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The Todd County Times
Established January 1893
Friday, April 21, 1911    Elkton, Todd County, Kentucky    Volume XIX
Subscription Price $1.00 per Year- in Advance

Page 1
Miss Ible Porter....Correspondent

Aaron BOLEY was in Elkton Saturday.

Aubrey PORTER, of Wilhelmina, was
here Saturday.

______ TUNSTILL is a great deal

Miss Nina LYON visited relatives in
Elkton last week.

Walter CROWDER, of Breen Ridge,
was here Sunday.

Charlye HARRIS, of Bancroft, is visit-
ing his brother for a while.

Mrs. Ann LYON has been sick for a
few days but is now some better.

Miss Tobie DOWDY, of Wilhelmina,
spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennye

Lloyd TABB and family, of Everett,
visited Mr. and Mrs. Alton HESTER,

Walter SHELTON, of near Elkton,
visited relatives here Sunday and

Mr. and Mrs. Dillard WRAY, of Wil-
helmina, were the guests of relatives
here Sunday.

Miss Zula TROUTT, of near Elkton,
is helping Mrs. Doxie GANT with her
millinery this spring.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe HOOPER spent Sat-
urday and Sunday with their son, 
Creed, near Mt Sharon.

Mrs. Claude BRADSHAW and daugh-
ter, Helen, south of Elkton, visited
her mother, Mrs. E. D. SHELTON, Sun-

Rev. J. C. THOMPSON, of Lewis-
burg, will preach at the Baptist
church Saturday night and Sunday

Misses Grace DORRIS, Flora and
Margie ESCUE, were the guests of Miss
Matilda GLENN, near Everett, Satur-
day night.

Mr. and Mrs. Mac GANT who for the 
past month have been visiting rela-
tives in Nashville, were here Monday
en route to their home south of Mt.

Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey
  For Coughs and Colds.


Mr Otho P. ROPER, whose face we
present to the readers of the Times,
is attending the B.G. Business Uni-
versity and has just been chosen as
one of the speakers in the annual de-
bate between the two literary soci-
eties of that institution this year.
The question is, Resolved: That a
fair test of the commission for of 
government will demonstrate that it
is more effective than the old system.
Mr. Roper and two colleagues are to
champion the affirmative side. The
occasion will no doubt attract people
from all parts of the state, as it has
done heretofore. An audience of 1,200
to 1,500 people will give the young
men a courteous hearing. A gavel
encircled with bands of gold is the
bone of contention. The names of
the successful contestants are annual-
ly engraved upon this gavel and it is
presented to the winning side to be
held until the following year. The
two societies have been debating for
four years, and each has won two 
victories.  The debate next month is
therefore to be of special interest. It
is to be hoped that a large delegation
of Todd county people will attend and 
give Mr. ROPER the encouragement
and backing that one should have who
has been so signally honored.

Mrs. R. T. THOMAS, Correspondent

Mr. C. H. ROBEY and family, of 
Hurt's, visited here Sunday.

Messrs. GILL and Earl ESTES, of
Miller's Valley, visited relatives here

Mr. C. B. LINDSEY and family, from
near town, visited his sister, Mrs. M.
M. WILLIS, Sunday.

Mr. Clarence WOLF, formerly of this
county, but now of the Purchase, is
visiting relatives and friends here.

Mr. J. W. RUDD and family, from
near Liberty, visited his daughter, 
Mrs. M. A. WRIGHT, Saturday and

S.T. JOHNSON, of Wilhelmina, is
certainly one of the boys that changes
them. He sold a mule Monday,
bought another Tuesday and swapped
him off Wednesday.

Both old and yourng are invited 
out next Sunday at half past two
o'clock to help organize Sunday school.
Mr. C. H. ROBEY is superintenedent
and says he hopes to have a good

On account of sickness Presiding
Elkder HAYES could not be with the 
people at this place Saturday and 
Sunday, but the vacancy was filled
by Rev. R. B. GRIDER, whom the
entire congregation give the grandest
praise for his spendid sermon.


       Greenville, Ky., April 18.--The
regular April term of the Muhlenberg
Circuit Court convened here today
with Judge W. P. SANDIDGE presiding.
  In instructing the grand jury Judge
SANDIDGE called attention to the vio-
lations of the local option law, saying
that complaint had been made to him
on account of its violation, and that
the most common way of violating
the local option law was by the way
of the soft drink business. He clearly
explained to the grand jury the way
the law is usually violated by persons
operating a soft drink stand.
  In closing his charge Judge SAN-
DIDGE, in speaking of the soft drink
business, said: "I don't know any-
thing that is more demoralizing in a
community than an institution of this

Buford JOHNSON, Correspondent.

F. W. HAMPTON was in Elkton Sat-

W. B. BURRUS, of Fairview, was in
this section last week.

W. D. HARRISON, of near Pembroke,
was a visitor here Sunday.

_____________ WADE spent Sat
urday and Monday in Hopkinsville.

Ed WADE visited the family of A.
B. WILKINS, near Trenton, last week.

Several people from ere attended
the concert at Fairview last Thurs-
day night.

Mesdames D.C BURRUS and George
LACKEY, of near Pembroke, visited at
Mrs. Sue BURRUS' Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom PORTER, of Pem-
broke, were visitors at Mrs. H. F.
TANDY's Saturday afternoon.

Buford JOHNSON attened Sunday
school and preaching at the Christian
church at Pembroke Sunday.

Chester WILKINS and wife, of near
Britmart, spent Saturday night and 
Sunday with the family of Cross WIL-

J. W. FULCHER attended the home
talent show at Pembroke Friday
night, and reports quite an enjoyable

J.H.HALL, who was sick with grip
for some time and whom we reported
better, is now again on the sick list, we
are sorry to note.

E.P. BELL and family and Wm. 
WILSON and family, of Bell's Chapel,
spent Sunday as the guests of H. H.
FULCHER's family.

Miss Ethel WADE returned home
last Wednesday after several days
visit with her grandmother, Mrs.
Jane WILKINS, near Trenton.

Howard DICKINSON will be married
on April 27 to Miss Ethel AVERITT,
an attractive young lady of Memphis,
Tenn. The wedding will be solem-
nized at the home of the bride. Mr.
DICKINSON is a well-known and popu-
lar young farmer, and is the son of 
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. DICKINSON, of
near Pembroke.

  As administrator of B.F. GROVES,
dec'd, I will, at his late home, two
miles north of Clifty, Kentucky, on
Saturday, April 22, 1911, sell to the 
highest and best bidder the following
personal property:
 One-half interest in one threshing
rig and grist and feed mill, two good
work mules, one saddler and harness
horse, one lot of hogs, hay corn,
wheat, fodder, etc. All kinds of
farming tools, wagons, buggies, black-
smith tools, harness, gear; also some
household and kitchen furniture, ba-
con, and other articles.
 Terms: All sums over $5 will be
sold on 8 months time with interest
from date, except threshing rig and
mill, which will be sold on 6, 12 and
18 months time with interest from
date. Bonds with approved security
will be required.
       J.W. GROVES, Adm'r.

For Sixteen Years
Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey has
been used by millions of people with
perfect satisfaction. For Coughs,
Colds, Asthma; in fact, all throat and
bronchial troubles.

Shop in Hopkinsville
Railroad Fares Free!
All this Spring the undersigned will 
refund railroad fares on purchases.
Spend Fifteen Dollars with any of us
and your fare will be refunded both ways
up to twenty-five miles.
Spend Twenty-Five Dollars and your fares
will be refunded up to fifty miles.

Everything to Wear and Carpets.

KEACH Furniture Co.
Furniture, Carpets, Refrigerators.

FRANKEL's Busy Store
Dry Goods, Shoes, Millinery,
Men's and Women's Clothing.

Clothing and Shoes.


   Lightning struck the stable of M.
K. Anderson, who lives near town on
the Nashville road, this morning be-
tween one and two o'clock, the build-
ing being burned by the fire which
resulted. Two valuable horses were
killed by the bolt but two others were
saved. In addition tot he loss of the
stable and horse a quantity of pro-
vender, harness, etc., was burned, the
total loss being about $1,200, which
is only partially covered by insurance.
  Mr. ANDERSON and his family were
awakened by the shock of the bolt
striking the stable, and he ran out at
once. The wind was fortunately
blowing the flames and sparks away
from the residence, else it might also
have been burned.--Hopkinsville New 
Era, April 13.

 The examinging trial of Karl KOLB,
this morning, resulted in the waiving
of an investigation by the alleged 
bigamist and the remanding of him to
jail to await the action of the next
grand jury.  KOLB himself did not
even appear in the court room, his
plea being entered by his attorney.--
Monday's Hopkinsville New Era...
 KOLB was arrested at Allegre some
days ago by Deputy Sheriff Tommie
SULLIVAN and turned over to the Chris-
tian county officers.

 The meat shop of H. L. TRICE and
restaurant of Scip TANDY, colored,
burned at Pembroke early Monday
morning, the blaze originating in the
meat shop, it is thought, but the
cause is not known. Both of the
burned buildings were fram struct-
ures and located in the heart of the 
business section. The loss is esti-
mated to be between $1,000 and
$1,500, with only partial insurace.
Page 2

Mrs. Lee CANNON is quite sick with 
la grippe.

Dr. LOWRY, of Elkton, was in our
vicinity Sunday.

Mr. Joe MANN, who has been criti-
cally ill, is reported convalescent.

Mr. Charlie WELSH, of Barlow, spent
last week with his father, Mr. Clint

Mrs. Lyda GREENFIELD, who has been
sick for the past twn days, is better
at this time.

Mr. Clarence WOLF, of Ballard coun-
ty, spent Friday and Saturday of last
week with J. B. WATSON's family,
near here.

Mr. Bud WELCH is at home, after
spending a few weeks with his broth-
er, Charlie WELCH, who lives in West-
ern Kentucky.

Mr. Jim PAGE, who lives near Clay-
 mour, was in our vicinity Tuesday
trying to purchase a horse.

Mrs. G. W. DUNN and little daugh-
ters, Creanie and Hazel, spent last
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Shack

The crowd which contemplated go-
ing to the Rock on  Easter Sunday
postponed their trip on account of
bad roads.
  A flourisning camp of Modern 
Woodmen of America was organized 
at Sharon Grove with a membership
of 21, composed of many of the repre-
sentative young men in the communi-
ty. The following officers were elec-
ed: Dr. B. E. ESCUE, Concul; E.E.
PORTER, past consul; S. B. WOLFE,
adviser; J.V. MEADOR, banker; J.H.
JESUP, clerk; S.C. DORRIS, escort; A.
T. MEADOR, watchman; T.HARRIS,
sentry; A. C. HESTER, Chas. STINSON 
and M. H. DUVAL, trustees.

C. B. BREWER, Correspondent.
   Fairview, Ky, April 19, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. George SLOAN, April 8,

Mr. and Mrs. Joe GREENFIELD, April 
1, girl.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank CARNES, near
Vaughan's Grove, April 10, girl.

Mr. and Mrs. R. E. GILLIAM, form-
erly of Britmart, but now of New-
stead, rejoice over an Easter Greet-
ing early Sunday morning, with a fine
ten-pound boy, and of course the
'Squire is all smiles over his arrival.

        The Sick.
Mrs. Nonie ELLIOTT has been suffer-
ing from severe chills for the past
week, but is much better.

Mr. Henry T. HUMPHREY, who is
suffereing from dropsy in his limbs and
sides, remains about the same.

The condition of Mr. Javine 
ERKLETIAN is no wise improved, and he
is gradually growing weaker.

Mrs. Addie VASS and daughter, Miss
Lizzie, who have been confined to
their beds for several weeks, are able
to be up.

Mr. Chastine Tillman, who lives
near Britmart, had an attack of an-
gina pectoris last Sunday and fell out
of his chair unconscious, but is some

Mesdames T. H. COMBS and  Browder
WARREN spent Monday in Hopkinsville

Mr. T. D. EVERETT and wife spent
Saturday and Sunday with relatives
near Laytonsville.

Miss Perry HARRISON has returned
home from a week's visit with rela-
tives near Pembroke.

Rev W. R. GOODMAN and wife have 
returned from a week's visit with
relatives at Adams, Tenn.

Mr. William FORGY, of Elkton, was
in the city a short while Friday re-
newing old acquaintances.

Mr. and Mrs. George LACKEY spent
several days this week with the family
of R. L. BURRUS, of Guthrie.

Mrs. Sallie HAYES, of Evansville, is
visiting the family of J. L. CARROLL
and other relatives in this section.

Mrs. M. R. TANDY has returned 
from Nashville, where she went to be
present at the wedding of ther broth-
er, Mr. POTTER.

Prof. H. A. ROBINSON left today
(Wednesday) for his home in Green-
ville, where he will rest awhile from
his duties of teaching.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. MANN, of Pembroke,
passed through the city Monday
en route to Kirkmansvill, where
they will visit relatives.

Mr. Ben G. DAVIS, who has been
foreman of the Democrat, of Russell-
ville, is spending the week with his
aunt, Miss Alice Gibson, and taking
a much need rest from his work.

Mr. Hermon WOOSLEY, who has been
visiting his father, for the past week,
left today for New Mexico, where he
will remain several months in hopes
of being benefited by the climate of
that contry.

Below will be found a report of the 
advancement of the first grade and
the final average of all the pupils of
the Fairview Graded School ending
April 1, 1911: First Grade: Dixie 
Clarence N. TANDY, Nina HILL, Zeno-
bial, Zellia and Richard SHANKLIN,
Mary LAYTON, Ethel SCOTT, Frances
BARKSDALE.  Third grade: Mary
PETRIE, 94; Pearl WADE, 90; Thurston
WADE, 90; Thurston KEELING, 80;
Katherine TANDY, 96. Fourth grade:
Ruth WRIGHT, 97; Susie FRITZ, 97;
Claud PETRIE, 97;  Robert FRITZ, 92;
Charles BARKSDALE, 82; Willie BARKS-
DALE, 88. Fifth grade: Paul PETRIE,
94; Rena HILL, 75; Charles LAYNE,
89; Marion LAYNE, 76; Talitha JOHNSON,
 81; Katie VASS, 79; Era KEELING, 
80; Ruby VASS, 89. Sixth grade:
Percy MOBLEY, 75. Seventh grade:
Opal FRITZ, 94 1/2; Ethel LAYNE, 80;
Nora BARKSDALE, 87; Ruth FRITZ, 94;
Katie mae LAYNE, 79 1/2; Sana BURRUS,
94; Byron BURRUS, 91; Margaret
LAYNE, 92 1/2; Nettie Lee PETRIE, 97;
Lucile PETRIE, 95; Nanie VASS, 70.
Eighth grade: Virginia HUMPHREY,
88; Minnie JOHNSON, 83; Alma BURRUS,
79; Pearl HURT, 90; Elizabeth
HURT, 90; Ora CARROLL, 75, (condi-
tional); Ola CARROL, 50; Hughes
COMBS, 79.  We have tried to give
the correct standing of each pupil
just as given to us, and if any have
been omitted it was not done in-
tentionally and if any one will tell
us, we will include it in our next 

  While here this week Rev. BEVARD,
of Franklin, and the writer had quite
a little chat, and in our talk he in-
formed us that he had served "time"
as "devil" on the Patriot, which was 
published at Franklin many years ago,
and was succeeded by the Favorited,
which at that time was edited by his
father John BREVARD, and while he 
was serving in the capacity of "devil"
in walked Opie READ, the great nov-
elist, and ask for the job as "second
devil" which he landed. Mr. BREVARD
and Opie worked at the case along
side each other for several months,
and then Opie slept in the office at
night and roughed it the best he
could. After sometime he learned to be
a fast typesetter, and while working
there wrote quite a number of short
stories, which were well received by
the public.

  At last the "census man" has an-
nounced the population of Fairview--
only one hundred and eight inhabit-
ants, -and ten years ago it was given
as sixty-one.  From personal kowl-
edge we know that on the 15th of
April, 1910, there were one hundred
and twenty-one inhabitants in the
town of Fairview, and it is an evident
fact that the census enumerators
missed some of the citizens, for three
enumerators took the census, the
town being perculiarly situated-in
two counties and three voting pre-
cints, and ten years ago four enu-
merators were appointed to take the 
census, and it seems that only one 
part of the town of the Todd county
side was taken.  We like to have all
that is due us, for certainly have none
to spare, we are sure.
Page 3
  The Automobile Bargain Of The World
is the Ford Car, complete with Top, Wind
Shield, Speedometer, and Lamps $780.00
and the freight. Later on the only 
question will be whether you can get 
them at all. Order now and we can
guarantee delivery.
  Forbes Manufacturing Company
       Hopkinsville, KY
We have bought the barbershop 
equipment of W. L. McIntire, 
and will conduct the business at
the place formerly occupied by 
him under the firm style, 
Mason & Buckley. We respectfully
solicit the patronage of the 
public, promising courteous 
treatment and careful service.
Hot and cold baths at all hours.
Very truly,
       Personal Mention
Jack NUCKOLS, who is holding a
posistion with the L. & N. Railroad
CO. at Cincinnati, returned to his
work there Tuesday after spending
several days in the city visiting the
family of his father, V.B.NUCKOLS.

Gentlemen, don't fail to order a
suit of SHANKLIN & RICE on Monday or
Tuesday, May 1-2. The Edesco man
from Chicago will be here in person.

County Superintendent A. S JOHNSON
is up from a recent severe bilious
attack which confined him to bed for
about five days.

W. T. KEATTS has a nice lot of well-
located farms for sale. Office next
door to postoffice, Elkton.

Miss Sallie EDWARDS, of Gordons-
ville, is spening the week in the city
the guest of Mrs. Dr. CRITTENDEN.

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. ROBEY, of near
Russellville, visited their daughter,
Mrs. B.V. CRITTENDEN, Sunday.

Miss Edith ARMSTRONG, who has 
been quite ill, is able to be up again.
-Hopkinsville New Era.

Mrs. Hattie ROBERTS is visiting her 
daughter, Mrs Frank Pemberton, at

Geo. S. WEATHERS returned Wed-
nesday morning from Richmond, Va.

Miss Ella SMITH, of Adairville, is
the guest of Miss Lucile ROBERTS.

Prof. E. B. WEATHERS spent Satur-
day in Bowling Green.

Richard HUDSON, of Paris, Tenn., a
former V.T.S. student, was here 
several days this week on a visit to
old friends.

Miss Dora BROWDER, who has been
sick for some time, will be able to re-
sume her duties within GILL & 
BROWDER within a few days.

 A Bowling Green dispatch of April
17 says:
"Billy BLACKWELL died at his home
in this city this morning after a few
days illness of typhoid fever. He 
was about 25 years of age and was one
of the most popular young men in the 
city. He had for the past several
years been one of the end men with
Coburn's minstrels. The troupe was
here on last Wednesday night and the
local people had prepared to give Mt.
BLACKWELL a great reception, but he
was too ill to appear. He was a 
brother of Joe BLACKWELL, who is with
Vogel's minstrels."
 BLACKWELL had appeared in Elkton
several times with Coburn's troupe,
and wa a great favorite here. Local
amusement lovers willlearn of his
death with much regret.
   Mt. Sharon.
Mr. Willie HARRIS and family went
to Everett Monday.

Messrs. Bud and Lee BORDERS went 
to Elkton Saturday on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe SNEAD, of Sharon
Grove, spent Sunday with the family
of Charley WILLIAMS.

Mr. and Mrs. Tim CRAWFORD, of
near Claymour, visited the family of 
J.A. GANT last Saturday.

Mrs. Ibbie MORGAN, of near Deer-
lick, is spending a few days with her
niece, Mrs. K.K. CHRISTIAN.

Misses Etta and Clemma COOK, of 
Sharon Grove, visited Miss Dottye
BORDERS Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe HOOPER, of Sharon 
Grove, visited the family of K.K.
CHRISTIAN last Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Mac CROWDER and lit-
tle daughter, of Spa, spent Sunday
with his father, Mr. Jim CROWDER.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter SCOTT, of
Sharon Grove, spent Saturday and
Sunday with his father, W. L. SCOTT.

Mrs. J.P. FITZHUGH and children
of Diamond Springs, are spending the
week with her mother, Mrs. E. A.

Mr. Charley BOLEY and little daugh-
ter, Kadola, of near Sharon Grove,
spent Saturday and Sunday with the
family of Babe BOLEY.
Census of Todd is
     Given in Detail
All Towns Gained, but County
as a Whole and all but one
      District Lost.

Statistics of Various Places
   The following table shows the pop-
ulation and growth of Todd county
and all the census districts, including
the incorporated towns, within the
past 20 years, as just announced by
the department.
  The table shows that while all the
incorporated towns have gained some
in population, the whole census dis-
trict in every instance, with the ex-
ception of the Elkton district, has
lost since 1900, and the Elkton dis-
trict, for that matter, only gained 19.
Long before the details of the census
were announced, and at the time it
was made known that the county had
fallen off from 17,371 to 16,488, The
Times attributed the decrease chiefly
to the fact that many colored people
had left here for the mines in Hop-
kins and other counties. This view
is upheld by the census department's
detailed announcement, as by far the
largest losses were sustained in the
Trenton, Allensville, Hadensville and
Guthrie districts, where the colored
population is greatest.
 The table places the rank of incor-
porated Todd county towns as follows:
Elkton 1,228; Guthrie 1,096; Trenton
653; Allensville 436; Kirkmansville
200 and Fairview 109 including the
28 who reside in the Christian county
part of the town.
1910 1990 1890
Todd County 16,488 17,371 16,814
District 1, Kirkmansville, including
Kirkmansville town
2,079 2,199 1,800
Kirkmansville town 200 126 103
District 2, Sharon Grove and Clifty 2,092 2,143 1,146
District 3, Fairview and Bell's Chapel, 
including part of Fairview town
1,576 1,784 1,812
Fairview town (part of) 80 35 .
District 5, Trenton, including Trenton town 2,810 2,992 3,056
Trenton town 653 600 455
District 6, Allensville and hadensville,
including Allensville town and Guthrie city
3,622 3,963 1,449
Allensville town 436 430 426
Guthrie city 1,096 807 449

The statistics of various other town in this vicintiy, or in which numerous Todd countians are interested, for the past ten years, follow:
1910 1900
Adairville 683 720
Auburn 631 697
Bowling Green 9,173 8,226
Cadiz 1,005 881
Central City 2,545 1,348
Cerulean 272 -
Henderson 11,452 10,272
Hopkinsville 9,419 7,280
Lafayette 266 199
Lewisburg 253 230
Lexington 35,099 26,369
Louisville 223,928 204,731
Madisonville 4,966 3,628
Murray 2089 1822
Owensboro 16,011 13,189
Paducah 22,760 19,466
Pembroke 731 654
Princeton 3,111 2,591
Russellville 3,015 2,556

Transcibed by Karen Combs  © 2001.
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