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Chapter 7 |
Traveling Bostonward from historic Plymouth by the
Old Colony Line, we were set down in twenty minutes at Webster Place,
the nearest railway-point to Green Harbor, the former home of Daniel
Webster. The Place was only a flag-station, and its sole building a shed
that served as a waiting-room for passengers. In answer to our inquiry
for the Webster farm, the boy who acted as station-master pointed out a
broad, dusty highway leading eastward through the wood, and told us we
were to go up that a mile until it forked by a schoolhouse, and that
then half a mile by the left fork would bring us to the farm. The
country is level here, and as we emerged from the forest upon cultivated
fields we saw across them the blue line of the ocean. We easily found
the fork in the road, and the schoolhouse, and were shown, on the corner
directly opposite, the quaint, mossy, low-roofed house that once
sheltered Governor Josiah Winslow of the Plymouth Colony. Leaving this
relic, we followed a beautiful country road through the farms between
several neatly painted farmhouses, and past |
A Day at Green Harbor
the pretty country-seat of Adelaide Phillips, the singer, to the
smoothly laid walls and well-kept fields of the Webster estate. The old
family mansion, burned in 1878, stood some distance back from the
street, on a little knoll, in the midst of a park of thirty acres, well
shaded by forest trees. It was a long, low, rambling structure of the
colonial era, and had achieved a history before Webster bought it,
having been occupied by the British troops in the Revolution, at which
time it was the scene of some rather tragic incidents. But a fatality
attends American historic houses, and this structure, dear to all
Americans from Webster’s connection with it, was burned to the ground
on the morning of the 14th of February, 1878, and with it nearly all the
objects of interest and art that had been gathered by its former owner.
The mistress of the estate, Mrs. Fletcher Webster, rebuilt, on the
former site, but with no attempt to reproduce the farmhouse of her
ancestor’s day. Her home was not open to visitors, as was the old
dwelling, but on our presenting ourselves at the door we were kindly
invited in, and a member of the household was deputed to introduce us to
everything of public interest which it contained. A few relics
intimately connected with the great statesman were saved from the flames
that destroyed his house. His study-table of mahogany, veneered, and
covered with green baize worn and ink stained, occupied a prominent
position in the entrance hail. Near it was his
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In Olde Massachusetts
library chair, a huge affair, with leather-covered
arms and seat and fitted with a foot-rest and bookholder. Here, too,
were the fire-screen and andirons from the fireplace of his study.
Stuart’s portrait of Mr. Webster occupied a good position over the
mantel; and Ames’s portrait of him, as he appeared in farm-costume,
faced it on the opposite wall. Above the latter was the great white wool
hat that always protected his head while fishing or walking about the
farm, and with it his favorite walking-stick. The walls of the wide
stairway and of the hall above were adorned with portraits of Grace
Fletcher, Mr. Webster’s first wife, and of his friend Judge Story, and
with busts of his last wife, Caroline Le Roy, and of his daughter Julia.
In the parlor was a rosewood table from the old house, covered with the
china in daily use by the family during his lifetime. This table was of
rosewood, marble-topped and brass-bound. Another interesting object here
was a table presented by the mechanics of Buffalo, in 1855, "in
testimony of their respect for his distinguished services in defense of
a protective tariff and of our national union." The material was of
black walnut, the first ever used in furniture-making. A very pretty
memento was a case of Brazilian beetles and butterflies presented to him
by the Brazilian government. A beautifully embossed leather armchair,
with gilded frame and top, the gift of Victor Emmanuel, in the music
room, and an album containing signatures |
A Day at Green Harbor
of Jefferson, Everett, and other famous men, were the
only other mementoes of note spared by the flames. Most of these relics,
it was said, Mrs. Webster would present to the Webster Historical Society.
Out in the park we were shown two elms standing near
together, their branches interlocked, which were planted by Mr. Webster
himself, one at the birth of his son Edwin, the other at the birth of his
daughter Julia, and which he called brother and sister. Another
interesting object here was the great elm that sheltered the old house,
half of it scorched by fire, the other green and vigorous.
Green Harbor River, or rather Inlet, comes up to the
boundaries of the park in the rear of the house, and at high tide is
navigable for small boats to the ocean, some two miles distant. Beyond
this, over bare, brown uplands, one sees the white tombstones of a country
graveyard. The yard is perhaps a quarter of a mile from the house, and the
same distance from the highway, access to it being had by a rude road
winding through the fields. It is one of the district cemeteries so common
to New England, and holds the dust of perhaps a score of the families of
the neighborhood, obscure and titled, —
for what was our surprise, in strolling among the
tombs, to find, on a great table of brown-stone supported by four pillars,
inscriptions to the memory of some of the first magistrates of the
Plymouth Colony! The yard was enclosed on three
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In Olde Massachusetts
sides by a mossy stone wall, and on the fourth by a
modern iron fence. There were no trimly kept walks there; low stunted
cedars, sumach, wild rose, and other bushes grew luxuriantly, and it had
in general a neglected air. The Webster lot was in the southwest corner
of the yard, near the entrance, and was enclosed by a heavy iron fence.
The tomb of the statesman is a great mound of earth surmounted by a
marble slab, at the north end of the lot. The stone has this
inscription: "Daniel Webster, born January 18, 1782; died October p24,
1852. ‘Lord, I believe; help thou mine
unbelief," and beneath this, "Philosophical argument,
especially that drawn from the vastness of the universe compared with
the apparent insignificance of the globe, has sometimes shaken my reason
for the faith which is in me; but my heart has always assured and
reassured me that the gospel of Jesus Christ must be a divine reality.
The Sermon on the Mount cannot be a merely human, production. This
belief enters into the very depths of my consciousness. The whole
history of man proves it. Daniel Webster."
The plot is well filled. Grace Fletcher the first
wife, and Julia the favorite daughter, are buried at the left of the
husband and father. At their feet are three daughters of Fletcher and
Caroline Webster. Near his father’s right rests Major Edward Webster,
who died of disease at San Angelo in Mexico, in Taylor’s campaign of
1848. The most interesting grave, how-
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A Day at Green Harbor
ever, next to the Senator’s, is that of Colonel
Fletcher Webster, the gallant soldier who fell at the head of his
regiment in the war of the rebellion. The inscription on his stone is so
eloquent that it should be given in full; it reads:
"Colonel Fletcher Webster, 12th Massachusetts Volunteers,
son of Daniel and Grace Fletcher Webster; born in Portsmouth, New
Hampshire, 25th July, 1813; fell at the head of his regiment on the old
battle-field of Bull Run, Virginia, August 30, 1862.
"And if I am too old myself, I hope there are
those connected with me who are young and willing to defend their
country, to the last drop of their own blood.’
"Erected by officers of the 12tb regiment
Massachusetts Infantry to the memory of their beloved colonel."
Webster was fond of this old yard, and chose it above
all others for his last resting-place. I could not but be struck with
the unique — almost
weird — view
presented from its summit.
To the eastward are marshes and the sea, the latter
flecked with sails. On the south is a pleasant country of farms, with a
hamlet of white cottages set in its midst. On the west one sees a
stretch of bare, undulating down, bounded by a dense forest. Northwest
across the fields is seen Marshfield village and spire, and on the north
lies a wild country of pastures and downs. The spot seemed designed for
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In Olde Massachusetts
and in fancy we pictured the bent figure of the great
commoner among the tombs, communing with his dead, or drawing
inspiration from the scene about him.
Leaving the Webster plot and going for a little
ramble among the other graves, we made a discovery that ought to commend
us to the Society of American Antiquaries,
— that, namely, of the
Winslow tomb. The grave is marked by a great table of brown stone
supported by four stone pillars. The Winslow arms, in slate, are set
into the stone, and beneath are the inscriptions. Several of the famous
persons of the name whose portraits one sees in Pilgrim Hall are here
Governor Josiah Winslow, the first native-born
Governor of Plymouth Colony, who died in 1680; his wife Penelope; the
Honorable John Winslow, a major-general in the British army, and the
officer who removed the French Acadians from their country; the
Honorable Isaac Winslow, Esq.; with later and less distinguished members
of the family.
On our way back to the station we called on Porter
Wright, formerly overseer of the Webster farm, and almost the only
person then living who was on intimate i
terms with Mr. Webster. He managed the farm for
some twelve or fifteen years preceding the latter’s death, and readily
consented to give us some details of his stewardship, as well as
recollections of his employer. He first saw Mr. Webster on the occasion
of the latter’s second visit to Marshfield, and was at once
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A Day at Green Harbor
struck with his appearance. "He would have been
a marked man, sir, in any company. He had a powerful look. I never saw a
man who had such a look. He had an eye that would look through you. His
first purchase here was the homestead, comprising some one hundred and
fifty acres; but he had a passion for land, and kept adding farm to farm
until he had an estate of nearly eighteen hundred acres. The farm
extended north and south from the homestead, and to tide-water on the
east. When I became his overseer I used to see him daily when he was
home, which was as often as he could get away from public duties. He
loved to walk about the farm in his plain clothes, with a great white
wool hat on his head, and oversee the men. He usually gave me my
directions for the day in the morning. We spent the latter part of the
summer making plans for the next season’s work; and when be was in
Washington I bad to write him nearly every day how things were at the
farm; and I received instructions from him as often. He cared little for
horses, but had a passion for a good ox-team. We had several on the
farm, the finest in the county, and I have known him on his return from
Washington pay them a visit before entering the house. At home he was an
early riser, generally completing his writing for the day before other
members of the family were up. He breakfasted with the family at eight,
unless going on a fishing excursion, when he took breakfast alone at
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In Olde Massachusetts
five. Fishing was his favorite amusement. He had
quite a fleet of sail-boats and row-boats, and fished along the coast
from the Gurnet to Scituate Light. He caught cod mostly, but took also
haddock and perch. When company was present, he invited them to go with
him; but if they were averse he generally fitted them out with some
other amusement and went his way alone. He entertained much company, —
governors, statesmen, and the like, —
but was averse to giving balls or parties or
making any display. He attended church at Marshfield regularly,
sometimes going with the family in the carriage, and sometimes on
horseback alone. He often spoke to me about retiring from public life
and spending his days quietly on the farm; but that time, as you know,
never came. He died in 1852, and the farm was divided to the heirs
— his son Fletcher,
and the children of his daughter Julia."
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