
Pages 17-22

Carver Directory

Carver Directory

Streets, Avenues, Etc.

Brook, from High near Pleasant to Plympton line.

Centre, from Plymouth at the Advent chapel, through East Carver to Main at Centre Carver.

Chapel, from Plymouth at Advent chapel to High.

Church, from Tremont, (South Carver,) to Seipet.

Cranberry Road, from Tremont to Federal.

Cross, from Pope’s Point at Bent’s mill to Holmes.

Federal, from Tremont near Plymouth line, Wareham.

Forest, from Main, near the cemetery, to West.

Fosdick Road, from Main to West.

France, from Pope’s Point to Middleboro line.

Fuller Road, from Main, (North Carver,) to Middleboro line. 
Green from Plymouth to Mahi.

High, from Plympton near North Carver depot to Kingston line. Holmes, from Forest past Holmes’ mill to Meadow.

Indian, from Rochester Road to Scipet.

Lakeview, from Tremont at South Carver post office to Rochester Road.

Main, from Plympton line, through North Carver and Centre Carver to Savery Avenue.

Mayflower Road, from Rochester Road across Tremont to Federal.

Meadow, from Main at house of Eugene E. Shaw to Rochester Road.

Montello, from Main past the house of R. F. Shurtleff to Plympton line.

Pine, from Rochester Road to Pope’s Point.

Plain, from Federal Bog Co. at Federal Pond, to Wareham line.

Pleasant, from High near Brook to Plympton line.

Plymouth, from Middleboro line past Carver Green, (North Carver,) to Plymouth line.

Pond, from Centre at East Carver, to South Meadow. 

Pope’s Point, from Meadow past France to Middleboro line, near the house of F. H. Murdock.

Purchase, from Centre, East Carver, across Main to Middleboro line.



Carver Directory

Rochester Road, from Savery's Avemie to Middleboro line.

Saverv’s Avenue, from Main to Rochester Road.

Seipet, from Wareham, across Tremont to Lakeview.

South Meadow, from Main at Centre Carver, past Pond to Ply mouth line.

Tremont, from Plymouth line through South Carver to Ware-ham line.

Ward, from South Meadow to Plymouth line.

Wareham, from Tremont, (South Carver,) to Wareham line.

Wenham, from Centre through East Carver to Plymouth line.

West, from Main, (Centre Carver,) to Fosdick Road.

Wood, from Plymouth near Middleboro line to Fuller Road.



Carver Directory



Carver Directory



Carver Directory

Post Offices


Postmaster. F. F. Barrows.

MAILS ARRIVE 9.43 a.m. and 7:40 p.m.

MAILS CLOSE 6 a.m. and 4 p.m.


Postmaster, Geo. E. White.

MAILS Arrive 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.

MAILS CLOSE 6.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m.


Postmaster, S. H. Pink.

MAILS ARRIVE from Boston and Cape, 8.30 a.m. and. 6.35 p.m.

MAILS ARRIVE from Plymouth, 5.35 p.m.

MAILS CLOSE for Boston and Cape, 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.

MAIL CLOSES for Plymouth, 7 a.m.


Postmaster, T. M. Southworth.

MAILS ARRIVE 10.00 a.m. and. 6.30 p.m.

MAILS CLOSE 8.00 a.m. and 4.30 p.m.


Schools and Teachers

Superintendent of Schools.

Chester Y. Humphrey, Rochester.

High School -- A. S. Burnham, Principal; Mildred L. Jameson, Assistant.

North Carver, GrammarFlora W. Campbell.

North Carver, Primary—Celia F. Bagster.

Centre, Grammar—Ellis G. Cornish.

Centre, Primary—Ida B. Gurney

South Carver, Grammar—Henry S. Griffith.

South Carver, Primary—Elva B. Tillson.

Wenham, Mixed—Laura H. Bump.

Pope’s Point, Mixed—Blanche E. Vinal.

Bates’ Pond, Mixed—Grace R. Gammons.



Carver Directory