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Todd County KYGenWeb Newspapers

The Todd County Times
Elkton, Ky, February 16, 1900
Vol. VIII.          No. 8

Page 2
Horrible Tragedy
  Guthrie, Ky., Feb. 10. -  Early this
morning George Rawlings, a farmer
living near St. Bethlehem, Tenn., 
arose and went to the barn to feed,
leaving his wife sick in bed, and the
cook, a negro man named Jim Gordon
in the kitchen preparing breakfast. 
As soon as he thought all were 
at the barn, the negro went in to
Mrs. Rawlings' room and asked her
for the money Mr. Rawlings had put
away.  She at once began to call for
her husband and a lady that was in
the house.  But when she screamed
and before help came, he sprang upon
her and cut her throat, killing her
instantly.  The screams of the two
ladies, however, called Mr. Rawlings
to the scene, while the negro ran back
into the kitchen trying to escape.
Before he could get out of the house
the enraged husband shot him three
times and then beat his head into a
jelly with the butt of the gun.  The 
people all over the country are wild
with excitement and would have
mobbed the negro if the husband had
not done the work himself.
  The motive of the crime was clear-
ly robbery, as the woman's purse,
with about $8 in it, was found on the 
negro's person.  He had taken it
from beneath her pillow.  About
two weeks ago he had come sudden-
ly into her room with an armful of 
wood and seen her counting about 
$80. She had reported the occurrence
to her husband, begging that he
bank the money at once.  Yesterday
he die so.  The negro had planned
for his crime with great ingenuity,
wrapping a heavy red table cover
about his right arm, evidently mean-
ing to catch all possible blood upon
it and burn it up in the stove.
  The murdered woman was one of
the most beautiful girls ever reared
in Montgomery county, a daughter
of W. H. Killebrew, one of the lead-
ing planters in this section.  She was
just 20 years old, and had been mar-
ried only a year last Christmas.  The
husband, brothers and sisters and
aged mother and father of the victim
are nearly crazed with grief.
  The families of the husband and
wife are among the best people in
the county, and the husband a well-
to do farmer.

For Sale--- Two Second-Hand
Buggies cheap.  Apply to
         B.E. Boone, Elkton, Ky.
  Miss Berrie McBride' is visiting
friends in the Grove this week.
  Miss Verna Dill is q2uite sick at
this writing.
  Miss Babe Due was visiting Miss
Florence Hadden last Sunday.
  Rev. Sweeney preached an inter-
esting sermon at the Grove last
Jim Talley, of the Forest Grove
neighborhood, was in our midst last
week on business.
  C. E. Cartwright and family were
visiting friends in the Grove last
Saturday and Sunday.
  The singing at Monroe Gresham's
was highly appreciated and attended
by a large crowd Saturday night.
  We are glad to report that L. B. 
Bennet, who has been sick for the
past six weeks, is up again.
  Tom Stigal was in our midst last
week on business.
  Elkton is soon to lose its clever
citizen, Mr. T.L. Porter, who,
together with his wife and Miss
Rheba Williams, are going to Clarks-
ville to reside.  They will probably
leave Monday, as nearly all of their
household effects have been shipped.
Dr. S. M. Lowry will occupy Mr.
Porter's residence.
V. B. Nuckols, 
             ...Coal Dealer.
25 bushels best Screened Nut....$3.12
25 bushels best Lump................$3.75
Prompt delivery.  Telephone both 
at yard and residence.

Page 3
Dr. J. W. Stephens had stolen
from him about six weeks ago a
splendid saddle, and until Wednes-
day evening had given up all hope
of recovering it, but a "lucky throw"
brought him in contact once more
with his long-lost property and he
wasn't long in taking advantage of
it.  A colored man, who claimed to 
have recently bought it for $2.00
from a white man, was in possession
at the time Dr. Stephens reclaimed
it and offered little resistance in
giving it up.  Rastus rode bare back
home, and Dr. Stephens in con-
gratulating himself on his good luck.


Great opportunity offered to good,
reliable men.  Salary of $15 per
week and expenses for man with rig
to introduce our Poultry Mixture
and Insect Destroyer in the country.
Send Stamp. American Mfg. Co.,
Terra Haute, Ind.

Buy your Seed and Farming Im-
plements of Wells, Miller & Perkins.

A Costly Fire.

  Thursday evening at 6 o'clock the
handsome residence of Mrs. Cynthia
Sullivan caught fire and was,
together with most of its contents,
distroyed.(sic)  The fire originated in an
upstairs room while the family were
at supper, and when discovered had
gained such head way as to be beyond
control. A large crowd soon gath-
ered and by quick work succeeded
in saving several hundred dollars'
worth of household goods.
  This residence was, perhaps, one
of the most substantially built houses
in the county and cost, when erected,
about $10,000.  It was furnished in
elegant style.  The total loss is esti-
mated at $11,000, insured for $5,500.

Marriage licence was granted Wed-
nesday to Mr. J. Edward Thomas
and Miss Leticia Rudd.

  By order of the Todd Circuit Court
J. R. Mallory, Master Commissioner,
last Monday disposed of the follow-
  Martha Fulcher's administrator vs.
Rhoda Fulcher; a small country
place. Bought in by Dr. L.P.
Trabue, for $53.00.
  H.W. Bibb vs. Wes Calloway; 5
acres land at Old Allensville.  Bid
in by W. B. Reeves, Jr.; for $210.00.
  G.W. Grisham's administrator vs.
Mr. Emma Grisham, et al; small
tract of land near Kirkmansville.
Bought in by Charles Robinson
for $225.00.
  Mary Harrell vx. Robert Harrell,
et al; 2 tracts of land 5 miles north
of Elkton, containing 80 acres.
Bought in by B.B. Petrie for $571.
  Safty Building and Loan Company
vs. James L. Cardin, et al; farm near
Trenton containing 280 acres. Bought
by A. H. Cardin for $4,500.


Letter From 
          The Philippines
  Mrs. Mattie J. Howard, of Clifty,
is in receipt of the following letter
from her cousin, Charles L. Latham,
of Co. C, 6th U.S. Infantry, now in
the Philippine Islands. It is dated
December 20, 1899:
  Your letter of September 27th was
received yesterday.  You see it takes
quite a while for news to reach us
here in the orient.  I began to think 
you had not answered the letter I
wrote from Jare.  When coming in
from guard-duty I found your's 
awaiting me. Being on first relief I
was compelled to go on post duty at
once. Had it not been on post duty
at guard house where there is always
on duty an officer, I should certainly
have violated orders by reading
while on duty. I did not, however;
but it was the longest two hours I
have passed since I came to this side
of the earth.
  You asked what our amusements 
were; and if I had anything to read,
in order to dispel the monotony of
life as a soldier. Amusements are
few indeed.  As to reading--I have
some old letters in my locker, which
I read and re-read.  Except these I
have nothing save a work on rhet-
oric which I bought of a comrade. 
It was a commong belief among the
boys before we left Ft. Sam Houston,
Texas, that we would be supplied
with books and stationery by the
Y.M.G.A., but except about one
half-dozen sheets of paper and same
number of envelopes, which we
received while on transport coming
over, we have had neither books,
paper, nor envelopes furnished to us.
What stationery we buy is of very
inferior quality and extravagant in
price- we pay 25 cents for six sheets.
  It would excite your laughter and
disgust to see how the natives dress
when they dress at all. Some of the
men wear a shirt without other gar-
ments, some pants without a shirt,
some shoes or hat, while others are
almost nude. The better class of 
women dress in style much as do the
  Most of the next lower grade will
adorn thewsleves in a skirt with a
pair of enormouse ear-rings. All of
them smoke, and you would laugh
to see a woman with a basket of
banannas and cocoanuts on her head,
come trotting down the street with
a cigar as large as your thumb and 
six inches in length, making more 
smoke than Pete Shadowen's tar-kiln.
After smoking they eat the askes of
their cigars and chew the stump.  I 
have seen some old women who
would take a knife, bore the nicotine
from the sides and bottom of her
rank old pipe and eat it with appar-
ent relish.
  They live in bamboo huts with
thatched roofs- have no chairs or
seatts of any character. One is forci-
bly reminded of the Indian in his
wigwam. They are fond of fishing.
Often you will see them packing
their nets in small fishing junks, 
with a pot of boiled rice and a jug of
water, row out into the bay and
remain five or six days, and even
longer with no other subsistance
than rice and water.  Their water
jugs are made of bamboo, six or
eight feet long by about four inches 
in diameter. They have also water
pots which remind us of the pictures
we see in the Bible. These are
principally used for carrying a pro-
duct of the cocoanut tree, called
tuba. This tuba looks and taste
something like our apple cider. It
is obtained by cutting off the end of
the young shoots of the tree that 
would have produced cocoanuts, and
catching the sap in bamboo buckets.
Early every morning from twenty to
fifty girls and women come in s____
file down the street with a p_______
tuba on their heads and a small ____
of rice in their hands. This _______
when fresh sells for one ducko____
pint. A ducko equals one half ___
  The natives cook their sowsow (a
term to denote anything to eat), in
little earthenware pots varying from
one pint to two gallons in size.
Preparing a meal for themselves is a
very simple task. They boil some
rice with a small fish; place this in
the center of the room and all squat
in a circle around the pot, using 
their hands instead of knives, forks
or spoons. The way they throw the
rice into their mouths is a wonder to
see, jabbering away all the while
like a gang of ducks or geese around
a basket of corn.
  Their beast of burden is the water
buffalo, a very clumsy and uncouth
animal. Their vehicle is a prim____
tive cart, to which they attach one
 They are indeed a very primative
people.  Were I with you at____
by a good warm fire I could tell you
more of Philippine life, customs and
manner than I could write in a long

Transcibed by Karen Combs  © 2001.
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