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Chapter XXIII
Martha's Vineyard, 1882
One summer day, in 1882, at the old whaling
port of New Bedford, we boarded the steamer River Queen for the Vineyard.
Our steamer we soon discovered to have a history, having been President
Lincoln’s despatch boat during the late war, and on board of her, at
Hampton Roads, in that memorable February of 1865, he met the Peace
Commissioners to arrange the terms of the great treaty. It was some
satisfaction to know that the armchairs and other furniture of the cabin
were the same used on that famous occasion. To-day the Queen ploughs the
waves as sturdily as any craft of more prosaic antecedents. Our direction
is nearly due east, across Buzzard’s Bay. Land is in sight on all sides.
Southward a great whaler looms up while making her offing. Another is
coming in, escorted by a tug. A hundred sails fleck the bay.
Fishing-boats, "held to the wind and slanting low," are trolling
for bluefish and bass. The incoming Vineyard steamer sweeps by cityward,
with a salute. The sky is as blue as the waves, and the salt sea-breeze
exhilarates one like new
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Martha's Vineyard, 1882
wine. By and by — it is an hour
and a half, to be exact — we approach the opposite shores — the
Elizabeth Isles — and seem to be running directly upon them, when
suddenly we veer to the west and enter a narrow passage that for its
rocks, currents, and general intricacy must have been made solely for
Captain Kidd and other freebooters. It connects Buzzard’s Bay with
Vineyard Sound. Jagged boulders rise perilously near the steamer, and the
water rushes through with the velocity of a mill-race; but our captain has
never known an accident to occur here.
Through this passage the steamer picks her way,
stopping in the midst of it at Wood’s Holl, terminus of the Wood’s
Holl branch of the Old Colony Railroad, to receive passengers from Boston
to the Vineyard. Then it goes on, and a few moments later glides out into
Vineyard Sound, and we see across its water, seven miles distant, a low,
irregularly outlined island, whose salient features seem to be clay
headlands, barren plains, and hills crowned with groves of stunted oaks.
This is Martha’s Vineyard, seen at its northern and most sparsely
populated end. It is twenty miles long east and west, the captain tells
us, and twelve in width. Its northern, western, and southern shores
contain scarcely a hamlet, and but a few scattered farmers and fishermen
for inhabitants. The eastern shore is but a sue-cession of cottage cities —
Vineyard Haven, Eastville Highlands, Oak Bluffs,
Edgartown, and Katama.
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Martha's Vineyard, 1882
Martha’s Vineyard, so recently discovered by the
moderns, is really quite venerable in history. That famous navigator,
Bartholomew Gosnold, discovered it in 16O2, sailing southward from Cape
Cod, and landing here to get water for his ships and provisions from the
Indians. He found here trees, shrubs, and luxuriant grape-vines, and the
natural inference is that he gave the island its peculiar name. But from
the pleasant after-dinner talk of the antiquaries of the Corn Exchange
here in Edgartown, I gather that there is a different version of its
origin. All these coast islands so the legend runs —
once belonged to a great magnate, who was blessed
with four daughters. Dying, he gave Rhode Island to his daughter Rhoda,
the Elizabeth Isles to Elizabeth, Martha’s Vineyard to Martha. Here he
died, and as to the fourth island, the last daughter Nan-took-it.
Most visitors to the Vineyard stop at Cottage City,
of which I shall speak more at length presently, but Edgar-town has
proved more attractive to me. It is quaint, old-fashioned, wealthy,
conservative, one of the oldest towns on the continent, for it has been
well established by the village antiquarians, that a famous recluse,
Martin Pring, landed here seventeen years before the coming of the
Pilgrims, and here lived, a settled inhabitant, from June until August.
No permanent settlement was effected, however, until 1642, when Thomas
Mayhew founded a colony here, and in 1671 succeeded
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Martha's Vineyard, 1882
in having it incorporated a town by the Government of
New York, with himself as Governor. The town was one of the earliest
ports to engage in the whale fishery; indeed, the islanders have a
saying that it was founded on the backs of the whales it captured. The
delightful old mansions that line its streets were gained in this way;
and the portly, well-preserved old gentlemen, who live in them, and who
retail such pleasant marine gossip and old-time sea tales in the Corn
Exchange of a morning, were the men who pushed the enterprise forty
years ago. It has a fine harbor and an abundance of pure water, and was
a famous resort for Nantucket whalemen in other days. The town is very
proud, too, of its record in the war of the Revolution and in that of
1812. Its exposed position subjected it to frequent descents from the
enemy. On the 10th of September, 1778, for instance, the frigate Scorpion
burned in its harbor one brig of 150 tons, one schooner of seventy tons,
and twenty-two whale-boats, and captured in the town 888 stand of arms,
with bayonets, pouches, powder, and lead. The enemy also took from the
farmers of the vicinity at various times 800 oxen and 10,000 sheep. The
town is also the capital of the island, being the county-seat of Duke
County, which embraces the Vineyard and Elizabeth Isles, and is fully
conscious of the dignity of its position. The Vineyard affords some
striking contrasts. Here in Edgartown are old houses built by governors,
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Martha's Vineyard, 1882
and elders two centuries ago, and in the little private
burial-places are headstones of these worthies quite as mossy and
venerable. In fifteen minutes, taking the little narrow-gage railway that
skirts the eastern shore, you stand in busy, bustling Cottage City, fresh
from the builder’s hands, a center of modern activity.
This city might be aptly characterized as a modern
miracle. To-day fifty thousand people are gathered in its cottages. Six
weeks hence there will not remain as many hundreds. Twenty years ago it
was represented by a few tents. To-day it has avenues with cottages,
public parks and drives, concrete streets, miles of shops, a horse
railroad, hotels, churches, schools of fame, a Board of Health, a Fire
Department, a city charter, and other municipal conveniences and
privileges. The town is built on ground that rises gently from the shores
of Vineyard Sound, and is prettily laid out in avenues, squares, circles,
triangles, and parks. The cottages are ranged along the side of the street
in most cases as thickly as hives in an apiary, and present all
gradations, from the tent-roofed cot to the ornate Elizabethan villa. The
shops have a quarter to themselves; the great hotels are on or near the
One cannot be said to have fairly seen cottage life
until he has visited this summer city. A walk through one of its streets
affords the stranger a novel experience. It may be Pequot, Massasoit,
Hiawatha, Acushnet, Pocasset, Samoset, or Tuckernuck Avenues that you
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Martha's Vineyard, 1882
take, for all these names, and many others
of aboriginal origin, are found in the city. It begins at one of the
circles, and curves about gracefully between grass-plots and flower-beds,
and beneath young oaks, until it debouches on one of the parks. The first
cottage you meet is of the simplest kind, perhaps, known here as
"tent-roofed," and, the curtains in front being drawn to admit
air, its internal arrangements can be studied to advantage. They seem to
be intended entirely for sleeping. Each apartment is separated from the
other by curtains, and is furnished with carpet, chairs, washstand, and a
dimity-clad cot at each side. Kitchen and dining-room are invisible, and
you are forced to the conclusion that the occupants take their meals at
the boarding-houses. Cottages in every variety of style —Chinese
pagoda, Greek villa, modern Elizabethan —succeed
as you pass along, and quite likely you will find, fronting the park, a
fine country seat, with all city conveniences, there being several of
these on the island. The cottagers are seated in front of their dwellings,
recline on couches, or swing in hammocks, under the oaks. Here, as at
other summer resorts, a dearth of gentlemen is apparent, the fair sex
greatly predominating. It is a mild form of dissipation that obtains here.
Lectures, sacred concerts, and camp meetings are the chief. There are
billiard saloons, bowling alleys, bicycle clubs, and a great
roller-skating rink, but no liquor shops or gambling dens. Fish-
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Martha's Vineyard, 1882
ing, sailing, driving, bathing, and tea-drinking are
The social and religious features of Cottage City
have been often dwelt on: a sketch of its marvelous development will
perhaps have more of the merit of novelty. The city is divided into
three principal sections —Wesleyan
Grove, Oak Bluffs, and Vineyard Highlands —
which began as little centers of population and
spread until they now form a corporate whole. Wesleyan Grove, the
oldest, bad its inception at a Methodist camp-meeting held on its site
in 1835. At this meeting there were a rude shed for the. preacher’s
stand, rough planks for seats, and only nine tents, furnished with
straw, for lodgings and shelter. Thomas C. Pierce, father of the late
editor of Zion’s Herald, presided, and there were about a
thousand persons present. Since that time, with the single exception of
1845, an annual "camp" has been held here. In 1841, twenty
tents were reported. In 1844 three thousand persons were present. In
1850, a lease of the Grove, running till 1861, was secured, at an annual
rental of thirty dollars. In 1853 there were four thousand persons
present. In 1855 two hundred tents were pitched in the grove, and two
steamboats made daily trips from New Bedford. Sunday, 1858, was a
red-letter day. Twelve thousand persons were present, including Governor
Banks, of Massachusetts, ex-Governor Harris, of Rhode Island, several
members of Congress,
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Martha's Vineyard, 1882
and more than one hundred ministers of various
denominations. In 1859 the grove began its metamorphosis from a camp to
a permanent city. This year Perez Mason, a wealthy layman, of
Providence, erected a cottage in the grove and spent the summer there
with his family. Other laymen built other cottages, following his
example, and from this humble beginning Cottage City has sprung. The
annual camp meeting is still held in a grove of venerable oaks, a few
minutes’ walk from the Oak Bluffs wharf, generally during the latter
part of August.
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