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Todd County KYGenWeb
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Todd Steps

Tracing Todd's Steps...

In this was this county........this state.....................from this year to this.
1820 Todd County Kentucky
1810 Christian or Logan Co Kentucky 1819-1797
1795 Logan County Kentucky 1796-1792
1790 Lincoln County Virginia 1791-1780
1779 Kentucky County Virginia 1779-1776
KY didn't become a State until 1792
1775 Fincastle County Virginia 1775-1772
1771 Botetourt County Virginia
Augusta & Rockbridge Virginia
1734 Orange County Virginia
1730 Spotsylvania County Virginia 1733-1721
1720 King William County Virginia 1721-1701
1692 Essex County Virginia
1691 King & Queen County Virginia
Rappahannock County Virginia extinct
1654 New Kent County Virginia
1652 Lancaster County Virginia
1648 Northumberland & York County Virginia
1642 York County Virginia
1634 Charles River County Virginia

Todd County's Tree...
Todd County, KY  formed in 1820 from...
Christian formed in 1797 & Logan formed in 1792
Lincoln County, KY>VA 1780
Kentucky County, VA 1776<became KY State 1792
Fincastle County, VA 1772
Botetourt Co., VA
Augusta      &    Rockbridge
Orange Co., VA  Formed in 1734
Spotsylvania County, VA  was formed in 1721 from...
 Essex, King & Queen and King William Counties.

King William County was formed in 1701-02 from King and Queen Co.

Essex County was formed in 1692 from Rappahannock County.
{(Old) Rappahannock County from the 17th century is extinct. That area is now covered by Essex and Richmond Counties.}
Rappahannock County was formed from ...
Lancaster County formed in 1652 from...
Northumberland formed in 1648 & York County formerly known as...
Charles River County

King and Queen County was named for King William III and Queen Mary and formed in 1691 from...
 New Kent County, VA 1654 formed from ....
Charles River County (One of the eight original shires formed in 1634, name later changed to York County 1642)

Also See these links:
1895 Map of Todd County
Formation of KY Counties
History-Todd County Past
Migration Patterns

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