1843 Todd County, Tax Records
Silas Anderson, 51 1/2 acres, Todd County, Elkfork, $400.00, 1 white male
over twenty one years of age, 1 slave over sixteen years, 1 total slave,
$300.00 value of slave, 1 horses and mares, $10.00 value of horses and
mares, 5 cattle, total value $710.00
Deed from B. D. Smith and his wife to Silas Anderson dated 7-18-1849
This indentive made this 18th day of July in the year 1849 between Bentley
D. SMith and Martha W. Smith his wife of the county of Todd and State of
kentucky of the first part, and Silas ANderson of the county and state
aforesaid of the other part, respectful, that the said P. D. Smith and wife
for and in consideration of the sum of thirty dollars in hand paid,the
receipt where of is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained, and sold,
and ___________ presents doth grant, bargain, and give unto the said Silas
Anderson, his heirs and assigns, all that tract or parcel of land, situate
and being in the COunty of Todd on the waters of the Elkfork of RedRiver
and boundaried as follows _____________.
Beginning at a black __________ to Leory Taliferra and B. K.Lully thence
S 24 poles 47 1/2 poles to a post, then S 88 degress E 21 poles to a stake
in the Elkton Road thence N 2 W 29 1/2 poles to a stake in Elkton Road,
thence N5 E24 poles to a stake, thence N 75 W 2 poles to the beginning,
containing 2 acres, 3 roads, and 35 poles, ______________, ___________
__________ together with all and singular the ______________
_______________ belonging ________________an wise __________________-.
to have and to hold the land hereby conveyed with the appearences unto the
said Silas Anderson, his heirs and assigns forever. And the said B. D.
Smith for himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, will forever
__________ and defend the right and title _________ land and appearences
unto said Anderson, his heirs and assigns, ______________ the claim
whatsoever doth and will forever warrant _____________ defend
_______________ _______________ _________________ whereof the said B. D.
Smith and wife have here unto ______________ and seals the day and date here
above written.
/s/ B. D. Smith seal /s/ Martha W. Smith
1850 Todd County, Census
household number 55-55
Silas Anderson 48 m w 300 VA
Lucy 38 f w VA
Elizt F 16 f w VA
Richd 14 m w VA
Mary J 11 f w VA
WM 9 m w KY
Henry C 5 m w KY
Todd County, Kentucky
Will Book I,
Todd County Court- February Term 1856
On motion of John Roach administrator of Silas Anderson dec'd it isordered
that Joseph King, Preston Branson and John H. Hooser or any one ofwhom
after first having being duly sworn may act and they are hereby appointed
appraiser to appraise the personal estate of Silas Anderson deceasedand
that they report to this court.
Todd County Court
John H. Hooser and Joseph M. King who have been appointed by the ToddCounty
Court to view and appraise the personal estated of Silas Anderson dec'd
personally appeared before me the subscriber justice of the peace foresaid
such estate as shall be precended to them and justly to the best of their
Was truly and justly made of the personal property of Silas Anderson
deceased which was produced to us by his administrator to the bestof our
judgement all of which we respectfully submit to the Rodd County Court.
Given under our hands this day of February 1856
J. M. King
J. H. Hooser
Todd County, Kentucky
Will Book J, page 283
Anderson, S. 1859 Administration March 15th
John Roach Adm of
Silas Anderson, dec'd
To amount personal property 78.00
" one note on W. F. Smith and J. H. Hoosier 150.00
due 30th August1854 interest to date 40.87
" " " " B. D. Smith & Le Talieforo 300.00
" " due 1st of Jan 1856 ints to date 93.00
" " " "W. G. Hoosier & Le Talieforo 40.40
int on same 13.73
" " " "Le Talieforo 1.60
interest .25
" " " "B. D. Smith bal 140.00
due 4th March 1854 int 42.00
" " " "L Talieforo 336.56
due 28th Dec 1853 int 104.32
" amt. cash rec'd in Virginia expense checking? 141.50
" " " " " " " "
Contra Credit
By W. F. Smith ape (agree) 66.38
interest onsame, fr 17th April 1858 3.45
By Cash tax for 1857-1858-1859 @ 2. each 6.00
" " " County clerk's ful bill 1.95
" amount allowance to adm. 95.00
" cash paid county judge for this settlement 1.50
" cash paid " clerk recording same 1.50
Amount Debits 1943.58
Amount Credits 205.78
Amount in hand 1737.80
Amount in hand of Adm. 1737.80
A true & Just inventory and appraisment of all the personalestates of
Silas Anderson deceased which was produced to us by John Roach, his
administrator this day of February, 1856.
One note on W. F. Smith & J. H. Hooser for one hundred and fiftydollars due
one day after date and dated August the 29th 1854 $150.00
One loan B. D. Smith & Leroy Talieforo for three hundred dollarsdue the 1st
day of January 1854 & dated the 30 day December 1853 $300.00
One loan same for two hundred & fifty two dollars due the 29th dayof
January 1854 $252.00
One loan on Wm G. Hoosier & Leroy Talieforo for fifty dollars due one day
after date and dated February the 28, 1857 with one credit of five dollars
given March the 4th 1852 and one other credit of five dollars July 21 1853.
One note on B. D. Smith for one hundred and seventy dollars due oneday
after date and dated March the 3rd 1854 with a credit of thirty twodollars
& 37 cents March the 24 1854 $170.00
One note on Leroy Talieforo for three hundred and thirty six dollarsand
fifty six cents due December the 28th 1853.
One wagon worth thirty dollars 30.00
One buggy worth five dollars 5.00
One clock worth three dollars 3.00
Two beds & furniture worth twenty-five dollars 25.00
One white horse 15.00
I do certify that the foregoing inventory contains all the personalestate
of Silas Anderson deceased which has come to my hands this 16 day February
John Roach
Todd County, Kentucky
Death Records
Silas Anderson
age: 52 years
sex: Male
occupation: Farmer
born: Virginia
parents: Danl & M Anderson
place of death: Todd County, Kentucky
Time of death: July 4, 1857
Cause of death: fever
WIFE: unknown
CHILD 1: Elizabeth F. ANDERSON
SEX: Female
BORN: 1834 Virginia
DIED: 6 Feb 1884
NOTES: buried in Pencham
SEX: Male
BORN: 9 April 1837, Virginia
DIED: 31 December 1911, buried Hermon, Kentucky
1900 Todd County, Kentucky, Census, Guthrie City
page 24
2 June 1900
household 16-16
Richard Anderson head, WM, born April 1837, age 63, single,VA, VA, VA
? Williams servant, BF, born April 1870, age 30, single, KY KY KY
SEX: Female
BORN: 8 May 1839, Virginia
MARRIAGE: James B. HOLLOWAY, 14 January 1861, Todd County, Kentucky
DIED: 4 January 1909
CHILD 4: William Thurston ANDERSON
SEX: Male
BORN: 1 April 1841, Tennessee
MARRIAGE: Matilda Ann MACKEY, 13 August, 1863, Todd County, Kentucky
DIED: 24 February 24, 1929
Twelfth Census of the United States
Schedule No. 1
Todd County, Kentucky
household number 414-414
W. T. Anderson Head WM Apr 1839 age 61 married KY VA VA
Albert R. son WM Jun 1876 age 23 single KY KY KY
Lizzie L. dau WF Sep 1878 age 21 single KY KY KY
Harrie T. dau WF May 1881 age 19 single KY KY KY
Thomas son WM Jul 1883 age 16 single KY KY KY
Ruth B. dau WF May 1886 age 14 single KY KY KY
Barbara dau WF Feb 1890 age 10 single KY KY KY
SEX: Male
BORN: 1845, Kentucky
MARRIAGE: Alice Bell KING, 17 August 1873, Todd County, Kentucky
DIED: unknown
Todd County Marriage Register
page 48 and 49
License No. 3047
Date of Marriage: August 17, 1873
Parties Names: H. C. Anderson and Alice King
Married by : C. M. Lowry
Place of Marriage: Mrs. Mary King, Todd County, Kentucky
Names of Parties Present: Richard Anderson and James Holloway
School Census of 26 April 1894, School number 34
H. C. Anderson
Jesse Anderson 16
Curtis Anderson 14
Rowland Anderson 12
Bentie Anderson 10
Todd County, Kentucky
Settlement of J. B. Anderson Administrator of H. C. Anderson, deceased
page 221
Made March 19, 1904
To cash received from tobacco crop $37.50
By cash paid County Clerk for bond & c. 1.50
by cash paid County Judge for settlement 1.00
By cash County Clerk for recording settlement 1.00
By cash paid Mrs. Mollie Anderson 34.00
I, P.O. Duffy, Judge of the Todd County Court, certify that I did thisday
make the foregoing settlement with J. B. Anderson as Administratorof H. C.
Anderson, which shows settlement and distribution of all the proceeds of
said estate which came into his hands, all of the balance of the personal
property having been set aside by the Appraisers to the widow Mrs.Mollie
This March 19, 1904.
P.O. Duffy, J. T. C. C.
State of Kentucky)
) sct.
County of Todd )
I, W. R. Wood, Clerk of the Todd County, Court, certify that the foregoing
settlement having been filed and continued for execeptions and none having
been filed the same was confirmed and ordered to record, whereupon the same
with this and the foregoing certificate to have been recorded in my office.
Witness my hand, this 9 day of May, 1904
W. R. Wood, Clerk.
Hope Uher.
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