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When my friend was not telling sea stories, I was
curled up in his library, poring over a mass of scrap books, log books,
old letters, etc., of which be had great store. In one of these scrap
books, I unearthed the following account of Governor Lincoln’s visit to
Nantucket before the day of steamboats, written by one of the members of
his staff — no
less a personage indeed than Josiah Quincy himself.
My friend regarded the time-stained pages with
interest. "Yes," he said, "that was in September, 18f25.
The party comprised the Governor, Hezekiah Barnard, Treasurer of State;
Aaron Hill, Postmaster of. Boston; Colonel Davis, he who was later the
Hon. Josiah Quincy, but was then a young man just out of college, and
acting as private secretary to the Governor; Miss Abby Hedge, and three
other sprightly and charming young ladies whose names are not given. The
party proceeded by stage to Falmouth, on Cape Cod, where they found the
Nantucket packet ready to sail, and also a head wind which prevented her
doing anything of the sort. ‘Oh! those head winds,’ exclaims |
Nantucket Entertains the Governor
the narrator; ‘what plagues they were to those who
were in a hurry to leave our harbors, and how steam has lengthened the
lives of travelers by sparing them those dreary waits. We had risen at a
most uncomfortable hour to post on to Falmouth; and here we might remain
a week, unless the wind condescended to blow from some quarter that
would allow our vessel to get out of the bay. We accepted this fact with
such philosophy as was available, listening the while to the
prognostications of the skippers, and frequently gazing at the heavens
for such hope or consolation as they might supply. But we were not on
this occasion to be tried beyond our strength, for as the sun went down
the wind hauled several points, and we were off.
"Concerning the passage, I will only observe
that the Nantucket packet, although it carried the ruler of a sovereign
State, could by no means transform itself into a royal yacht. We were
stowed in narrow bunks in an indiscriminate and vulgar manner, and took
such repose as we might till two o’clock in the morning, when a sudden
thud, followed by an unpleasant swashing sound about the vessel’s
sides, brought us to our feet to inquire what had happened. "All
right," said the skipper. "Just you lie still till morning; we’re
aground on Nantucket Bar. That’s all." Thus adjured, we thought
it best to remain below, till a faint suspicion of dawn struggled into
the cabin, and gave us an excuse for coming upon deck. Several whaling-
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In Olde Massachusetts
ships, anchored outside the harbor, loomed to
gigantic proportions in the gray morning. "There is Yankee
perseverance for you," exclaimed the Governor. "Would they
believe in Europe that a port which annually sends eighty of these
whalers to the Pacific has a harbor which a sloop drawing eight feet of
water cannot enter?"
"Soon after sunrise the tide lighted us over the
bar, and it was not long before two whale-boats were seen pulling
sturdily for the packet. In the stern of one sat Mr. Barker Burnell, and
in the other Mr. Macy, both leading men to whom the islanders had
delegated the duties of reception. And full of modest cordiality was our
meeting by the occupants of the boats, and by the crowd of citizens who
had assembled upon the shore to see the Governor land. There was no
pushing or vulgar staring; indeed, there was a certain pervading air of
diffidence, by no means characteristic of street assemblies upon the
continent; but the heartiest goodwill beamed from sober faces, when the
long spell was broken and the Executive fairly stood upon Nantucket
"As there was no house sufficiently capacious to
accommodate our party, it was divided among the hospitable inhabitants,
the Governor and Colonel Davis being entertained by Mr. Macy, Treasurer
Barnard by Mr. Hill, and the youngest aide-de-camp by Mr. Burnell. And
then came visits to the whale-ships and the spermaceti works, dinners
and evening receptions, the latter
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Nantucket Entertains the Governor
being graced by the presence of very pretty young
women. Then on Saturday morning carriages were ordered to take us to
Siasconset, that is, it will sound better to call them carriages, but
they were in fact springless tip-carts very like those used at the
present day for the carting of gravel. The ancient Romans, when enjoying
a triumph, appear to have ridden in two-wheeled vehicles, bearing
considerable resemblance to that in which our Massachusetts chieftain
passed through the admiring streets of Nantucket. But none of these old
heroes balanced himself more deftly in his chariot, took its jolts with
more equanimity, or bowed more
graciously to the populace, than did good Governor Lincoln when
undergoing his transportation by tip-cart. There are some personalities
which seem to supply their own pageantry. Mr. Pickwick is not
extinguished even when trundled in a wheelbarrow. The escort, however,
rather wilted before they reached Siasconset, and found the noble
chowder there prepared for their commander-in-chief very acceptable.
"The Governor’s visit may be said to have
reached its crisis in a solemn reception at the insurance office,
whither repaired all the leading citizens to be presented to their
guest. Many of them were old whalers, simple and intelligent, yet with
that air of authority which the habit of command exercised in difficult
situations is sure to give. Their ruddy health, strong nerves, and
abundant energy made one suspect that
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In Olde Massachusetts
there were some of the finest human qualities which
are not to be tested by the examinations of Harvard College. I was
introduced to several of these men who had never been on the continent
of North America, though they had visited South America and the Pacific
islands. I have noted also talking with one Quaker gentleman of sixty,
who had seen no other horizon than that which bounds Nantucket. The
Friends, being the oldest and most respectable body of Christians, gave
their somber color to the town and their thrifty ways to those holding
its purse-strings. For instance, when it was complained that Nantucket,
the greatest depot of spermaceti and whale oil in the whole world, was
likewise its darkest corner in the evening, it was replied that it would
be culpably extravagant to consume at home in street lanterns oil that
bad been procured for exportation. Moreover, the reckless innovator was
invited to impale himself upon one of the horns of this little dilemma:
Oil was either high or low. Now, if it was low, the citizens could not
afford to pay the tax; but if it was high, the town could not afford to
purchase it.
"After the reception we all went to the
barber-shop, not to be shaved, but to inspect the collection of South
Sea curiosities of which this functionary was the custodian. And here we
lingered until it was time to prepare for the grand party in honor of
the Governor, which would furnish a brilliant conclusion to his visit.
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Nantucket Entertains the Governor
This party was given by Mr. Aaron Mitchell, and was
said to be the finest in all its appointments that the island had yet
known. There was, of course, no dancing, but the number of beautiful and
lively young women impressed me as exceeding anything that could be
looked for in a similar gathering upon the mainland, and filled me with
regrets that we were to sail at daybreak the next morning. My journal
relates how I was expressing my feelings in this particular to a bright
bevy of these girls when Hezekiah Barnard suddenly joined our group and
put in this remark: "Friend, if thou really wishest to tarry on our
island, thou hast only to persuade one of these young women to put a
black cat under a tub, and surely there will be a head wind
to-morrow." This sailor’s superstition, of which I had never
heard, was the cause of much pleasantry. The ladies united in declaring
that there was not a black cat in all Nantucket, they having been
smothered under tubs to retain husbands and brothers who were bound for
the southern seas. At last Miss Baxter (the prettiest girl in the room,
says my record) confessed to the possession of a black kitten. "But
then would this do Surely, a very heavy and mature pussy, perhaps even
two of them, would be required to keep a Governor against his
will." "Yes, but then an aide de-camp would certainly be kept
by a kitten, even if it were not weaned, and Miss Baxter had only to
dismiss the Governor from her thoughts and concentrate
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In Olde Massachusetts
them upon his humble attendant, and the charm would
work." I do not know whether young people talk in this way now, or
whether they are as glad as Miss Baxter and I were to find some topic
other than the weather to ring our simple changes on; but I should
refrain from personal episodes in this historical epic, which deals with
the august movements of the Governor. It is well for us chroniclers to
remember that the ego et rex meus way
of telling things once got poor Cardinal Wolsey into a good deal of
"Wind dead ahead," were the words with
which Mr. Burnell called me the next morning. "The Governor must
spend Sunday on the island and we will show him a Quaker meeting and
Micajah Coffin." An account of both these objects of interest finds
its place in my journal. At the Friends’ Society we sat for nearly an
hour in absolute silence, and this seemed to me very favorable to
reflection and devotional feeling. There was something in the absence of
any human expression in the awful presence of the Maker which struck me
as a more fitting homage than any words or ceremony could convey. It was
only when two women felt themselves moved by the spirit to address the
assembly that my feelings underwent a quick revulsion, and I
acknowledged that for the majority of Christians, at least, a trained
and learned clergy would long be indispensable.
"After meeting, the Governor and his staff paid
a visit of ceremony to Micajah Coffin, the oldest and most
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Nantucket Entertains the Governor
respected citizen of the island. At a time when the
rulings of etiquette were far more stringent than at present, it was
doubted whether the representative of a sovereign State could properly
call upon a private person who had not first waited upon him. Lincoln’s
decision that this case should be an exception to all general rules was
no less creditable to the magistrate than gratifying to the islanders.
For good friend Coffin, then past ninety, was at times unable to command
his memory, and his friends had not thought it right to subject him to
the excitements of the reception at the insurance office. For twenty-two
years this venerable man had represented Nantucket in the Massachusetts
General Court. In his youth he had worked at carpentering, and gone
whaling in a sloop, bringing home on one occasion two hundred barrels of
sperm oil, which made its owner a rich man. These latter particulars I
learn from Mr. William C. Folger of Nantucket, who remembers Mr. Coffin
as a tall old gentleman dressed in the style of a past age. And one
thing more Mr. Folger mentions of which the significance will presently
appear. Benjamin Coffin, the father of Micajah, was one of Nantucket’s
best schoolmasters for about half a century. I had been looking in vain
through college catalogues to explain a singular circumstance which my
journal relates, but the appearance of Benjamin Coffin, the
schoolmaster, suggests the true solution of the difficulty. When this
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In Olde Massachusetts
patriarch of Nantucket was presented to the Governor,
it made so little impression upon him that he instantly forgot the
presence of the chief Magistrate; and yet a moment afterwards he
astonished us with one of those strange feats of memory which show with
how tight a grip the mysterious nerve-centers of which we hear so much
hold what has been committed to them. For, having a dim consciousness
that something out of the common was expected of him, the venerable man
turned suddenly upon Postmaster Hill and proceeded to harangue that very
modest gentleman in a set Latin speech. It was one of those occurrences
which might appear either sad or droll to the bystanders, and I hope it
does not reflect upon the good feelings of the party to mention that we
found its comic aspect quite irresistible. There was poor Mr. Hill,
overcome with mortification at being mistaken for the Governor, and
shrinking from fine Latin superlatives which, under this erroneous
impression, were discharged at him. And when the Postmaster at the
conclusion of the address felt that he was bound in courtesy to make
some response (which of course could not be in the vernacular), and
could hit upon nothing better than "Oui, Monsieur, je vous
remercie," the climax was reached, and even the Governor was
forced to give audible expression to his sense of the ridiculous. And
thus it was that testimony was given to the good instruction of Master
Benjamin Coffin. The father had
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Nantucket Entertains the Governor
undoubtedly taught his son Latin as a spoken
language, as the custom formerly was. The lessons were given in the
first half of the eighteenth century, and here am I in the concluding
fifth of the nineteenth able to testify to the thoroughness of the
"Micajah Coffin lived for little more than a
year after the visit of Lincoln. "In his old age," says Mr.
Folger, "he took an interest in visiting the sick, and aiding them
in procuring native plants, suited to cure, or at least to relieve,
their various maladies." I learn also that in his rambles about
Nantucket, when he met a face that was unknown to him, he was accustomed
to stop and give this challenge: "Friend, my name is Micajah
Coffin; what is thine?" It was the robust personality of which
there was no reason to be ashamed, and testifies to the reasonableness
of the high esteem in which his character and services were held.
"Early Monday morning we left Nantucket with a
breeze which carried us to New Bedford in six hours. The Governor’s
reception in that town, the courtesy of the Selectmen, the magnificent
hospitalities of the Rotches and Rodmans, my space compels me to omit.
One word, however, of the picture presented by the venerable William
Rotch, standing between his son and grandson, the elder gentlemen being
in their Quaker dresses, and the youngest in the fashionable costume of
the day. "You will never see a more ideal representation of extreme
age, middle life, and vigorous
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In Olde Massachusetts
maturity than is given by these three handsome and intelligent
men," said Governor Lincoln to me as we left the house. Up to this
date at least his prediction has been verified."
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