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~Abstracts from The Elkton Gleaner, May 1884~
Elkton, Kentucky, May 1884
ARTISTIC MERCHANT TAILORS During our visit to Elkton, Ky., we were particularly struck with the becoming get up of suits worn by most of the leading citizens, and our curiosity being aroused we were informed that they were turned out at the artistic, merchant tailoring establishment of Messrs. Bell and Tobin. After paying this firm a visit, we were fully satisfied that no establishment in the country possessed better facilities or took greater pride in furnishing garments cut in the very latest styles and of the very best material. They have been engaged in this business here for the past two years and have by their honorable and fair dealing built up a trade which extends all over this and adjoining counties. Mr. Buchanan is the manager at this point, and knows just how to cater to the wants of his customers. Persons wishing a handsome suit of clothes and a good fit should not fail to call on Bell & Tobin. They are located on the South corner of Public Square and Clarksville street. |
THE DRUG TRADE Practically, a wide gulf separates the mere trader in drugs and him whose knowledge of pharmacy enables him to discriminate between the genuine and the adulterated article. Doubtless this explains the wide-spread popularity in Elkton and Todd County of the fine drug store of E. B. Weathers, a gentleman whose education and knowledge of this business assures his knowing the intrinsic value of every drug passing through his hands, just as well as he knows its market value. He has been engaged in the business here about ten years, and his |
Parties visiting Elkton either on pleasure or business should not forget the kennedy House when in need of a good meal or a clean, white bed to repose in. This house has been in operation for 5 years, is well ventilated; and has excellent accommodations for all who may feel thus inclined, and is the leading hotel of Elkton. Special attention is given to commercial tourists and fine large rooms used for showing samples can be had at very reasonable rates. The tables are supplied with all the delicacies of the season and the polite and courteous treatment shown to all by the Misses Kennedy cannot but help to please. When you go to Elkton stop at the Kennedy House. |
DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, HATS AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. In writing up the business interests of Elkton, we wish to call the attention of the numerous readers of the Elkton's GLEANER to the well-known firm of Hancock & Grunley. These gentlemen have been catering to the wants of a very handsome local patronage of Todd County for 9 years past with a large and well selected stock of dry goods, boots, shoes, clothing, hats, caps, and gents' furnishing goods of the latest styles, and the prices which they are offering them at are within the reach of all. The building occupied by them is a unique structure 19x 65 feet, is well adapted for the business, and is centrally located. The members comprising this firm are L. J. Hancock and J. S. Grunley and are well and favorably known to the trade as fair and square dealers. If you would have good, genuine goods, at low prices call and see Hancock & Grunley, and you will never regret it. All orders promptly attended to, and letters of inquiry answered. |
GROCERIES, ETC., ETC. The gentleman whose name graces the headline of this article is a native of Todd county, and has catered to this branch of commercial industry for some time past. He is occupying a suitable structure on the Southeast corner of the Public Square, on Clarksville street, where he has a large stock of groceries, queensware, hardware, etc., and the prices at which he sells goods to you are indeed very low. His stock embraces everything in the above line and parties wishing anything in this department should not fail to give J C. Russell a call, as he can and will suit you in quality, quantity and price. Mr. Wm. C. Herndon, the clerk, never tires at showing goods, and the manner in which he waits upon you could not but please the most fastidious. Call and see J. C. Russell and be happy. |
G. B. LEWIS. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. The subject of this sketch, G.B. Lewis, has been associated with the good people of Elkton for over 20 years and is too well-known for us to introduce him. His stock of goods consisting of groceries, hardware, cutlery, plows and farming utensils is full and complete, and he is offering them to his customers at rock bottom prices. In addition to the above business he also owns and runs the Elkton City Mill, the capacity of which is 150 bushels of corn, and 125 bushels of wheat in 12 hours; it has all the latest improved Machinery is 40 horse power and is one of the best mills in Todd county. |
J. W. LEWIS DRY GOODS, ETC., ETC. In 1859, Mr. J. W. Lewis began this business, and so successful has he been, by honorable and square dealing, that he has built up a handsome local trade which extends throughout Todd county. He is |
STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Six weeks ago this firm entered into a partnership to carry on the business represented in the head lines of this article. They are occupying a brick structure, measuring 65 x 22 feet, located on the west side of the public square, which is welfilled (sic) with a large stock of goods, consisting of fancy and staple groceries, queensware, woodenware, and in fact everything which goes to make up a first-class general store. Messrs. Russell & Wilkins, are well known to the people of Todd county; and they have one of the freshest and cheapest stocks of goods in Elkton and we cheerfully recommend them and their new goods to all those wanting anything in their line. Remember west side Public Square is their location. |
DRY GOODS, GROCERIES AND GENERAL MERCHADISE In calling attention to the many branches of industry of Elkton in three columns, none stand more prominent than the well known house of S. H. Perkins. He has been identified with the business interest of this place in this line of trade for 4 years, and is well and favorably known throughout this portion of country as an upright and honorable dealer. His store, a brick structure measuring 85 x 24 feet, is well adapted to the purpose for which it is used, and his stock of goods consists of dry-goods, staple and fancy groceries, gent's furnishing goods and everything which goes to make up a first-class general |
JNO. L. MAUZEY (sic) & BRO.
STOVES, TINWARE, HARDWARD AND SADDLERY. Situated on the south side of Public Square will be found the above named firm, who were formerly of Allensville, Ky., but have been in business in this county for four years. The house occupied by these gentlemen measures 19 x 65, and in which they have a large stock of stoves, tinware hardware and saddlery, from the best manufacturers, and they pay special attention to roofing and guttering and repairs of all kinds. They have, by doing a fair and square business, built up one of the best trades in this section |
MANUFACTURER OF WAGONS, BUGGIES, PLOWS, ETC. Mr. Thompson is a native of this town and has been in business here for 19 years. His shop is located on Washington street, and he has in his employ a number of practical workmen, who are kept busy in turning out his celebrated wagaons, buggies, plows, etc., and he pays particular attention to blacksmithing, having the reputation of being the best horse shoer in Southern Kentucky. He has secured the services of Mr. J. C. Robinson, of Shelbyville, a gentleman who has a wide-spread reputation as a wagon and buggy maker. He also has a fine painter to finish his work. This is one of the largest concerns of the kind in Elkton, and farmers, if you want a good wagon or buggy, or your old one made new and your horse shod by the champion of Southern Kentucky, go to T. E. Thompson's on Washington St. |