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Todd County KYGenWeb
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Who has held office over the years in the County?

May 8, 1820 in accordance with an Act of the General Assembly which created Todd County the Magisterial Court was organized.

Magisterial Court:
James Glenn
Robert Coleman
Henry Gorin
Edward Shanklin
John Taylor
H. C. Ewing
John S. Anderson
William Hopper
John Mann
John Gray
Joseph C. Frazer

Anthony F. Read - Sheriff
James Allen - Coroner
Elisha Edwards - County Court Clerk
Charles H. Mills - Tax Commissioner
Joseph Baker - Jailer

William Terry - Constable
John D. Gorin - Constable
Jephtha Hollingsworth - Constable
John H. Shanklin -Constable

Circuit Court:
Benjamin T. Perkins- Circuit Court Clerk
Nath. Burrus-County Court Judge
Wm. A. Wells-County Cout Clerk
Wm. B. Harrison -County Attorney
Wm. Hoarn-Sheriff
Lawson B. Hickma-Coroner
Josiah G. Bunch-Jailor
Charles Lewis-Assessor
Urban E. Kenedy-Surveyor
Wm. T. Clark-Examiner
Wm. W. Terry-Examiner
James Wells-Examiner
George Butler-Examiner

District  Offfices:
John Harrison-Justice of the Peace
Robert F. Allison-Justice of the Peace
Jas. M. Shemwell-Justice of the Peace
Abraham B. Gorrell-Justice of the Peace
N.M. Tandy-Justice of the Peace
Wm. R. Moore-Justice of the Peace
Robert Coulter-Justice of the Peace
Wm. Cole-Justice of the Peace
James L. Lawson-Justice of the Peace
Wm. S. Ware-Justice of the Peace
John Roach-Justice of the Peace
Burnly D. Smith-Justice of the Peace

John B. Armstrong -Constable
Henry Mitchell-Constable
Wm. Gibson-Constable
Levi R. Quinn-Constable
John Y. Fox-Constable
B.K. Fall-Constable

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