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Chapter 2 |
The drive from Boston to Lexington is one rarely
taken by tourists, but is a most interesting excursion nevertheless,
particularly if one has for cicerone one familiar with the towns and
their history. Getting over the Charles and beyond the suburbs, one is
surprised to find himself in a region so wild and sparsely populated.
The land is sterile, the hill pastures covered with sweet fern and
whortleberry bushes, and the farmhouses few and far between. We followed
pretty definitely the route of the British on the fateful morning of the
19th of April, and in an hour and a half drove into Arlington, the only
considerable town on the way. In 1775 it was a little hamlet bearing its
aboriginal name, but famous for its tavern the Black Horse, —
which was the meeting place of both the town
committees of safety and supplies. "The floor of this tavern was
stained with the first blood shed in the Revolution," observed my
friend as we drove past. After Paul Revere dashed into Lexington at
midnight with his note of alarm, scouts were sent down the Boston road
as far as Arlington to give notice of the |
A Day in Lexington 9
enemy’s approach. One of these videttes was nearly
surprised in the tavern by the British advance, another, Samuel Whittemore by
name, was shot, bayoneted, and left for dead in the street opposite, and after
his assailants left, was borne bleeding into the tavern where his wounds were
dressed. He eventually recovered.
Three hours after leaving Boston we drove into Lexington.
The village has escaped the fate of many ~Massachusetts towns and is as
quietly rural now as a hundred years ago. A long main street, shaded by elms,
and a pretty green of perhaps an acre, surrounded by straggling village
houses, are its prominent features. At the south end of the green is a tall
flagstaff, bearing aloft a motto which informs the tourist that on that spot
American Freedom was born. Further north, on the mound where many of Captain
Parker’s men "abided the event" that April morning, stands a
monument, erected by the citizens of Lexington at the expense of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in memory of their fellow-citizens, Ensign
Robert Monroe, and Messrs. John Parker, Samuel Hadley, Jonathan Harrington,
Jr., Isaac Muzzey, Caleb Harrington, and John Brown, of Lexington, and Asahel
Porter, of Woburn, "who fell on this field, the first victims to the
sword of British Tyranny and Oppression, on the morning of the ever memorable
Nineteenth of April, 1775 |
10 In Olde Massachusetts
"The die was cast. The blood of these martyrs,
in the cause of God and their country, was the cement of the Union of
these States, then colonies, and gave the spring to the spirit,
firmness, and resolution of their citizens. They rose as one man to
avenge their brethren’s Blood, and at the point of the sword to assert
and defend their native rights. They nobly dared to be free. The contest
was long, bloody, and affecting. Righteous Heaven approved the solemn
appeal. Victory crowned their arms; the Peace, Liberty and Independence
of the United States was their glorious reward."
Some of the local incidents of the fight, as narrated
by my friend, are given in the books and need not be repeated here; to
others, however, he imparted so novel and realistic a tone that I shall
venture to repeat them. Leading me to a spot on the Common a little
north of the site of the old meeting-house, he remarked: "Right
here fell Jonathan Harrington. His wife stood in her door yonder
watching him, and saw him fall, partly rise and fall again, with the
blood streaming from his breast; at last he crept across the road and
died at her feet. The ammunition was stored in the meetinghouse, and
four men were there filling their cartridge boxes when the firing began.
One of them, Joshua Simonds, cocked his musket, and ensconced himself
beside an open cask of powder, declaring that he would blow the building
to pieces before that powder should |
A Day in Lexington 11
charge His Majesty’s muskets." "Another
instance of resolution is found in Jonas Parker, who had often sworn
that he would never run from the British. As they appeared he loaded his
musket, placed his hat with his ammunition in it on the ground before
him, and remained there loading and firing until killed with the
bayonet." "In the old glebe house yonder, on Hancock Street,
then occupied by the Rev. Sylvester Clark, John Hancock and Samuel Adams
watched the progress of the fight; they would no doubt have taken part
in it had they not been restrained by a guard of a sergeant and eight
men. As the British left the town, marching toward Concord, they
withdrew to a hill partly
covered by forest southeast of the house. Waiting here, Adams, from the
bare summit of a rock, observing the commotion in the town below,
remarked with a prophet’s insight, ‘What a glorious morning for
America is this!"
There is quite a history and some romance connected
with the presence of the two patriots in Lexington that morning. On the
arrival, a short time before, of King George’s orders to hang them in
Boston, if caught, they became proscribed men, and sought a refuge with
the Rev. Mr. Clark, of Lexington, a relation of Hancock. Mrs. Thomas
Hancock, widow of the great merchant, and aunt of the Governor, with her
protegée, Miss Dolly Quincy, then affianced to the Governor, were also
present. Miss Dolly was the belle of |
12 In Olde Massachusetts
Boston, very beautiful and wilful withal, and on this
occasion the cause of some trouble to her somewhat elderly lover, for
against his urgent entreaties she persisted in viewing the fight from
her chamber window. Learning that their capture was one of the objects
of the expedition, the two patriots, as the British passed on, retired
to the house of the Rev. Mr. Jones, in Woburn, the ladies accompanying
them. Next day the wilful Miss Dolly proposed returning to her father,
Judge Edmund Quincy, in Boston, but Mr. Hancock said decidedly that she
should not return while there was a British bayonet in Boston.
"Recollect,~ Mr. Hancock," she replied, "that I am not
under your control yet: I shall go in to my father to-morrow." She
was overruled, however, and the whole party, a few days later, passed
down through Connecticut to the seat of Thaddeus Burr in Fairfield,
where, in the following August, Miss Dolly and the Governor were
married. Tradition says they rode on this occasion in a light carriage
drawn by four horses, with coachmen and footmen in attendance.
Meanwhile, in Lexington the Committee of Safety had
dispatched a swift courier to Watertown, with news of the morning’s
affray, and the committee there at once commissioned a messenger, Trail
Bissel, to alarm the colonies. I have seen the credentials which this
messenger carried, stating that the bearer, Trail Bissel, was charged to
alarm the country quite to Con- |
A Day in Lexington 13
necticut, and desiring all patriots to
furnish him fresh horses as needed. From indorsements on it by the
committees of the various towns it appears that it left Watertown at 10
A.M. on April 19th (Wednesday), reached Brookline at 11 A.M., and
Norwich at 4 P.M. on Thursday; New London at 7 P.M., Lyme on Friday
morning at 1, Saybrook at 4 A.M., Killingworth at 7 A.M., Guilford at 10
A.M., Branford at noon, New Haven in the afternoon, Fairfield at 8 A.M.
on Saturday, New York on Sunday at 4 P.M., New Brunswick the next day at
2 A.M., Princeton at 6, and Philadelphia in the afternoon. |