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Todd County KYGenWeb Newspapers

The Todd County Progress
Saturday, July 20, 1912
Death Sentence

   Isom Talliaferro, a negro boy
aged 21, who was charged with
assault on Mrs. Rosa Robinson
in North Todd on April 3, receiv-
ed at the hands of the Todd circuit
court a death sentence by eletr_-
oution. This is the first death
sentence in the county in 60 years.
An Infant Dies

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde PAYNE have
the sympathy of the community 
in the loss of their baby boy on
Sunday last.
A Progressive Party

Six young ladies, of tender age,
constituted a progressive house
party in Trenton this week that
proved very enjoyable to all the
  The party was composed of
Misses Edith Grady, Virinia
Ware, Isabelle Hogan, Elizabeth
Harrel, Sadie Garth and Imogene
Gaines.  They began Tuesday
with Imogene Gaines, thence for
the night with Elizabeth Harrel,
Wednesday with Edith Grady,
Wednesday night with Sadie 
Garth, Thursday with Isabelle
Hogan and Thursday night with
Virginia Ware, which concluded
six very happy engagements.  At
every place of meeting a special
programme was served, inter-
persed with chin and other music.
18 and 72 Year Old Party

    Planter G. E. GARTH, Sr. at his
pretty country home, near the
city, in the absence of Mrs. Garth,
gave a 6 o'clock dinner Monday 
to a party of young ladies and 
gentlemen, whose ages ranged
from 18 to 72.  The Progress will
decline to give names in the
absence of Mrs. GARTH.
Katydids July 12th

  The Katydids made their first
appearance July 12th hence Octo-
ber 12th the frost will appear.
96 Indictements

  The Todd county grand jury
returned 96 indictments, 77 being
for violation of local option laws.
This is going some.
$800.00 Horse

  W. S. WALLER sold this week to
Dalton STUBBS, of Arkansaw, a 3
year old stallion, Glorious Red
Squirrel, by Glorious Red Cloud,
for even $800.
Animal Jewelry

   Neighbor Ed L. McELWAIN
sent to Christian county this
week a nice shipment of his fine
home made harness.  Our Chris-
tian neighbors know where to
come for the real article.

Best Yet Reported

Squire J. C. BRONAUGH reports 
450 bushels of wheat threased
from 20 acres, an average of
22 1-2 bushels to the acre. This
is the best yield yet reported.


Decision Against the Town
Rendered By Judge Sandidge
   In Soft Drink Case

  In the case of the Town of
Trenton against Morphew & Co.
appealed from the town court
concerning the sale of soft drinks
in Trenton, which had been
barred by a town ordidance (sic), Judge
W. P. Sandidge this week ren-
dred a decision declaring said or-
dinance null and void so far as
the sale of coco-cola, soda pop
and ginger ale were concerned.
Only intoxicating drinks contain-
ing alcohol are prohibited. Local
strnds (sic) are now open for busi-
ness again on soft drinks.
  The license had been fixed by
ordinance here at $500.

Personal  Pertinent
  Master Cecil Page is visiting
relatives in Nashville.
  Mrs. Fannie Dickinson has re-
turned from Mayfield.
  Mrs. G. R. Brewer of Evans-
ville, is visiting relatives here.
  Misses mary and Sara Payne 
spent the week with friends at 
  Miss Hassie Carter has return-
ed from an extended visit to rela-
tives in hart County.
  Judge Jno. R. Woosley spent
a few days this week with his
brother at Gracey.
  Robert White, of Louisville, is
visiting the family of Capt. C. B. 
  Miss Joy Banks has returned
from an extended visit to rela-
tives in Henderson.
  Mrs. G. E. Garth, Sr., and 
Miss Kate Clarke, have returned
from Dawson Springs.
  Mesdames R. L. Chiles and S. 
W. Small were in Hopkinsville
  Dr. Chas M. Gower, Mrs. 
Cower and Miss Oliva were in
Hopkinsville Friday.
  Miss Frances hays, of Clarks-
ville, visited Miss Martha Orr
this week.
  Mrs. E. R. Thompson, Miss
Tula and Master Richard are
visiting relatives in Kansas City.
  Miss Mattie Mack Wilson re-
turns to Pembroke today accom-
pained by Miss Ophie Lee Payne.
  Rev. S. H. Lovelace was called
to Nashville Saturday on account
of the illness of his son.
  Mrs. J. W. Arrington and 
granddaughter, Miss Maud, are
visiting relatives at Erin, Tenn.
  Mr. H. W. Pidgeon and family
who have been guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Hoan returned to
Chicago Monday.
  Congressman R. Y. THomas
was in the city Friday shaking
hands with the voters and pre-
senting his claims for re-election.
  Miss Lelia Gill, of Riverside, 
Tenn., Robertson county, and 
Miss Augusta Lyne of Olmstead,
are guests of Mrs. E. P. Camp.
  Mrs. R. R. Grady and Miss
Robb Evans spent Wednesday
with the family of Col. Jno.T.
Evans at Guthrie.
  Mrs. J. K. Hooser and daugh-
ter, Jane, and Miss Sallie Hooser
of Hopkinsville, spent the week 
with the family of Charles Millen,
near the city. 
A Veteran Photographer
  Clarksville, Tenn. has perhaps
the youngest photographer to his
age in that state or any other in
the person of Mr. W. J. McCormack.
Mr. McCormack is one of
the pleasant acquaintance of ye
Editor's residence of seven years
in Clarksville, now 20 years or
more ago.  This accomplished
artist began business on Frank-
lin street where he now is in 1856
and has been there ever since, 
fifty-six years.  He began at 16
years old and is now 72 and still 
active in his profession.
  Artist McCormack is the Dean
of Photography of the South and
his works do follow hi.  He has
doubtless made more ugly people
pretty than any one man in
With Mrs. McElwain

  The Larkin Club was entertain-
ed Thursday afternoon by Mrs.
Alex McElwain and daughters
in a beautifully conducted and
well attended function
Personal  Pertinent
  Miss Ruth Radin has returned
from Hopkinsville.
  Miss Maymie Leigh is visiting
Mrs. C. G. McChesney.
  Mr. Henry P. White, is visit-
ing the home folks here.
  Rev. B. F. Hagan is in LaRue
county engaged in a revival.
  H. G. Boone spent Sunday in
  F. T. Robinson of Hopkinsville
was here Tuesday.
  E. J. Ware was in Nashville
  Miss Virginia Ware spent the
week with relatives at Guthrie.
  Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hogan
were in Hopkinsville this week.
  Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hogan 
were in Hopkinsville this week.
  The rainfail of this week means
many dollras for Todd county
  Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Gaines at-
tended the stock show at Dunbar
Cave yesterday.
  Miss Margaret Jackson of Guth-
rie is visiting the family of C. H. 
  Capt Eugene H. Dickinson is
at Dunbar this week with a 
string of good horses.
  Miss Nellie Grady Tandy, of
Guthrie, is visiting Dr. R. R. 
Grady's family.
  Mrs. P. E. Bacon has returned
from Paris, Tenn., accompanied
by Mr. Ryals.
  Capt. E. R. Thompson has re-
turned from Red Bowling
Springs, Tenn.
  Planter G. E. Garth, Sr. was
ill several days this week, but is
  Mrs. W. E. Reeves and daugh-
ter, Miss Eugenia of Christian
County, spent Sunday with the
family of J. W. Arrington.
  Miss Imogene Gaines visited
Misses Mary Lee Page and
Mamie Stokes at Elkton this
Miss Lela Harrison, after a 
pleasant visit with Miss Louise
McElwain, has returned to Bir-
mingham, Ala.
  Misses Gretta Burge and Pat-
tie and Georgie Deeds returned
Wednesday from a visit to
friends in Logan county.
  Mrs. John Barker and children
who spent the summer with
Mrs. Bettie McElwain, returned
this week to New York.
  Miss Vera Debow, of Hopkins-
ville, is day operator at the Cum-
berland exchange now in the ab-
sence of Miss Martha Johnson, 
who is enjoying her vacation at
  Miss Henrye Fox has returned
to her school duties at Mulberry,
Tenn., after spending the sum-
mer with the homefolds.
  Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Benson and
Mrs. L. E. Killebrew, of Knox-
ville, Tenn., visited the fam-
ilies of Dr. Gower and Judge
  Miss Nellie Keplinger, after
spending some weeks with Mr. 
and Mrs. G. W. Keplinger, re-
turned Thursday to her home in
Caldwell county.
  Mrs. Wiley J. Smith, of Nash-
ville, visited the family of J. C.
Dycus this week.  She returned
home Thursday, taking Master
Walter with her.
  Misses Imogene Gaines, Jane
Greye, Edith Grady, Hazel and
Johnie Stack were among those 
who attened the fair at Dun-
bar's Cave yesterday.

Transcibed by Karen Combs  © 2001.
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