| |
Index |
Adams, Abigail 28
Charles Francis 3, 28
John 27, 28
John Quincy 27, 28, 78
Mansion 27
Samuel 11, 25
Agawam Point 234
Alcott, A. Bronson 17, 18
Louisa M. 17
Alden, John 38, 89
Priscilla 32, 38
Allayne 26
Amherst 188
American Flag 3
Ames, Oliver 45
Amos, Daniel 166
Anti-slavery in Nantucket 107
Apes, William 166, 168, 171
Appleton Mansion 200, 203
Arlington 8
Astor, John Jacob 102
Attaguin, Solomon 172
Baird, Professor, 241
Baker’s Island 72
Banks, Governor 185 |
Barker, Jacob 128, 140
Barnard, Anna 71
Hezekiah 150, 152
Rev. John 71
Barnstable 75 to 84, 231
Bay 230, 232, 234,236,237
Barrington 214
Bass 110
Baxter, Capt. David 132, 133
Sir Francis 133
Miss 155, 156
Beehive 31
Beecher, H. W. 217, 218
Bertram, John 63
Billings 42 Josh 218
Bishop, Judge 218
Bissel, Trail 12
Black Horse Tavern 8
Bliss, Rev. Daniel 19
Bogardus, Capt. John 146
Bond, John 74
Bourne, Rev. Joseph 163
Rev. Richard 162
Bowditch, Nathaniel 68
Bowdoin James 26, 231
Bradford, George 30, 32
Bradford, Gov. 41, 43, 231
Brainerd, David 191
Braintree 22
Branford 13 |
245 |
Brattle House 7 |
Coffin, Sir Isaac 140 |
Brewster, Elder William 39
Briggs, J. C. 140
Brook Farm 29 to 35 |
Joshua 140
Micajah 156, 157, 158, 159
Nathan 87, 140 |
Phalanx 29, 30, 33 |
Shubael 140 |
Some Recollections of 33 |
Thaddeus 140 |
Brookline 13 |
Zebulon 140 |
Brown, John 9
Bryant, Solomon 163
William Cullen 40, 212, 217
Bunker Hill 3, 4, 6
Bunker, Reuben H. 140
Thomas 140
Burckhardt 30, 31
Burial Hill 36, 42
Burnell, Barker 152, 156
Burr, Thaddeus 12, 26
Butter, Peter 22, 26
Buttrick, Major John 18
Buzzards Bay 281, 232, 234, 236, 237, 238
Cambridge 1 to 4, 25
Cape Cod Canal 230 to 241
Captain’s Room 142
Carnes, Capt. Jonathan 61, 62
Channing, W. E. 14, 34, 215
Charles River 8
Chase, Joseph 140
Cheever, Rev. Samuel 71
County Court House, Plymouth 40
Coleman, Elihu 107
Cole’s Hill 42
Colesworthy, Jonathan 140
Commerce, beginning of foreign 57
Committee of Safety 7
Common in Cambridge 3
Concord 4, 14 to 20
Concord Bridge, Fight on 15
Constitution, Frigate 73
Continental Congress 26
Continentals 2, 3
Coppin 42
Cottage City 188, 184
Cottage of Margaret Fuller 32
Cotton, John 22, 43
Craigie, Dr. 5
Cranch, C. P. 34
Cressy, Captain 105
Crowe, William 42
Crowninshield, George 63
Curtis 215, 216, 219, 221
George William 34
Cushing, Caleb 2
Cushman, Charlotte 215, 216,
Thomas 43
Custom House, Salem 65
Claghorn, George 103
Clapp 34
Clark, Mrs. Hannah 43
Rev. Sylvester 11
Thomas 43
William A. 232
Clarke, James Freeman 30
Coffins, The 91, 117
Coffin, Alexander 140
Benjamin 157 |
Dana, Charles A. 31, 33, 34, 35
Danforth, William S. 40
Davis, Colonel 150, 152
Senator David 218
Judge 108, 110 |
246 |
Decatur, Commodore 115 |
Essex House 63 |
Deerfield 188, 195 to 199, 224 |
Everett 49 |
Delano, Warren 104
De Rasière, Isaac 43, 231
Derby, Elias H. 57, 59, 62, 63
Richard 63
Samuel 61 |
Edward 2, 4
Everson, Rev. William 18
Ewer, Rev. F. C. 91
Eyry, The 31 |
de Warville, Brissot 121, 122 |
De Wolfe, James 102 |
F |
Dillon, Sidney 232
Dixon, Edward 114
Dodge, Charles C. 232
Downes, Commodore 103, 136, 137, 138
Draper, Dr. William H. 218
Dudley, Miss Abigail 19
Duganne 34
Dunham, H. G. 0. 98 |
Fairfield 12, 13, 25
Farragut 103
Fayerweather Mansion 7
Fessenden, Samuel 282
Ffoulger," Abiah 90
Peter 90
Fields, James T. 40
Fish, Rev. Mr. 166 |
Dwight 35
Doctor 76 |
Fisk, Jim 240
Fitch, Rev. Ebenezer 206 |
Mary Edwards 193
Timothy 193 |
Capt. Obed 134
Fletcher, Grace 48, 50, 51 |
Easthampton 188
Eastville Highlands 180
Echo Lake 217, 220, 221
Flynt, Dorothy 25, 26
Henry 23, 24, 25
Rev. Henry 23
Flynt’s Chamber 23
Folger 110
Abiah 90
Charles J. 91 |
Edgartown 180, 181
Edwards Church 189 |
Elisha 108
Mrs. 132 |
Edwards, Jerusha 191 |
Peter 90 |
Jonathan 163, 189,
190,191,193 |
Robert 140 |
Mary 193
Rev, Timothy 190
Elizabeth Isles 180, 181, 182
Elliot, Ebenezer 40 |
Timothy 140
Walter 140
William C. 157
Folgers 90, 117
Forefathers’ Monument 44 |
Ellis, Captain 84
Elmwood 6
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 3, 14, 15, 17, 20, 35
Mrs. William 15 |
Forefathers’ Rock 36, 41
Fort Massachusetts 205, 206
Fort Sewall 70, 72
Fort Wagner 217
Foster, General 237 |
Epitaph to John Jack 19 |
Fountain Inn 72 |
247 |
Franklin, Benjamin 90, 101, 141
Sir Charles 72, 73
Josiah 90 |
Hale, Edward Everett 2
Half-way Rock 72
Hancock, John 11, 12, 25, 26, 27 |
French, D. C. 16
Wm. A. 232 |
Mrs. Thomas 11, 25
Hanford, Phoebe A. 91 |
Friends 107, 118, 125, 154, 156
Fuller, Margaret 14, 32 |
Harrington, Caleb 9
Jonathan, Jr. 9, 10
Harris, Colonel 109 |
Gage, General 27
Gardner, Capt. Edmund 135
Gideon 140
Grafton 136
John 140
Latham 140
Micajah 134, 140
Resolved 140
Gardners 117
Gerry, Elbridge 6
Gray, Edward 42
Greenfield 224
Green Harbor 46 to 54
Glover, Col. John 4
Godwin, Parke 34
Gold, Thomas 201
Gosnold, Bartholomew, 175, 181
Gould, Jay 240
Grant, General 101
"Grave of British Soldiers" 16
Gray, William 63
Greeley, Horace 34
Greenough, Horatio 92
Greylock, 219, 222
Griffith, Camillus 108, 111
Grinnell, John 140
Guilford 13
Gwin, James 140
Ex-Governor 185
Harte, Bret 215
Harvard College 3, 23, 71
Hall 92
Hawley, Rev. Gideon 163, 9213
Hawthorne, Nathaniel 14, 15, 17, 20, 30, 33, 65, 66, 67, 215, 219
Major William 67
Hayes, Commodore 177
Hedge, Abby 150
Hemans, Mrs. 40
Herschel, Clemens 237
Herting, Captain 146
Higginson, T. W. 34
Hill, Aaron 150, 158
Burying Ground 18
Mr. 152
Hiller, Thomas 140
Hilliard, H. W. 2
Hoar 2
Holland, J. G. 188
Hollingsworth 32
Hollis Hall 3
Holmes, Abiel 7
House 6, 7
Oliver Wendell 2, 200, 202, 203
Silas 140
Home of Charlotte Cushman 216
of Emerson 17
of Hawthorne 17 |
Hadley 188
Hadley, Samuel 9
Haggerty Place 217
of Fanny Kemble 216
of Longfellow 4, 5, 6,
of James Russell Lowell 6
of Thoreau 18 |
248 |
Hoosac River 222 |
L |
Tunnel 222 to 229
Village 227
Hope, Captain 115
Hopkins, Mark 207, 208
Holyoke 188
Rev. Edward 71
Elizabeth 71 |
Lafayette 102
Lanier 218
Lathrop, Francis H. 20
George P. 17
Gladys H. 20
Laurel Lake 218 |
Hubbard, Rev. Salem 71 |
Lebanon 4 |
Hudson, Hendrick 175 |
Lee Mansion 7 |
Hurst, Rev. William 171, 172
Hussey, Benjamin 139
George G. 134
Hutchinson, Gov. Thos. 26, 27 |
Lembert, Thomas 80
Le Roy, Caroline 48
Lenox 210 to 221
Lenoz Academy 218
Lester, John 206 |
Ingersoll, Capt. Jonathan 58 Inscriptions
3, 9, 15, 16, 38, 50,
51, 70, 71, 193, 199
Ives, Silas 140
Lexington, 4, 8, 9
Leyden Street 41
Lincoln, Governor 150, 152, 153, 160, 167, 168
President 179
Lockwood, F. A. 234, 235
Longfellow, Ernest 6
Henry W. 3, 4, 5, 200
Long Pond 90
Lowell, Charles 6 |
Jackson, General 103
Jefferson, President 38, 49
Jones, Ransom 140 |
James Russell 34
Lowell’s Island 72
Lyme 13 |
Rev. Mr. 12 |
Katama 180
Kemble, Fanny 215, 216, 217, 218
Machin, Mr. 231
Macy 152
Francis G. 109, 110
Gen. George N. 91
J. B. 99 |
Kent, Duke of 5 |
Lieutenant 94 |
Killingworth 13
King Philip 39
Kirkland Street 6
Knight, Charles 34
Konkapot, Captain 212
Kossuth 215 |
Lydia Ann 94
Mrs. 94
Sylvenus 110
Thomas 91
Thomas Mackerel 109
Macys 90, 117
249 |
Maddequecham 112 to 116
Maddequet 90, 91
Manning, Richard 67
Manomet 48 |
New Haven 13
New London 13
New York 13
Nilsson, Christine 217, 221 |
Marblehead 69 to 74
Martha’s Vineyard 179 to 186
Marshfield 51, 52 |
North Adams 222, 224, 225,227
Northampton 187 to 194 |
Marsillac, John 121, 122
Mashpees 161 to 172 |
Norwich 13 |
Massachusetts Hall 2
Mason, Perez 186 |
0 |
Mather, Rev. Eleazer 190 |
Rowland 45
Mayflower 37, 39, 43, 45
Mayhew, Thomas 181
McClellan 215
McKay, Donald 105
Memorial Hall, Deerfield 196 |
Oak Bluffs 150, 185
Orchard House 17
Orne, William 63
Old Manse, The 14, 15, 16
Olivers, Lieut-Gov. Thomas 6
Ordronaux 115 |
Milford Haven 176
Minuit, Governor 231
Mirabeau 121, 122
Mitchell, Prof. Henry 237
Mitchells 91, 117 |
Otis 34
Harrison Grey 78 |
Mix, Rev. Stephen 190 |
Mohawks 212 |
Paddock 134 |
Monroe, Robert 9
Monument Mountain 209 to 214, 217 |
Ichabod 128
Parker, Captain 9
John 9 |
Monument River 230, 234
Monuments 9, 15, 86
Morris, Captain 91,92, 94,95, 96
Mooers, Capt. William 99, 135 |
Jonas 11
Theodore 29, 34, 35
Peabody Brothers 2
Joseph 63 |
Mott, Lucretia 91
Robert 140
Mount Holyoke 187
Mount Tom 187, 188
Muhhekunnucks 213
Muzzy, Isaac 9
Peele, Jonathan 62
Periwigs 79
Perkins, Thomas H. 102
Perry, Commodore 61
Phalanstery 31
Philadelphia 13
Philbrook, Captain 144
Phillips, Adelaide 47
Wendell 3 |
Nantucket 85 to 160, 236 |
Pickering, Timothy 68
Nantucket Whale Fishers 88
New Brunswick 13 |
Pierce, Thomas C. 185
Pierrepont, Sarah 193 |
"Pilgrim Fathers" 40, 230
Pilgrim Hall 36, 52
House 31 |
Rathbone, General 218
Reed, Edwin 232
Revere, Paul 8 |
Society 40, 42, 44
Pilgrims 41, 42, 45
Pinkham, Obed 114
Reuben R. 136, 137, 138
Pitcairn 18 |
Rhode Island 181
Riley 134
Ricketts, David 109
Ripley, George 30, 33, 34, 35
Robert, Elder 43 |
Pittsfield 200 to 203, 222 |
Rodmans 136, 159 |
Plymouth 36 to 45, 214
Colony 41, 43, 49
Point Judith 238
Pollard, George 140
Popmonet, Solomon 162
Porter, Asahel 9
Commodore David 103
Pratt, Mrs. 17
Prescott, William H. 3, 68 |
Rogers 68
Rotches 136, 159
Benjamin 120, 121
Francis 117
Joseph 117, 118, 140
Thomas 111
William 86, 87, 99, 103,108,117,
118, 119, 120,121, 122, 125,
132, 133, 135, 139 |
Prince Boston 107, 108 |
Rutter, Thomas 232 |
Princeton 13 |
Pring, Martin 181
Provincetown 173 to 178 |
Provisional Congress 2
Putnam, 4 |
Sacrifice Rock 214
Sailors of Nantucket 97 |
Quincy 21 to 28
Dorothy 11, 25 27
Edmund 22
Judge Edmund 12, 23, 25
Josiah 2, 22, 150
Mansion 21, 27
Quakers 121, 122, 124
in France 121
Quaker Petition 121
Salem 55 to 68
Sampson 168
Sandwich 214, 230, 239, 234
Sanford, F. C. 85
Saybrook 13
Shirley Square 41
School of Philosophy 17
Scusset River 234
Sedgwick, Catherine 216, 217
Sergeant, Rev. John 212
Sewall, Judge 22, 24, 70, 72, 231
Shaw, Chief Justice 78 |
R |
Hope 78
Col. Robert G. 217 |
Racheman, Professor 218
Raleigh, Walter 38
Ramsdell, Frederick W. 144
Gideon 140 |
Mrs. R. G. 217
Sheldon, John 197, 198
Ships of Nantucket 97
Simonds, Joshua 10 |
251 |
Smith College 193
Smith, Capt. John 176
Smith & Ripley 235
Sparks, Jared 5
Spring Rev. Mr. 192
Springfield 187
Springfield Hollow Cemetery 19
South Hadley 188
Squires, David 142
Standish, Miles 38, 39, 41, 43
Starbuck, Content 92, 93, 94, 95
Edward 94, 95
Mrs. Edward 94
Esther 92, 93, 94
Nathaniel 92, 94, 95
Nathaniel, Jr. 92
Starbucks 91, 92, 117
Stockbridge 209, 210, 214
Bowl 219, 220 |
Thatcher, Dr. James 78
Thompson, Mr. 234
Thoreau, Henry D. 3, 14, 18, 20, 215
Totten, General 241
Training Hill 75,76
Trumbull, John 38
Jonathan 4, 38
Vassal, Col. John 4
Vineyard Haven 180
Highlands 185
Sound 236
W |
Indians 163, 212, 213
Stoddard, Esther 190
Mary 190
Solomon 189
Story 34, 68
Dr. Elisha 74
Rev Isaac 71 74
Judge 48
Chief Justice 74
Stoughton Hall, 2, 3
Sturgis, William 78
Sumner, Charles 2,215
Surrage, Agnes 73
Swain John, Jr. 135
Peleg 142 140
William W. 111 |
Waahtukook 212
Wadsworth House 2
Walden’s Pond 18
Walker, Judge 218
Sarah 218
Judge William 218
Ward, Joshua 68
Sam 27
Warwick. Earl of 41
Washington, General 2,3,4,68,231
Elm 3
Headquarters 4, 7
Madam 4, 192
Waterhouse Mansion 7
Waterman, Robert 140
Robert, Jr. 104, 140
Thaddeus 140
Talleyrand 5
Taylor 109
Ebenezer 79
Watertown 12, 13
Wayside 17
Webster, Caroline 50
Daniel 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
Daniel, Grave of 37
252 |
Webster, Maj. Edward 50 |
Whitwell, Rev. William 71 |
Edwin 49
Estate 46 |
Williams College 204, 207
Williams, Rev. Daniel 162 |
Fletcher 50, 51, 54
Mrs. Fletcher 47 |
Ephraim 205, 206
Mrs. Eunice 199 |
Historical Society 49
Julia 48, 49, 50, 54 |
Rev. John 198
Mrs. John 198 |
Websteriana 27 |
Williamstown 204 to 208 |
Webster Place 46 |
Winslow, Edward, Portrait
37 |
Wederkinch, Carl 0. 229
Weekes, Rev. George 79
Wendell, Jacob 202
Wendell, Judge Oliver 7
Wentworth, Ruth 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 |
Isaac 52
Maj.-Gen. John 37, 52
Gov. Josiah 37, 46. 52
Penelope 37, 52
Winthrop, Gov. John 67
Robert C., Jr. 217 |
Wesleyan Grove 185
West, Charles 128 |
Wood, General 231
Woods Hole 180 |
Paul 130
Capt. Silas 130
Capt. Stephen 128, 129
West Roxbury 29
White, Peregrine 39
Whittemore, Samuel 9
Whittier, John Greenleaf 34 |
Worth, Capt. Benjamin
130, 132
Wright, Porter 52
Yancey, Senator 218
253 |