Aug 24 20:49:33 2016
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and former SEC attorney Keir Gumbs estimate that among the hundreds of
requests that companies have made to the regulator over the years to
block Chevedden's proposals, they have succeeded about half the time.
In recent years, some companies have opened a new line of attack against
him - lawsuits. -Dghonson Wed Aug
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policy has changed in even a small way. If you’re looking for
vast changes to the new Obama health care law, keep looking and,
eventually, you’ll find that if you qualify for a health care
subsidy, the government will now seek to verify your income. -Dannie Wed Aug 24 20:49:37 2016
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disapproval ratings have plummeted in public opinion polls in the past
two weeks, vindicating warnings from Boehner, McConnell and other party
elders that the original strategy of threatening to shut down the
government in hopes of wiping out the overhaul was badly flawed. -Thaddeus Wed Aug 24 20:49:38 2016
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Appropriations Committee late last month voted to tie aid to Cairo to the
restoration of a democratically elected government in Egypt. But the
legislation is still working its way through Congress and has not become
law. -Jaden Wed Aug 24
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Nicky Moffat, who until last year was a Brigadier and the British
Army’s most senior female officer, there will never be a good
time. But pressure is growing from international precedent and senior
figures across Labour, Liberal Democrat and the SNP. -Ayden Wed Aug 24 20:49:52 2016
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organized over the Internet by a women's rights activist from the
Kansas City area who used social media to garner support for Daisy
Coleman, who said she was 14 when a 17-year-old boy gave her alcohol and
sexually assaulted her in January 2012. -Mitchell Wed Aug 24 20:49:53 2016
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research will be needed to confirm the full extent and type of the
clearing. Some of it, for instance, will be the result of wild fires and
other natural degradation. -Ulysses Wed Aug 24 20:49:53 2016
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that the council did not have the power under the 1984 Road Traffic
Regulation Act âto charge local residents for parking in order to
raise surplus revenue for other transport purposesâ. -Mickey Wed Aug 24 20:49:54 2016
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cocktail of prescription drugs and booze killed Whitney Houston before
she became submerged in a bathtub, the singer’s relatives
reportedly were told. The Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office
does not believe the 'I Will Always Love You' star drowned,
contrary to earlier reports suggesting she slumped beneath the water in a
drug-induced stupor, reported Feb. 13. Coroner’s
officials told Houston’s family the onetime queen of pop did not
have enough water in her lungs to suggest she drowned and was likely dead
already. -Clint Wed Aug 24
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conventional love songs like âI Do (Cherish You)â and
"This I Swear," the theme song from his 2003 MTV reality show,
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ball, theyâve got to get five out, I donât think an O-line in
this league has a chance, regardless if itâs (against) us or anybody
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points or0.09 percent, to 15,557.43, the S&P 500 gained 4.06points or
0.24 percent, to 1,696.15 and the Nasdaq Composite added 13.15 points or
0.37 percent, to 3,600.76. -Hobert Wed Aug 24 20:49:56 2016
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Russia runs a current account surplus and is therefore in a better
position than India or Turkey which will face a funding crunch if foreign
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also stressed that his top criterion in choosing the Federal Reserve
chairman is to seek "somebody who understands they've got a dual
mandate." The central bank is tasked with both fostering both price
stability and full employment, though some conservatives have argued that
keeping prices in check should be the sole mandate. -Timmy Wed Aug 24 20:51:02 2016
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fewmonths, since deliveries are expected after buyers had beenqueuing up
to take delivery of refined copper from London MetalExchange warehouses,
industry sources said. -Moses
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from an ill-timed expansion andstruggling as its brands fell out of
favour, the company hassold assets, closed stores and embarked on a new
strategy as aseries of takeover proposals came and went. -Bella Wed Aug 24 20:51:03 2016
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says, 'Mommy, can I just stay at home?' and she just doesn't
want to go.' And now every time I send her to school, I feel like I
am not protecting her and I am letting her down," Ryan said. -Daron Wed Aug 24 20:51:03 2016
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be there to understand how the crowd has taken Mo to their hearts. Mo!
Mo! Mo! they shouted as he broke from the field; and then the syllables
melded into a single roar that sent him surging 50 or 70 metres clear of
his nearest rival — and in a world class field. There were
70,000 or 80,000 people tearfully hailing a Muslim Somali-born west
Londoner, and they hailed him again when he said, in his authentic London
voice, that he just wanted to make Britain proud; because he sure as hell
had. -Sidney Wed Aug 24
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about the issue of concussions and their long-term effects. The high
profile suicides of former players Junior Seau and Dave Duerson made
suggestions that the sport leads to depression and dementia front page
news. Before his 2012 suicide, Seau had been a part of the initial suit
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"Twilight" actress was only 9 years old while working on the
romantic comedy, but her time with the actress â who would have been
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shouldn’t be the government’s job to export on behalf
of British companies or to subsidise the construction sector. But it is
the case that the Coalition has shirked some tough decisions that could
have bolstered manufacturing, exporting and construction activity
– in terms of cutting red tape, easing our still ridiculously
prescriptive planning laws and, above all, fixing the banking sector in
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not appeal. A 13th player, Alex Rodriguez, was suspended through 2014.
The three-time Most Valuable Player and baseballs highest-paid stars
suspension covers 211 games, starting Thursday, and he is expected to
appeal. -Jonah Wed Aug 24
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trading watchdog disappointed consumer groups by not to referring the
market to the Competition Commission or recommending a cap on charges,
instead making a string of recommendations to shake up the sector. -Alvin Wed Aug 24 21:03:51 2016
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Michalski said he lit upon the potential solution to the mystery while he
was studying groups of Martian craters. To his eye, some of those craters
just didn't look as if they were formed by cosmic blasts from above.
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to achieve certain gains?" said one accountantin Malaysia, who
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Malaysian accounting standards board ontheir proposed adoption of the
rule. -Elliot Wed Aug 24 21:03:51
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the world's biggest banks had used their advance knowledge of
customer orders to push through trades before and during the 60-second
window when the WM/Reuters benchmark rates are set. -Raymon Wed Aug 24 21:03:52 2016
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The move kicks off the ambitious program, prompted by a chemical weapons
attack in mid-August that killed hundreds of civilians on the outskirts
of Damascus and brought a rare consensus at the U.N. Under a Security
Council resolution in September, the first stage is to destroy
Syria's capability to produce chemical weapons by Nov. 1. -Haley Wed Aug 24 21:03:52 2016
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Brady completed 25 of 43 passes for 269 yards with one touchdown and one
interception. It was the 38th time he'd led the Patriots to victory
after trailing or being tied in the fourth quarter. One week earlier, he
was just 18 for 38 for 197 yards and a passer rating of 52.2 -Dennis Wed Aug 24 21:03:53 2016
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DE JANEIRO, Sept 27 (Reuters) - Brazil's state-led oilcompany,
Petroleo Brasileiro SA, and its Indianpartners have made a
"beautiful" oil discovery off Brazil'snortheast coast and
it will produce a minimum 100,000 barrels ofpetroleum a day starting in
2018, the company's chief executiveofficer said on Friday. -Berry Wed Aug 24 21:03:53 2016
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nationalists,code-named Ergenekon, pursued extra-judicial killings
andbombings in order to trigger a military coup, an example of theanti-
democratic forces which Erdogan says his AK Party hasfought to stamp out.
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believe as many as 600 artworks were stolen from the two properties. It
was unclear whether any arrests have been made, but there is an ongoing
police investigation. So far, 22 of the works have been recovered. -Brice Wed Aug 24 21:03:54 2016
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"All the independent evidence and my own experience and discussion
with constituents has always shown that people living in our region place
a lot of value on dedicated local coverage in news programming," he
said. -Valeria Wed Aug 24
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role in the Oscar winning "Django Unchained." But he's
gotten right back to front-and-center with this summer's "Great
Gatsby" and the upcoming "The Wolf of Wall Street." -Gayle Wed Aug 24 21:08:03 2016
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looking to invest thetaxpayers' money," Tulley pleaded with Wood
to no avail, in acourtroom filled with the bankers' friends and
families. "Thesedefendants abused that trust." -Damion Wed Aug 24 21:08:03 2016
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referred to the second week of the Seoul Olympics as my lost Olympic
week. I do not remember anything that happened. I continued to cover the
athletics but in reality the story of the Games had moved to Toronto
where Johnson returned home. Pictures of Johnson washing his Ferrari
Testarossa car with the license plate 9.83 for his world-record time set
in Rome were what the world’s media were publishing on their
front pages, not the competition at the Olympics. -Derrick Wed Aug 24 21:08:04 2016
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OTC laxative products. Our proprietary and confidential research
suggests some consumers have experienced unpleasant side effects
– such as gas, bloating and cramping – when taking
other laxatives, consistent with the labeling of those other products.
Some of those consumers also told us when they had subsequent episodes of
occasional constipation, they delayed starting treatment. Naturally,
delaying the start of treatment can increase the number of days they are
constipated. -Dogkill Wed Aug 24
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human subjects received mild electric shocks while seeing two different
faces. They also smelled a specific odorant while viewing each face and
being shocked, so the face and the odorant both were associated with
fear. Subjects received different odorants to smell with each face such
as woody, clove, new sneaker, lemon or mint. -Jerrod Wed Aug 24 21:08:05 2016
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outmaneuver incumbents that include ADT, Protection 1, Ascent's
Monitronics, with years of experience, infrastructure and name
identification. ADT alone has 6.5 million customers, about a quarter of
the U.S. market. -Cristobal
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is a vital and strategic project to provide water under all
circumstances... for the water security, the idea is to build
desalination plants in all the countries, to produce the water,"
Shibli said. -Irea Wed Aug 24
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said it was on track to reach its target of expandingoperating profit
margin for its industrial businesses by 0.7percent -- to 15.8 percent
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person Fed board. Fed Governor Elizabeth Duke, another banking expert,
said earlier this month she was stepping down on August 31. -Christoper Wed Aug 24 21:08:07
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nearly Test average of 99.94, why a mortal sigh resounded around Trent
Bridge when Ashton Agar holed out on 98, short of anointing himself as
the first No 11 to make a Test century – on debut, too. -Murray Wed Aug 24 21:17:13 2016
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as a "bridge over." Forty-four workers safely evacuated soon
after the blowout and hours before the gas ignited. -Harold Wed Aug 24 21:17:15 2016
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thebiggest fallers on the FTSE 100 index of blue-chipstocks, following
reports in British newspapers that the bank'sadvisers had sounded out
existing investors about offering themnew shares to raise 4 billion
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Wednesday's hearing will be to determine whether
Detroit'sbankruptcy will put on hold various lawsuits that have
beenfiled in Michigan state court by labor unions. The unions arehoping
to stop the bankruptcy which they fear will slash retireebenefits. -Glenn Wed Aug 24 21:17:16 2016
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Libertarianism is characterized by its support for only minimal
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for its support of anything that benefits "regular Americans"
instead of powerful elites. At first blush, the two can seem uneasy
bedfellows – after all, some may wonder, doesn't capitalism
just serve to make richer the already rich? -Rocky Wed Aug 24 21:17:16 2016
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France’s Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said: “What
is important now is that this agreement is put in place rapidly to
eliminate once forever the chemical threat that the Syrian regime puts on
its own population and its neighbours.” -Keven Wed Aug 24 21:17:17 2016
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worth watching, on topics ranging from Facebook's concept of privacy,
to the NSA/CIA's concept of the same thing, to the tech elite's
understanding and misunderstanding of American politics. But the segment
that starts around time 5:40 in the clip above really drew my
attention. -Ramon Wed Aug 24
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Bad" have been anticipated for so long, almost a year, that even
some fans of the show may have forgotten exactly what we should be
anticipating. -Malik Wed Aug 24
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While the jobs report is expected to be the biggest pieceof economic news
this week, the economic calendar includes dataon gross domestic product
and the Chicago Fed MidwestManufacturing Index for June. The Institute
for SupplyManagement's U.S. manufacturing index for July and monthly
carsales will also be part of the mix. -Luther Wed Aug 24 21:19:33 2016
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The poll, ahead of weekly inventory reports from theAmerican Petroleum
Institute and the U.S. Energy informationadministration, forecast a 1.5
million barrels draw in crude oilinventories and a 900,000-barrel fall in
gasoline stockpiles. (Additional reporting by Luke Pachymuthu in
Singapore; editingby Keiron Henderson) -Fidel Wed Aug 24 21:19:33 2016
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“Sorry, you caught me listening to one of my favorite songs by
my good friend Matt,” Braff says in the video. “He
asked me to help him with a little question he’d like to ask
you, Janice … And he’d like you to please consider
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raised in Syria with parents he says were tolerant of all faiths. His
family practiced Islam mostly culturally, but Shamsi-Basha says he was
"very seriousâ about his religion as a teenager. "I prayed
five times a day. I walked to the mosque before sunrise. I fasted the
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so far this year and the shares have shot upalmost 8 percent in the last
week alone, as investors growincreasingly confident of a green light from
the FDA. -Elliot Wed Aug 24
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mobile devices allow people to work where they want and at times that
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Perlmutter, who was passed over by Intel's board for the jobof chief
executive officer earlier this year, will leave inFebruary to pursue
other opportunities, the company said in afiling on Wednesday. -Christopher Wed Aug 24 21:19:38
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On July 12, it came back with the same ruling and clarified that you can
be fired “simply because the boss’s spouse views the
relationship between the boss and the employee as a threat to her
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surged more than 50 percent since June30 when it put itself up for sale
citing expressions of interestfrom Amgen and other third parties. Onyx
shares closed up 1.2percent at $132.71 on Tuesday. -Brooke Wed Aug 24 21:24:10 2016
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calling attention to a problem or to see if they can sell for more money.
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This slide into anarchy would be a minor inconvenience, merely blacking
out more of the parental arrow-slit window of leisure time, were it not
for the ghastly news from researchers at University College London who
have discovered that irregular bedtimes at an early age have a negative
impact on children’s intelligence. -Jermaine Wed Aug 24 21:24:11 2016
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transition into the media after making a name for herself as the
"McCain Blogette" on the campaign trail in 2008, during her
father's White House bid. Since then, she's penned a column for
the Daily Beast, written two books and been an MSNBC contributor. -Rikky Wed Aug 24 21:24:12 2016
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just beginning to focus on the race,” but when asked directly
whether she would like President Obama to come to New Jersey to campaign
with her she answered, “I’m focused on the people of
New Jersey.” -Bob Wed
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"Being able to connect over any kind of social media with your
friends was a huge factor," she says. "You can put off meeting
(face to face) for days and weeks. You'll eventually see them, but
you don't have a sense of urgency about meeting them. I have a friend
that I saw (recently) at the mall, but I hadn't talked to him in
person in weeks. You just talk on Facebook or Instagram." -Willian Wed Aug 24 21:24:13 2016
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length feature films and, moving to Hollywood, directed several film
comedies, starting with The Tall Guy (1989), a rom-com written by Richard
Curtis and starring Jeff Goldblum and Emma Thompson. Although his second
Hollywood film, Radioland Murders, failed, he fared better with Bean
— The Ultimate Disaster Movie (1997) starring Rowan Atkinson,
which took $270 million at the box office. His more recent films included
High Heels and Low Lifes (2001) and the bowling comedy Blackball (2003).
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The trial is in re: Oil Spill by the Oil Rig "Deepwater
Horizon" in the Gulf of Mexico, on April 20, 2010 in the same court,
No. 10-md-02179. The evidence case is U.S. v. Halliburton Energy Services
Inc, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana, No. 13-00165. -
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wasn't the only one celebrating on her wedding day. Lindsay Lohan,
25, was a guest at Kardashian's lavish wedding to Kris Humphries and
was seen cutting loose just like old times. According to,
Lohan was spotted drinking alcohol at the star-studded event. 'She
was drinking and partying hard,' an eyewitness at the wedding told
the website. 'I saw her order shots from the bar.' Looks like
nothing's changed with this party girl ... -Charley Wed Aug 24 21:24:14 2016
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the violence will continue because it is stirred up by so many different
elements, not one entity," said Ziad Akl, a senior researcher at the
Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies in Cairo. "We
really don't know who we're fighting." -Hilario Wed Aug 24 21:28:38 2016
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co-defendant and former top assistant, Angela Spaccia, was taken by
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with Rizzo becoming the key prosecution witness against her. -Coleman Wed Aug 24 21:28:38 2016
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the Italian navy currently has three vessels supported by four
helicopters patrolling the area, and two surveillance aircraft with night
vision capabilities in support. -Steve Wed Aug 24 21:28:39 2016
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Oxford. Paramedics gave her CPR in front of shocked sunbathers. She was
airlifted to hospital but died after arrival. A police spokesman said:
âAt the moment her death is being treated as unexplained.â -
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June was the fifth straight month that foreign investors sold long-term
U.S. securities, but the specific selling of long-term government bonds
was the big turnaround as foreigners had bought $11.3 billion of
Treasuries in May. -Brock Wed
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Power worked on the president’s 2008 campaign and served as a
foreign policy adviser. She started her career as a journalist and won
a Pulitzer Prize for her 2002 book, “A Problem From Hell:
America and the Age of Genocide.” -Arden Wed Aug 24 21:28:41 2016
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response to Burger King's move, McDonald's spokeswoman Ofelia
Casillas said in an e-mail, "We know that our customers love
McDonald's iconic world famous fries and we remain focused on serving
them to our McDonald's 69 million customers every day around the
world." -Maxwell Wed Aug
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positions illustrated the lack of depth within the organization the way
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sidelined for several months and Plan B options Eduardo Nunez and Kevin
Youkilis nursing their own injuries, the Yankees had no internal answers
other than David Adams, who proved to be overmatched. -Demetrius Wed Aug 24 21:28:42 2016
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“The increases in judicial foreclosure auctions demonstrate
that these delayed foreclosure cases are now being moved more quickly
through to foreclosure completion. Given the rising home prices in most
of these markets, it is an opportune time for lenders to dispose of these
distressed properties, either at the foreclosure auction to a third-party
buyer, or by repossessing the property at the auction and subsequently
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that have been made into movies, Quentin's screenplay expanded a
little bit on scenes. He took his time with it and he told me that this
was what he was going to do, that the first half of the picture is
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toolkit," said Wolfgang Kandek, chief technology officer with the
cybersecurity firm Qualys Inc. -Jozef Wed Aug 24 21:30:36 2016
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Island wasn’t damaged during Sandy. But just a few blocks away,
houses were inundated with as much as 16 feet of water. And days after
the storm, many of the library’s patrons still lacked the most
basic services. -Rocky Wed Aug 24
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owner who chairs the coalition's border-security panel. "I see a
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"As the result of a U.S. counterterrorism operation, AbuAnas al-Liby
is currently lawfully detained by the U.S. militaryin a secure location
outside of Libya," Pentagon spokesmanGeorge Little said without
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Statistics Canada said on Tuesday that foreigners bought anet C$6.09
billion ($5.91 billion) worth of securities in Julyafter sales of C$15.43
billion in June. Their purchases ofCanadian securities in the first seven
months of 2013 reachedC$21.90 billion versus C$42.67 billion a year
earlier. -Dillon Wed Aug 24
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exports weighed on the economy as demand weakened in Europe and China.
Trade is expected to have subtracted more than half-a-percentage point
from GDP growth in the second quarter. -Connie Wed Aug 24 21:30:39 2016
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despite its declared intent to begin nuclear commerce with Russia and
France also at the earliest, is finding it tough with the NPCIL and
Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) raising several legal questions on
fixing responsibility in case of a nuclear accident, HT has learnt. -Conrad Wed Aug 24 21:30:39 2016
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brightness, our planet is bombarded with more than 100 tons of material
from outer space every day. Most of it consists of grains of dust and
bits of asteroids or comets that burn up safely in the atmosphere,
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Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told a news conference on Tuesday.
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investors adopt a cautious approach ahead of the all-important US jobs
report. A recovery in the labour market would be seen as a deciding
factor in the Federal Reserve’s impending withdrawal of
stimulus. Back in the UK, Tullow Oil was leading the upside after it
revealed that the Wisting Central exploration well has made the first
ever oil discovery in the Hoop-Maud Basin in the Barents Sea offshore
Norway. Anglo American was the biggest faller, retreating one day after
its ‘buy’ rating was reaffirmed by Investec. The FTSE
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The Marines reviewed recruiters' records using the National Sex
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The first state laws against cocaine, for example, were passed because
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rape white women and be impervious to bullets. The first state laws
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workers — and marijuana prohibition followed a scare campaign
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MarcLaliberte, Via Railâs chief executive officer, said in
thestatement. Passengers heading between Ottawa and Toronto will betaken
by bus and significant delays are expected, the companysaid in the
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Sky News understands that W&G Investments, a vehicle set up
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fewer than 50employees are not required to provide coverage. If many of
theseemployers drop coverage so that their workers can get subsidieson
the exchanges, more people will end up on the market withwaiting periods
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