Will Book K (1863- )
KEELING, Susan, & Anavina J.- Settlement
by Guardian Online
KEELING, Wm Sale Bill
KEELING, Wm Settlement with Adm.
ROE, L.A.W., Ephraim T and Wm H. Settlement by Guardian
WOLF, P. C. Settlement by Guardian
Sale Bill of the personal property of Wm KEELING decd Name, Articles, Amount Mrs. KEELING, 1 plow, .10 A. STOKES, 1 plow No. 2, 4.00 A. M. HIGHTOWER, 1 pumping Coulter, .50 G. W. SADDLER, 1 Shovel plow, .40 John SMITH, 1 hoe, .50 Henry KEELING, 1 axe, .85 B. R. WYATT, 1 old axe, .25 A. M. HIGHTOWER, 1 pr Stretchers, .25 John SMITH, 1 pair gear, 2.60 John SMITH, pair Breechin*, 3.00 A. STOKES, pair Leather hi**, 2.oo W. T. STEVENSON, 1 basket, .55 W, A, HARRIS, 1 old waggon, 2.50 M. S. STOKES, 1 hand saw, 1.60 Tom LAWSON, 1 S* ***, .10 John SMITH, 1 chisell & draw-knife, 1.05 Jas REID, 1 Brace & Bit, .35 Jas REID, 1 chisel, plane, pitcher. .55 G. W. TUCKER, 1 F***, .35 Jas REID, 1 stone wedge, .25 W. M. KEELING, 1 clivi*, .45 Thos LAWSON, 1 jug, .10 Mrs. KEELING, 1 dinner pot, .25 Same, 1 oven, .10 Same, 1 Small Skillet, .10 John FINNIS, 1 Tub, .70 Mrs. KEELING, 1 Tub, .35 Same, 1 Large Box, .10 Same, 2 Tin Buckets, .35 Same, 1 Tin Bucket pan, .55 I. WOLF, 1 Grind stone, 3.05 Henry KEELING, Turning Lathe, .10 Thos GRUMBLEY, 1 pair andirons, .55 P. BOATRIGHT, Salt, 3.85 Tos LAWSON, 1 Shot gun, 3.50 Mrs. KEELING, 1 clock, 3.60 Mrs. KEELING, 1 trunk, .10 G. W. TUCKER, 1 Cav. Bag, .65 Thos LAWSON, 1 quilt No1, .80 Same, 1 quilt No 2, 1.15 Same, 1 quilt No. 3, .60 Same, 1 quilt No. 4, 2.25 Mrs. E. KEELING, Red B. Stead and fur, 18l.50 Thos FOX, Bed and Stead, 13.00 Same, 1 Lot Books, .25 T. M. MANN, 1 young Mule, 38.25 D. BROCKMAN, Lot Tobacco, 105.00 J. WOLF, 1 Fodder Stock, 6.80 W. S. SADDLER, East end cornfield, 26.00 W. S. WYATT, West end cornfield, 15.50 B. T. WYATT, 1 Hoe, .50 I certify that the foregoing Sale Bill contains a true & correct list of the articles and prices for which they were sold by me as admin of Wm KEELING decd on the 26th day of Dec 1863 Soloman WOLF X his mark Admin of Wm KEELING Decd. attest S. W. KENNEDY
-Submitted by: Todd County KYGenWeb Sat May 20 14:42:46 2000
Solomon WOLF admin of Wm KEELING Decd' To Amount Sale Bill 330.50 " " Collected on J. N. Cartwright 2.50 " " " " A. J. Hightower 2.20 Credits HICKMAN & BASS 23.50 J. T. FINNEY 1.30 A. M. HIGHTOWER 2.00 Peter KEELING 4.25 J. P. SULLIVAN Note 9.30 J. P. SULLIVAN Afc 31.05 Cash Jos. F. Tax Adm 1.75 S. W. KENNEDY atty 3.00 Tax receipt for 1864 2.40 V. WEATHERS Afc 37.55 J. WOLF Afc 20.90 R. T. PERKINS Afc. 4.79 Tax receipt for 1863 3.75 W. S. COULTER Coffin 23.35 J. W. CANNON note 7.75 C. Clerk's fees 3.95 allowed adm 25.00 paid Judge Todd County Settlement 3.00 paid Todd Clerk recording same 1.60 ------------------- 214.85 Recapitulation Amount Debits $355.20 Amount Credits 214.85 Amt in hands adm 140.35 State of Kentucky Todd County I J. G. HOLLINGSWORTH presiding Judge in + for the County + State aforesaid do hereby certify that on the 9th Sept 1864 Sol WOLF adm of Wm KEELING made the for going settlement with me which shows in his hands the sum of one hundred + forty Dollars + 35 cts for distribution. J. G. HOLLINGSWORTH Judge
-Submitted by: Todd County KYGenWeb Sat May 20 11:14:27 2000
KEELING, Susan, Anavina J.
& W. W.
Book: K, 603: Date: Feb 1866
Jno P. SULLIVAN Gd. for Susan E. KEELING & Anavina J. & W. W. KEELING To 2/3 amt in hands admn 10th Nov 1857. 140.60 Interest on same compd; every 2 years. 83.81 224.47 Contra Credits No. 1 By amt County Clerks fee bill 1.25 Intrest on same .56 No2 By Amt tax for 1858-59-60-61-62-63-64-65 2.40 By average Intrest on same .50 By amt allowed Gd commission 10.00 By amt to Judge for Settlement 3.00 amt allowed Clerk for Settlement 1.00 amt atty's fee in case (vs) FOX, Bryant 2.50 21.71 Recapitulation, Amount Debits $224.47 Amount Credits 21.71 Amount in hands Gd 202.76 The one fourt of said amount being fifty Dollars & 70 ct his receipt herewith filed and ordered to be recoreded with this Settlement, Susan E. KEELING was present at the Settlement & indorsed the same.
-Submitted by: Todd County KYGenWeb Sat May 20 13:29:57 2000
John D. BIVIN Guardian for L. A. W. ROE aded about 8 years old. Ephraim T. ROE aged about 6 years old. Wm H. ROE aged about 4 years old. To Amount received from the Amdn of Wm ROE decd; Nov 14/64 417.87 To Interest on same 56.41 474.28 Contra No 1 By Amt paid for Stamp on bond Nov 14/64 $1.50 By Interest .20 No 2 By Clerks fee paid Feby 21/67 .95 No 3 By Amt paid tax for 1865 1.60 By Int. .15 No 4 By Amt paid J. W. BARTLETT Doctor bill for Jany1/67 23.00 By Int. .20 By Amt paid Tax for 1866 1.80 By Allowed Guardian 20.00 By Judges fee for this Settlement 3.00 By Clerks fee for Recording Same 1.50 Balance in hands 418.58 1/3 each $139.52 State of Kentucky} Todd County } I Jas. T. CLARK presiding Judge in + for the County + State aforesaid do hereby certify that Jno D. BIVINS Guardian for L. A. ROE, E. T. ROE + W. H. ROE infant heirs of Wm. ROE decd' did on the 22 day of Feby 1867 make the foregoing Settlement with me which shows a ballance in his hands as Guardian aforesaid of one hundred + thirty nine dollars + 52 cents for each of the heirs named above. Given under my hand Feby 22/67. Jas T. CLARK Judge State of Kentucky} I Ben T. PERKINS Clerk of said County Todd County Court Clerks Office} Court do certify that at a county Court April 13, 1867} begun + held for Todd County, Ky at the Court house in Elkton on Monday March 11, 1867, the foregoing Settlement was produced in open court, filed and ordered to lay over aAll term for exeptions. and on Monday April 8, 1867 the same was repr- oduced to Court and no exceptions having been taken it was ordered to be recorded. Whereupon I have truly recorded said Settle ment with the certificate of the County Judge and this certicicate in said office. Ben T. PERKINS Clk per J. S. GRUMBLEY
-Submitted by: Todd County KYGenWeb Sat May 20 12:21:11 2000
D. S. WATSON guardian for P. C. WOLF testified fully reports to the Todd County Court that he has received as guardian afore said sum of Eighty eight dollars + 44 censt which came into his hands June 25th 1864 He has thirteen acres of land valued at one hundred dollars The forgoing is a complete inventory of all the property of any description known to belong to the said P. C. WOLF all of which is respectfull reported April 16th 1867 D. S. Watson State of Kentucky } County of Todd }I Ben T. PERKINS clerk of the County Court of the County aforesaid do certify that the foregoing report of D. S. WATSON Gd for P. C. WOF was this day produced in open court filed and ordered to be recorded Whereupon I have truly recored the same with this certificate in my office Witness my hand as Clerk this 13th day of May 1867 Ben T. PERKINS Clk By J. S. GRUMBLEY
-Submitted by: Todd County KYGenWeb Sat May 20 11:49:13 2000
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