Alvis, David H Sale Bill pg 133
Same Inventory pg 134 Allison R F Settle with Guard pg 166 Allensworth Phillip Settle with Execpg 275 Armstrong Sml Sale Will pg 314 Same List pg 315 Same Settl with adm pg 319 Same Settle with admn pg 331 Andrews B W apprasmnt pg 388 Alvis D H Settlemnt with admn pg 435 Armstrong, John W Inventory Estate pg 455 Armstrong N B pg 455 Allison Joseph & J pg 455 Billingsley, Zachary Adm of W A Garth pg 40 Black, Ester Will pg 71 Inventory & Apprs pg 87 Sale Bill pg 89 Bell, M C Certificate ____ pg 90 Brown, P Setl with __ Guard L M Mimms pg 105 Same Guard for G Mimms pg 108 Brown, Rosina Setl with pg 110 Brisendine, Le R Settlt with Guardian pg 129 Brown P Guard of A H Brown pg 158 Barksdale Daniel, Inventory + appraisment pg 219 Barksdale, Daniel S. Bill pg 221 Benson, Bable Adm Settlmt with COmm pg 257 Brevard, Thos Will pg 351 Appraisement pg 363 Black, Joseph Will pg 376 Inv & appsmnt pg 402 Sale Bill pg 405 Boley, Tholemiah apprsmnt pg 420 Sale Bill pg 423 Black, __ J. guard for N I S Armstrong Ju___ pg 455 Brown, D T guard for S H Brown ))) pg 458 Brown A. H. Inventory estate pg 458 Cross, Geo division ___ of pg 25 Covington, Eliza B ? Settlement with Comm pg 28 to 33 Cross, Thos Executor of Geo Cross Settlement pg 33 Cross, Thos Executor of Beu Cross Settlement pg 34 Carson, Danl appraisement pg 53 Sale Bill pg 57 Carver, A Will pg 148 Chilton, Minor Sett with Admnr pg 92 Cross, Thos Certift Slaves pg 170 Carver, Enoch Will pg 201 Crouch, Richard Will pg 234 Carpenter, Mildred Inventory & appraisement pg 231 Sale Bill pg 238 Cros, John Jr Settlement with Commissioner pg 249 Cross, George Division of Slaves pg 241 Coleman, Robert Will pg 269 Inv & Appraisemtn pg 285 Crouch, Richd Sale Bill pg 291 Division of Slaves pg 298 Cope, Jos W Settlmt with guardian pg 348 Cross, Geo Exr Settlemnt with Comms pg 368 Coleman, Robt Division of Slaves pg 374 Cross Geo Division of Slaves pg 393 Culbertson, Danl Will pg 394 Online! Crouch, Rcd Appraisement pg 279 Settlment with Adm pg 410 Coleman, Robt Sale Bill pg 425 Campbell, Thos Inv & apprst pg 434 Copse, Mary E Settlement pg 350 Chandler Robt Heir Invenetory of estate pg 450 Carson, Daniel A Inventory of estate pg 460 FOX, Joel p.47: Date: December 31, 1842 Online Henderson, John Will pg 10
Mansfield, Reuben Inventory pg 1 to 8
Madison, Ambrose Will pg 9 Miller, Elizabeth Comm reprt Inver pg 17 McGarvey, J.W.A. & wife Report pg 25 Mansfield, W. T. Will pg 73 Mimms, Gideon Sale Bill pg 82 Mansfield, W. T. Inventory pg 95 Massie, Hugn Extr Settlement pg 155 Mims, Gid& T. M. Mimms Sett Guard pg 167 Madsion, A. appraisment pg 170 Same Sale Bill pg 171 Mimms, Gideon Sale Bill pg 212 Same Settlement Comm pg 254 McColpin, Jno Appraisement pg 301 Same Sale Bill pg 302 Mimms, Gideon Jr Inventory of Land and Slaves pg 332 Mimms, G & T. Settlement pg 334 Mimms, G Heirs Sette with Comm pg 334 Millen, Wm appsmt pg 358 Mimms, Martha Appraisement pg 361 Murdock, WState Allison Settmt with Guardian pg 366 Mimms, G. Settlement with Admn pg 101 Mimms, S. M. Settlement with Guardian pg 105 Mimms, G. S. Settlement with Guardian pg 107 Mansfield, Wm T. Inventory of notes pg 432 Marshall, Wm A. Inventory & Apprmt pg 432 Same Sale Bill pg 433 Morrow, Mary and Moses, Children Guardian appointed pg 438 McKinney, Thos. L. Settl with Guard by Comm pg 442 Millen, Robt K Heir Inventory of estate pg 449 Petree, Peter Inventory Cash notes pg 12 Same Sale Bill pg 13 Petree, Hazle Ext of P. Petree Settlement pg 43 Same Settlemnt Extr Jno Graham pg 63 Same Settlemnt Estr No 2 pg 64 Porter, James Inventory pg 67 Same Sale Bill pg 69 Poindexter, Peter appraisment pg 172 Same Sale Bill pg 173 Same Settlement pg 209 Parrish, Benj Will pg 313 Parker, Thomas Will pg 339 Same Appraisment pg 381 Same Sale Bill pg 395 Pendleton, C__ Ass & C pg 446 Perkins, P. T. Guardn for Jeffris Hr pg 458 Same Guardn for N. J. Hdin Hr pg 459 Reeves, B. H. & wife C___ of Jane pg 21 Robinson, L. D. Inventory & appraismnt pg 22 Same Sale Bill pg 98 Reeves, B. H. Setl Exr Allensworth pg 111 Robinson, LD Sale Bill addl pg 149 Rice, William Sale bill pg 174 Same Settlement pg 181 Randle, Wm Senr Will pg 216 Randle, Wm Senr apprmnt pg 227 Roach, Wm P apppraisment pg 310 Same sale Bill pg 311 Same List of notes pg 312 Smith, Jesse Set with est pg 191 Stinnett, Dabney K. appraismnt pg 218 Same Sale Bill pg 141 Shepherd, J W. Appraisment pg 218 Shepherd, John Inventory and appraisment pg 250 Same Sale Bill pg 253 Stinnett, D.K. Sett with adm pg 304 Smith, Eliza division of slaves pg 392 Shelton, ___ and Jas McKinney Settm with Com pg 442 Small, F. and T. Hill Settm with Com pg 443 Smith, D. B. Inventory estate pg 457 Stinet, Elvis P. Inventory estate pg 457 Standard, S. P. guard for Inv J. Lan__y pg 459 Slaughter, A. G. guad for J.M. Jamison pg 459 Shanklin, Robt & Edward Hr Inventory pg 460 Shanklin, Jno N. guardina for Robt * Edw Shanklin Hr pg 460 Taylor, Willim Inventory & apprsmt pg 19 Same Sale Bill pg 19 Thweatt, Thomas reprot of Comm pg 22 to 23 Same appraisment pg 23 Same Inv of Estate pg 24 Terry, Wm. M. Settlemt of M. Hogan pg 41 to 43 Tate, Fracis Sale Bill pg 72 Taylor, Wily Settlemtn pg 76 Taylor, Wright B. Settlement pg 80 Taylor, Stephen Inventory pg 126 Thwealt, Thos D. Sale Bill pg pg 149 Templeman, M. D. Will pg 198 Tayler, Stephen Sale Bill pg 211 Templemand, M. D. Appr pg 225 Same Sale Bill pg 227 Tinsley, Ransom Inventory pg 244 Same Sale Bill pg 240 Thompson, gideon Etr Sett by Coms pg 317 Thomas, Wm appraisement pg 324 Thompson, Sophia Settlemnt with Etr pg 419 Tinsley, Robert, Sale Bill pg 428 Thompson, Jno Settlemt with Extr pg 436 Taylor, Thos. W. gdn for Miller Hr Inventory of estate pg 449 Same gdn for Robt Chanth Hr pg 450 Terry, Wm. gdn for D. B. Smith Inventory estate pg 457 Wilis, Catherine Inventory & appraisment pg 48 Willis, Wm Settlemnt pg 267 Warfield, W.C. Settlement with Comm pg 235 Warfield, Sarah, W. C. Settlement with guardian pg 260 Waller, Elizabeth A. M. Appraisment pg 267 Wims, Jas. P. division of slaves pg 387 Willis, Sterling Settlement with Ext pg 156 Waggener, Elizabeth settlement with Adm pg 333 Warren, Li__ Inventory pg 456 |
The undersigned commisioner appointed by the Todd County Court to divide the Negroes belonging to Estate of Joel Fox deceased among his children dower having been heretofor assigned to his widow. We this day met in Elkton and the Negroes being present we proceded to to divide them into four parts and finding it impracticable to divide them equally proceeded to divide them as nearly equal as practicable leaving a balance in money aginst those whose lots was valued highest to be paid to those whose lots was valued at the lowest price. The whole lot of Negroes to wit,- Hanna, Minerva Delila Mary Henry and Elizabeth we valued in the aggregate to Eighteen Hundred and seventy-five dollars which divided into four parts making four Hundred and Sixty-Eight dollars + seventy five cents for each child Lott No 1 Hanna + her youngest child Elizabeth values at four Hundred and seventy five dollars were assigned to William Keeling + his wife, which leave him indebted to Thomas Fox Six dollars + Twenty Give Cents. To said Thomas Fox was assigned Minerva Lott No 2 valued at four hundred dollars which entitles him to six dollars and Twenty five cents and sixty two dollars + 50 Cents from Woodrow Keeling, To Woodrow Keeling and his wife were assigned Henry and Delilah Lott No 3 his wife's name, Valued at Six Hundred and fifty Dollars which leaves him indebted to Francis Fox One Hundred and Eighteen dollars + 75 Cents also to Thomas Fox Sixty Two Dollars + 50 Cents, To Francis Fox Mary Lott No 4 was assigned Valued at three hundred and fifty Dollars and to receive One Hundred + Eighteen Dollars + 75 Cents from said Woodrow Keeling all of which is respectfully reported to the worshipful Todd County Court December 31, 1842 P L Garth Coms H Petrie D V Robinson Todd County court November Term 1842 On motion of Henry H Roberts Guardian of Nancy B Fox now Keeling Cynthia R Fox now Keeling William F Fox and Thomas Fox Infant heirs of Joel Fox deceased, It is ordered that Hazel Petrie Parchal L Garth Urbin E Kennedy and David V Robinson Or any three of them after being first duly sworn to and they are hereby appointed commisioners to divide this slaves of said Decedent among his heirs according to Law and report of a Copy list_ L N Hollingsworth DF For Willis L Reeves C T C C Todd County SCD This day personally appeared P L Garth Hazel Petrie and D V Robinson before the undersigned a Justice of the peace for said county and mad oath that they would faithfully discharge the duties assigned them in the within
-Submitted by: Steve Leech Fri Mar 3 19:54:14 2000
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