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Chapter 6 |
A Visit TO PLYMOUTH, 1882
Plymouth derives
little dignity from its position, being planted on a narrow plateau that
lies behind the sea, and a range of steep high bluffs that form quite a
feature of the coast. Its chief characteristics are pretty white country
houses embowered in trees. There are a few manufactories, but they are
in the outskirts, and give little hint of their presence. Of commerce it
has very little, Boston having long ago absorbed what might have fallen
to its share, and it seems to have accepted quite contentedly its
position as conservator of things rare and ancient. All visitors to
Plymouth are perforce pilgrims, and it is fortunate that its varied
objects of interest — Forefathers’
Rock, Pilgrim Hall, Burial Hill, and the National Monument —
are within such easy distance of one another.
As one goes down Court Street from the railway
station under fine old elms, one sees on the left an ornate building
with a Done portico and much the appearance of a Grecian temple standing
somewhat back from the village street. It is Pilgrim Hall, erected by
the Pilgrim Society in 1824, and devoted to the |
A Visit to Plymouth 37
preservation of relics of the forefathers. It also
partakes of the character of a general museum. In its great hail one
finds many mementoes of a historic past. There are paintings and
portraits on the walls, and in cases arranged about the room are many
relics of the fathers and of the tribes of the Old Colony. Of the
paintings, the most noteworthy is Parker’s copy of Weir’s great
picture of the embarkation in the rotunda of the Capitol at Washington.
Sargent’s large painting of the landing, which covers nearly the whole
of the east wall, is barely within the range of criticism, since it was
a gift from the artist. Among the portraits, the most noteworthy is that
of Edward Winslow, third Governor of the colony, and one of the immortal
forty-one who signed the compact on the Mayflower. It is a copy,
the original being in the possession of the Massachusetts Historical
Society, and the only portrait, it is said, of a passenger on the Mayflower
in existence. Near the Governor’s portrait is a noble face —
that of his son Josiah, the first native-born
Governor of the colony; the beautiful Madonna-like face beside it is
that of his wife Penelope. A stern, military figure in uniform is their
grandson, the Major General John Winslow of the British Army to whom was
entrusted the removal of the French Acadians from their homes. All of
these worthies except Governor Edward lie buried in the old churchyard
at Marshfield near the grave of Daniel Webster. A |
38 In Olde Massachusetts
striking portrait is that of John Alden, grandson of
John Alden and Priscilla. The face of Jonathan Trumbull, the famous war
Governor of Connecticut, charms one by its air of stern uprightness. His
son John Trumbull, the historical painter, is also portrayed here, and
there is a copy of an original portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh, painted
by a London artist, which was formerly the property of President
The glass cases ranged about the room attract the
greater number of visitors. They contain relics of the forefathers and
mothers far too precious to be exposed to the dust or the rapacity of
the curiosity-seeker. Those relating to Miles Standish are exceedingly
interesting. There are several of these —
Holland brick from the burned ruins of his house
in Duxbury, his great pewter platter with a rim at least four inches
wide and a pit of proportionate depth, and his sword, the trenchant
blade that again and again saved the little colony from destruction.
There are traditions that it was made of meteoric stone by the Persian
Magi, and that it possessed talismanic virtues. It is known to be of
Persian manufacture, and was no doubt won from some Spanish hidalgo by
the Captain in his wars in the low countries. On the blade is engraved
the sun and the moon. On the face is an Arabic inscription to this
effect: "With peace God ruled his slaves, and with judgment of his
arm he gave trouble to the valiant of the mighty." On the reverse
of the blade are two |
A Visit to Plymouth 39
other inscriptions, one obscure, the other meaning,
"In God is all might." We have in this case, too, a sampler
wrought by the daughter of Miles Standish, a few years perhaps before her
death. Into the cloth, below the intricate maze of needlework, is stitched
this pious stanza
"Lorea Standish is my name;
Lord, guide my heart that I may do Thy will;
Also fill my hands with such convenient skill
As may conduce to virtue void of shame;
And I will give the glory to Thy name."
The Captain’s dinner-pot has been relegated to the
floor. It is a huge affair, with a jointed bail an(1 capacious stomach,
rather insecurely mounted on three rudimentary legs. In one corner, under
the great Sargent picture, is the arm-chair of Elder Brewster, made of
toughest oak, and capacious enough for the person of Von Twiller himself.
The good elder must have purchased it at Leyden or Delfthaven, for it
never could have been fashioned for an Englishman. In the opposite corner
is a model of that famous vessel, the Mayflower. Near it is the
cradle in which Peregrine White, the first baby born to the colonists, was
rocked. There is the halberd of John Alden —
a murderous weapon, with a long oaken staff —
his Bible, a deed acknowledged before him in 1653,
an original letter from King Philip, the first Plymouth patent, dated
16921, the oldest State paper in the United States, and |
41 In
Olde Massachusetts
scores of other relics intimately connected with the
early settlers. One of the most interesting bits of the collection
escapes the attention of the ordinary visitor. It may be found in one of
the cases on the north side, and is the original copy of Bryant’s
tribute to the Pilgrims — "The
Twenty-second of December." A companion piece is the first draft of
Mrs. Hemans’ well-known hymn to the Pilgrims. An autograph poem on the
Pilgrim Fathers by Ebenezer Elliot, the corn-law rhymer, completes the
collection, which was given to the Pilgrim Society in 1880 by James T.
Passing out of the historic building, we see near the
right-hand corner an iron fence, elliptical in form, enclosing a
chastely cut granite pillar, erected to the memory of the signers of the
famous compact. Their names inscribed on scrolls attached to the railing
encircle the stone. Going south from Pilgrim Hall a few blocks, one
comes to a large and handsome building, situated so far back from the
street that there is room for a pretty park between. This is the County
Court-house, erected in 1820 and remodeled in 1857. There are two
entrances, one on the north, the other on the south. If one enters on
the south and passes through a long corridor to the further end, he will
have on his left the office of the Register of Deeds. In this room,
under the care of Mr. William S. Danforth, Secretary of the Pilgrim
Society, is preserved one of the oldest, most complete and extensive
collections of legal |
A Visit to Plymouth 41
and State papers in the land. They comprise the
earliest records of Plymouth Colony, its laws, the allotment of lands,
the original plan of the town, the records of the first church, the
deeds, mortgages, and wills of the men famous in history. One easily
fixes upon the original patent of the colony granted by the Earl of
Warwick in 1629 as the most interesting. It is kept in the original box
in which it came from England, and still retains the great wax seal which
gave it validity. Of almost equal interest is the
first order for trial by jury, in the quaint handwriting of Governor
Bradford. Here, too, is the will of Standish, with his autograph
attached, the order for the first customs law, the order dividing the
cattle into lots, one cow being divided into thirteen lots, that is, her
milk was distributed among thirteen families.
The chief object for all pilgrims is, of course,
Forefathers’ Rock. To reach it from the Court-house, one follows the
main street a short distance south to Shirley Square. From this point a
narrow side-street, the original Leyden Street of the Pilgrims, leads
down to the docks and shipping. Here, near the water’s edge, amid the
din and stir of traffic, one finds the historic stone. Probably the
first feeling of all visitors is one of disappointment. There is no
stormy and rock-bound coast, as one has been
led to expect, but a low, sandy shore, a natural landing-place. The rock
itself is not a part of some huge cliff, but a boulder brought down |
42 In Olde Massachusetts
by the glaciers and deposited here to form the
steppingstone of a new empire. A granite canopy, designed by Billings
and erected by the Pilgrim Society, covers it, and adds still more to
the incongruity of its surroundings. Cole’s Hill, a little bluff
overtopping the rock, is also vastly changed since Master Coppin used it
as a landmark in guiding the Pilgrim shallop to land. This hill was the
first burial-ground of the Pilgrims, it will be remembered, nearly half
the whole ship’s company having been laid here ere the first year had
passed, and their graves sown over with wheat, that the Indians might
not discover the weakness of the colony. The hill now is turfed,
surrounded by an iron railing, and granite steps lead down its side to
the rock. We found Burial Hill, overlooking the central part of the
village, exceedingly interesting. Here stood the earliest church, and
here still rests the dust of the forefathers.
The churchyard is quite populous; there are more
inhabitants here than in the village below. The tombstones are in a
great variety of form and material, though the dark slate of England and
the marble and granite of our own country predominate. The earlier
headstones were brought from England before there was any stonecutter in
the colony, and bear the winged cherub above the inscription, with much
curious tracery on the sides. The oldest stone now standing is one
erected to the memory of Edward Gray, a merchant who died in 168L A
stone to William Crowe, near the |
A Visit to Plymouth 43
head of the path, bears date 1683—4. There is one
to Thomas Clark, said to have been mate of the Mayflower, erected
in 1697; one to Mrs. Hannah Clark, 1687; one to John Cotton, 1699; these
being all the original stones of the seventeenth century that remain.
Too many of those that rest here sleep in obscurity. Not any of the one
hundred and two souls of the Mayflower have their graves surely
designated by the customary hic jacet, nor any of those who
followed in the ship Fortune in 16~21, save one —
Thomas Cushman; and of those who came in the Ann
and Little James, in 16~23, only one —
Thomas Clark —
is remembered by any form of memorial. Tradition,
however, has pointed out the places of sepulture of some of them, and on
these spots their descendants have erected suitable monuments. Two
attract the eye at once by their stateliness —
the shaft in memory of William Bradford, the first
Governor of Plymouth Colony and its faithful chronicler, and that
erected by filial piety to the memory of Elder Robert.
The view from the summit of the hill is beautiful in
the extreme. The village lies at your feet; before you the circle of
Plymouth Bay rounds north and south, its northern headland being Captain’s
Hill, with the Standish monument crowning its peak, and its southern the
bold bluffs of Manomet. It was interesting to look into the modern town
and compare it with De Rasière’s description of 1627: |
44 In Olde Massachusetts
"The houses," be observes, "are
constructed of hewn planks with gardens also enclosed behind and at the
sides, so that their houses and courtyards are arranged in very good
order with a stockade against a sudden attack. At the ends of the street
there are three wooden gates. In the center, on a cross street, stands
the Governor’s house, before which is a square enclosure, upon which
four pateros are mounted so as to flank along the street. .
. . Upon the hill they have a large square house
with a flat roof. . . . The
lower part they use for their church, where they preach on Sundays and
the usual holidays. They assemble by beat of drum, each with his musket
or firelock, in front of the Captain’s door; they have their cloaks on
and place themselves in order there abreast, and are led by a sergeant
without beat of drum. Behind comes the Governor in a long robe, beside
on the right hand comes the preacher with his cloak on, and on the left
hand the Captain with his side arms and cloak on and with a small cane
in his hand; and so they march in good order, and each gets his arms
down near him. Thus they are constantly on their guard night and
I have before spoken of the range of hills that
encircles the village. On the highest of these the Pilgrim Society, with
the aid of contributions from the nation at large, has erected a
monument to the memory of the Forefathers. There is so much of the crude
and incon |
A Visit to Plymouth 45
gruous in American sculpture that it is a pleasure to
be able to commend this memorial. It is partly at least in accord with
the genius of the place, and fitly presents the character and work of
the men it is intended to commemorate. The material is Maine granite.
The general design is that of an octagon pedestal forty-five feet high,
on which stands a colossal statue of Faith. Four subordinate figures on
buttresses projecting from the pedestal represent Morality, Education,
Law, and Liberty. Beneath these in alto-relief are represented the
departure, the signing of the compact, the landing, and the first treaty
with the Indians. There are four panels on the four faces of the main
pedestal, one on the front having the inscription of the monument, and
those on the right and left the names of the passengers of the Mayflower.
The fourth panel awaits an inscription. The pedestal was placed in
position in the summer of 1876. The statue of Faith is the gift of
Oliver Ames, a native of Plymouth, and was put in place in 1877. But one
of the smaller statues — that
of Morality — is
now in position. It was the gift of the State of Massachusetts. The
alto-relief beneath it was the contribution of Connecticut. The statue
of Education is completed, with its companion alto-relief, both being
the gift of Mr. Rowland Matber, of Hartford, Conn. The two other
statues, Law and Liberty, are yet unprovided for, and await the
contributions of those who honor the memory of the Pilgrims. |