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Chapter 13 |
One autumn day my friend invited me to drive across the
island to Maddequet, a fishing hamlet on the East Coast. The drive was a
pleasant one in itself — among
farms, over wide heaths gay with golden-rod and the scarlet berries of the
meal plum vine, then along the romantic shores of Long Pond, and finally
to the head of the little harbor on which stands Maddequet. The interest
of the drive to us was greatly enhanced by the recollections of our
friend. Every mossy farmhouse and quaint old country-seat along the way
recalled reminiscences, all tending to establish the ethnological
importance of the island. In truth, considering its position, Nantucket
has been wonderfully prolific of great men and women. Among the first
families on the island were the Macys. The Folgers are another noteworthy
race. The only child of "Peter Ffoulger," born after his removal
from Martha’s Vineyard to Nantucket, was Abiah, who in her young
maidenhood removed to Boston and married Josiah Franklin, the tallow
chandler. Her fifteenth child by this marriage was Benjamin Franklin, the |
Nantucket’s First Tea-Party
philosopher. The mother in talent and worth is said
to have been every way worthy of her illustrious son. Another member of
this family was Charles J. Folger,
former Secretary of the Treasury, who was born in Nantucket, in a house
which stood on the site of the present Sherburne House, on Orange
Street. The’ Coffins, famous in naval annals, are a numerous family on
the island. Lucretia Mott was born at Nantucket in 1793.
Phoebe A. Hanaford is a native of Siasconset, Gen.
George N. Nacy, of the late war; the Rev. Dr. F.
C. Ewer, of New York; the Mitchells, mathematicians and astronomers, and
scores of other men and women who have gained honorable positions in the
Maddequet contains little of interest to the average
tourist. There are fishing boats drawn up on the beach, nets drying in
the sun, bronzed and bearded fishermen lounging about, whose talk is of
the bluefish, scup, eels, herring, lobsters, and clams which form the
objects of their daily pursuit. It was the first point of settlement,
Thomas Macy spending the winter of 1659 here, and for a century it
continued to be the residence of some of the best families of the
island. Of these were the Starbucks, who lived in a fine old country
house a little outside of the village, in which, in 1745, pretty Ruth
Wentworth and a certain Captain Morris, of Boston, owner of a China tea
ship, made the first cup of tea ever brewed in Nantucket.
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In Olde Massachusetts
"The Starbucks have figured largely in our
annals as merchants, ship owners, and sea captains," said my
friend. They were Friends in religious belief. At the time of which I
speak the family consisted of Grandpa and Grandma Starbuck, Nathaniel,
their son, his wife Content, their son Nathaniel, Jr., absent on a
voyage to China, Esther, a maiden sister, and Ruth Wentworth, a niece,
whose parents had emigrated to Vermont a year before, leaving her in
charge of her uncle and aunt Starbuck. Ruth Wentworth was a charming
maiden of eighteen, petite in form, with deep-blue eyes and golden hair,
attractions to which her Quaker simplicity and modesty gave additional
charm. One day in December the household was thrown into confusion by a
letter from the sailor son, dated at Boston, saying that his ship was in
port, and that he should be home in time to see the New Year in. He
added that he had sent his sea chest —
containing a box of tea for his mother and some
trinkets for Ruth
— by the vessel which bore
his letter, and that4he should bring as his guest a dear
friend, Captain Morris, of Boston, owner of the vessel in which he had
sailed. The chest came presently, and as appears from timestained
letters still retained in the Starbuck family, created quite an
excitement in the hamlet. It was the first tea ever known on the island.
Rumors of a fragrant herb which had been introduced into Boston and had
met with great favor there were rife, but no
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Nantucket’s First Tea-Party
one had seen the curiosity, and all the neighbors
gathered in the great Starbuck kitchen to see the box opened, and taste
and smell of its contents. The guests were expected on the last day of
the year, and it was decided to have a New Year’s tea-party, and at
the same time watch the Old Year out and the New Year in —
a custom still observed in many country districts.
Aunt Content and grandma, Aunt Esther and little Ruth were all busy. The
pantry shelves fairly groaned with the load of goodies cooked for the
occasion; the great parlor, which had not been used since Aunt Mehitabel’s
wedding, was opened; the floor newly waxed and polished, and spread with
beautiful mats and rugs, found in Cousin Nathaniel’s chest. Jude, the
slave girl, rubbed the fender and great and-irons of the fireplace until
they shone, while Ruth looped back the chintz curtains, placed a bouquet
of autumn leaves and scarlet berries on the mantel, disposed the stiff
wooden chairs a little less primly, and arranged the rugs and mats where
their colors blended harmoniously, stopping at intervals with her head
on one side and her hands in the pockets of her housekeeper’s apron to
view the general effect. Aunt Esther did not look with favor on these
proceedings. ‘Sho’, child,’ she admonished, ‘I fear thee is too
much taken with these vanities; the bright things of this world are of
short duration’; but grandma interposed with her voice of authority,
and said it was natural and right for
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In Olde Massachusetts
the young to admire beauty. At length the day came.
Uncle Edward Starbuck and his family, and Lieutenant Macy’s family,
were invited to meet the distinguished guest. Ruth dressed early to
receive the visitors. I have seen a letter in which she described her
costume. a new blue gown, with lace in the neck that grandma had given
her, her mother’s gold necklace, and her golden curls tied back with a
blue ribbon that grandma had bought in London. Coming into the kitchen
from her toilet, she found Aunt Content, Aunt Edward Star-buck, and Mrs.
Lieutenant Macy, all at their wits’ end over the
problem, how to cook and serve the tea. Mrs. Lieutenant Macy said she
had heard it ought to be well cooked to be palatable, and Aunt Starbuck
observed that a lady in Boston who had drunk tea said it needed a good
quantity for steeping, which was the reason it was so expensive. The
result was that Aunt Content hung the bright five-gallon bell-metal
teapot on the crane, put in a two-quart bowlful of tea with plenty of
water, and left Aunt Esther and Lydia Ann Macy to watch and see that it
boiled. Presently Ruth, who happened into the hail, heard Lydia say:
‘I have heard that when tea is drunk it gives a
brilliancy to the eyes and youthful freshness to the complexion. I am
fearful thy sister-in-law failed to put in a sufficient quantity of
leaves’; so Aunt Esther added another bowlful. When the tea had boiled
an hour Cousin Nathaniel and his friend the captain
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Nantucket’s First Tea-Party
came. The captain was tall and lithe, with dark hair
and tawny beard, and Ruth thought she had never seen a man so
noble-looking. Meantime the tea had been boiled down until only a gallon
remained in the kettle, when it was poured into grandma’s large silver
tankard and placed on the table; a silver porringer, with cream and
lumps of sugar, was placed beside each guest’s plate. When dinner was
announced, the captain took out Miss Ruth, much to the annoyance of Aunt
Esther, who subsequently gave her niece a private lecture on the
impropriety of young girls putting themselves forward. After the
blessing Mrs. Content said, hesitatingly: ‘I have brewed a dish of
tea, but am fearful I have not prepared it as it hath need, and would
ask your opinion.’ Cousin Nathaniel sniffed and sipped, and then
answered: ‘As my mother desires my opinion I must needs say that a
spoonful of this beverage which she has prepared for us with such
hospitable intent would nearly kill any one of us.’ Captain Morris
remarked that his hostess would keep the decoction for dyeing her
woollens, and said he would show her how to make tea. ‘And this young
lady,’ he added, turning to Ruth, ‘shall brew the first dish of the
beverage ever made in Nantucket.’
"Dinner over, the captain and Ruth went out into
the great kitchen to make the tea. lie took Uncle Nat’s large gray
stone pitcher and put into it as much tea as he could hold between thumb
and finger for each guest,
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In Olde Massachusetts
and an additional pinch for the pitcher, poured on
boiling water sufficient for all; then Ruth raked out the coals in the
wide fireplace and it was set on them until it came to a gentle boil.
When the tea had boiled, it was poured into the tankard and served to
the guests in silver porringers, with cream and sugar. All pronounced it
delicious, and to Ruth it seemed like nectar. But the tea-party had its
sequel, and that was the marriage a few weeks later of the captain and
Ruth Wentworth. I mention the matter because the story is only half told
without it."
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