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News Tidbits

April 26th, 1884

Quite a number of ladies and gentlemen from Pembroke attended the entertainment given by the Peerless Concert and Comedy Company.  Among the number we remember the following: Jno. C. Dickinson, Miss Mattie Richardson, F. B. Richardson, Miss Carrie Pendleton, Thomas Jameson, Miss Sallie Peay, Walter Williams, Miss Mary Richardson, Ernest Barclay, Miss Annie Richardson, Owen Smith and Miss Addie Hooser.  Several others were present whose names we didn't learn.  Come again young ladies and gentlemen.

Miss Lucy Moore, who has been sick several days with the pneumonia, is improving.
Sam'l E. Steger is again able to be on the streets after having had a tussle with the measles.

Mr. Chas. C. Noble passed through this city this week, en route to Elkton.

Verner Johnson, of Hadesnville, Ky, is in the city to-day.
Our handson little friend, James G. Center, is having chills.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walton are here on a visit to Mr. C. W. Ware.

Rev. W. H. Waddell arrived here to-day.  He will preach to his congregation at the Christian church Sunday morning and evening, April 27th.

Jas. D. Rutherford went to Green Brier this week on buisiness.  He owns a large saw mill at that place. He contemplates building a planing mill at this place soo.

Mr. Edgar L. Cocke is quite sick at his residence, two miles southeast of this city.

The people all seemed pleased with the entertainment given by the Peerless Concert and Comedy Company at Trenton Hall, April 21 and 25.

E. G. Sebree, Jr., County Attorney of Christian county, has been visiting his father, Col. E. G. Sebree.

Esquire D. S. Hord is quite sick at the Hord House.
Miss Fannie Carneal, a charming young lady of Christian county, is visiting her friend, Miss Nannie McGuire, on Main street.

Miss Ella Bell, a beautiful brunette of the Bell's Chapel neighborhood, is visiting her friend, Miss Katie Wilson.

Miss Nannie Byars, one of the sweetest young ladies in all this land of ours, is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. H. Harrell.

Miss Beunos Wilson has returned from a pleasant visit to friends in Christian County.

Our friend Henry Tandy is shaking hands with his many friends, as he leaves next Monday for his cattle ranch in Colfax county, N. M.

Mrs. V. P. Thomas, who has been quite ill, is able to mingle with her friends again.

John C. Dickenson, proprietor of the Eclipse Livery and Training Stables, has sold his celebrated trotter, Hickory Jim, to eastern parties.

Last week we had the pleasure of inspecting C. D. Runyon's herd of short horn cattle, Dr. F. J. Runyon, his brother, giving the pedigree of each animal as easily as telling the different bones in a man's body.  A visit to see these cattle will pay any one.

April 25, 1884

C. D. Runyon and M. M. Graves leave here for Chicago this evening to purchase a herd of Holstein cattle.  These gentlemen contemplate going into fine stock breeding on a large scale.

Miss Lucy Moore, who attends school at this place, is quite sick with pneumonia at the residence of Prof. B. W. Vineyard.

Miss Mollie Karr has returned from a visit to her sister in Franklin Ky.

Col. John H. Wood, now of Cincinnatti, Ohio, is in the city seeing a host of friends.  He says Cincinnati is a very good place to spend a week in but for solid comfort and pleasure give him Trenton.  Judging from this, one would suppose him very much Byars(ed) in his opinions.

Misses Lizzie and Belle Northington have returned from a visit to Pembroke.

Miss Mary Drake, of Pembroke, returned home Sunday after a very pleasant visit to her friend, Miss Annie Dickinson.

Messrs. Will Mimms, of Hadensvill, and Joe Mimms, of Clarksville, spent Sunday in the city.

Will Morton, of Clarksville, visited Trenton last week.

Mr. Geo Randle, the handsome young man that manipulates the yard stick for McElwain and & Bros. visited his relatives in Saddlersville Sunday.

Mrs. W. H. Wilson and daughter Miss Hattie, visited the family of Preston Johnson of Montgomery county, Tenn, Sunday.

P. W. Bacon and wife, of Christian county, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. G. W. Center, on Main street.

"The baby boy is a beauty, And isn't he a size! They say he's got his father's nose, And his darling Mama's eyes."  You can find that baby at the residence of John. C. Mimms, four miles south of this city.  He weighs twelve pounds and John says, "Old boy, just watch and some of these days that boy will be a member of Congress." So be it.

Friday, July 14, 1893
The New Era (Christian County) reports:

Dick Mosley, of Fairview, was in the city on on business today.

Harry Bolliger, of Trenton, visiting friends in the city today.

The Todd County Times filled a quarter jar with wheat and offered a free trip to the World's Fair to the subscriber who guessed nearest the number of grains. The number was 28,053 and Miss Octavia Kennady takes the trip on her guess of 28, 051.

Friday, September 22, 1893
The New Era  (Christian County) reports:

J. W. Petree a prominent farmer of Fairview, who fell from a peach tree and sustained severe injuries, is reported to be now on a fair way to rapid recovery.

The post office of Fairview was entered by burglars a few nights ago and robbed.  About $40 in money, a number of valuable money orders and a lot of stamps were stolen.   The doors and windows of the place were found closed the morning after the robbery, and it is supposed that the entrance was effected by means of a false key.

1894 - date of page is missing
The Fairview Review

We see by last Friday's American, that Charles Newton and Miss Mary Hyrus, of Todd county, eloped to Clarksville, and were married on the 20th wit.

W. A. Wilgus was appointed postmaster at Hopkinsville last Thursday, Congratulations are now in order, Bro. Wilgus-here's to you.

It is reported that a certain grocery clerk of this town, will at an early date lead to the hymeneal altar, on of Christian county's little beauties.

The young folks had a very pleasant moonlight picnic at L. M. Johnson's, at which all the belles and beaux were present and enjoyed themselves very much.

The young man who told his girl he would go five hundred miles to go with her to the show at Hopkinsville, deserves the girl and she should make him a good and faithful wife.

Do not attribute the broad smile on the face of Levi Armour to the late rain for that is not the cause, but on account of his wife presenting him with a fine boy on the 30th.  Father and son are doing well.

Mr. S. T. Millen and wife, Robert Adams and wife and mother, Mrs. J. E. Shanklin, Mrs. Harriet Bell and Miss Leona Millen, of Elkton, passed through town Saturday, en route to visit the asylum (Hopkinsville).

Mrs. Debby Anderson, who has been sick for some time is again up.

The residents north of town report squirrels plentiful in that section.

George Gray, who was confined to his bed for a few days, is able to be up.

Mrs. Robert Downer, she has been sick for several weeks, is convalescent.

Rev. J. A. Bennett went to Owensboro last Friday, to fill his appointment near that place.

Mrs. W. L. Wood who has been sick for some time, is, we are glad to report, rapidly improving.

Dr. H. G. Petree and wife, of Louisville, are spending some time with his parents near this place.

Mrs. F. M. Mimms of Trenton, is visiting her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. W. H. Jesup, near this place.

Miss Myra Brumfield is teaching a very interesting school at Butcher's school house near this places.

Rev. J. D. Fraser, of Elkton, preached at the Methodist church here last Saturday night and Sunday.

Elisha Long, one of the reading men of north Todd, was in town last week, and paid his respects to this office.

Miss Davi* Shaw, of Hopkinsville, has been very sick at her aunts, Mrs. W. H. Gray,  is, we are glad to say, able to be up again.

Wm. R. Woodis, who formerly lived near here, and who is well known by our people, was married to Miss Emma Powell, by Rev. Calvin Meacham last Wednesday night.

"Yankee" Robinson has rented a house and will reside in Fairview for the time being.

Rev. John J. Goodman, of Allens neighborhood, was in town a few days ago renewing his old acquatinces.

Miss Ashby McCormac, after spending several weeks in Fairview visiting friends and relatives has returned to her home in Elkton.

Gum Springs
April 28, 1944

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stout and daughters, Mrs. Revecca Clark and son, of Marion, Ky; Mrs Grace Stephen, of Pennsylvania; Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Sadler and children;  Mr. and MRs. J. T. Compton and son, of Trenton; were the dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Taylor and children.

Sammie McBride and Will Dunn called on Tom Camp and family Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Conway Roper spent a few days recently with Mrs. Roper's brother, Mr. Robert Lee Watson and family at Evansville.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Willis and daughter called on Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Watson and family awhile Saturday night.

Mrs. and Mrs. Roy Lack and son were the Saturday night guests of Mrs. Jim Cleavenger and son.

Miss Lula Welch and Mrs. Sara Heltsley spent a few days with Mt. and Mrs. Buddie Welch last week.

Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Watson called on Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Watson awhile Sunday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Mott Baggett called on Mr. and Mrs. John Welch Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Otis Wolff and son were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Wolff.

All persons holding claims against the estate of the late H. S. Miller are hereby notified to file same properly proven as required by law with the undersinged on or before the first day of May, 1944, or be thereafter barred from collection of same.
Mrs. Sada KEELING, Administratrix H. S. MILLER, Deceased

February  1965:

Ben STAHL and Richard MALLORY announce for Magistrate; Robert MILLER announces for Sheriff.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis SIMPSON and son, Jimmy, a student at Western, spent the
weekend in Memphis with his brother, Paul SIMPSON and family.

Pauletter GREENFIELD was in charge of the program, "Preparation for
Marriage," when members of the Todd Central FHA met recently.  Susie
and Penny GREENFIELD gave the "Thought for the Day."  Following the
session, Pam COHOON and Sherry PETRIE led the group in recreation.

James N. WEST of Elkton completed his work for his B.S. degree in January
at Western Kentucky State College in Bowling Green.

Paul KERR of Allensville was a patient at Clarksville Memorial Hospital
after sustaining two broken bones of the right leg at his home recently.

January, 1967:

The wedding of Jacqueline DAVIS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack DAVIS, to
Rodney SEAY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur SEAY of Trenton is announced.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill GARDNER of Russellville spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James HENDERSON.

Grady BYRN elected new member of Elkton City Council, replacing the late

Mr. and Mrs. Sam SADLER of Claymour had as recent luncheon guests, Mrs.
Mabel GREENFIELD and daughter Nancy, Mrs. Tommy MOORE and son, Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil GREENFIELD and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly HURT and Flora BOLEY.

Tony SEAY, Larry TRIBBLE, Clyde WOODS and Ben BOONE were in Lexington to
attend the UK-Vanderbilt basketball game.

Planter's Bank of Tenton is now Planters Bank of Todd County; the bank
plans a grand opening soon of their new Elkton branch.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert LAWSON and Joann, Mr. and Mrs. James PATRICK and Mrs.
Ruth PATRICK visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles ARMISTEAD in Clarksville.

Mr. and Mrs. W.O. WATTS,Jr. attended a Farm Bureau meeting in Louisville
and the UK-Vandy game in Lexington.

Mr. and Mrs. Silas H. LATHAM, of Fairview, will celebrate their 50th
Wedding Anniversary soon with an Open House.

New Arrivals:  a son, James DeWayne to Mr. and Mrs. James CLIFTON, Elkton;
a son, James Anderson, to Mr. and Mrs. David CROUCH of Elkton; a son, Billy
Ray, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray SUITER of Trenton.

Mrs. Eugene KEETON was hostess to a "Come As You Are Coffee".  The guests
who were called after breakfast, were caught in amusing apparel.  Those
attending:  Mrs. George BROWN, Mrs. Nelson SHANKLIN, Mrs. William HANCOCK,
Mrs. Lyle KEETON, Mrs. Bill KITCHEN, Mrs. Kenneth SHANKLIN, Mrs. Harold
Mrs. Rudy HALL, Mrs. Ed STANDARD, Mrs. Howard EDDINGS, Mrs. Howard RAGER
and Mrs. Robert GOVER.

Gray's Drug Store has 10 cent sale--Some items offered were shoe laces, 3
for 10 cents; thread, scotch tape, Crayola colors, aspirin, mouse traps,
ice picks and hair nets, all for 10 cents each.

Beth STANDARD and Laura SUMMERS STANDARD visited their cousins in
Hopkinsville over the weekend.

Gordon MOORE, 49, 13-year employee of State Highway Department died on Jan. 26.

News from TCCHS:  Mary Ann JOHNSON participated in the Junior Quiz program
on WHOP; Larry CRAIG will represent TCCHS at the radio station next

Mrs. Cliff HARP of Evansville is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.  Sims
HURT and to visit with her daughter, Mrs. Harvey STATTON.

Trenton News:  Mrs. Lauren SEAY of Trenton is a patient at Clarksville
Hospital; Recent visitors of Mrs. Lois HARRIS were Mr. and Mrs. Billy
SUITER, Mr. and Mrs. Robert COX of Fairview, Mr. and Mrs. D.J. JOHNSON of
Russellville, Mr. and Mrs. Edward COX of Hopkinsville, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
SUITER, Mr. Joe YOUNG and Mrs. Sue POWELL and children, all of Clarksville.

Newly elected officers of Todd County's NFO; Lyle KEETON, president; Willis
CAMP, vice-president; Milton AVERITT, secretary; treasurer, Malcolm SADLER;
Paul CARTER, Trustee and Bill SADLER, Chairman of the Meat Bargaining

Navy Lt. William E. KNIGHT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude KNIGHT, received a
Bachelor's degree in Communications Engineering from the Naval Post
School in Monterey, Calif.

February, 1967:

Clifton G. COBB, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton COBB of Trenton now makes his
home in Dallas, Texas following his discharge from the Air Force.

D.N. SHORT has recently purchased the Dew and Cates Tractor Co. in Elkton.

Miss Sarah COOTS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson COOTS of Guthrie, named
to the Honor Roll at Tennessee Tech.

Mr. and Mrs. T.M. ALLENSWORTH, Mr. and Mrs. Hulin GOWER, Mr. and Mrs. Al
ROCHELLE, Sr. and Al ROCHELLE, Jr. and Mrs. Ernest WARREN, all of Guthrie,
attended a basketball game in Lebanon, Tenn. to watch Rita ROCHELLE,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al ROCHELLE, Sr. play.

Janey SMITH entertained Grandmother's Bridge Club at her home in Allensville.  Attending, Mrs. R.T. KIRKMAN, Mrs. H.D. MCKINNEY, Mrs. W.K. SETTLE, Mrs. Lewis BOONE, Mrs. John N. WILLIAMS, Mrs. Henry BELL and Mrs. J.F. STANDARD.

Mrs. Lynda KEMP hosted a birthday party for her 9-year-old daughter Kay.
Attending were Beth WALDROP, Susan CRUTCHER, Jane DRAKE, Mary Jo SANDERS,
Malinda MALLORY, Patricia VICK, Dickie SUDDEATH, Connie WARREN and Mildred

News from TCCHS:  Class favorites (Freshmen)-Dale DICKINSON, Debbie MORRIS,
Tony BUTLER and Cecelia FARMER; (Sophomores)-Bobby CARTWRIGHT, Judy GOVER,
Gary KELLY, Barbara BOYD; (Juniors)-Mike CARTWRIGHT, Sue WALLACE, Gayle
PETRIE and Judy ANDERSON; (Seniors)- Caryn MUNGER, Sammy TURNER, Carol HALL
and Duncan CAMPBELL.

Ben E. BOONE, Editor of Todd County Standard, renamed to Executive
Committee of the KPA at their winter meeting in Louisville.

A son, Emmitt Allan ROPER, IV, born to Mr. and Mrs. Al ROPER of Elkton.

Miss Linda HARRIS of Evansville, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence HARRIS.

Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy D. MALLORY of Hopkinsville spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Richard MALLORY, Sharon and Suzanne.

Mr. and Mrs. Dickey SIMONS and family recently moved to Detroit, Michigan.

Allegre Homemakers met with Mrs. Verla COX with Barbara MCINTYRE giving the
minor lesson on Social Graces and Deanna HARRIS giving the Major Lesson on
Foods and Nutrition.  A Surprise Pink and Blue Shower was held for Mrs. Danny HIGGINS.

Todd County Standard as of March 1968:

From Fred ALCOTT's Column:  Robert CARLE and James OAKES, co-operaters of
the Allegre and Kirkmansville community, are planning to set pine trees on
rough acres.  Calvin MONROE and Alton GREENFIELD, farmers in the Allegre
community, are planning to dig farm ponds to furnish livestock water.
Also,Oscar SULLIVAN, Richard KRANZ, William BUCKLEY, and Jake WALKER, East Fork
of Pond River Watershed directors, attended a meeting recently in
Greenville, and Aaron CRAFTON and Bill OWEN, Todd County Mud River
Watershed directors, recently inspected watershed structures in Todd County to
determine maintenance needs.

(From the Personals):  Mrs. Annie SADLER celebrated her birthday recently
with a dinner at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mabel GREENFIELD.  Also,
Jimmy HENDERSON of Fort Hancock, New Jersey, received his discharge
recently from the Army.

New Arrivals:  A daughter, Dana Beth, to Mr. and Mrs. Larry TRIBBLE of
Trenton; a daughter, Laura Leigh, to Rev. and Mrs. Alfred W. WILDON of
Harve de Grace, Maryland.  (Mrs. WILSON is the daughter of Mrs. Ernest WARREN of
Guthrie and the late Mr. WARREN); and a daughter, Nancy Yvonne, to Mr. and
Mrs. William E. GARDNER of Elkton.

June  1968

(Allensville News): Mr. and Mrs. Wilson COOTS attended graduation exercises
of their daughter, Sara, at Tennessee Polytechnic University.  Also, Mrs.
Charles BREAKFIELD visited her daughter, Claire, in Owensboro, where she is
a student at Wesleyan College: and Mrs. Mervin BANTON honored her
granddaughter, Deedie, on her 6th birthday, with a party at the BANTON
Sherry BANTON and Janet JACKSON led in games for the guests.  Little
friends attending included: Linda BREAKFIELD, Lisa Dawn WELKER, Vickie PAGE, Rhonda
CARTER, Kathy BANTON, Kimberly BANTON, Melissa MOORE, and Mitch and Amy

(Personals):  Mr. and Mrs. Vic BRADY of Russellville were Sunday afternoon
visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wade HALL; Mrs. Randal PETRIE was honored with a
Baby Shower, given by Mrs. George BROWN and Mrs. Henry HOLLINGSWORTH.
Bill CARVER announces the arrival of a baby brother, named Robert Christopher.
Also, Mr. and Mrs. Darriel JOHNSON and family and Henry RAGAN attended a
wedding in Carlisle over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. David CROUCH and Mr. and Mrs. A.C. STATTON entertained members
of the Town and Country Club with a Bingo Party.

Nov. & Dec., 1968:

Moore's IGA Foodliner owner Wilmon MOORE is pictured presenting checks to
winners in their recent Beef Roundup Contest.  Pictured were:  Mrs. Louise POTTER,
Jimmy KEYS, Mrs. Arlene MALLORY and Manuel WELLS.  Harvey STATTON
of  Sharon Grove, was winner of the pick-up truck given away during the
store's recent Anniversary celebration.

Trenton's Junior High Football Team is pictured:  Members shown were Bruce
Anthony DICKERSON,Larry COLEMAN and Coach Baxter HASTON.

Pictured were the following members of Relief Society of the Elkton Branch
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, who attended a workshop
in Nashville, and presented a skit entitled "Relief Society House of Order"
recently:  William ADDISON, Mrs. Carlos ABNEY, Mrs. Gary CUMBEE, Mrs. James
FROGUE and Christy, Mrs. George CUMBEE and Terry, Mrs. Earl OLIVER, Mrs.
Charles GRIGGS, Mrs. Arthur ABNEY, Miss Eva Mae ADDISON, Mrs. Alvin FROGUE,
Mrs. Wayne ADDISON and Mrs. Gaither ADDISON.

Carol Yvonne HALL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph HALL, recently enrolled
at Georgetown College.

December, 1968:

Sherry PETRIE, sophomore at Western Kentucky University,
named as one of two sophomores tied for the highest academic standing with a
perfect 4.0.

Doug TOLIVER and Bruce FLOWERS are pictured going for a rebound in a
basketball game between Todd County Central High and Fort Campbell.

PERSONALS:  Mrs. Paul OLDHAM and Mr. and Mrs. Richard DICKINSON and family
had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John OLDHAM and family in Nashville; Mr. and
Mrs. Kent WRIGHT and family of Murray were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Browder WRIGHT; and Charles GILL, a student at Sewanee Military Academy in
Sewanee, Tennessee, spent Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles H. GILL, Jr. of Allensville.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob ADAMS entertained friends with a Christmas Dinner Party at
their home on Sunset Drive.

Mr. and Mrs. Shelton DICKINSON of Trenton flew to Washington, D.C. to spend
the Christmas holidays with their daughter and family.

Jan. 1969:

Todd Circuit Clerk Jimmy GROVES selected by Todd County JC Chapter as
"Outstanding Young Man of Todd County for 1968."

Military News:  Marine Private First Class Danny J. STEVENS of Clifty is
serving with the 9th Engineer Batallion in Vietnam.

Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Virginia WILLIAMS, Trenton, were Mr. and Mrs.
Joe WILLIAMS Jr. of Nashville and Mr. and Mrs. Glover WILLIAMS and girls of

Mr. and Mrs. John Phillip FYKE of Osford, Ala. and Mr. and Mrs. Tony FYKE
Ft. Rucker, Ala. were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Loving MALLORY and Mr.
and Mrs. Billy MALLORY of Allensville.

The engagement of Wanda Sue SPURLIN to Neal IMMEL is announced; a March
wedding is planned.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold ROSS and family of Elkton were holiday guests of
relatives in Hickman.

Mr. and Mrs. Billy LEAR, Mr. and Mrs. Romie SETTLE, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Ray RAGER, all of Clifty, attended the UK-Notre Dame basketball game Sunday
in Louisville.

Dan KENNER, Route 2, Elkton, one of Todd County's oldest citizen, celebrates
100th birthday.

The office building of Kentucky Woven Company, Allensville, was gutted by a
fire this week.

A tornado touched down in Todd County, doing damage to the Logan MATTINGLY
farm on US 68 near Fairview.

The engagement of Sharon Kay GIBBS to Howard Glenn HIGDON is announced; a
Feb. 15 wedding is planned.

Todd Countians on the Dean's List at Austin Peay State University include:
Trula BOLLINGER, Charles COMPTON, Betty HESTER, Elizabeth Ann MAYNARD, Ellen

From the Sharon Grove/Claymour News:
Mr. and Mrs. John David KENNER, Mike and Jimmy, and Mrs. Ethel KENNER spent the day visiting Mr. Jack HEAIRLESTON and his family in Evansville, recently; Mr. and Mrs. John BORDERS, Mrs. Sims HURT, Mrs. Ethel KENNER and Mrs. Hinton GORRELL were in Brownsville Tuesday
to attend a funeral.

Military News:  Chief Shipfitter Earl D. GIBBS, USN, is serving aboard the
Stores Ship USS Zelima in California.

April 1969

Mrs. Helen DAVIS, Food Service Director for Todd County Schools, was
recently elected treasurer of the American School Food Service Association,
a national organization headquartered in Denver, Colorado.

Moore's IGA advertises pound box of crackers 20 cents; a pound of coffee 59
cents; bananas 10 cents a pound.

Triplet calves were born to a registered Holstein cow belonging to H.C. and
H.G. MURREY.  All were normal and weighed about 80 lbs. each.

Guthrie News:  Mrs. Robert D. FREY entertained with a Coffee at her home
honoring her sister, Mrs. Bobby HUGHES of Miami, OK; Mr. and Mrs. H.C.
MALONE gave a Surprise Birthday Luncheon at their home, honoring his mother,

Allensville News:  Mr. and Mrs. Riley SEAY, Gloria Jean and Gordon of
Clarksville, TN and Mrs. Ruth McBRIDE of Bowling Green, KY spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. J.B. PACE.

Trentone News:  Ginger WILLIAMS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glover WILLIAMS,
was named 1969 Junior Miss Southern Belle of Baton in Hopkinsville.

May, 1969

The following RA's from Trenton Baptist Church attended a Cardinal's game in
St. Louis:  Mark STAHL, John Dale BROOKSHIRE, Leslie RADFORD, Jim CAMPBELL,
Tink CARTER, Robert SISK, Clay TURNER, and William Dalton JOHNSON.  The boys
were accompanied by Rev. Dennis PLANK, Ben STAHL, and Clyde WOODS.

Mr. and Mrs. Denver PARMLEY of Trenton, spent the week in Monticello.

Sgt. William G. KIMBROUGH graduated from the USAF NCO Leadership
School at Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.W. KIMBROUGH of Guthrie, Air Force

"Students of the Quarter" at Todd Central were Joyce Ann COWAN,
Sharon MALLORY, Cathy PRICE and Sherran KIMBROUGH.

Todd County Riding Club sponsored a Horse Show with the following local
winners:  Best Looking Horse, Western-Squeaky Q, shown by Marilyn Sue
BOULDIN; Intermediate Barrel Race, Little Dude, ridden by Larry FROGUE.
Open Barrel Race, Little Reward, ridden by James ROBERTSON; Pleasure Pony,
Dotty ridden by Tommy HARRISON.

July, 1969

Allen ROPER III of Guthrie graduated from the Bowling Green Area Vocational

James and Jerry McNELLY and Henry PAGE of Allensville attended the Ringling
Brothers Circus in Nashville last week.

Mrs. Kate GARDNER celebrated her 93rd birthday at the home of her son, W.L.

Todd Countians on the Honor Roll at Murray State were:  Mary Lee DICKINSON,
Linda POWELL, Arthur SLAUGHTER, Phillip and William SUMNER.

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce PAYNE entertained with a Family Reunion for descendants
of the late Walter W. and Millie POOLE WILLIAMS.

Officers were installed for the Guthrie Lions Club:  J.L. WOOSLEY,
President; James HEWELL, Secretary; Julian COLEMAN, Treasurer.

Mrs. Wade HAMPTON, Miss Elizabeth GILL, Mrs. Frank SMITH, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert W. GILL, and Mrs. R.W. RUSSELL were dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs.
Burnett WRIGHT of Allensville.

Sgt. E/4 and Mrs. Wayne SUDDEATH of Camp Carswell, Texas, are visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin SUDDEATH, Allensville.

Jess BROOKS, Elkton, is pictured with a 6 lb., 2 oz. and a 4 lb., 4 oz. bass
caught in a local pond.

Mike MILLER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert MILLER, is pictured with a 4 lb., 10
oz. bass caught recently in a local pond.

Jimmy K. SULLIVAN of Rt. 3, is pictured with a 10 lb. head of cabbage he
raised in his garden.

Mr. and Mrs. R.W. SEAY, Sr. of Trenton, celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary on June 20.

Emmett Allen ROPER III, Guthrie,received his diploma from the Bowling Green
Area Vocational School in Industrial Electronics.

Margaret TAYLOR, clerk of the local Selective Service Board is pictured
presenting Dr. Ralph LYNN with a Certificate of Appreciation for 25 years of
service as Medical Examiner for the local board.

Billie Jo COX, Faye SHANKLIN and Pam CROUCH have returned from a tour to

Allensville:  Mrs. Tate GARDNER was honored with a dinner on
her 93rd birthday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. GARDNER.

New Arrivals:  A son Stuart Earl, born to Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas BERRYMAN of
Atlanta, GA.  The new mother, the former Carol FRANCIS, is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl FRANCIS of Elkton.

Mr. and Mrs. W.S. JONES and Billy spent Sunday in Goodlettsville.

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar SNEAD of Sharon Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Jim HESTER of
Tucson, Arizona, spent the weekend in Nashville, TN and attended the Grand
Ole Opry.

Weathers Drug advertises a four piece place setting of Pfaltzegraff for

Mrs. Annie MALLORY celebrated her 85th birthday recently.

Mr. and Mrs. S.A. CAMPBELL were honored on their 50th wedding anniversary
recently by their children, Wesley CAMPBELL, Lois SANDERS and Ethel ADKINS.

The engagement of Mary Ann JOHNSON of Trenton to George Thomas MILLER of
Pembroke is announced.

Joe Nell and Eddy GLENN hosted the Beethoven Jr. Music Club.

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