Pg 1
Night Riders Do Work At Olmstead
The night riders were in the saddle
in Logan county early Sunday morn-
ing and burned a large tobacco factory
at Olmstead. The property which
was destroyed belonged to John Scott,
a prominent tobacco buyer for the
Italian Regie trade.
The advent of night riders was
signalized by the firing of guns and pis-
tols. Nobody offered any resistance, and
the few who peeped out of windows
say they could not tell hom many
were in the gang or whether they
were masked. One citizen counted
seven in one squad.
The riders applied the torch to the
Scott building, and it was burned to
the ground. The loss is about $5,000,
with $2,000 insurance. Two years
ago Scott was waited on in the day-
time by organization farmers, who re-
quested him not to buy tobacco. Two
months later night riders call him
from his home, and , it is reported,
told him either to quit buying tobac-
co, leave the county or suffer death at
their hands.
Scott sold his home and move to
Russellville. He placed his factory on
the market, but was not able to sell
it. He rented the building to James
Browder, an association prizer. Brow-
der had finished his work for the sea-
son and shipped out all the tobacco.
There were several hogsheads of as-
sociation tobacco in the building when
it burned' some type samples and two
carloads of fertilizer.
Mr Scott has been one of the
largest purchasers of association to-
bacco at Russellville.
Elkton Girl Graduates.
The editor of The Times acknowl-
edges with pleasure the receipt of an
invitation to the graduating ex-
ercises of Nazareth Academy at
Nazareth, Ky., on June 18, through
the courtesy of Miss Tina Mildred
Cunningham, of Elkton, who is a
member of the graduating class.
Todd Farmers' Institute
The Todd County Farmers' In-
stitute will be held this year at
Guthrie on Aug. 25 and 26. The
officers of this district (the fourth) are
John Y. Lott, Organizer; C. M.
Hanna, director, and John A. McClure,
Frank Gill Appointed
Frank B. Bill has been appointed
referee in bankruptcy by United
States District Judge Walter Evans.
The position pays something like
$500 a year, and Mr. Gill was selected
over several applicants. His head-
quarters will be at Elkton.
Pg 2
We are authorized to announce A. G.
RHEA, of Logan county, a candidate for
Representative in Congress from the Third
COngressional District of Kentucky, sub-
ject to the action of the Democratic party.
We are authorized to announce R. Y.
THOMAS, Jr., of Muhlenberg county, a
candidate for Representative in Congress
from the Third Congressional District of
Kentucky, subject to the action of the Dem-
ocratic party.
After an illness of a month, due to
an affection of the liver, Mr. J. H.
Davis peacefully passed away at his
home on Hopkinsville street Monday
afternoon at 5 o'clock. About May
1 Mr. Davis left Elkton for Owens-
boro, having been summoned to serve
as a juror in the Federal Court. On
his way to that city he stopped at
South Carrollton to see his half-sister,
Mrs. Kittie Kittinger, and while at
her home was taken so sick that in-
stead of going on to Owensboro he
immediately returned to Elkton and
physicians were called to attend him.
It was at first hoped that there was
nothing serious in his condition, but
later alarming symptoms set in and
for a week hope of his recovery had
been despaired of.
Mrs. Davis was born in Todd county,
in the Bell's Chapel neighborhood, in
1841, and had always made his home
in this county. In 1870 he married
Miss Bettie Williams, and she, with
the following children, survive him:
Mrs. T. G. Petrie, J. W. Davis, of
the J. W. Davis & Co. Mill Exchange,
William G. Davis, the attorney, and
S. F. Davis, the stenographer, all of
this city. Besides these are a sister,
Mrs. Sallie Standard, of this place,
three half-sisters, Mrs. Kittinger, of
South Carrollton, Mrs. Emma Mobley
and Mrs. Jennie Thornhill, of this
county, and a half brother, Jas.
Davis, of Atlanta, Ga.
In the death of Mrs. Davis Elkton
loses one of her best, as well as one of
her best-loved, citizens. He was
quiet, unassuming, attending strictly
to his own business and never speak-
ing unkindly of any one. At the
same time he was a man of strict in-
tegrity, a fine sense of honor and a
blameless life as husband, father,
neighbor, friend and citizen. He
had been a life-long and devout mem-
ber of the methodist church, enter-
taining, at the same time, respect for
the views of others who differed from
him. He will be sadly missed in his
own church and the religious life of
the town in general.
The greater part of Mr. Davis' life
was spent on a farm in the Bell's
Chapel neighborhood, but during the
past few years he had been associ-
ated in business with his son, J. W.
Mr Davis was a member of the
Board of Trustees of the Elkton
Graded School, and his death is a
distinct loss to that institution.He
was always greatly interested in its
welfare, and in his quiet way did
everything possible for the advance-
ment of its highest interests.
The funeral services, conducted at
the residence Tuesday afternoon by
Eld. W. E. Mobley and the Rev.
Geo. E. Foskett, and the interment
in Glenwood Cemetery were largely
A lingering illness due to a com-
plications of diseases that followed a
number of years of very feeble health
resulted in the death of Mr. Davis J.
Page at his home on Russellville
street Sunday night at 11 o'clock.
His revocery had been despaired of,
and although everything possible was
done to relieve him, the end was not
Mr Page was born in Logan county
in 1841. He lived in Missouri a num-
ber of years, and at the beginning of
the Civil War enlisted in the Union
service in that state. He was mar-
ried in 1867 to Miss Sallie Edwards,
of Logan county, who lived but a few
years afterward. His second wife,
whom he married in 1874, and who
survives him, Miss Annie Cartwright,
a sister of the late John N.
Cartwright, Sheriff of Todd county.
Two children were born of their
union, Leonard, who died several
years ago, and Thos. D. Page, who
now resides in St. Louis.
Mr. Page was a Mason, and united
with the Christian church in 1903.
For a number of years he lived in
Russellville, but was engaged in busi-
ness here the last of his active years,
and had since his retirement made
his home here. He had served the
people of Elkton as marshal, and
made a splendid record in that capac-
Mr Page was genial, kind-heart-
ed gentleman, a good neighbor and
loyal friend, and a will be missed in his
The interment took place in Glen-
wood cemetery Monday afternoon
with Masonic honors. Eld. Hawkins
also conducted services at the grave.
Capt. Frank M. Duffy, a brother of
County Judge P. O. Duffy, passed
away at his home in Guthrie Friday
morning at 2:30 o'clock. For five or
six years he had been very feeble, and
the past six months or more had been
confined to his bed from a complica-
tion of diseases attendant upon old
age, so the end was not unexpected.
Capt. Duffy was born in Sumner
county, Tenn., Aug 18, 1830, and
was therefore nearly 78 years of age.
He was one of a family of five child-
ren, Judge Duffy now being the only
survivor. His father Col. Francis
Duffy, came to this contry from Ire-
land, and in 1845 moved his family
from Tennessee to this county, sett-
ling on a farm at what is now known
as Old Hadensville, near Guthrie.
Here Capt. Duffy grew into young
manhood, and in 1849 left for Cal--
fornia in the search for gold that
makes one of the most interesting
pages in our national history. He
spent over two years in that county,
and is one of the very last of the
"forty-niners" to pass away.
When the Civil War broke out,
Capt. Duffy at once enlisted under
the Confederate banner, becoming a
member of Capt. Bell G. Bridwell's
Springfield company of the Thirteenth
Tennessee Infanty. He was a cap-
tain of Civil engineers and also quar-
termaster general of the regiment un-
til after the battle of Shiloh. He
was one of the ablest engineers in the
service of the Confederacy, and ren-
dered distinguished services in this
capacity. Perhaps his most notable
achievement was the sperintendency,
together with Capt. Cobb, of the
building of the pontoon bridge across
the Tennessee river, which saved
Hood's command in the celebrated re-
treat from Nashvill.
Shortly after the war he married
Miss Mary Ryan, of Logan county.
She and the two children born of the
union have been dead many years. In
1899 he married Mrs. Belle Payne,
who survives him.
Capt. Duffy engaged in the news-
paper business quite extensively after
the war. He was at one time editor
of the Franklin (Ky.) Patriot and also
the Clarksville Chronicle. His
last active newspaper work was the
editing of the old Guthrie Vidette.
Up to a few years ago, however, he
contributed frequently to the county
papers. He was always a forceful
and sometimes even a brilliant writer,
He kept thoroughly informed on mat0
ters of public interest, and although
he never held publice office, with the
exception of serving several terms as
county surveyor, he was an ardent
Democrat. He was a Mason of high
degree, and a zealous worker in the
order during the active eyars of his
The interment took place in the
family burying ground, near Hadens-
ville, Saturday morning. The pall-
bearers were ex-Confederate soldiers.
Mrs. Rowena Day, fo Clarksville,
has announced the engagement of her
daughter, Miss Mary Frances, to Mr.
George D. Wilson, formerly of that
place, but more recently of Phila-
delphia. The wedding will take
place June 23 at Trinity church in
Clarksville after 6:30 o'clock in the
Miss Day is well-known here where
she was reared, she being a daughter
of the late C. M. Day, for many years
one of the most popular merchants of
Guthrie. During the past few years
Miss Day has resided in Clarksville,
where she has been popular in society.
Mr Wilson is a graduate of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technol-
ogy, and is a mechanical engineer of
great promise. He was born and
reared in Clarksville. The couple
will reside in Philadelphia. -Guthrie
Tobacco Planter.
"Even the good Homer sometimes
nods" -and in modern time Trenton
society is occasionally caught nap-
ping, but not often so completely as
on the present occasion. Cupid came
and conquered ere even the wisest
were aware.
On Tuesday Miss Mabel Hunter de-
lightfully entertained twenty of her
girl friends at an afternoon reception.
But there was no hint that the af-
fair was a farewell to girlhood, no
thought that the Love God was lurk-
ing inthe parlor and hall, no suggestion
that the hostess of today was to be
the bride of tomorrow -save in the
"favors" -Bride roses and the "Clan"
were blind along with Cupid.
On Wednesday morning Miss Hunter
left on the Dixie Flyer for Nash-
ville. She was joined on the way by
Mr. Glenn Brewer, the fortunate
groom-to-be, and several mutual
friends. All preparations had been
made for their reception. Immedi-
ately on their arrival in Nashville,
they were driven to the First Presby-
terian Church where in beautiful and
fitting words the Rev. Dr. W. M.
Anderson pronounced the words which
joined their lives. They left on the
afternoon train for Chattanooga and
other Southern points. On their re-
turn they will be at home to their
friends at the residence of Mrs.
Junter, the bride's mother, on Main
Miss Hunter has lived in and near
Trenton all of her life and numbers
her friends by her acquaintances.
Intelligent, tactful, and of rare per-
sonal charms she has been a decided
society favorite. Trenton has claim-
ed few fairer daughters. All good
wishes attend her.
Mr. Brewer is a Tennesseean, a man
of integrity and of fine business quali-
fications. Notwithstanding his merit,
he is to be congratulated on the prize
he has won.
May Real Estate Deals.
Following is a list of the real estate
deals in Todd county for the month
of May:
-Anderson Hardwicke and wife to
the Elkton Warehouse Company,
small parcel in Elkton, $250.
-Laura J. Reeves and ehr husband,
W. B. Keeves, to C. D. Damon, store-
house on south side public square,
Elkton, $1,450.
-Sam Kenner and wife to Trustees
of Schoool District No. "M," one
acre east of Elkton, $35.
-Josiah Wilson to J. H. Brooks, 94 1/2
acres near Allensville, $100 a year for
-Moses Penick, Sr., to Monroe
Penick, small lot east of ELkton, $20.
-J.M. Harvey and wife to Mrs. M.
L. Reeves, lot in Daysville, $35.
-V. E. Lee and wife to J. C. Gordon,
lot in Daysville, $50.
-J. W. Cook and wife to Joe Hayden,
lot in Guthrie, $60.
-Mrs. Samantha Yates to R. G.
Dark, undivided interest in store-
house in guthrie, $480.
Pg 3
Mrs. C. W. Evans, of Russellville,
is with Mrs. D. J. Page.
Curtis Harvey, of Marrowbone, visit-
ed friends here this week.
Miss Sallie Gill, of Ferguson, is the
guest of Miss Mary Garth.
Mrs. S. E. Webb, of Chicago, is the
guest of Mrs. A.S. Johnson.
Reuben Petrie is in the Bank of
Elkton for the summer months.
Mrs. and Mrs. W. R. Wood spent
Sunday with Mrs. Mary Robb, at
Miss Pattie McElwain, of Trenton,
has been the guest of friends here
this week.
Miss Nannie Wolfe, who has been
sick with typho-malarial fever, is now
considerably imporoved.
Dr. T. W. Perkis will move into
his suite of offices, next door to The
Times office, tomorrow.
Miss Evie Lou Stokes leaves Tues-
day for a visit to Miss Alma
Cartwright in Chattanooga.
Miss Katherine Bradley has gone
to Sailor's Rest, Tenn., to spend the
summer with her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Weathers spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. S.
Jameson, at Pembroke.
Miss Olive Johnson, of Hopkins-
ville, spent Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Johnson.
Misses Edith Weathers and Ethel
Heltsley are guests of Miss Edith
Armstrong, near Hopkinsville.
Charley Cartwright, of Morganfield,
was here Monday to attend the funeral
of his brother-in-law, Mr. D. J.
Mrs. J. H. Rowland and little
daughter have returned to Henderson
after a visit to the family of Mrs.
Bettie H. Penick.
Among those from a distance who
attended the furneral of Mr. J.H.
Davis Tuesday were the following:
Mrs. Thos. Porter, Steve and John
Williams, of Pembroke, and Grubb
Fuqua, of Adams Station, Tenn.
Mrs. Lou Dawson has accepted a
position as matron at the dormitory
of Brownsville, Tenn. Training School.
Mrs. Dawson was a matron at Josephine
Elliott Memorial Hall, the dormitory
of V.T.S., last year, and the Board
of managers of that school regret to
give her up, as her services were high-
ly satisfactory.
Mrs. G.W. Baker, traveling sale-
man for the Di__man Shoe Co., of
St. Louis, has resigned his position as
salesman and gone into business his
self at Dawson with a general mer-
chandise line. Mr. Baker moved here
several months ago from Elkton, and
is sure to enjoy a nice trade from his
large circle of friends in that section
where he was raised. He moved his fam-
ily today. -Hopkinsville Kentuckian.
Good Crowd Braves Bad Weather
and Goes To Fairview To
Attend The Exercises.
Wednesday, the centennial anniver-
sary of the birth of Jefferson Davis,
was appropriately observed at Fair-
view in the church which stands on
the spot where the great Confederate
leader first saw the light of day. Be-
tween 400 and 500 people were
present, and but for the rainy weather
there would no doubt have been
1,500 to 2,000 there from Todd and
Christian counties alone.
Squire W.B.Brewer presided over
the exercises, which began with an
invovcation by the Rev. W.H.
Vaughan, of Fairview. Dr. E.S.
Stuart followed with the address of
welcome, and after him came the
Rev. Millard A. Jenkins, of Hopkins-
ville, with the principal address of
the day.
Folling the Rev. Jenkins' adress,
dinner was spread on the
church grounds, and the good women
of the vicinity had prepared enough
of every good thing in the way of eat-
ables to feed a crowd five times as
large. In the midst of the feast an
unusually hard electrical storm set in,
and almost created a small panic, the
crowd remembering that a church on
the same spot had been destroyed by
lightning a number of years ago, and
that lightning has been peculiarly un-
kind to Fairview, a Methodist church
building and two dwellings in recent
years having been destroyed by it.
However, nobody was injured beyond
being thoroughly scared.
After dinner the Rev. Bently, of
Trigg county, a soldier of the Lost
Cause, addressed the audience, and
Editor S.A.Cunningham, of the
Confederate Veteran, Nashville, also
mad a few remarks.
The speeches were all tributes to
the righteousness of the Southland's
cause and the greatness of Jeff Davis,
its head.
Tuedsay evening at 6 o'clock Miss
Grace Mimms and Mr. Sidney Vick
were united in marriage at the home
of the bride's parents near Guthrie.
The ceremony was performed by Eld.
R.T. Roberts, pastor of the Guthrie
Christian church, in the presence of a
large number of relatives and friends.
The bride was attired in a brown
tailored suit, hat, gloves and shoes to
The bride and groom were preceded
by Misses Oliver Lester and Louise
Lannem, Miss Sallie Mimms, and Mr.
Warren Walton, Miss Johnnie Mimms
and Mr. Mach Bailey. The young
lady attendants all wore dainty white
Mrs. William Ware presided at the
piano and the bridal party entered the
parlor to the strains of Mendelsohn's
wedding march and during the cere-
mony, "Melody of Love" was render-
ed. After the ceremony, which was
beautiful and impressive, Lohengrin's
wedding march was played as the
bridal party left the room.
Immediately after the ceremony
the bridal party drove to the home of
Mr. Vick's mother, Mrs. F. N. Vick,
at Allensville, where a large reception
was given in their homor.
Mrs. Vick is the eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Mimms and is
a very popular young lady with hosts
of friends.
Mr. Vick is the son of Mrs. F. N.
Vick and is a prominent and popular
young planter of Allensville at which
place they will reside.
The wedding gifts were numerous
and very handson, including cut
glass, silver, bric-a-brac, several pieces
of point lace and some handsome
Mrs. D. B. Smith and Mrs. Louis
Downer are at Dawson Springs.
Miss Olivia Lester, a member of
Buford College faculty, is with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lester,
for the summer.
Miss Louise Ware is the guest of
Miss Ruth Ferguson a Pembroke.
Mrs. Betty Tandy chaperoned a
large party of young people Tuesday
evening at the bowling alley.
Misses Ruth Nothington and Mary
Houston Evans and Master Lawrence
Blair have returned from Springfield,
where they went to assist in a recital
given by the music pupils of Miss
Mattie Trabue.
Mrs. J. M. Robinson, Mrs. Howard
Robinson and little daughter, Frances,
are visiting the family of Dr. Howard,
at Owensboro.
Miss Emma Lester has returned
from Clarksville.
Judge and Mrs. p. O. Duffy and
Miss Lennie Duffy, who have been
visiting Mrs. Belle Duffy, have
returned to Elkton.
Miss Lucy Kendall, who is a member
of Buford College Faculty, in
Nashville, is with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Kendall, for vacation.
Mr. A. J. Haun and wife will re-
turn in a few days to their home in
Nashville. Mr. Haun has been prin-
cipal of the Guthrie Graded School
here this year, and has been elected
for the coming year. Both Mr. and
Mrs. Haun and his assistants have
made many friends during their stay
in Guthrie.
Misses Bessie Lee Boyd, of Donel-
son, Maud Wright, of Bowling Green,
and Jennie May Mullen, of Nashville,
who have been Mr. Haun's able as-
sistants, will return to their respec-
tive home in a few days.
Miss Johnnie Mimms has returned
from Washington, D.C., where she
has been attending school.
John Chiles, Jr., from Illinois, is at
home with his parents this week.
Mrs. Sid Small, Mrs. Robert Chiles
and Mrs. Clarke spent Thursday in
Mrs. Charlie Walton, of Allensville,
spent Wednesday with E. J. Ware's
Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Hagan left
Monday for Georgetown to attend the
commencement of Georgetown College.
Mrs. Wanda Williams, of Hopkins-
ville, spent Sunday at home.
Mrs. Chas. McComb, of Pembroke,
was in town Tuesday.
Mrs. Will Payne and Dillard
Payne left Friday for Martinsville,
Mrs. Nim Allensworth, of Guthrie,
was in town Tuesday.
Frank Murphy left for St. Louis
Mrs. Gish Orr and Martha Orr
spent Sunday with Mrs. Joe Russell.
Drs. Gower and Frey are spending
the week in Chicago.
Mrs. Jim Chesnut spent Friday in
Miss Corinne Gower is visiting Miss
Levy Gower.
Miss Irene Lloyd, of Pembroke, was
the guest of Mrs. John Arrington
The pupils of the High School gave
an ice cream supper Friday night at
the school building.
Miss Beall Reeves is visiting friends
in Allensville and Russellville.
Notice to File Claims.
All parties having claims against the es-
tate of Mrs. Lizzie Lewis, deceased, are
hereby notified to file same with the under-
signed in ELkton, Ky., properly proven, on
or before July 15, 1908, or be forever barred
from the collection of same.
John O. Street
Adm'r. of Mrs. Lizzie Lewis,
Mrs. Si Gant is visiting her rela-
tives at Britmart.
Mrs. Leslie Harris has returned
from a visit near Russellville.
Mr and Mrs. Tee Borders have
gone to live with his brother, Bud
Borders, near Providence, and he will
work there this year.
Miss Nannie Gilliam, of Lewisburg,
visited relatives here Saturday and
G.E.Porter is no better at this
[Advertisements Under This Head
Are Absolutely Free.]
FOR SALE- Five stack red top
hay. R.S. Harris, Elkton.
FOR SALE- Sow and six nice pigs.
E.H. Petrie, Elkton, Ky.
FOR SALE- Rhode Island Red
Hens, thoroughbreds. Mrs. L. H.
Wilkins, Elkton.
FOR SALE- One mileh cow with
calf by side. E.B. Weathers, Elkton
FOR SALE- 80 bushels late Bur-
bank Irish potatoes, $1 per bushel.
W.H. Allen, R.R.1, Ferguson, Ky.
FOR SALE- Tomato plants. G.
W. Brockman, Elkton
FOR SALE- Five good 2 year-old
mules. Selden Lyne, Russellville.
FOR SALE- Jersey heifer, with
calf by side; also another Jersey.
Charlie Millen, Elkton.