ALLEN, Wm H Sale Bill pg 51
ARMSTRONG, Samuel Inventory and appraisement pg 87 ALLISON, Joseph Inventory pg 120 ALLISON, Joseph Sale Bill pg 125 ALLISON, Joseph appraisment pg 124 ANDERSON, Pouncy Appraisement pg 250 ANDERSON, Nell Settlement by admin with Comm pg 270 ALLENSWORTH, Phelps Will pg 273 ALLISON, J Division of Slaves pg 323 ARMSTRONG, Jesse admin Settlement pg 445 ARMSTRONG, John Adm Settlement pg 447 ARMSTRONG, J W and B. A ARMSTRONG accnt of Estate pg413 BRONOUGH, Thos hire negroes for 1826 pg 18 BRADLEY,W. J. Sale Bill pg 44 BYARS, John S. by Adm Settlemt with Comm pg 77 BAILEY, Chs. W. H. By guardian Settmt Comm pg 79 BAILEY, Chs W. H. By Admn Settlemt Comm pg 81 BOONE, T. H. Will pg 84 BUTLER, Lewis Will pg 85 BUTLER, Lewis Inventory and appraisemnt pg 110 111 BRONOUGH, Thomas decd Division of Slaves pg 174 BYARS, W Division of estate pg 144 BRONOUGH, Thos ofc hiring negroes (for 1838) pg 266 BROOKS, J By Guardian Settlemnt of estate pg 149 BOYD, H. P. inventory & Appraisement pg 159 BOYD, H. P. Sale bill pg 161 BRONOUGH, Thos ofc hiring negroes (for 1837) pg 170 BRONOUGH, Thomas devision of negroes pg 174 BONNE, A. by executor Settlement Comm pg 178 BOYD, H. P. by admn settlement with Com pg 196 BOXLEY, George by executor Settlement with Comm pg 198 BOREN, Oza Will pg 218 BEAN, Isades Will pg 244 BEAN, inventory & appraisment pg 283 BOYD, H. P. Settlement by adm with Com pg 298 BRONOUGH, Geo Settlement by adm with Comm pg 358 BOYD, H. P. by adm Settlement with Comm pg 368 BOONE, Saml by adm Settlement with Comm pg 369 BOONE, T. H by adm Settlement with Comm pg 373 CLARK, Thos Inventory & appraisement pg 5 CLARK, Thos Sale Bill pg 8 CLARK, Katherine div negroes pg 19 COLEMAN, Samuel Stlmnt by Com with executor pg 147 CANTHOM, P. G. Inventory & appraisement pg 1__ 180 CANTHOM, P. G. Sale Bill pg 183 CROSS, George by Executor Settlement with Com pg 189 to 195 CHRISTIAN, R Appraisement pg 239 CHANDLER, R inventory & appraisement pg 310 CHANDLER, R Sale Bill pg 312 CHILTON, M inventory & appraisement pg 316 CLARK, Thos Division of Slaves pg 326 CHANDLER, R settlement by Exect with Com pg 430 443 CHILTON, M Sale Bill pg 440 DAVIS, W C Heirs Guardian account pg 115 244 333 DILLS, Tho Exer Settlement pg 3 215 364 408 DURRETT, Robt appraisment pg 246 DAVIS, W C Division of Negroes pg 31 334 415 DONNOLLY, Thos Inventory & appraisment pg 403 ELLIS, A. R. & L. T. ofc Estate pg 85 FLACK, Jas F. Sale Bill pg 41 FARMER, E. Will pg 319 FARMER, E. Inventory pg 343 FOX, Joel appraisement pg 346 GRAVES, Jas O Guardian for Mary L. Yancey Settlemt Comm pg 1 GRAHAM, Jno Exr Thos DILLS decd Testamenting Guardn for Heirs Settlemt Comm pg 3 GRAY, Saml Appraisment pg 25 GARTH, Jack F Sale Bill pg 41 GARTH Jack F ___ pg 43 GRAY, John Appraisement pg 63 GRAY, John Bal. Sale Bill pg 65 GRAY, John amn Settlement 131 to 144 GARTIN, Jas W. Admn Settlement pg 220 GRAY, Mary P. Buardian ofc pg 115 GLENN, R & M. GLENN & I. L. Guardian Stmnt Com pg 157 GARTIN, Wm Will pg 170 GARTH, Susan W by guardian Settlmt with Comm pg 186 GRAY, Samuel Sale Bill pg 199 GRAY, W L account of Estate pg 201 GRAY, Samuel by administration Settlement with Com pg 203 GRAY, Mary S. by Guardian Settlement with Com pg 205 GIBSON, George & Henry Sale Bill pg 219 GIBSON, George Settlemnt by admin with Comm pg 233 331 GARTIN, Wm Settlement by Admn with Com pg 235 GALEWOOD, James to recpt P ALLENSWORTH Exec of George WILLIAMS d pg 345 GAVIS to recpt H ____ BRONOUGH admn pg 349 GAVIS, E & RHOTON S to Recpt Thomas BRONOUGH adm pg 350 GA___, F. P. to receipt Same 352 GAINES & RHOTON S _____ pg 353 GAINES S & RHOTON S To receipt T BRONOUGH admn pg 355 GRAY, Samuel division of Estate by Comm pg 434 GRAY, Clemintine ap___ of dower pg 434 GRAHAM, John S Will pg 457 GRAHAM, Sally Decd _____ provision of J GRAHAM Will pg 461 GORIN, Sarah Inventory and appraisemtn pg 462 GORIN, Sarah Sale Bill pg 466 HARRIS, J. H. appraisement pg 11 HARRIS, J. H. Sale Bill pg 28 HUGHS, Sally Will pg 57 HEARN, J. Inventory & appraisement pg 59 HILL, J.P. Sale Bill pg 67 to 76 HARGRAVE, L. R. Appt. pg 91 HILTON, Tesamett Reciept to A. M.DAVID pg 173 HUMPHREY, to Reciept J. HOLLAND pg 175 HILL, J. P. inventory & appraisement pg 153 HILL, R. W. reciept J. Hill pg 171 HUMPHREY, J. L. recpt. Holland pg 175 HARRIS, O. settlement with Com pg 202 HILL, J. P. settlement by admn with Com pg 226,366 HUMPHREY, W. settlement by admn with Com pg 228 HARRISON, G. L.'s will pg 237 HANCOCK, J. appraisement pg 248 HANCOCK, J. Sale Bill pg258 |
HAGOOD, Buckner inventory & appraisement
pg 285
HICKS, George will pg 307, 301 HARGROVE, L. R. Sale Bill pg 304 HARGROVE, L. R. settlement by admn with Com 308 HICKS, George Sale Bill 325 HAGOOD, B. Sale Bill pg 91 HAGOOD, B. by admn settlement with Com pg 395 JAMISON, John D. Will pg 213 JONES, T. H. Inventory & appraisement pgt 289 JONES, T. H. Sale Bill pgl 291 JONES, T. H. amt of notes collect by admn pg 300 JONES, T.H. Settlement by admn with Comm pg 302 JONES, Charles appraisment pg 379 JONES, Charles Sale Bill pg 381 KEELING, Isabella Settlement with Comm by admin pg 409 LUNDERMAN, Jno Admn of Jas GARTIN Settlemt w Comm pg 20 LEAVELL, Heirs Division negroes By Comm pg 22 LEAVELL, Louis Decd Appraisement pg 22 LOWRY, L. M. receipt GRAHAM pg 101 LONG, J Appraisement pg 208 LONG, J Sale Bill pg 210 LONG, J Settlement by Admi with Com pg 225 LOGAN, William G. Inventory & appraisement pg 470 MURPHY, wm Settlement Comm pg 16 MORROW, Jas to Deed of Release his Chilren pg 23 MENEFEE, Robt Sale Bill pg 40 MENEFEE, By Amns Settlemt Comm pg 48 McALISTER, Garland Will pg 55 MURPHEY, John H. to Receipt MURPHEY, John pg 69 MIMMS, Shedrick By Admn Settlement with Comm pg 105 McCORMACK, J guardian for Martha Jane McCORMACK pg 110 MIMMS, Gideon Will pg 114 McLEAN, Fenis E. Guardian for Mary P. GRAY Stmnt Com pg 1115 MIMMS, Gideon Inventory pg 119 MIMMS, Thos E by Guardian Settlemnt by admn with Com pg pg 171 MANSFIELD, James Settlement by admn with Com pg 277 MILLER, George Will pg 328 MIMMS, Thomas E division of Estate pg 348 MIMMS, Thomas to Settlement by adm with Comm pg 356 MILLEN, James Will pg 375 McALISTER, Garland appraisment pg 393 McALISTER, Garland Settlemnt by Executor with Com pg 388 McGRATH, James Inventory & appraisment pg 413 McGRATH, James Sale Bill pg 414 MILLEN, James Inventory & appraisment pg 422 MILLEN, James Sale Bill pg 426 McGRATH, Jas Sale Bill pg 441 McGRATH, Jas aministrators Settlement pg 442 NORTH, John By Admn Settlmt Comm pg 82 NEW, A. Inventory pg 99 NEW, R.B. by executor Settlemnt with Com pg 207 NORTH, Huttion, Inventory & appraisement pg 344 NORTH, Elizabeth Inventory & appraisment pg 417 NORTH, Elizabeth Sale Bill pg 419 PENDLETON, Curtis Will pg 98 PARHAM, Wm Jr. Appraisment pg 217 PARHAM, Wm Jr. Sale Bill pg 220 PERKINS, Elizabeth Will pg 271 PORTER, E. Inventory & appraisment pg 314, 315 PORTER, E. Sale Bill pg 320 PORTER, Thomas Will pg 385 PORTER, Appraisement pg 397 PAY MASTER Settlement of pg 439 REEVES, V. T. assigned Dower pg 165 ROACH, Tubnil Will pg 212 ROACH, Settlement by Exect with Comm pg 307 REECE, James Will pg 362 RICE, Wm Inventory & appraisement pg 400 SCOTT, Samuel Will pg 24 SEBREE, F. J. Proof of will pg 47 STEPHENSON, Margaret Settlemt by Admr with Comm pg 76 STEPHENSON, Robert Settlement by Admn with Com pg 104 SHERROD, Robert Will pg 102 SLAUGHTER, to recpt P.L. YANCY pg 187 SCOTT, S. H. appraisement pg 220 SCOTT, S. H. Sale Bill pg 221 STEVENSON, Wm Settlement by admn with Comm pg 223 SHANKLIN, A. Settlement by asmn with Com pg 237 SHOLHER, Robert appraisement pg 429 SINGLETON, N. Inventory and appraisement pg 451 SINGLETON, John, Inventory and appraisement pg 455 TANDY, Henry Will pg 95 TANDY, Henry appraisement pg 167 TERRY, Nathl Will pg 176 TARR, Saml Inv & appraisement pg 188 TERRY, Nathl appraisement pg 256 TERRY, Nathl Division of Negroes pg 267 VANCE, John Div of negores and Land pg 146, 333 VANCE, John Settlement with Comm by extr pg 264 VANCE, To VANCE (Receipt) pg 412 VANCE, A. W. to J. V. VANCE, (Recpt) pg 474 VANCE, Jane To John VANCE pg 474 WARFIELD, Wm C To Appraisement pg 14 WILLIS, Wm Inventory & appraisement pg 30 WILLIS, Wm Sale Bill pg 52 WILLIS, R. Inventory & appraisement pg 54 WILLIS, R Sale Bill pg 55 WARFIELD, Joyce To Deed Renouncing provisions of Will of W. C. WARFIELD pg 32 WHITE, B. Inventory and appraisement pg 224 WIMMS, P. to receipt SNADON pg 235 WILKINS, Martha Settlement by admn with Com pg 241 WRIGHT, P. F. appraisement pg 261 WRIGHT, P. F. Sale Bill pg 293 WILLIS, Sterling Will pg 411 WALLACE, Simon by Excr Settlement with Comm pg 432 WILLIS, L. appraisement pg 436 WILLIS, L. Sale Bill pg 437 WILKINS, Jas Sale Bill pg 449 WILKINS, Jas Aminstrator Settlement pg 456 YANCEY, John Decd' By Admn Settlmt Comm pg 46 YANCEY, Mary L. Settlement by Guard with Comm pg 1 YOUNG, Martin Incentory & appraisement pg 336 YOUNG, Martin Sale Bill pg 340 |
Copyright 2000, Transcribed by Karen Combs |
Leavell's Division Negroes by Comm We the undersigned having been appointed by the County Court of Todd to divide the Slaves of Lewis Leavell dec'ed among the widow and heirs of deceased have proceeded to allot slaves in the following manner WIDOW LOTT Appraised $ Appraised $ Big Reuben 616 Old Charlotte 225 Nelly & Child 500 Mary 180 Mary 540 Sum Total 4.632.44 John Horrard 675 Mildred & Child 630 Napoleon Leavell's Lott Sophia 248 Little Reuben 630 Billy 585 Jourdan 450 Judy & Child 500 Little Jim 548 Frances 270 Laviaace 495 William Tunsey 180 Delitha 495 Cyrus 360 Elias 630 Ben 450 George 360 Winston 675 Claripe & Child 585 Mima & Child 540 Henrith 315 Amanada 180 amount Total 4,508 Lanson 675 Beleauh 338 Lyeargud B Leavell's Lott Ralph 315 Page 473 Charles 405 Gabriel 730 Virginia 540 Linsey 495 Simon 630 Eliza 495 Polly & Child 210 Jim Jones & Child 550 Simon 203 Stephen 530 Abbey 203 Yellow Anthony 500 Alexander 450 Sum Total 10,528 Young Charlotte 270 Sum Toal 4,523 Livingston L Leavell Lott This amount Charged to Leonidad Leavell's Lott and acknowledged by LLL 3,372.44 John Curly 775 Ham 450 Beverly 585 Bob 418 Bill C???e 450 Bill Huff 405 Janett 473 Lucett 473 Sum Total 4,645.44 Black Anthony 450 Harriet 270 St Clair J Leavell's Lott Pylotte 495 This amt charged to & Joe 495 Acknowledged by St J Andmen Jacskson 180 Leavell 3,372.44 Henry Clay 135 Jim Oliver 450 Sum Total 4,668 Nelson 405
Cornelius Leavell's Lott $ Isaac 810 Little Will 495 Little John 585 Sarah 225 Maria & Child 630 Langerfield 675 Jim Hoy 615 Meoning 540 Phil 50 Sum Total 4,685 Alfred Leavell acknowledged in presence of Alpheus B. Wright and Joseph P. Graves to have received in his father's life this amount $6,000 Signed Joseph P. Graves Alpheus B. Wright Just. ???? Kentucky Todd County Court Clerk's Office March 14, 1836 I, Willis L Reeves, Clerk of said County Court do certify that the forgoing report of the comm to divide the negroes belonging to Louis Leavell deceased was at a County Court begun and held for Todd County at the Courthouse in Elkton on Monday the 14th of March 1836 produced in open court examined approved and ordered to be recorded. Whereupon I have truly recorded the same together with this certificate in my office. Willis L Reaves