[an error occurred while processing the directive] [an error occurred while processing the directive]
Ordered that Willam Keeling be appointed Surveyor of the Road coming from Elkton to Hopkinsville commencing at Elkton and continuing to Mussaen D. Walkers and continuing to the West fork area that all the hands in the following Bounddy assist him in keeping the same in repair clean & smooth thirty feet wide according to law ___ Beginning at ____ Walkers, Anthony News thence to Hazel Petrees including him thence to John Wyatts including him thence to William Brizendines including him thence to Caleb N. Bells including him thence to Thomas Greenfield including him thence to Gabriel Fitzhughs including him thence to Alexander Kennys including him thence to along the Road to Urbin E Kennedays including him thence to the said Hopinsville Road at Musson D Walkers including him. December 1827