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Todd County Progress
Trenton, Ky Saturday, July 27, 1912

  Personal   Pertinent
  Miss Sallie Smith is visiting
relatives in Kansas City, Mo.
  Miss Imogene Gaines spend
yesterday in Hopkinsville.
  Misses Mary and Sara Payne
have returned from Pembroke.
  Miss Edith Grady is spending
the week with relatives at 
  Miss Harvie Banks has return
-ed from an extended visit to 
  Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bellamy
visited relatives at Newstead
  Mrs. R. F. Bass and son are
visiting their old home at Kirk-
  Miss Ruth Grady returned from
Hopkinsville Thursday accom-
panied by Miss Lois Buck.
  Miss Olivia Gower has returned
from Hopkinsville accompained
by Miss Elizabeth Daniel.
  Miss Eloise Hamill, of Guthrie,
visited Misses Virginia and
Bessie Ware this week.
  Miss Isabelle Hogan visited the
camp meeting and Elkton rela-
timves this week.
  Mrs. Nellie Evans and daugh-
ter, Miss Robb, spent the week
with relatives at Guthrie.
  Miss Bess Lawler, of Florence,
Ala., spent the past week with
Mrs. C. E. Carmack.
  Capt. N. B. Riley, of Allens-
bille, spent Saturday with his
son, Dr. E. T. Riley.
  Miss Margaret Jackson of
Guthrie, is visiting the family of
C. H. Graves.
  Master James Horde, Jr., of
Clarksville is visinting his grand-
mother, Mrs. Bennett.
  Mrs. Bernice Page and daugh-
ter, Miss Helen, are visiting in
Springfield, Tenn.
  Mrs. W. H. Miller and Chil-
dren of Louisville, are guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Theo Dickinson.
  Mr. Sam Mimms will leave
Mondy for Dallas, Texas, where 
he has accepted a position on the
police force of that city.
  Misses Sadie, Gladys, Lucile
Garth, Imogene Gaines and Mr. 
A. N. Moore attended the camp
meeting Tuesday.
  Telegraph Operator W. P.
Winstead visited relatives at
Clay, Ky., and during this ab-
sence R. W. Darke of Adams, 
Tenn., filled his place.
  Misses Mary Dickinson and
Lucy Burnett Wilson have re-
turned from an extended visit
to relatives and friends in Chat-
tanooga, Tenn.
  Misses Louise Wood, Lucy Fair-
ley and Kathleen Thompson who
attended the mid-summer Nor-
mal University, at Bowling
Green, have returned home.
Killed By Lightning

George B. Wilds, between 35
and 40 years of age, a prominent
farmer, was instantly killed by
lightning shortly afternoon Tues-
day.  Mr. Wilds was a brother-
in-law of R. E. Meriwether, and
it was upon the farm of the
latter's mother that the fatal ac-
cident occurred.  The farm is
situated just within the edge of
Todd county, in the neighborhood
of Mt. Zion church.

A Splendid Wheat Yield

  Planter Geo. Mimms raised on
his farm a few miles from town
this year 700 bushels of wheat
on 35 acres, an average of 20
bushels to the acre. This was on
the field in front of the residence
and a find (sic) yield for this season.

Mill Improvements
  Messrs. Chesnut & Orr are
having some neat improvements
made at the Trenton City Mills.
Among them a 20 x 64 cooperage
building wherein they manufac-
ture their own barrels. There
are other improvements about
the mill representing consideralbe
putlay. The mill boys are clever
and enterprising.
 A 20 Bushel Average
  Planter J. P. Russell threshed
off his farm on the Clarksville
pike near town 1800 bushels from
90 acres, an average of 20 bushels
per acre. This wheat also weighed
up from 58 to 60 pounds. This
for the season is a splendid yield.

Champion Tomato Raiser
  Those who are fortunate
enough to be his nearby neigh-
bors say that Prof. J. W. Taylor
is the champion early tomato
grower and they have been the
recipients of his courtesies. Prof.
Taylor secured an early plant
variety from Tennessee and he
has had the vegetable early and
in abundance.
Champion Fisherman
  Capt. W. M. Hirshfeld, of this
city is entitled to the homor of
champion hot weather fisherman.
Thursday morning Mr. Hirshfeld
went out to Plant C. B. Crutchfield's
pond and came back with 
a bucket well filled with nice

Transcibed by Karen Combs  © 2001.
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