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Chapter 15 |
Another evening my friend
produced an ancient, time-worn pamphlet, whose full title I found to read:
"A testimony against that anti-Christian practice
of making slaves of men, wherein it is showed to be contrary to the
dispensation of the Law and Time of the Gospel, and very opposite both to
Grace and Nature. By Elihu Coleman, printed in the year 1733."
"I suppose it to be," he remarked, "one
of the earliest, as well as most earnest and fearless, denunciations of
human slavery ever published. Its author, Elihu Coleman, was a minister of
the Society of Friends (born on Nantucket, December, 1699, died here
January, 1789), and an able and fearless preacher here for nearly the
whole of his career. Beginning with his day, the island continued very
hostile to the institution to the end. The Friends were the dominant sect
on Nantucket in those days, and their influence was always
exerted against slavery. The famous Prince Boston case, you remember, made
Massachusetts a free State, and Prince Boston was a Nantucket slave. |
In Olde Massachusetts
His owner, Elisha Folger, had for some reason shipped
him and sent him out in Mr. Rotch’s whale-ship. On arrival home he
claimed and received as his own Prince’s share in the voyage. But in
1780, while the ship was absent, the Constitution of Massachusetts was
adopted, and Mr. Rotch, on reading it, at once saw that it abolished
slavery; at least he determined to
make a test case of it. Pretty soon Prince’s
ship came in, and Mr. Folger applied for his slave’s ‘voyage.’ ‘Thee
has no voyage here,’ said Mr. Rotch calmly, making Folger as hot as a
South Carolinian — so
wroth that he sued in the courts, and a famous case it became; he lost
his suit, and not only Prince Boston, but 4,700 other slaves in
Massachusetts, were set free.
"We had an exciting fugitive slave case in 1822
There were several runaway slaves from Virginia living here and at New
Bedford at the time, supporting them selves and their families, owning
little freehold properties, when suddenly one Camillus Griffith appeared
and demanded their surrender as escaped slaves of certain parties living
near Alexandria, Va. Griffith in his sworn statement before the court
gives so clear and succinct a statement of the proceedings at Nantucket
that I quote him:
"On my arrival at Boston,’ he says, I
addressed a respectful memorial to Judge Davis of the United States
District Court, enumerating the slaves I was in pursuit of, and praying
him to grant a process for their
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An Anti-Slavery Pioneer
apprehension. Being unsuccessful in this respect from
the defect in the law of 1793, I requested Judge Davis to state his
objections, which you will find on the back of the memorial. I then
appealed to Colonel Harris, the Marshal of Massachusetts, for one of his
deputies, and proceeded to the Island of Nantucket, where we found the
family of negroes belonging to Mr. David Ricketts, and were in the act
of removing them when a large assemblage of persons collected round the
house, and seemed to set us at defiance. I remonstrated with them on the
course they were pursuing, and stated to some of the leading men in the
mob that I had arrested these slaves under a law of the United States;
and to satisfy the people of Nantucket that the course we were pursuing
was legal, we had brought the Deputy Marshal with us. A man calling
himself Francis G. Macy insisted that if we had any authority it should
be produced, and as he seemed to have the most influence with the mob, I
produced the power of attorney of Mr. Ricketts. Before I commenced
reading it I placed Mr. Taylor, with two men, at the back part of the
house, to prevent the negroes from escaping. Mr. Taylor did not remain
there long. The threats of the mob alarmed him, and on his retiring to
join me in the front part of the house, I was informed that Thomas
Mackerel Macy put his Quaker coat and hat on George, and assisted him
and his wife and children out of the window and carried them off to a
place of greater
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In Olde Massachusetts
security. While these things were going on, and I was
engaged with the party in front of the house, one man, Sylvenus Macy,
observed that the power of attorney of Ricketts might be a forgery, and
afterwards said there was no doubt that it was a forgery, and also
observed: "We were not in Virginia now, but in Yankee town —
that they wanted those colored people to man their
whale ship and would not suffer them to be carried back to
bondage." He was proceeding in this manner and with other abusive
language when the arrival of Sig. Folger was announced, who I understood
had been sent for. His first inquiry was where the slaves were, and F.
G-. Macy answered, "We have them in our possession and they are now
in the house." Folger then observed to me that the laws of this
State did not recognize any persons as slaves, and if I attempted to
molest these people or remove them, he should consider it his duty as a
magistrate to arrest me and my party. I then informed Mr. Folger that I
had arrested these people as slaves, who had run away from a gentleman
in Virginia, and that the law of the United States authorized the
arrest, and called upon him as a magistrate to suppress the mob, and
allow us to bring the negroes before him or suffer Mr. Bass, the Deputy
Marshal, to take them to Boston before Judge Davis for trial. I also
asked Mr. Folger if he did not consider the State laws of Massachusetts
subordinate to the laws of the United States. His answer was
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An Anti-Slavery Pioneer
and that if we attempted to molest these people any
further, he would put us all in jail.’
"Remark the manliness and pure grit of those oh
magistrates and freemen, defying the power of the whole national
Government, then wielded by slave holders, for the protection of the
weak and helpless and driving the spoiler off without his prey —
quest and set sail for New Bedford. There he fell
into more desperate straits at the hands of those sturdy Quakers, Thomas
Rotch and William W. Swain, being thrown into’ prison, and after many
hardships missing his object a he had in Nantucket."
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